Feelings Exposed

My Jerky Neighbor

“Quick, you need to hide!” Daehyun pressed. He frantically looked around his room, his eyes ultimately landing on his bed. “Here, get under my bed.”


“What? Are you serious? Why not the bathroom or something?”


“No, they’ll find you in there! Just, hurry, hurry,” Daehyun waved his hand at me, preparing to open the apartment door for his hyungs.


Gritting my teeth, I grumbled to myself as I slunk down onto the floor and clambered into the tight space between the floor and Daehyun’s bed. Fearing that I would be seen by the mass of people now flooding into Daehyun’s apartment, I scrunched up as far back against the wall as I possibly could. My breath hitched in my throat seeing the shadows of B.A.P’s feet barely an arm length away from where I huddled.


“Yah hyung, where were you today?” Somebody with an unusually deep, gravelly voice questioned. I wasn’t completely sure, but I was almost certain that it was Yongguk.


“Yeah, you missed out on practice again. Ya’know, you’re going to get rusty if you keep skipping out.” I heard Youngjae chime in.


“I didn’t skip, okay? I just felt sick, so I stayed home."


“I know the real reason Daehyun stayed home today!” I saw the bright green converse ridden with studs that Zelo usually wore dash across the room and I couldn’t hold back a gasp when the shoes left the ground to jump right onto Daehyun’s bed. “Daehyun was with _____, Daehyun was with _____,” Zelo sang as he flung himself up and down. The bed sank each time Zelo reconnected with it, which scrunched and pressed me farther into the floor.


“Yah, what are you talking about?” Jongup said with a timid laugh. “Why would _____ be with Daehyun?”


“Because he likes her! It’s so obvious.”


I let out a painful yelp when Zelo finally dropped onto the bed for good, his full weight settling in on top of me. Luckily, nobody noticed but Daehyun.


“Don’t do that!” Daehyun ripped over to the bed and dragged a baffled Zelo off of it.


“Wait, w-why? Is their something wrong with your bed?”


“Well, uhh- no, not really. But there’s this really cranky ahjumma that lives in the apartment below mine, and she hates when I make any sort of loud noise. I don’t want her to come up here and yell at me again.”


I shook my head. Nice save, Daehyun. Nice save.


The other members seemed to buy into his cheap lie too, because they began fluidly chatting amongst themselves again. Everybody except for one.


“Yah, why do you like _____?” Himchan asked Daehyun in a hushed voice, careful not to let the other guys hear him.


Daehyun's eyebrows creased. "Why does it matter?"


Himchan let out a sigh. “Hyung, I have to be completely honest. That _____ girl is bad news. I heard that she dated over fifteen guys before she moved here. And some even at the same time! See, she’s a total freak. I would just stop talking to her.”


“Haha, you’re funny. Now can you shut up before I punch you in the face?”


“Hey, I’m just warning you. No need to get so angry, my Daehyunnie~” Himchan cooed as he tugged at one of Daehyun’s cheeks.


Daehyun exhaled, his voice sounding strained. “Stop it.”


“Sheesh, so moody today,” Himchan grumbled, retracting his hand.


Daehyun dismissed him, and went over to his door. “Alright, everybody out! I’m tired, so I’m going to bed soon.”


“But we just got here! And we didn’t even have the cheese-cake yet,” Youngjae argued, holding up a large, silver dome which I figured held the cheese-cake.


“Just bring it to school tomorrow.”


Youngjae was caught by surprise at Daehyun’s odd suggestion. For as long as he had known him, cheese-cake was the one thing that his friend couldn’t resist having no matter what, so why had he just declined having some? Something was off with him, and he made sure to take note of it.


“Alright then, we’ll see you tomorrow,” Youngjae gave Daehyun a small smile before he took his leave, Yongguk, Himchan, and Zelo following closely behind.


I noticed that Jongup stuck behind. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” He kept his eyes glued to the floor, becoming his nervous, shy self again.


Daehyun spared a quick glance my way before he agreed, letting Jongup lead him out of his apartment.


I waited until I heard Yongguk, Himchan, Zelo, and Youngjae’s booming, obnoxiously loud voices fade away along with their footsteps to crawl out of my hiding spot. Tip-toeing up to the door, I was prepared to fling the door open and bolt back into my own apartment, but my hand lingered. Two distinct voices were coming from the other side of the door.


“Is it true?”


“Is what true?”


“That you… like _____?”


There was a pause. “Yea, I do.”


“Well, I like her too.”




“Even though you like her… I’m not going to give up on her. I’m going to steal her away from you.”


“Well, good luck,” I could practically hear the smirk in Daehyun’s voice.

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Shereen_JiaYi #1
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this story! <3 This is good *thumbs up*
Chapter 41: Omg. I can't believe I read this in just 12 hours (╥_╥) this story is masterpiece. I really love it! <3
Chapter 41: This was a lovely story. Thanks for writing it Author-nim !!!
Jungkookswifey #4
Chapter 41: I remember reading this last year and thinking about it constantly and checking for an update. Somehow I forgot about it and now that I have remembered again, I'm so happy to read it completed^^ its so good and it's even better since I had a bad day, this really cheered me up haha c: everything in this is perfect x3
Chapter 41: Great story,,, I really love reading daehyun fanfics.ㅋㅋㅋㅋglad I found this...good work authornim ∩__∩
ayouta-chelly #6
Chapter 20: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg !!!! just reading this amount of chaps gave me butterflies , sorry that i couldnt comment down the other chaps >w< but srsly *-* your ffc is soooooooo qsdmklsdjif <3
firstzyx #7
Chapter 41: aw i dont even relise i was in the last chapter, what a nice story
Chapter 41: beautiful story T_T
Chapter 39: omg i love this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD