
Beautiful Blossoms (Formerly Boys And Blossoms II)

A usual scene that you see in every school, be it top schools or average schools, students could be seen chattering away in every classroom in Seungri High School before their home room teacher arrived. There was only one classroom exclusively for students with high family status. That would be Minho and his friends, and Sulli and her friends. Although they were stuck with each other, the girls barely talk to the guys and the guys barely talk to the girls. The home room teacher noticed this and she decided to pair them up for their final project before they graduate. 

"Alright class. You'll have to do a final project in groups of two have you heard about this final project?" said Miss Kim, their home room teacher. "Yes", said the class. "I'll be pairing all of you up. This is a graded assignment so please take this seriously. Minho, you'll be with Sulli. Taemin with Krystal. Jinki with Luna. Victoria with Jonghyun. Amber with Kibum. Understood? Now you sit with your partners and discuss which topic you would like to work on. I expect the best from all of you since you're in the exclusive class. Okay?"
Sulli sighed. Working with Minho for this project would mean another argument between she and her boyfriend, Minhyuk. Sulli and Minhyuk had been together for almost two years. However, it wasn't always roses and sweet talks. They often quarrel even about the smallest things. Once Minhyuk saw Sulli hugging to her childhood friend, Sanggyu. Sanggyu left Seoul for years to study abroad since his parents were offered a big contract in San Francisco, so Sanggyu had to move too. Missing all his childhood friends, he visited Seungri High School to meet Sulli and her friends. Sulli's friends went to order food at the cafeteria, Sanggyu took a seat next to Sulli. Sulli was so surprised to see Sanggyu all grown up, she almost couldn't recognize him. "Sanggyu? Is that you?" Sulli asked. Sanggyu nodded. Sulli squealed and hugged Sanggyu. "It's been a long time Ssul! Where are the other girls??? I can't wait to meet them!" Sanggyu said. 
At that moment when Sulli hugged Sanggyu, Minhyuk saw what was happening from his table. He got so pissed he slammed his utensils on the table and stormed to Sulli's direction. Minhyuk grabbed Sulli's hand and dragged her out of the cafeteria. Minhyuk pinned her to the wall and stared into her eyes. 
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!" screamed Minhyuk. 
"B-b-baby that guy is my childhood friend! The hug is just a friendly hug!"
"How many times do I have to tell you, no hugging of any other guys except for me!"
"I'm sorry baby. I won't do it again."
Sulli was frightened. Minhyuk was never this angry with her before. She told herself to be more careful next time. Sulli returned to her seat, Minhyuk walked pass Sanggyu with a smirk on his face. By then Sulli's friends were back to their seats and had probably explained the whole situation to Sanggyu. "Why are you even with that guy Ssul?" asked Sanggyu. "Sanggyu... You just don't understand our relationship..." said Sulli. 
"Well what we don't understand is that, despite everything he had done to you, you're still with him? He's a control freak Ssul! You can't even have a life other than being at home, with us and with him!" Krystal exclaimed. Krystal had enough of this. She went through the exact same thing with an ex-boyfriend, Hyukjae. She was brave enough to walk out of the relationship after five months of being together. 
"He's just different Krystal..."
"I don't care Ssul. You're my friend. I experienced the same thing as you before and I don't want you to get hurt before he gets overboard"
"He won't hurt me. We are together for almost 20 months, he never laid a finger on me!"
Amber suddenly into the conversation. "Ssul, I saw he almost hit you once! He might not had done it but he might one day Ssul!"
"You guys don't understand...."
The girls lectured her almost every single day about Minhyuk after that day. Well they both love each other, isn't that all that matters???? Sulli sighed and went to Minho's table. She took a chair next to his table and sat on it. Minho's face had no expression as usual. Sulli tried breaking the silence. "Urm... What topic would you like to work on?" Sulli asked. "Probably photography." Minho answered. 
"I don't mind! Okay. Well we will meet this coming Thursday afternoon ok right after school? I don't think you have soccer practice on that day. And also Friday after school. And also next week... I think we will meet on Thursday and Friday as well."
"Yah. Do you mind? We are supposed to discuss when to meet. Not YOU deciding when to meet. I have my own life too. I'm fine with Thursday. But every Fridays I'm always out after school."
"We have to do this project! Why are you procrastinating?"
"Hey hey hey. It's not as if the project is due at the end of two weeks from now! We have two months to make this project a solid one! You may not have a life, but I do."
"Wow. I never knew the heir of Choi Holdings is such an snob!"
"You call me a snob just because of this? Well I never knew the heiress of Shawol Hotel is so big headed!"
Sulli got so pissed with Minho. What? He's saying that I don't have a life?! I just want to make sure that we get our project done on time! Ughhhhh!
Miss Kim walked over to Minho and Sulli to ask for their topic. Sulli then went back to her seat so that the class can start. Sulli didn't even spoke a word to Minho after Miss Kim left. She was too pissed off. 
School has ended and Minhyuk, as usual waited for Sulli outside of her classroom to send her home. While walking to his car, Sulli told him she had a project to do and that Miss Kim assigned partners for this project. 
"And who did she pair you with?"
"....... M-m-Minho"
"WHAT! The stuck up heir?! You better not fall in love with him. Or I don't know what I will do to you Choi Sulli! Omo you'll be spending more time with him than me... Gosh this big time!"
"B-b-baby don't be like this... I promise to make more time for you! I won't fall for him! Really!"
"Okay baby girl. You better keep your words."
Sulli sighed. She knew this would happen. If only Minhyuk is not a jealous person. They finally reached his car and he sent her home. 
Sulli got out of his car and went straight to her gate. "Where's my hug baby girl?" Minhyuk asked as he got out of his car. Sulli went over to him and gave him a hug. He gave a peck on her lips. "Sulli, don't do anything to make me mad okay?" Minhyuk said. "Arraseo baby...."
And Sulli went into her gate. 
Sulli went straight into her room. Her room was painted pink with lavender scents spreading around her room. She installed a device which would spray her favorite scent every ten minutes in her room. On her shelf, there were photo frames of her memories. 
First photo showed she and the girls when they were younger. The girls were crowding around Sulli with Sulli holding the cake. It was her tenth birthday. 
The second photo showed a very recent photo of her and the girls while they were on a holiday to Phuket. They took a group shot at the beach. 
The third photo was a photo of her and Minhyuk on their first anniversary. Minhyuk gave her a necklace with her initial "S". After putting on the necklace for her, they then took a photo of themselves. Sulli had it printed. 
The fourth photo was a photo of her and her parents. It was a formal family photo shoot and Sulli wanted to add that photo to her shelf. 
The last photo was a picture of her in a white dress and a boy in a suit when they were just four years old. Her parents used to bring Sulli to her mother's best friend house every weekend. She would play with the boy all day long. One day, the boy's mother died of cancer, after fighting for so long. She was there to comfort that boy. Two months after the death of the boy's mother, the boy's grandparents arranged a marriage for the boy's father. Sulli was the flower girl and the boy was the flower boy on the wedding day. That photo was taking before they went down the aisle to throw flower petals. There was a wedding dinner that evening and the boy's father were introducing his friends his new wife. Upon knowing that Sulli's mother was the best friend of the boy's late mother, the boy's step mother forbid the boy's father from meeting Sulli's parents ever again. Sulli cried every weekend knowing that she wouldn't be able to meet her best friend - at that time, ever again. Thus, she decided to put that photo of her and him, so that she wouldn't forget him. 
Every day without fail, Sulli would glance at that photo. She might be young at that time, but he was her only true and best friend. She missed him. She would ask her parents about the boy and her mother would always say the same thing. 
"Honey, we don't honestly don't know what happened to him after that day. We hear no word from his father too. I'm sorry dear."
Sulli sighed. She sighed too much in one day. She knew she would never get to meet the boy ever again. Sadly, she couldn't remember his name. Her parents refused to tell her the boy's name just in case Sulli would go around searching for him. They were afraid that if she did that, the boy's step mother might find them and create trouble. Sulli respected her parents' decision. 
Sulli went to the toilet to wash up. 
Author's Note


