
Beautiful Blossoms (Formerly Boys And Blossoms II)

Minho raced to the hospital. He carried Sulli to the emergency area and she was being transferred to the operation room right away. On the way, Minho had already spoken to his friend, Inspector Donghae about the accident and was planning to press charges against the driver. Minho waited outside the operation room. He was feeling so uneasy. He called Sulli's parents and they were on their way to the hospital. Minhyuk was sitting near Minho, with his hands covering his face, feeling guilty. Minhyuk was following Minho's car. 


"This is all your fault Minhyuk! If you didn't meet her today this won't happen!" Minho retorted. 
Just then Taeyeon and Siwon arrived. 
"Minho! How is Sulli?" Siwon asked. Taeyeon was crying non-stop. She suddenly realized that Minhyuk was there. "What are you doing here?!?!?! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Taeyeon shouted while pointing at Minhyuk. "Auntie, because of him, Sulli is in this state!" Minho said. Siwon stormed to Minhyuk and grabbed his shirt. "If my daughter die, I'll let you suffer for the rest of your life!" Siwon shouted. He then threw Minhyuk to the floor. Minhyuk didn't retaliate. He just stood up and sat at the furthest seat possible and buried his head into his hands with full of guilt and remorse. 
Siwon was trying hard to calm his wife down and assured Taeyeon that Sulli would be okay.  Minho was feeling restless. He didn't want to lose his long lost childhood friend yet. They still had a lot to catch up on. 
After two hours, the doctor finally came out of the operation room. The four of them rushed to the doctor asking about Sulli. The doctor gave a depressing look and shook his head. Taeyeon started crying hard after seeing that reaction from the doctor. "I assume you both are her parents right? Your daughter is safe, she would need plenty of rest now. We had to stop the blood from coming out of her head because it was coming out profusely due to the impact of the accident. I assume the car was speeding when she got hit. Lucky for her she made it through, she has stitches near her forehead, she will feel pain for now but she will recover soon. She's a strong girl. Some people might not have made it. Due to the impact, she has a small crack in the bone in her left arm, we had her whole left arm cemented," the doctor said with a smile. Upon hearing that, Taeyeon couldn't help it but to whack the doctor's arm. "What's the depressing look and the shaking of head for?!?!" Taeyeon retorted. 
Sulli was being wheeled out to her private ward. Sulli was resting on her bed. She had not woken up yet. Taeyeon wanted to wait for Sulli to wake up but Minho told Siwon and Taeyeon to go home and rest first. Minho said that he would look after Sulli and would inform Siwon and Taeyeon when Sulli had woken up. Minho turned to Minhyuk. "As for you, please, just go home. I don't want to see your face!" Minho said. Minhyuk just nodded and left the ward. Taeyeon and Siwon bidded goodbye to Minho and left. 
Minho was sitting by Sulli's bed. He started chatting with her as if she was awake. He started telling her his life after his father got married to Eunjung. How Eunjung treated him like a prince because she wanted to be accepted in his life. He started telling her about his trips to Europe and the rest of Asia, how he got to know his group of friends and how they started to clique with each other until the day he had to group with her for the project. 
"If its not for the project, I wouldn't be here with you right now. I know we are just starting to catch up with each other as best friends, but I hope one day we could be more than that...."
Minho caressed Sulli's cheek. The nurses probably had removed Sulli's make up, so her face was so pure and makeup-less. 
"You still look beautiful without make up you know?"
It was 9pm at night. Minho had yet to eat his dinner. He called and ordered food and drink to be delivered into the ward. After that, he lied down on the couch. The nurses had given him pillow and blanket. He looked at Sulli with a smile and fell asleep soon after. 
The next morning, Minho got up early, thinking that he was at home. He looked around and realized where he actually was. He was going to skip school that day, to watch over Sulli. He got up and washed up. After he came out from the toilet, he was surprised to see Minhyuk sitting by Sulli's bed. 
"Yah! Don't you have school? Get lost! You're not welcome here!" Minho hissed. He wanted to shout but he was afraid that his shouting might wake Sulli up. 
"Look, I just want to see how is Sulli. It is my fault that she is in this state. So I do want to be responsible and at least make sure that she's okay." Minhyuk replied. 
"Very well."
"Anyway Minho, go grab some breakfast first. I'll look after her for awhile. Don't worry I won't do anything to her."
Minho took his bag and went out of the room without even bothering to reply Minhyuk. Before he left, he took a quick glance at Sulli from the glass on the door before leaving. 
"Urgh my head hurts!!!"
Minhyuk was dozing off from his seat. He immediately woke up upon hearing Sulli's voice. "You're awake?!" Minhyuk asked. 
"Of course I am! Then what am I doing? Sleeping? Anyway what are you doing here? I don't want to see your face!"
"Wow Choi Sulli. You're weak now and you still can be sarcastic? You're a strong girl."
"Get out."
"Sulli... Please let me expla-"
"I said get out Minhyuk. There's no way I will go back to you!"
"Sulli. Listen. Please listen. I just came by to see if you're okay. I'm guilty get it? You're in this state because of me. I just... Can't forgive myself. I hurt you a lot. Your friends, I know they have always wanted us to break up. You deserve better Sulli. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for making you in this state. Sulli I'm really sorry..."
Minhyuk started crying and kneeling to her at the side. 
"Yah! Get up."
Minhyuk didn't move. Sulli asked him to get up a few more times, he still didn't move. 
"Minhyuk. Get up. Or I'm not forgiving you."
Minhyuk slowly looked up and sat on the car. He wiped his tears. Sulli looked into his eyes and said, "I'm not forgiving you yet. I will eventually. Yah... I've never seen you cry before! Okay that made my heart move. A little bit."
"Thank you so much Sulli... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Serves me right to lose you anyway... You deserve better. I'll leave now. But before that, can we hug one last time? I want to end this relationship in a nice way you know..."
Sulli nodded. Minhyuk stood up and hugged Sulli. It was the warmest hug that Minhyuk had ever given to Sulli. He broke the hug and kissed Sulli's forehead lightly, since her forehead was bandaged and he didn't know exactly where the stitches are. 
"I hope I didn't kiss on your stitches!"
"My stitches are here I think..." Sulli said while pointing to the top right side of her forehead. "It hurts a lot!!!!"
"Anyway, I think Minho was here for the whole night, looking after you. I saw him coming out of the toilet just now."
Minhyuk nodded and said, "You know, I won't be surprised if you ended up with him!"
Sulli giggled and smiled widely. "Yeah. Maybe." 
"I guess, I'm going to go now? Take care of yourself Sulli. I'll visit you tomorrow."
Sulli nodded. 
Meanwhile, Minho was standing out of the door. He had been standing there since he saw Minhyuk and Sulli embracing. He couldn't help it but to feel a pinch in his heart. "So... They got back together..."

