
Beautiful Blossoms (Formerly Boys And Blossoms II)

Minho drove to the first place that popped in his mind. 

"I can't believe how much he has grown, yeobo," Sulli's mother, Taeyeon said to Siwon. Siwon nodded. Fourteen years sure was long. "I wonder how is Seung Hyun doing? Lets hope that Eunjung is not a control freak. She already forbid him from meeting us. What else can happen? I miss Bommie..." Taeyeon continued. Siwon who was sitting beside Taeyeon on a couch in the living room put his arm around his wife. "Well at least we got to meet their son today!" Siwon said, trying to lighten Taeyeon's mood. Just then the sound of a sports car could be heard. Taeyeon shot Siwon a puzzled look. "Yeobo. Could it be..." Taeyeon said as she proceeded to the door. Siwon followed her from the back. She walked to the gate and saw a yellow Lamborghini in front of her gate. She immediately opened the gate. Minho's car drove in and parked. He went out of his car with red eyes, he had been crying ever since he left his house. Not because he was sad, he got so pissed and mad until he cried. 
Taeyeon immediately went over to Minho and gave him a motherly hug and said repeatedly, "It's okay, Minho". Siwon on the other hand kept patting Minho's back. They slowly made their way into the living room where Minho told them what had happened. Taeyeon was furious. How dare that Eunjung called her late best friend stupid when she didn't even get to know Bom. "If you don't mind, can I stay here for awhile? I don't feel like going home and see that 's face," Minho said. "Of course you can! You should inform your father about your whereabouts, I'm sure he would be worried," Taeyeon said. Minho nodded. 
Sulli was in her room, listening to her favorite band, Infinite and re-reading her Harry Potter series. She was using ear piece so that explained why she didn't hear the sound of Minho's car. 
Taeyeon brought Minho to a guest room and told Minho to make himself at home. Minho couldn't stop thanking Taeyeon. She simply replied that she had always treated Minho like her own son. They agreed to go out first thing in the morning tomorrow to visit his mother's grave to pay respect. He lied on the bed. "It's been so long since I felt that I'm home," he said to himself. 
Just then, he received a message. 
From: Sulli
Hey! Can we meet everyday after school next week? We are behind schedule! We only took three locations, it is not enough!!!!
Minho replied. 
To: Sulli
What did I say earlier? Can you stop telling me when to meet? We are supposed to discuss when to meet. Not you telling me when to meet! Stop being big headed will you! I have soccer from Monday to Wednesday every week. I can only meet you on Thursday and Friday!
Minho sent the message. Not long after he got a reply. 
From: Sulli
Minho just ignored her message. "If only she knew I'm her long lost friend. She would definitely treat me nicer. She may be pretty, but her attitude got to go, seriously. No way in my life I would fall for someone like her," Minho said to himself. 
It was a Saturday morning, Minho woke up early. He went to bathe and got ready and went to the dining table. Taeyeon and Siwon were already there eating breakfast. "Join us Minho!" Siwon said. Minho nodded and took a seat next to Siwon. "Thank you for letting me stay, I'm so grateful for that," Minho said with full of sincerity. "Oh it's nothing dear," Taeyeon said with a smile. 
"Is Sulli coming with us?"
"I woke her up already, she should be getting ready now."
Sulli put on a dress and was putting on her make up. It had been a long time since she visited the grave of her childhood friend's mother. She could still remember Bom's face. "She was so pretty!".
Sulli went down the stairs and walked towards the dining table. He saw a familiar figure. The person's back was facing her. She quickly walked to the dining table and gasped. "What are you doing here?" Sulli asked. "Honey, he's going to stay with us for a few days. He has problems at home," Taeyeon said. Sulli couldn't believe this. It was just yesterday her parents got to know Minho and now he even had the guts to ask her parents whether he could stay over at her house. Sulli just sat beside her mother and started eating her breakfast. 
When they were done, they left the house. "Omma why is he following us?" Sulli asked her mother. Taeyeon remembered what Minho had said earlier about not letting Sulli know that he was her long lost friend - yet. "It is not wrong right? He is a nice boy. When I told him we were going to visit auntie's grave yesterday he said he wanted to follow," Taeyeon said. "Why don't you sit in his car?"
Sulli was actually more than happy to sit in his car. After all it wasn't always she got to sit in a sports car other than the black elantra. Once Sulli got into the car, Minho drove off, following Sulli's parents' car. Throughout the journey they were both very quiet. Sulli just looked out of the window, amused by the passerby who have the shock look whenever Minho's car passed them.
They finally reached the cemetery. Minho and Sulli followed Taeyeon and Siwon from the back to Park Bom's grave. Firstly, Taeyeon and Siwon paid their respect first. Followed by Sulli. Lastly, it was Minho. Minho squad in front of his mother's grave, put his hands together and closed his eyes. 
Omma, I hope you're doing good up there. I'm sorry if I am an unfilial son right now for running away from home and for not visiting you for the past fourteen years. That Eunjung didn't allow me and Appa to visit you. It's a good thing Miss Kim paired me and Sulli up for the project. If not I've never would have met auntie and uncle and I would never be here in front of you. I miss you Omma, please watch me. I love you. 
He then stood up and bowed to his mother's grave. He turned to Taeyeon and Siwon and thanked them. Taeyeon and Siwon just nodded. Sulli was minding her own business, so she didn't see what was going on. 
