
Beautiful Blossoms (Formerly Boys And Blossoms II)

It was Thursday. Sulli and Minho were supposed to meet for the project. Since they picked photography, they would have to go around Seoul to take photos. They had decided on the theme, tourists coming to beautiful Korea. They decided to take photos of which tourists might want to go when they come to Seoul for a holiday. "Minho, where shall we go first?" Sulli asked. It was after school. Minho and Sulli were walking to his car. It took Sulli days to convince Minhyuk to let her sit in Minho's car. She had to assure him that nothing will happen and that he was thinking too much. "Hmm I think we should go to Incheon Airport. I mean the photos will be about tourists coming to Korea. So we should take scenes of the airport," Minho replied. 

They reached the airport and started going around to take photos of hot spots at the airport. "Sulli, I thought of an idea. Lets do a time lapse video. We can take many shots of the same location with people walking and make it into a video. I saw a video of people making time lapse videos on YouTube. And it is not a bad idea. We can give it a try," Minho suggested. Sulli didn't mind of course. All that mattered was her grades! 
To take good photos, you'll need a good camera right? 
Minho brought his Canon 5D Mark Twain Camera. He took out his tripod and started positioning. Minho was doing all the work and Sulli started to feel uneasy. "Urm, Minho? Can I take the photos?" Sulli asked. "No it's okay. I'll do it! You can watch!" Minho answered. Minho started taking many multi shots of the scene. He took about 100 shots of the arrival hall. He then proceeded to the taxi stand to take photos. Their plot of the time lapse video for now was, tourists will come out of the airport via the arrival hall and would head to the taxi stand for taxis to get to their destination. 
"Well lets call it a day! Sulli where do you live? I'll send you home. Will your boyfriend mind?" Minho asked. Sulli was amazed that Minho was being nice to her. 
"Why are you being nice? You were always a snob!"
"What? You call this nice? We are doing a project. We got to communicate. I was just annoyed on that day because you seemed to be trying to take over control of the whole project!"
"But we have to meet often! We have a lot of shots to take!"
"Sulli can you please stop it? We will get it done. Don't worry! If you're going to continue blabbering you're just going to be talking to yourself."
Sulli kept quiet in his car. Minho drove a sports car, a yellow Lamborghini whereas Minhyuk drove a black Hyundai Elantra. Being in a sports car was more fun for Sulli, because she noticed that whenever Minho's car passed crowded places, all heads would turn to take a look at Minho's car. She felt superior in a way. 
"Yah Choi Sulli! Where do you live? I've been driving for quite a distance and you're still not going to tell me where do you stay? Do you want me to drop you off in the middle of nowhere?"
"Hello? Can't you ask nicely? Must you be such a snob?"
Sulli told him where she lived. In a few minutes, Minho's car could be seen in front of Sulli's gate. Sulli and Minho went out of the car. Sulli thanked Minho for the ride home. Minho just gave her an expressionless look on his face while standing beside his door. Well at least he was gentlemanly enough to see Sulli off by going out of his car. Just then a black car stopped behind Minho's car. It was Sulli's parents! They went out of the car. 
Minho bowed to her parents and apologized for blocking the gate. Her father said it was okay and her mother told Minho to drive safely. Minho bowed to her parents again before going into the car and drove off. 
While driving Minho couldn't stop thinking of Sulli's parents. They looked familiar to him but he just didn't know where he saw them. When he got home, his parents were sitting at the dining table, having dinner. He greeted them and took a seat beside his father. The maid served Minho his dinner and he had dinner with his parents. His father was telling his mother everything that happened at work. Minho's mother usually stays at home since she was only needed when Minho's father had meetings and events to attend. Minho suddenly asked his parents, " Omma, Appa, do you know anyone related to Shawol Hotel?". His parents' faces stiffened. His mother gently replied him, "No dear, why did you ask?". "Oh just asking," Minho replied flatly. 
Minho went straight to his room after he had eaten his dinner. A typical boys room, his room color was blue. He had a study table at one corner, a big LCD television sitting on the wall of his room, with game consoles found around the television areas, a walk in wardrobe at another corner of the room and an iMac sitting at another corner of the room. He threw his bag on the bed and the television. There wasn't any nice dramas on air recently. He left the television on and went to switch in his iMac. He decided that he would just focus in compiling the photos that he had taken earlier that day. 
As for Sulli, right after Minho drove off, her mother went to her and walked into the house together while Sulli's father parked the car. Her parents and Sulli went to the dining table and the maids started laying out all the food. Sulli's mother asked, "Sulli, who was that young man? I don't think that was Minhyuk right? He looks much better than Minhyuk! No offense". 
"Omma! How could you say that! Oh you don't need to know about that guy. He is just... A snob."
"Then why were you with him?"
"We have a project to do together. Miss Kim paired both of us up for God knows why."
"So I guess he will be sending you back home every once in a while? He is so handsome. You should invite him for dinner some day!"
Sulli's father cleared his throat. Both Sulli and her mother looked at him. 
"You still have a husband you know, yeobo."
Sulli and her mother started laughing. It was funny that her father was actually jealous! 
"Don't worry yeobo, I only love you," Sulli's mother said to her father. 
"Yah! Can you two stop it? I want to eat!" Sulli said. 
It was Friday after school. Minhyuk brought Sulli to see movies. He kept bombarding Sulli with questions of what happened the day before in the car. So Sulli started telling him that they went to the airport to take photos and all. Minhyuk was worried because Sulli didn't reply his message the night before. Sulli then told Minhyuk that she turned in early because she was tired. 
"He didn't try to be funny with you right Ssul?"
"No! Of course not. Can you please stop worrying Minhyuk?"
That was the first time Sulli called Minhyuk by his name ever since they got together. Usually she would say "baby". 
"Yah Sulli! Are you trying to be rude to me? We are not even married yet and you are being rude. What would happen if we were to get married?"
