
Operation: Wedding Dreams ♥


Chapter 6.


It’s been exactly four months, 2 weeks and 5 days since I’ve met Soo Jin and incidentally, we became very close. And as time passed by, my feelings for her grew stronger and stronger. I knew it was time to tell her what I feel, but something kept me from doing so. Was it the nerves? Am I a coward to admit to her how I really feel?


I don’t know. -.- I'm a mess right?


But there's one thing I know about - I’m afraid to lose her. Should I- no CAN I risk our friendship for something like this?


"Aish! This is so frustrating!" I loudly exclaimed as I ruffled my hair.


“Yah. Are you okay Yeol?” Ull LI, Soo Jin’s best friend who too became one of my best friends, inquired; examining me from top to bottom while chew a piece of her ham and cheese sandwich. I didn’t response but continued to sigh and scratch my head. As if she knew what I was thinking she chuckled and gently grabbed my left shoulder, “It’s Soo Jin isn’t it?”


“I don’t get it Ull Li! Should I confess or not?!” I worriedly asked her. Don’t get me wrong here people, I have guy friends too, but it seems that I’m a lot closer to these two (Ull Li and Soo Jin).


“I don’t know Yeol.” She sadly said. “It depends on you. I know it sounds cliche but what does your mind say? What does your heart say?”


“ *sighs* It’s just so frustrating! I can’t help it! Yes! I’m in love with her but I’m afraid of losing her! I’m afraid of.... being rejected.”


“Yeol.” She began once again. “If you truly love her, then whatever happens, you’ll always be there by her side, even if things get awkward between you two.  And I don't think Soo Jin will avoid you. You're her best friend! You love her, and I think she has the right to know how you feel about her.”


she has the right to know how you feel about her. As my mind replayed Ull Li’s words over and over, I immediately knew the answer. Sighing deeply I muttered,


“I’ll do it.”


It’s Friday today, and the day before our Christmas Break starts. We just finished our last class for the day and I was busily yet nervously looking for Soo Jin around the campus carrying a red rose in my right hand. Yes. I’m really going to do it. This is the day.


I tried to ask the other students if they have seen her only to receive a disappointing "N-o".


As I walked through the hallways of our Art Department Building, a thought struck me, “The gardens.”


Yes! Why did I think of it the first place?! How could I forget the place where we mostly hang out together when we're free?!Pabo Chanyeol! I then started to make way to the gardens located at the back of the school. As I reached the entrance I heard voices talking. I could picture out Soo Jin’s laughter, but the other one I couldn’t.


“Soo Jin-ah.” I heard the male voice spoke up once again. “Can I ask you  a question?”


“Sure thing. What is it Wooyoung-ssi?” Wooyoung? Jang Wooyoung? Wait. That’s Soo Jin’s long time crush!


“We’ve known for a long time right? I guess even longer that Ull LI. I mean, we were classmate since we were in pre-school and I’ve bee meaning to ask you this for a long time already. So, ” I could hear Soo Jin’s gasp. “Ms. Kim Soo Jin. Will you be my girlfriend?”


Will you be my girlfriend?


I'm too late. I can't deny that I felt a pang in my heart. I knew my world had suddenly broken apart. I stood there wide eyed, a tear forming in my eye. I’m really too late. I thought to myself as I let go of the rose. As I heard the faint ‘yes’ of Soo Jin, I quickly left and ran away.  I ran and ran not knowing were my feet would take me.


Why?! Why did this happen\?! Was I jinxed or something?! Should everything be taken away from me?! First My mother and now the girl I love?!


“AHHHHHHH!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I realized that I was now at the top end of the park near our apartment. I gripped my heart as I started to let the tears fall. Yup. It's weird for a guy to be crying. But It hurts. It just hurts so much.


I-I lost her.


“Chanyeol.” I suddenly heard a soft famale voice calling my name. I wiped my soem of my tears away and turned around to see Soo Jin smiling and walking towards me. “Chanyeol.” She said once again. I looked at her dumbfounded. She then went near me and grabbed my cheek, wiping away my my damp eyes.




I jumped in my seat only to have realized that I have zoned out. I looked at her and Wu Fan (who was now smirking -_- ) “Ah. Mianhe Soo Jin-ah.”


“Aigoo. Yeollie. What’s wrong with you today? You seem…off in a way.”


“Ah. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” I said assuring her with a pat on the head. She scrunched up her face and swatted my hand away.


“Well anyways, I think we’re done today. Please tell Hye Ri about the details of the wedding.” She said looking a Wu Fan with a smile.


“You got it. Thanks.” He said extending his hand towards her. She grabbed without hesitation and shook it. After letting go, she turned to face me. “Let’s go Yeollie?”


I nodded, closing my briefcase and then standing up. “Let’s go.” I replied with a crooked smile as I gave her my arm. She gladly interlock her arm with mine.


We then said farewell to a irritated-looking Wu Fan before leaving the coffee shop. Arm in Arm we proceeded to make our way to the subway.


“Soo Jin-ah.” I began as a questioned had pooped into my mind.




“Do you think Hye Ri’s fiancé is Wooyoung? Your Wooyoung?”


She remained silent. Knowing what she felt at the question, I gently removed my arm around hers and wrapped it around her shoulders, pulling her closer to me. “Don’t be that way Soo Jin. It’s been five long years.”


“I know Yeol. I should have moved on by now. And I have. But there’s just a part of me that didn’t. He was my first love. And he had break-up with me out of the blue and after doing so left for USA.” She said as we arrived at the entrance of the substation.


“You know what Jinnie. Why don't we forget about him? Why don't we forget about work for a while?” I suddenly blurted out.


“Huh?! Abandon work?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!” She looked at me with a dumbfounded look. I chuckled at her and took her hand in mine, pulling her away from the subway “Yah! Where are we going?! YAH! PARK CHANYEOL!”


I laughed loudly and continued to ran with her. “You’ll see!”

- - - - -


JangMin's Little Corner.


Sorry for only updating now. It's been a very tiring month. >.< and I just got home from a class overnight so basically I'm really really really tired. -.-


ButI just wanted to let you know. I FINALLY GRADUATED! YEEEEAAAHHHH!!!

I guess its time to party hard once again! XD


But anyways, thank you ttheo  new subscribers! :D

I WUB U! :***

Stay tuned for more updates. ^.^



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isn't an update. :( Mianhe. Just changed into the new poster and BG. :) But I'll be upadtaing sometime this week. been busy these past few days. @@


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Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 7: update soon
Chapter 7: Orz. I like wooyoung, Kris, and chanyeol shipping with soo jin. Otl
Chapter 6: Adffghjjklladdgjdhjldfjubsv!!
Chapter 5: i just want to know when woo will get back in the story.
or more kris. /killed
Chapter 4: Yah~ Choi Jang Min! Update ka na dawwww~ daliii xD
Author Please update .. ^0^