They then drove back home. Minho was supposed to meet his friends today. They planned to go to the beach at noon. He overheard Sulli telling her mother that she was going to go out with Minhyuk to the beach too. Minho was hoping they wouldn't bump into each other if Sulli and Minhyuk were to go to the same beach as him. What he saw the day before was disgusting enough. 
Minho reached the parking lot of the beach and saw Taemin's car. Taemin was waiting inside the car. Minho honked, causing Taemin to startle. Minho parked his car and went to Taemin. "Hey Minho, what's with the face?" Taemin asked. "I'll tell you later when the rest are here," Minho replied. After awhile Kibum, Jinki and Jonghyun arrived. Jinki as usual, brought a picnic basket. He was good at cooking. Jonghyun brought the beach mat. All of them put on their shades together and walked to the beach. Girls surrounding them were screaming and getting overly excited. Well that was because the boys looked so handsome. They saw a few people that they knew, including Yuri and Hyuna. In school, Yuri and Hyuna dissed girls whom they thought weren't prettier than them. Yuri had been trying to catch Minho's attention, including throwing herself to him, but he still treated her as if she didn't exist. 
"C'mon Hyuna, we have to follow them! I want to be near Minho!" Yuri said to Hyuna. They started tailing the boys. 
Minho turned around and saw Yuri and Hyuna following them closely from the back. He sighed and took out his phone. He called his bodyguards. The rest of the boys saw Minho making a call to his bodyguards and the immediately turned to the back and saw those two girls. "Wherever we go, they are always around us," Jinki said. "If only I can shake Hyuna off..." Taemin said. Hyuna was also trying to get Taemin's attention for quite some time already. Taemin rejected her advances countless of times but she still didn't give up. 
They found their favorite spot. Jonghyun laid the mat and Jinki placed the picnic basket in the middle. They put their bags, took off their tops and dived into the blue sea. They started splashing water at each other, just like old times. From far, Minho's bodyguards were spotted and the bodyguards knew why Minho called them when they saw Hyuna and Yuri. It was a routine for them every weekend without fail to remove Hyuna and Yuri out of the boys' sight. 
Sulli on the other hand, was out with Minhyuk. Minhyuk didn't have the mood to go to the beach, so they decided to watch movies instead. 
After awhile, the boys got tired so they decided to have lunch. This time, Jinki prepared a lot of sushi and sashimi. "Woah we are going Japanese today!" Jonghyun exclaimed. Kibum passed wooden chopsticks and paper plates among all of them. They started digging in. "Delicious as usual!" Minho exclaimed. Jinki just smiled from ear to ear. When it came to sashimi, the boys knew that Kibum had never tried Sashimi with wasabi. Kibum had a sweet tooth, thus he would never want to taste wasabi. The boys urged Kibum to eat wasabi. The boys took turns to eat sashimi with wasabi and tried giving Kibum the expression that it was sweet. "Go on, Key. It's your turn!" Taemin urged. Kibum took a one slice of sashimi, dipped into wasabi and placed it in his mouth. Kibum's face looked like he was suffering from constipation, it was so funny for the boys the started laughing hysterically. Kibum pinched his nose and quickly gobbled  the sashimi before drinking one whole bottle of orang juice. "YAH! IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Kibum screamed. 
After lunch, Taemin remembered about what Minho was supposed to tell them and asked Minho about it. 
"Remember I told you guys that I had a childhood best friend and that Eunjung said that the album filled with memories from when I was born until the day my father remarried was misplaced? I found the album in the attic."
The boys were shocked. Minho never referred his step mother by her name. 
"I was sending Sulli home yesterday and her mother invited me for dinner. I found her parents familiar and accepted her mother's invitation. I didn't have a clue on why I found her familiar until I saw an old photo of me and her in her bedroom. That was when I knew that Sulli was my long lost childhood friend. I went home, ransacked the whole attic and found the album. I confronted that Eunjung. Turned out that she was jealous of my late mother. She was supposed to marry my father but my father introduced his then girlfriend, who is my late mother to my grandparents and they apparently like her a lot."
"Tragic," said Kibum. 
"Then what happened?" Taemin asked. 
"I ran away from home. I'm staying at Sulli's place now. She still didn't know I'm the boy she was looking for all these years. I told her parents not to tell her yet. I want to be the one telling her."
"Aww sounds like a fairy tale to me," Jonghyun teased. 
"Yah! I'm serious here!" Minho retorted. 
After that the boys lied down on the mat to have an afternoon nap. 
It was almost 6pm, it was time for the boys to go home. They quickly packed their stuffs and bidded goodbye to each other. Minho reached Sulli's house in minutes. He parked his car and went out of the car. He noticed a black car stopped right in front of the gate. He went to the side of the gate to take a closer look. 
Sulli got out of Minhyuk's car and went to Minhyuk's side. Minhyuk got out of his car. Sulli thanked him for the date and said, "I have something to ask of you baby."
"What is it?"
"For the sake of me, to be able to be accepted by my parents... Could you change for me?"
"What? You love me for who I am, why should I change because of your parents?"
"You never thought of being with me for the rest of my life eh?" Sulli's eyes were starting to fill with tears. 
Minhyuk pinned Sulli against his car and said, "Listen carefully, Choi Sulli. I won't change and that's final. You will have to live with this!"
"B-b-baby then I'm s-s-sorry, we have to break up," Sulli stuttered. She was afraid of what was going to happen to her. 
Minhyuk got very angry and raised his right hand to slap Sulli. Just then, someone grabbed Minhyuk's arm. 