"S-s-sorry baby. It slipped out of my tongue. Sorry baby."
"Simple things like this you already can't understand?"
"Baby that's enough... Can we just enjoy our date?"
Another week passed. It was Thursday again. Sulli and Minho decided to go Myeongdong to take photos. Myeongdong was located at the heart of Seoul. It was one of Seoul's main shopping attraction and tourists district. There were many tourists spotted around Myeongdong. "Sulli, this is perfect! This will show that tourists DO come here. Can you stay until the evening? I want to take shots of the sky transitting into a night sky and also the movement of clouds," Minho said. "Then what do I do?" Sulli asked. "Oh you just give me moral support," Minho replied. "This isn't fair! I don't want to be marked down by you during peer evaluation!" Sulli retorted. 
She was getting pissed off that she wasn't going to do anything again. 
"Well I don't allow people to use my camera Sulli. So just keep quiet and give me moral support? I won't mark you down!"
Sulli was starting to dislike Minho. She started not liking his snobbish personality. This was supposed to be their project. Not Minho's project. 
"Like this I will never bring you home for dinner," Sulli murmured. 
"What did you say Choi Sulli?"
"Uh... Uh.. Nothing?"
"Now stop bothering me! I want to take perfect shots!"
Minho did all the work again. Sulli got so bored that she went to get iced coffee for herself to keep herself awake. She started playing candy crush saga on her iPad. She wasted lots of money in purchasing hearts to continue playing while waiting for Minho. Minho was engrossed in taking photos. Minho took multi shots of the traffic, the people and the sky. The night finally set in and Minho called it a day. They continued their plot for the project. After the tourist took the taxi, the tourist would head to Myeongdong for shopping. So now they would have to think of the next location. Would it be night life? Since they had already took shots of the evening sky. He then sent her home. 
Sulli thanked him for sending her home before going out of the car. Minho then went out of his car and stood next to his door to make sure Sulli went into her gate safely. After all, he would be responsible if anything were to happen to Sulli at that moment. Just as Sulli opened the gate, her mother appeared. 
"Young man! Do you want to have dinner with us?"
"It's okay auntie, maybe another time. I'm having dinner with my family. Thanks for asking."
Minho bowed and went into his car and drove off. 
"Sulli, I like him! He is so well mannered! Unlike Minhyuk," said her mum. 
Sulli sighed. Once the same situation as last week happened. Minhyuk sent Sulli home and a black car stopped behind Minhyuk's car. Her parents got out of their car. That was the first time her parents saw Minhyuk. They had heard about him through Sulli but never asked her to bring him home for dinner as they had yet to meet in person. Not everyone gets invited for dinner by her mother. Unlike Minho, Minhyuk didn't even bow to her parents and didn't apologize for blocking the gate. He just waved to Sulli, ignoring her parents' presence and went into his car and drove off. Sulli's father just shook his head as he went back into his car, and Sulli's mother went to Sulli. 
"Honey, was that Minhyuk?" her mother asked. 
Sulli nodded. "Why Omma?"
"Nothing. He is quite rude, I just don't like it."
That flashback made Sulli realize that her parents might never accept Minhyuk into the family. She would have to ask Minhyuk to change for the sake of her but the question was, how? She wouldn't want to get screamed at by Minhyuk. This is going to be hard, Sulli thought to herself.
Minho on the other hand told himself that he would not turn Sulli's mother's offer down the next time. He was curious to know more about her parents. They seemed vaguely familiar. But from where? 
It was Friday morning. Minhyuk fetched Sulli in the morning to go to school. Once they reached school, Sulli went to find her friends. They planned to meet up early so that they could catch up with each other. They went to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast. Sulli's friends were very busy for the past two weeks. This was because almost every single day at least two of them had to meet up for the project. Well except for Sulli, she only met Minho once a week. 
"How the project going?" Sulli asked. 
"So far so good. We would be doing French next week," Victoria answered. Victoria and Jonghyun decided that they would be doing on the topic "Foreign Language". They did it in a PowerPoint slides, showing the history of the languages that they had chosen. 
"As for me, we are using a software to work on a runway. It will be an animated runway show. It was pretty fun. I'm so glad Kibum knows how to navigate that software. I was blank when I saw the software. He thought me bit by bit on how to use the software so that I can do my own runway show," Amber answered. "Oh yeah, he goes by the nickname Key. His whole group of friends calls him that." Amber and Kibum decided to do fashion. They would be creating their own runway show showing off their own designs after which these two runway shows would be combined together as one runway show. "Do you know his mother is Kim Tae Hee? She is so pretty! I've met her. And his father is a famous fashion designer. I had dinner with his parents once. They were so nice!"
"Yah Amber! It sounded like meet the parents session to me! You have something going on with Kibum is it?" Sulli asked. 
"Nah, it was just dinner. It doesn't mean anything," Amber replied. 
"Ohhhhhhh it doesn't mean anything~" the girls imitated Amber. 
"Oh just shut up guys. How about you Luna?" Amber asked. 
"Me and Jinki decided on food. We will be making a video of the different types of food across Asia! I just realized that Jinki loves chicken!" said Luna with full of enthusiasm. 
"As for me, me and Taemin are doing filming. And our theme is travel. We just went Krabi last weekend to do filming. It was fun! It is somewhat like Phuket. We would be going japan this weekend. I went to his house to do the editing for film. I got to meet his parents, Sungmin and Sunny! His house is huge!" Krystal said. Well Sungmin and Sunny are famous korean singers. 
All of them turned to look at Sulli. It was Sulli's turn. "Oh. We are doing photography. Taking photos of Seoul and compiling. Minho is such a snob I'm starting to dislike him!" Sulli retorted. 
"But he's quite cute though. Well what's new, he is known as the most arrogant guy in our school," Krystal replied. 
"But I'm so jealous! It seems like I'm the only one who is not having fun in this project!" Sulli exclaimed.
"I'm sure it will be fun soon Ssul," Amber replied. 
The bell went off. It was an indication that their first class would be starting soon. The girls got up and left the cafeteria. 

