19: Russian Roulette [Part1]

The Silver Lining






"SONG CHANWOO. Book the fastest flight tickets to Switzerland. Someone's life is at potential risk." Jiwoo spoke over the phone, roughly stuffing his clothes into a small backpack. He zipped it shut and destroyed his wardrobe- searching for that gun he had been hiding all this time since middle school.

  It was the one gun that Chanwoo and Jiwoo had saved up money for taking part jobs every day after school. They had made a foolish choice back then, but this was certainly something that came in handy right now. 

  'What are you talking about right now? I don't have that kind of money to buy two tickets!" Chanwoo muffled over the phone, but Jiwoo had left his speaker down a tone far behind on his bed. He cocked his gun, filling it with bullets and checking the trigger. He nodded to himself, putting his attention back towards his mobile phone.


  "I don't know, get a deposit from the bank or something! IT'S URGENT. Somebody's life depends on it!" He fumed tempestuously. "If we don't- Someone's going to DIE FAST!"


"Are you insane? Have you lost touch with reality?!" Chanwoo feigned anger as he began pacing around in his own spot. "It's not funny anymore Kwon Jiwoo! Have you still insane over Jieun?!"

  "The letter." he whispered genuinly. "The letter.. We have to go now. "

  "What letter?! You're really scaring me Kwon Jiwoo.. you've really got to stop before you do something craz-" "That letter you gave me at the prison. B..Baekhyun's not really.. wronged."


  'What are you going on about?!"


"How did you get the letter? Did he give it to you? how?!"


"He passed it to me through the screen latter.. WHy?! What do you mean Baekhyun's not wronged after all?! Kwon Jiwoo, you're making a really serious accusation!"


"I..it's Park SooJin."


"What? Joongki's little ty girlfriend?"


"H..her.. There was a criminal murder before our eyes all this time and.. and we did nothing about it.. It was all her fault that Jieun died..  doesn't it make sense? why she lives in switzerland? She studied anatomy in the national university of switzerland . There was a whole cause of this, so she could commit this whole thing. To revenge on Jieun for breaking Baekhyun and her."


  Chanwoo went silent over the line.


"H..hello?! Song Chanwoo!" "H..how do you.." "You have to trust me on this.. This is the only chance we can really catch the real killer of Jieun.."


"H..how.. How did she kill Jieun.. They should have been foes.. why is it the reason she just bursts into her apartment? The police records say she was alone when the sucidice occured.."


"She was alone." Jiwoo snapped. things were becoming much clearer in his head. "In the letter. He wrote that SooJin and Jieun knew each other in the past life.. they used to be the souls nobody could split apart.. the meaning of friendship to its death.. Until Baekhyun himself came along.. "    


  "How does this relate to anything.."


"I'm not done. Listen to the full story. Baekhyun was actually kept captive. SooJin isn't.. really SooJin. her name is Bae Suzy. She swapped identities with certain people after keeping them captive in this cellar where she kept all her courpses.. after she got discovered, she would perform anatomy on them.. She strips their entire skin while they're alive and uses it for leather.. there was even rumour that she sold it to a fashion designer and made millions.."


  Jiwoo jumped on the web and typed in Bae Suzy, came a million of articles- mostly written 5 years ago about a Korean murderer on loose in Switzerland by the name of Miss B, which was still code unknown.


"Baekhyun was.. Jieun's first love." Jiwoo sighed. But this was no time to go yearning about his heart. there was something much more to be discussed. "Bae Suzy decided to steal him away, and then Jieun got angry as the usual girl process- and then Suzy and Baekhyun finally breaks. Suzy got angry. " He paused.

  He had found a website- which was completely solitary from the search engine on google. Jiwoo clicked on it once, and a dark webpage popped up with a single white search bar in the middle which was labelled Name of Murderer.


"Hello?!" Chanwoo blared over the line.


"I.. i found this website.. it's solitary from the search engine.. I just searched Bae Suzy and.. Oh my god. " Jiwoo dropped his mobile phone.

  Before his eyes, the screen filled up with the images of every single person she had killed in Switzerland. But there was one particular video which caught his eyes.  Inbetween all those photos of people whose skin had been shaved off their bones- and their eyeballs hanging off their brains, there was a video right in the middle of a girl holding a paper knife - facing directly at the camera.


