Chapter 1


~*~Chapter 1~*~


“Hello, my name is Oh Sehun and I’m your new neighbor. Please take care of me!” the tall boy said and smiled towards Luhan.

Luhan studied Sehun for a couple of moments before he nodded politely at him.

“I’m Luhan, nice to meet you” Luhan was eighteen years old at that time and he didn’t spend a lot of time with people outside school. He hoped that Sehun would be an exception.

“Luhan… That’s a nice name. How old are you?”


“I’m fourteen years old, but we can still be friends right?” Sehun asked; it was like a kid was asking that question.

Pretty childish, Luhan thought, but he also thought that it was a part of the charm of the younger boy so he smiled and said:

“Off course can we be friends”


Luhan finished writing the letter; he put down the pencil on the table and began to re-read the letter. As if he would send it, which he wouldn’t. No one would receive it. It was just a way for Luhan to get over everything that has happened the latest time.

The phone rang in the small apartment but Luhan didn’t pick up, instead he let the answering machine picked the call up.

“Luhan? It’s me, Minseok. You haven’t called me today. I just wanted to remind you of the time at your psychologist tomorrow. I managed to change from the person you didn’t like to someone else. It’s not Mr. Kang at least and that’s good, right? Well call me as soon as you hear this”

Luhan chuckled; he knew that there was no point in calling Minseok. Minseok would only be telling Luhan the same thing that he just had said in the message. Just it would be a bit longer and harder to understand.

The phone in Luhan’s pocket vibrated. Luhan sighed; Minseok must be pretty desperate to get a catch on Luhan today.

Luhan pulled up the white iPhone 4S and saw Minseok’s smiling face on the screen. Luhan picked up the phone.


“It’s Minseok; you haven’t called me for the whole day. Are you alright?” Minseok’s worried voice said in the other end of the phone.

Luhan rolled with his eyes. There was no rule of him calling Minseok; Minseok just thought that Luhan would do it.

“Everything it’s alright. Today was being a bit of a boring day that’s all. I’ve watched a movie, I cooked and then I have been writing letters” Luhan explained and he thought he could hear Minseok letting out both a relieved and bothered sigh.

“Uhm… that’s good, I guess. Remember that you have a time at the psychologist tomorrow at twelve. We can have a lunch afterwards” Minseok said.

Luhan did remember it. He remembered everything; they really thought that he was being stupid or something. Making him seeing doctors and psychologists twice every week, making him taking medicines and then also believing that he would forget all this when it was clearly scheduled made by Minseok hanging on his fridge so he would see it every day.

“I do remember it. It would be nice having lunch with you afterwards. But you have to pick me up, since I don’t want to take the bus” Luhan said.

Minseok agreed on that and they hung up and Luhan went back to reading his letter once again.


I’m dressing up for tonight, don’t need no list no invite. I’m here to dance, dance, d-d-dance, dance.

We headed straight to the bar, one drink became many more. We’re here to dance, dance, d-d-dance, dance

Yixing danced to the song “Hotter than Fire” halfhearted. He was sick of the song and his legs hurt. He had been practicing for over five hours but either the choreographer or the singer, the popular Byun Baekhyun who Yixing was being backup-dancer for, seemed to be pleased with how Yixing was dancing.

 “What now?” Yixing asked them with a sign of being annoyed in his voice.

“Have you lost your energy?” Baekhyun asked.

“Well… I have work to do soon” Yixing made up an excuse, he had work to do. Not just right now.

“Then leave and next time. Tell us before that you’re in a hurry” the choreographer said and handed Yixing his purple bag.

Yixing nodded and walked into the dressing room and quickly got undressed. Yixing has three works and none of them are paying him good.

He works as a waitress on a café, as back-up dancer and in a bar on evenings. Right now he didn’t have to go to any work. But he didn’t want to be there either. He barely had time to be at home and that’s where he wanted to be right now.

Yixing walked into the shower and let the hot water hit his body and burn on his skin. Making himself feeling relaxed for just a few seconds.


‘Dear Sehun,

No one seems to understand me; everyone does think that I’m stupid or crazy.

But I’m not, right? You know that I’m not crazy. I won’t forget the times at the psychologist or taking my medicine. I know that I won’t. Since bad things happen if I forget.

Why can’t you just come back to me? I need you here with me.

You are the only one who understands.

Love, Luhan’


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(Snowdrop) 12/5-13: Will be making the last chapters on this story in a close future! - Shabondama


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Lakwqpnskskakskskssj I LOVE IT!! This was so cute and tragic but lovely! I don't understand hiw this isn't more famous!!! Luhan's character was so tragic but at the end he was happy. I was actually expecting that idk how but luhan would meet a real lofe sehun and of course that sehun wouldn't know luhan but they will get know each other and live happily ever after.... BUT THIS ENDING WAS GREAT!! Luhan saying good buy to its past it was cute.
Luludeer1999 #2
The feels.... I like is story so much *_* one of the best
haeri0610 #3
Chapter 21: Love this story so much..
I like Yixing character in this story,so sweet and caring :)
amaxinglay #4
Chapter 21: omg.i read this twice.its awesome.can i translate it to persian?plz
Chapter 21: Author-nim...*poke* I want HunHan ending TT_TT.
Chapter 21: Omo Omo precious layhan ♡♡♡ loved your fic so much ;a; beautiful
Chapter 21: as a huge kailu shipper i am mad because you don't make them together DD:
lol no i'm just kidding :p
i can feel luhan's feeling through the whole story ;;;;;; great job

ohem_niking #9
Chapter 21: SUch a great novel :)))))))
i'm so inspired to this :)
you're a great author
Baekonandegg #10
Chapter 21: Beautiful ending :))