Author's Note


I was curious about Singapore. Thus I went on looking on YouTube about the places of interests in Singapore. I found this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnYrpejkCqM be sure to check it out! This is the video which inspired me to come up with the idea of their project. 


Since Minho loves photography in real life, I use it to use in the plot :) I saw that he used canon 5D in wonderful days. My dream camera *.*


Hope you like this second chapter! 


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nana4ever #1
Chapter 9: What a bad day for inho.. His crazy mother .. then Krystal kissing Minho. I really hope they can overcome these obstacles!!

Thank you for the update!!!
nana4ever #2
Chapter 8: Sulli is happy because of you Minho !!! Sulli you need to tell him how you feel...... But most of all tell him about your threatening phone call... He has to protect you !!!

I was missing your updates. It was good to read it.

I enjoy your story!!!
alecita #3
Chapter 8: sulli please confess your feelings to minho, I want them to be happy .. thanks for update
alecita #4
Chapter 7: I finally read the chapter, I do not want a misunderstanding I want to be happy ... kekeke, updates soon
jaysay #5
Chapter 7: Oh no, misunderstanding. Conflict. Conflict. :)
nana4ever #6
Chapter 7: Please don't allow any misunderstandings between Minho and Sulli. They have been through so much.

Enjoyed this chapter am glad the Sulli is ok

Please update when you can ;)
Chapter 3: great so far^^
littlemissliu #8
Chapter 7: @cmimrin Sulli didn't have amnesia!!!!! Hehe updated ^^
littlemissliu #9
Chapter 7: @alecita @Syamimi_Munir updated with chapter 7 ^^
littlemissliu #10
Chapter 7: @nana4ever I hope you'll like chapter 7! ^^ thank you for always commenting.