  The girl holding the paper knife looked awfully familiar- although he could not make out the face clearly because there seemed to have been a blur on the camera.


  "Chanwoo.. i got something.. It's a video.. "



Jiwoo pressed play, soon the blur disappeared and the face appeared.



"Song Chanwoo. Get your over here right now." Jiwoo hissed.



"What?! Why?!"


"The video.. It's Jieun before her death."



  Jiwoo hung up, focusing on the video. The video was about 10 minute length, meaning that there was probably enough detail to see it from the beginning.


 Jieun sat on her bed, where she faced the screen. She held a paper knife in her hands, withdrawing the blade in and out continuously. She was sniggering- almost like she had been posessed. the light began guttering- in which to the time she stood up and withdrew the blade for the last time.


  She stood infront of the bed, holding the paper knife against her neck.



"N..no.. What are you doing.." The scene had at him at the edge of his seat.



Her expression turned disconsolate. She was hanging in the blue. She had this look which could not be imitated even by the best of actors and actresses. It wasn't despondent neither joyful- just a face.


  "I thought.." She paused, letting a tear dribble down to her cheeks. "Once you get over the nasties.. That your life would come to peace.. Why is it, only for me that nothing ever works out? Am i ungrateful that you have to do this to me..?" Her voice began cracking, as more tears began to flow.


  "Maybe if i end it all.." She grabbed a different pocket knife from the table infront of the screen. She laughed like a demonic possessed girl, waving the knife in the air.

  "Then it would all much be better.. after all, nobody really cares about me.. do they?" she cackled. She looked straight into the camera, and she seemed to be lost in the screen.


"Wait.. There's a base mirror in her bedroom.. Last time i visited with Joongki.. Does this mean.. There's a secret camera installed in the mirror..?" Jiwoo muttered, diverting back to the clip. 



  Jiwoo skipped a few seconds, and soon the room turned into the bloody red sea.  Jieun was screaming, litereally screeching of pain. Her wrist was overflowing with blood, even the camera had big stains on the screen. She wouldn't stop cutting herself even after the bleeding.

  She was cutting herself all over her arms, legs and even her stomach. Jiwoo could onlty watch in content, as he was even too horrified to scream. Jiwoo had managed to shield his eyes away from the execrable sight, but it wasn't enough to shield his heart away from it.


 It took a second for him to realise how Jieun had died, and that the reason why she really died wasn't because of Baekhyun. Jiwoo fully pressed his fingers against his eyes, blinding himself from the screen.


"AAAAARGH!" He screeched abominably, unplugging all the cords from the computer set up. The cords were strewn everywhere, outlining the entire floor, and you could even see the electrical fizzing due to the sudden disconnection. He covered his ears, closed his eyes, shut his mouth, hoping that he could shut out everything from the world..


  But he couldn't shut out his heart from what he was feeling.




  It was that feeling of sinking regret when you know you could have done something to save the person you loved, but you did nothing except just watch the person go. How could you possibly live with yourself after letting the victim slip when she was right infront of your eyes, just the touch of a hand away?



  Jiwoo sat on the bed in an ambush, curled into a little ball. He had to courage to close his eyes, because that image of Jieun was scarred into his eyelids. There wasn't a moment when that image wasn't off his mind. So the least he could do was stare into darkness beneath his little cave inside his curled body ball, reminiscing.



  Jiwoo heard the door click open, followed by the scuffling feet of Chanwoo. "Kwon Jiwoo.." He didn't seem exactly calm, as his vouce was aching void. But Jiwoo wasn't ready to turn back just yet. His instincts were rising around his neck. He was getting thoughts off his rocker, that somehow that Suzy was inside the room, oh his irony.


  Jiwoo slanted his head, seeing a sad sack which was Chanwoo. But not exactly how you would see someone in your house. His mouth was immensly taped to the extent where the skin was literally oozing out from the tape. His condition was the pits, leaving bruises everywhere where once his clear skin used to be.

  But what caught his eyes was the metal gun barrel sticking at his head. His breath became stealth,as he let his eyes trance further, allowing himself to rest his eyes on the sight of the thin fingers gripped between the trigger guard and the trigger itself. Jiwoo didn't look further, he couldn't.


