The Silver Lining




Jieun was locked in many thoughts as she walked along the streets of Lee Taewon. She didn't really believe that Baekhyun was the son of a person who went to jail, but something inside her urged her to make sure. If he really was living together with SooJin, when did all of this start? had they been living together since birth? What had actually happened?

  Would the middle school incident have a whole new meaning?

 There was only one problem for Jieun, that was that she had no idea where Baekhyun lived, or if he even lived in a house. She had seen in some books that the son could actually live with his father if he was under the age of 20 in some rare Prisons, but he couldn't. She hadn't seen a single boy who was that smart, and actually had a defined dream of becoming a composer.

Most boys with a story like that didn't have a dream, neither a goal.


  She looked up, and it felt as she had just hit jackpot. Well not really. a Pang of disappointment swelled in her heart, as she saw Baekhyun and SooJin both holding grocery bags and walking in the same direction as Jieun was. Baekhyun was in the same clothes as he was when in the cinema. SooJin was still in her school uniform.

  The two weren't talking, and they seemed especially dull and rather bereaved. Baekhyun's shoulders were slung down and his grocery bag nearly skidded the floor. Jieun followed them carefully, hiding at every light post there was incase Baekhyun turned back.

  The two still weren't talking, and it looked as Baekhyun could cry. "What's wrong with you Byun Baekhyun?" SooJin asked, glaring at him as she heaved her grocery bags up. It looked as she did not care one bit, a total different image from school.

   "It's all because of your mother.." Jieun heard him whisper. they took a seat on the side road where there were a few seats. SooJin seemed rather angry, seeing as she dumped the whole grocery lot on Baekhyun's feet. It must have seemed to hurt, but Baekhyun seemed motionless.

  "How is this because of my mother?! My mother and me are two different people okay?" She uttered bitterly, crossing her arms. Anyone could tell that this was just more than pubrty fighting.

  "I miss my mother.. If your mother hadn't been such a my mother would still be here and i wouldn't have to live with you in such a rut..!" Baekhyuns shrilled, shoving SooJin. The crowd walking by all glanced at them.

  "Grow up will you?! It's been 8 years Baekhyun, 8 ing years. Your mother is probably getting wasted on some drunk guys she met at the pub and working as a side waitress at some chinese restaurant. If your father came to my mother, don't you think there would be a reason? Because my mother was better?"

  "I'm not hitting you because you're a girl.. But Shut up Park SooJin. You know nothing.. Don't you DARE speak about my mother like that.. My mother's alive and i know she is. I'm going to kick your mother out and reason my father. The house we're living in is funded by my mother's bank account she saved her entire life. Just you wait."

   Baekhyun wiped his tears away, grabbing the grocery bag and lumbering off into the distance, leaving SooJin all alone. Jieun stared at SooJin as her face went red. she clutched her grocery bag in her hands and took a different route home. Jieun was discombobulated. WHat had actually happened between them?

  From her judgement, it seemed as many years ago Baekhyun's father had cheated on his own wife- and somehow things got complicated to how they were now.


  Jieun followed Baekhyun as he disappeared into the empty corner. It was hard to run in her heels but she managed to just cut the corner, spotting him walk down the narrow aisle. Jieun's heels made everything worse, as the quietness loudened. Baekhyun turned back, seeing a suspicious girl standing there with her face covered with her hair.

 'Strange.." He murmured under his breath as he began walking.


He turned back again, to see the same girl doing the same thing, this time except closer.



  He began to speed, making it harder for Jieun to chase him since there were cars parked in the corners, which Jieun bumped into every now and then Baekhyun made a cut. Baekhyun started running like he was in Gym class, probably thinking that Jieun was a stalker or a female flasher.


"OW !" Jieun's swearing echoed all around the empty aisle, as Baekhyun stopped in his tracks. You could see that Baekhyun was physically and both mentally scared. His shoulders were cringed together, and his hands were shaking- vibrating the grocery bags he was holding. He didn't dare look back, but his legs weren't allowing him to move either.

   Jieun had bumped her hips on the side windscreen of a sports car. It didn't really seem as it would hurt if you looked at it, but it felt like she had just stepped on a piece of lego barefeet. It was one of the worsstest feelings in life. For Jieun Anyway.


  Jieun hissed as she clutched her elbows. She had scraped her elbows on the hard cement and it was dripping constant blood, staining the ground. "This hurts so much.." Jieun groaned as she forgot the existance of Baekhyun and bumped into him. The two stood there startled, glaring at each other.


    "What?" Baekhyun asked, arrogance in his eyes.


"N..nothing.." Jieun replied quietly, clutching her elbows which filled her hands with red bright blood.


"Were you following me?"