Hey guys, you probably wonder if I am the same author as Boys And Blossoms. No I am not, and the author of Boys And Blossoms is a friend of mine. I've ask for her permission to use her characters and title but this will be a very different story from the original Boys And Blossoms. 


Hope you enjoy the first chapter!

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nana4ever #1
Chapter 9: What a bad day for inho.. His crazy mother .. then Krystal kissing Minho. I really hope they can overcome these obstacles!!

Thank you for the update!!!
nana4ever #2
Chapter 8: Sulli is happy because of you Minho !!! Sulli you need to tell him how you feel...... But most of all tell him about your threatening phone call... He has to protect you !!!

I was missing your updates. It was good to read it.

I enjoy your story!!!
alecita #3
Chapter 8: sulli please confess your feelings to minho, I want them to be happy .. thanks for update
alecita #4
Chapter 7: I finally read the chapter, I do not want a misunderstanding I want to be happy ... kekeke, updates soon
jaysay #5
Chapter 7: Oh no, misunderstanding. Conflict. Conflict. :)
nana4ever #6
Chapter 7: Please don't allow any misunderstandings between Minho and Sulli. They have been through so much.

Enjoyed this chapter am glad the Sulli is ok

Please update when you can ;)
Chapter 3: great so far^^
littlemissliu #8
Chapter 7: @cmimrin Sulli didn't have amnesia!!!!! Hehe updated ^^
littlemissliu #9
Chapter 7: @alecita @Syamimi_Munir updated with chapter 7 ^^
littlemissliu #10
Chapter 7: @nana4ever I hope you'll like chapter 7! ^^ thank you for always commenting.