Unexpected Visitors

Operation: Wedding Dreams ♥

Chapter 8.

Soo Jin’s POV

"Yes! It’s Sunday! I can finally take a rest!" I murmured to myself as I stretched my body on my bouncy white bed. After a stressful and hectic week at work, I can finally sleep i-

“AYO WASSUUUUP!” I hurriedly opened my eyes to see a blurry figure jumping onto my bed beside me.


Groaning, I thought to myself; "Aigoo~ Not again!"


“Yah! Jongdae-Oppa get of my bed!” I shouted hitting my brother with a pillow. Just then another figure came plunging in.





“Okay guys. Leave Soo Jin-ah alone.” A deep voice suddenly came. I looked at the doorway and a thankful smile came onto my face.

“Joon Myeon-oppa! Thank God you’re here to save me!” I said trying to sit up properly as my two other brothers hung their arms around me.

“Who said anything about saving you?” Joon Myeon-oppa answered back smirking.

I widened my eyes. “Oh no.” Just then he too jump into my bed tackling the three of us. Well, so much for me sleeping in.

After a few minutes of wrestling and chasing each other, we finally settled down sitting properly on the floor, hands behind our backs to support ourselves. I looked at them and took a deep breath before talking.


“Yah. What the heck are you three doing in my house?! Didn’t I specifically tell you last time to call me before you visit?!”

“Woah. Relax sis.” Jongdae-oppa said as he continued to pant.


"Yeah. You might get wrinkles on your face." Joon Myeon-oppa quickly agreed. I sent him a death glared and he slightly staggered.


I closed my eyes and softly said. “Stupid Grandpa."


"What did you call me?!" Joon Myeon-oppa shouted.


I ignored him and pulled my knees to my face, wrapping my arms around them. "Next time. Will you guys pleaseeee call me or even just text me when you’ll be coming over.”

The three of them stood up and nodded with a smile. I, too, gave them smile before getting up too and patting away the dirt on my jogging pants. "Really Soo Jin, you shouldn’t have told them where you kept the spare key to your apartment." A small voice in my head scolded me.


After a few minutes, we were all seated in my kitchen eating some toasted bread and scrambled eggs. “So anyways, what brings you oppas here?”


They all smiled at each other before facing me. “Well,” Jongdae-oppa began. “Since this the only day you’re free. We all decided that, you know, we should all go out for the day.”

“asdakckjncjsfsfgagegtewbb” I looked at Minseok-oppa, who had his mouth full of bread, say. I raised my eyebrows at him and so did the others. He then swallowed the food in his month and continued, “I said, yeah we should. You do know what day it is right?”

I gave him a confused look before turning my head to look at the wall calendar behind me. January 23, 2018 (A/N: not really his birthday.kekeke ~ I made it that way so that the flow of events would be, in a way, consistent. ^^). “Ommo! How could I have forgotten?! Joon Myeon-oppa! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” I happily said giving a tight hug to my awesome Grandpa-Brother, who was conveniently sitting beside me.


“*laughs* Thanks Soo Jin-ah.” He said before gently pulling me away. "But, I'm still mad at you for calling me 'Grandpa'." He quickly added, pouting.



He laughed once more and patted my head. "Just kidding Soo Jin-ah. You know I can't stay mad at you."


"But at us you can?" Minseok-oppa interjected looking at Joon Myeon-oppa like there were lasers coming out.


"Uhhhh..." was all I could hear Joon Myeon-oppa say.


"So....? We’re are going to celebrate?” I asked Joon Myeon-oppa trying to break the, I guess you could call it 'awkwardness', between the two older brothers.

He then turned to me and replied, “You’ll see! Now, you better get ready arasso?”


I quickly nodded and took one last bite before running into my room and opening my closet. “By the way!” I heard Minseok’s voice boomed. “wear something comfortable okay?! NO HEELS OR DRESSES OR WHATEVER!”


“ARASSO!” I shouted back. After a taking a bath and changing into my outfit consisting of a grey tank top and jeans paired with a light pink cardigan and doll shoes, I came out only to see that my brothers were waiting by the living room. As I entered, they all looked at me at the same time, well more like the clothes I was wearing, and nodded in approval. There, they stood up and we all together left the apartment, locking it of course.


Sitting beside Joon Myeon-oppa in his car, I noticed that their respective girlfriends were nowhere to be found. “Joon Myeon-oppa. Where’s Min Kyung-unnie?”

“Oh. I told her that we’ll meet up later this evening. I said that I wanted to spend the day with you guys.”

“Ahhhw. That’s so sweet of you Hyung~” Jongdae-oppa cooed as he pinched Joon Myeon-oppa's cheeks from the backseat.

“Yah!” Joon Myeon-oppa exclaimed slapping Jong Dae-oppa’s hand away "Sit down."

“Anyways.” Minseok-oppa began. “Where are we going?”

Joon Myeon-oppa smiled and started the car, “Lotte World!”

- - - - -


JangMin's Little Corner.

Annyeong! (^__^)/

It seems I'm a failure at being a 'consistent' writer. T_T I really haven't been updating as much as I wanted to be. (Dang, Laziness. -.-) But it isn't only that, I really have been busy. You see, pretty much in 3 weeks, I'll be leaving my hometown to go to college. So, the preparations were kinda holding me back.


Nevertheless, I present to you, Chapter 8 of Operation: Wedding Dreams ♥.


Yep. I would likt to thank all my subscribers who endured with me from the start. And to the new subscribers thank you! I LOVE YOU! :*

Well, I guess this is it for now. Comments are very well appreciated.hihihi ;> '


'Til the next update guys! :D



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isn't an update. :( Mianhe. Just changed into the new poster and BG. :) But I'll be upadtaing sometime this week. been busy these past few days. @@


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Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 7: update soon
Chapter 7: Orz. I like wooyoung, Kris, and chanyeol shipping with soo jin. Otl
Chapter 6: Adffghjjklladdgjdhjldfjubsv!!
Chapter 5: i just want to know when woo will get back in the story.
or more kris. /killed
Chapter 4: Yah~ Choi Jang Min! Update ka na dawwww~ daliii xD
Author Please update .. ^0^