I'm Sorry?

Operation: Wedding Dreams ♥


Chapter 4.


Chanyeol’s POV


I couldn’t believe it. The person I hated with all my guts just happened to appear out of nowhere! And now I’m stuck here waiting for Soo Jin and that freak Wu Fan Kris to come. Aish. Soo Jin, if you didn’t beg me to come, I wouldn’t have to spend my weekend with a selfish jerk like him.


Why are they taking so long?! I’ve been here in this coffee shop for like half an hour! I knew Soo Jin would be late because of Dae Hee-ah’s Wedding, but there’s no reason for Wu Fan to be late! He’s always thinking of himself. I hope he rots in Hel-


“Hello there Chanyeol.” A deep voice came. I knew this voice. As irritation and anger started to buid up in me, I looked up to see Wu Fan dressed casually with a white shirt and a pair of washed out jeans.


“Wu Fan.” I calmly said, trying to look as calm as possible as he took the seat in front of me. We sat there in silence for a few minutes and the atmosphere was unexplainable. I pretended not to notice as I took out my phone and started to fiddle with it, pressing random buttons.


“Chanyeol.” He finally said breaking the silence. I let my eyes look at him, still not moving from my position, and asked what he wanted. He fidgeted in his chair a bit before slightly leaning towards me and clasping his hands together. “I’m sorry.”


That did it. Even though he apologized for what he did in the past, all the anger that I kept inside got the best of me. There I drew back my phone and look at him with fury in my eyes. “Sorry? After all the things you’ve done, only ‘Sorry’?! *snorts* You knew my father was innocent. You and I were there when YOUR Father did it! How dare you lie to their boss saying that it was MY father who took the company’s money?! He was an innocent man! You knew we were already living in a tight situation and YOU had to make it WORST! Did you know that after my Father was fired, we had no money to spend for Umma’s Medication?! We couldn't afford even a single pain killer to ease her pain! After the news broke out the it was MY father that took the money, he wasn't able to get a job anymore! Noona had difficulty during those times! Studying all day and working very late not being able to go home until 6am! I had to stop schooling to help them too! And Mother? Mother?! I don't think I need to say it Wu Fan. I guess you knew what happened next.” I finished, saying the last sentence through gritted teeth. He was speechless after that leaving his face in a mixture of shocked and pained.


Letting out a deep sigh, I rested my back on the chair and frustratingly ran my hands through my hair. “Look Wu Fan. Don’t expect me to forgive you so easily. After what you did during our Middle School Days, I swear it had left a huge scar in my heart. You were my Best Friend. I trusted you. After your family left Korea to go to Canada with the Company’s money in your hands, we were left here, mourning day and night. We only got back on our feet after Noona's graduation were she able to get a job. And that was a year and a half after Appa lost his job. Do you know how it feels Wu Fan? Being betrayed by your own best friend?”


With that last statement, I stood up and began to leave the shop when Soo Jin finally arrived.


“Ommo! I’m so sorry for being late!” She said quickly rushing to the chair beside me. “Oh Yeollie. Where are you going?”


“Uhm. I wanted to wait for you outside.” I coolly added, sitting down beside her. I tried to act the wat I normally do so that she won’t notice the weird atmosphere.


“Kris? Are you okay? You seem disturbded.” She worriedly ask Wu Fan who seemed to be distracted.


“Huh? Oh. It’s nothing. May I ask why you were late?”


I looked at Soo Jin and the question had taken her back a bit. “Oh. The Subway was packed today.”


“You’re a successful 25 year old female and yet you ride the subway? Don’t you have a car or something?” He inquired her in a arrogant tone. By the way her fingers started twitching; I knew she was irritated at his actions.


“Look here Kris.” I began. “Yes, she is successful. But she prefers to EARN her money through hardwork and perspiration. Not like some OTHER people who just waits for money to come on their doorsteps.” I hope he got the message.


“Yeollie. I’ll handle this.” Soo Jin softly whispered so that Wu Fan wouldn’t hear. She then look at him straight in the eye. “Sorry about that Kris. May I ask of there is something wrong in people taking the subway to get to work? A lot of businessmen, far richer than I, still take the subway. And I don't think there's nothing wrong with that. How about you Kris? ”


He said nothing but was smirking at her. What the hell dude?! Why are smirking at her? I then saw Soo Jin a somewhat in-your-face smile at Kris, I couldn't help but smile back too. She then dat up properly and spoke up, “That answers your question Mr. Wu. Now without any more ado, let us begin this meeting. Yeol, did you bring the papers I told you about last night?”


“Yes.” I then took out my briefcase and punched in its password. After doing so, I took out the papers and gave it to Soo Jin.


“Thanks. So I guess these are the things Hye Ri-ssi wants to have at her wedding. I guess we should do this by-“


I knew who Kris was and I didn’t expect him to be arrogant to a girl. He was a freaking play boyduring out time together. But I was amazed at how Soo Jin had handled the situation. I  knew she had this so called ‘leadership skills’ and it seems it took Kris by a surprise. If you look at Soo Jin, you wouldn’t expect her to be like that. She looks so sweet and innocent, not to mention very pretty, but inside, she’s truly a strong person.


And that’s one of the reasons why I Love her. Yes, I love her. I loved her ever since we met in High School.


- - - - -


JangMin's Little Corner.

Hey~! :D

Ooooh. Catfight between Kris and Yeol! LOL. :))

Basically Chanyeol is mad at Kris for lying to their fathers' boss that it his father that ran away and took their company's money. And there, the Park family experienced difficulty during that time. Yeol's father couldn't get aanother job because of the bad reputation caused by Kris' lies. His Noona, (which will be revealed later ;D), had to work while studying in college and his Mother, well, let's just say that after they couldn't afford to her medications, she, well, left. yeah. left. *nervous laughing*


So yeah. That's about it for the backstory. Stay tuned for the next chapter for a flashback! (What is the flashback about?  Secret. :P)


But yey!!! I have 8 subscribers!




LOL. yeah. I know its a low number but still! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL WHO SUBSCRIBE TO THE STORY!




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isn't an update. :( Mianhe. Just changed into the new poster and BG. :) But I'll be upadtaing sometime this week. been busy these past few days. @@


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Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 7: update soon
Chapter 7: Orz. I like wooyoung, Kris, and chanyeol shipping with soo jin. Otl
Chapter 6: Adffghjjklladdgjdhjldfjubsv!!
Chapter 5: i just want to know when woo will get back in the story.
or more kris. /killed
Chapter 4: Yah~ Choi Jang Min! Update ka na dawwww~ daliii xD
Author Please update .. ^0^