Author's Note


Another chapter up! I'm loving minsul so much that I googled about that everyday. I was thinking of changing my title of this story. I'll think of a good title before changing though. It's sad that my friend used Boys And Blossoms, which was originally my idea. I combined Boys Over Flowers and For You In Full Blossom. Maybe I should change it to Boys And Beautiful Blossoms? 



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nana4ever #1
Chapter 9: What a bad day for inho.. His crazy mother .. then Krystal kissing Minho. I really hope they can overcome these obstacles!!

Thank you for the update!!!
nana4ever #2
Chapter 8: Sulli is happy because of you Minho !!! Sulli you need to tell him how you feel...... But most of all tell him about your threatening phone call... He has to protect you !!!

I was missing your updates. It was good to read it.

I enjoy your story!!!
alecita #3
Chapter 8: sulli please confess your feelings to minho, I want them to be happy .. thanks for update
alecita #4
Chapter 7: I finally read the chapter, I do not want a misunderstanding I want to be happy ... kekeke, updates soon
jaysay #5
Chapter 7: Oh no, misunderstanding. Conflict. Conflict. :)
nana4ever #6
Chapter 7: Please don't allow any misunderstandings between Minho and Sulli. They have been through so much.

Enjoyed this chapter am glad the Sulli is ok

Please update when you can ;)
Chapter 3: great so far^^
littlemissliu #8
Chapter 7: @cmimrin Sulli didn't have amnesia!!!!! Hehe updated ^^
littlemissliu #9
Chapter 7: @alecita @Syamimi_Munir updated with chapter 7 ^^
littlemissliu #10
Chapter 7: @nana4ever I hope you'll like chapter 7! ^^ thank you for always commenting.