 "Well boys, sorry to interrupt your playtime." the figure muffled, abruptly pressing a second handgun to Jiwoo's waist.  Jiwoo slid onto the floor next to Chanwoo. Jiwoo peeked down, noticing that Chanwoo's hands were taped to the bed, and he was just hanging by a thread.



   The woman had shaded herself with a grey mask, which seemed to have brown dry blood spots around the fabric. Indeed, it wasn't even a mask at all- it seemed as it was a particular piece of leather he hadn't seen before; It couln't be what he was thinking it was.




  "Well, is there any reason to hide it?" She slid out a handgun, emptying the bullets out. "It's all nigh and well who i am." She stretched the mask off her face, revealing her cheeks stained with more blood. As the mask slid across the floor, Chanwoo and Jiwoo could only stare in a nutshell.

  It wasn't just any ordinary mask- it was a human mask.


 That would explain the rough blood patches around the particular fabric. She had torn the skin off the rear ends of the zygomatic skin and sewed it as attachers to her ears.



Who else other than Suzy could do this?



  "Well Jiwoo Sunbae. I guess you're not that stupid either, finding that site." Suzy chortled. "I mean, you're not the first." She picked up the mask and swung it inbetween her fingers, intimidating the atmosphere.



  "Why're you doing this?" Jiwoo arrogated, trying to free Chanwoo's wrists. Suzy slipped  a bullet into her handgun and cocked it, pulling the trigger twice. the two boys cussed, stealthing their breath.  She sat cross legged infront of the two boys, pointing the gun at Chanwoo's face.



  "Let's play a game of russian roulette. In this gun," She held up in the air and pulled the trigger. as expected, nothing came out but to Chanwoo and Jiwoo were the most excruciating moments they had experienced. In one of the trigger pulls, the bullet would pull  off and one of them would be dead, turned into a leather item for Suzy once again.


  "The rules are simple. As i said before, in this gun there is one bullet in the entire barrel. turn by turn, i will the gun at you and pull the trigger. If the bullet shows mercy and decides not to shoot, consider it luck. In the end, only one of you will make this Room out alive anyway."




"You know my secret oppa. Now you must die."




She smirked. In her thin fingers, the handgun was gripped and with a crisp smirk, she blew the dust off her gun and pointed the gun inbetween Jiwoo's eyes. "Let the games begin." She breathed through his jawline, letting the first trigger pull through her fingers.







Sorry i didn't update in ages .. i finally found access to a computer, i was so busy going places in korea and it was so hectic i thought  fanfics shouldn't be set in korea lmao trust me, it's not fancy like u see in dramas XD

anyway haha guise can u check out my new fic? Virus

it's like a survival fic, but it's not zombie lmao please check it out ~

it's like about a mystery villain called CODE X who opened the legendary pandora's box and he set a curse into all the mirros of the world

and those who come face to face with their reflection would be killed, and then 4 people (IU,SUZY,JOOWON AND LEEJONGSUK) they survived  and they decide to try and save the world before CODEX turns earth into a post apocalyptic world of inhumane theories



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Joelia_17 #1
Chapter 21: Hiks.. Hiks.. This is really sad story.. Can't believe that jieun died.. Why...
Haeysoo #2
Chapter 21: *make not my >_<
Haeysoo #3
Chapter 21: Hey,my mooreee...baeku story..^^
Chapter 22: KEEP THE CAST!!
What are you talking about? the ending was fine
And yes you did probably put everyone on a loop when it turned murderous
But that's okay because the story was amazing.
Good luck on your next story ♥
The ending ㅠㅠㅠ
I dont want this story to endd
I wanna know what happened to suzy :p
Alluring #6
Chapter 20: 야 오 쉣 진짜로??? 흐억 나 한국가고싶어어엉어어어 아이유를 봤대 와 진짜 나 미친다ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ

흐어어어어엉 너 미워어어어유ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
That_Inspirit #7
Chapter 20: Please update soon!
Whoa Russian roulette that's new ;0
Lmao I thought of spica XD
Chapter 19: wait she.. wore a human face? THAT IS NOT SANITARY.. NOPE. NOT AT ALL. and ohseesh someone just shoot Suzy, PLEASEEE. SHE NEEDS TO BE WIPED OUT FROM THE FACE OF EARTH. I hope Chanwoo nor Jiwoo will die. D; THEY'RE INNOCENTTT.