Author's Note


I'm sorry if its not a job well done. I'm down with fever+cough+phlegm+flu :( 


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nana4ever #1
Chapter 9: What a bad day for inho.. His crazy mother .. then Krystal kissing Minho. I really hope they can overcome these obstacles!!

Thank you for the update!!!
nana4ever #2
Chapter 8: Sulli is happy because of you Minho !!! Sulli you need to tell him how you feel...... But most of all tell him about your threatening phone call... He has to protect you !!!

I was missing your updates. It was good to read it.

I enjoy your story!!!
alecita #3
Chapter 8: sulli please confess your feelings to minho, I want them to be happy .. thanks for update
alecita #4
Chapter 7: I finally read the chapter, I do not want a misunderstanding I want to be happy ... kekeke, updates soon
jaysay #5
Chapter 7: Oh no, misunderstanding. Conflict. Conflict. :)
nana4ever #6
Chapter 7: Please don't allow any misunderstandings between Minho and Sulli. They have been through so much.

Enjoyed this chapter am glad the Sulli is ok

Please update when you can ;)
Chapter 3: great so far^^
littlemissliu #8
Chapter 7: @cmimrin Sulli didn't have amnesia!!!!! Hehe updated ^^
littlemissliu #9
Chapter 7: @alecita @Syamimi_Munir updated with chapter 7 ^^
littlemissliu #10
Chapter 7: @nana4ever I hope you'll like chapter 7! ^^ thank you for always commenting.