"No.. Can't i go this way too?" Jieun snapped back.


"If you weren't in a hurry to follow me i'm pretty sure you would have taken your time walking here especially with your heels and you would be way back... There." Baekhyun pointed to the corner where he had turned to come to this aisle.


"How would you know that? What if i was just not looking?!"


"Most unlikely." Baekhyun glanced at Jieun's elbows. 'What happened there ?.." Baekhyun asked, ticked off.




"Oh really? Ok then. I'll get going now."


"I.. i fell over! Geez can't a guy have some understanding..?" Jieun muttered, examining her elbow peckishly.


"Well you're not complaining so it mustn't hurt that bad, right? i should get going. My arms are sore from holding all this grocery bags talking to you. Then.. Bye." He turned, slowly walking away. Jieun was angry. How could a guy be this clueless and arrogant? It was almost like a perfect illusion; Arrogance in the retrospect of Kindness.


   "Do you really like Suzy?" Jieun blurted out. It was the last thing on her mind she could say that would stop him. He stopped and turned, glancing at Jieun with a much softer eye glance.

  "Why..?" He asked suspiciously, squinting his eyes. "WHat do you know about her..?"


"I'm her best friend. Didn't you know that?" Jieun said, scoffing in ridicule. She thought that Baekhyun had know that all this time. Suddenly, an awkward change filled Baekhyun- as he turned into a total angel. His eyes turned into a soft macho innocent little kid, and his body gesture had changed.

  "Oh my gosh! Bestie!" He exclaimed in a much softer voice. "Why didn't you say so! Omygosh look at your elbows! Get on my back." He got on his knees, waiting for Jieun to hop on.

  Jieun stood there, ridiculed at Baekhyun's sudden change.


"Are you being nice because you think you can use me as a advantage to get Suzy?" Jieun shot back, arrogantly.


Why is it her..? I'm the one who likes.. Loves you.. Not her..



"Fine." He sighed as hopped on his feet. "Maybe i did think that for a little while."


"Little while?" Jieun raised her eyebrows.


"Ok i thought that entirely. But can't you help me? I really like Suzy and i want to get to know her.. I've been kinda noticing her since the day she came to our school.. She has that natural beauty and that smartness you know..? Something that mix and matches with me."


"And Short and average studying girls aren't your type?"


"Like you? Not really, no. Actually, i loathe short girls. Its annoying when you can't make eye contact with them in a straight line. It just disturbs me really."


  Jieun glared at Baekhyun, heartbroken.



"Me.. I don't intrude in other people's life.." Jieun said fervently but also sadly. Her eyes were b with tears, and it was easy for Baekhyun to see that. His expression changed suddenly into a hard disappointed face. It wans't as he could act all arrogant to someone who could help him with him and Suzy.










"You're really mean.. you know that?"



"Why am i mean? You're the one who refused to help me.." he said, giving a weird look.


"Are you really saying that because you don't know?" Jieun wiped a bead of tear off her eyes. 'Oh, of course you wouldn't.. Because you're shallow. "


"What nonsense are you going on about? You don't even know me man. You just met me like a few minutes ago in the cinema and stuff.. Why the hate?"


"Don't you remember? We went to the same Middle school? Our math presentation?" Jieun said, trying so hard not to tear up. This was too much for her. Way too much. How could he not even know who she was?



"Oh, we did?"







"You.. you're too much.. Really.."








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Joelia_17 #1
Chapter 21: Hiks.. Hiks.. This is really sad story.. Can't believe that jieun died.. Why...
Haeysoo #2
Chapter 21: *make not my >_<
Haeysoo #3
Chapter 21: Hey,my mooreee...baeku story..^^
Chapter 22: KEEP THE CAST!!
What are you talking about? the ending was fine
And yes you did probably put everyone on a loop when it turned murderous
But that's okay because the story was amazing.
Good luck on your next story ♥
The ending ㅠㅠㅠ
I dont want this story to endd
I wanna know what happened to suzy :p
Alluring #6
Chapter 20: 야 오 쉣 진짜로??? 흐억 나 한국가고싶어어엉어어어 아이유를 봤대 와 진짜 나 미친다ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ

흐어어어어엉 너 미워어어어유ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
That_Inspirit #7
Chapter 20: Please update soon!
Whoa Russian roulette that's new ;0
Lmao I thought of spica XD
Chapter 19: wait she.. wore a human face? THAT IS NOT SANITARY.. NOPE. NOT AT ALL. and ohseesh someone just shoot Suzy, PLEASEEE. SHE NEEDS TO BE WIPED OUT FROM THE FACE OF EARTH. I hope Chanwoo nor Jiwoo will die. D; THEY'RE INNOCENTTT.