
Do You Ever Love Me?


Kill me!! Please kill me!! Why I need to sit in front of Sungyeol?? And why Eunhae not offers me to sit in front of L. Ahhhhhh!!! It's gonna be soooo awkward. I nudged Eunhae's hand and giving her signal about how discomfort I felt right now. Eunhae just smiled at me and mouthing ' me,'.
Aishhhh, when I thought I could spend some quality time with Myungsoo....this is what I got. Wuaaaa TT


Think positive Hyunhee~ah!!!
Let's use this special time to get to know about INFINITE,
maybe this time, we could get along well right??? 
The start of new beginning for Hyunhee is officially starting now!!!!!



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"So will be here for good? Or you will go back to Busan again?" Sungjong looked at me with his innocent eyes and asked me those question.

To be honest, I'm quite surprised with Sungjong's question....because I still cannot digest how INFINITE could treat me like I am some kind of their old friend, like nothing happened before. Apart from that, Sungyeol and Sunggyu also kept smiling and it seems like they tried to talk to me. But yeah, I try to ignore it and eat my food. Once Sungjong asked me those question, I raised my head and looked at Sungjong. 

"Ummm well, I guess I will be here for good. My mom said since I need to focus on my study, so I should study here because I'm more comfortable with this school's environment," 

"ASSAAAAA!!! Now I can spend more time with Hyunhee Noona!!!! YAHOOOOO!!!!" suddenly Sungjongie screamed a little bit louder from what I expected. How amusing to see someone really does appreciate my existence here. Sungjong will always be my favourite dongsaeng hehehe.

Besides that, I could also see that Woohyun kept nudging Sunggyu who sat beside him. Meanwhile, Sunggyu also kept nudging Sungyeol who sat beside him. Ok, do they need anything from me or my eyes just played a trick on me. Because when Woohyun nudged Sunggyu his eyes will look at me and then Sunggyu looked at me with shy smile. 

"Come one Sunggyu, you should say something to her,"eventhough it should be a whisper from Woohyun to Sunggyu but I can still heard it.

"Why me?? It should be Sungyeol!!! He is the worst," then I heard Sunggyu whispered back to Woohyun and Sungyeol.

"Hey why me??? It should be Hoya ok!!!" ok..why they need to whisper like this in front of me?

"Ok then, just watch me," Woohyun said to both of them and then he looked at me. The moment I felt like Woohyun wanna looked at me, I pretended to eat my food. I know, this thing must has some relation with me.


"Hyunhee~ah," Woohyun called my name. Just following the flow, I looked back at him and smiling.


"I think Sunggyu wanna say something REALLY IMPORTANT to you. Right Sunggyu???" then Woohyun nudged him again at his stomach.

"Ouch!!!" Sunggyu glared at Woohyun and then looked at me with a smile. I looked at him with questioning face. " know....that....that....." 

"Palli Sunggyu hyung!!! We do not have forever to listen to your stuttering words," Sungjong cut Sunggyu words with boring look. They look so cute here.

"Can you shut up Sungjong!! Aishhhh.....Well Hyunhee, you know right Sungyeol, Hoya and I quite rude to you before., we think that we should apologize to you as we act like a bunch of immatured boys toward you before. So, we hope that you could forgive us and yeah, we can be friends too," 


OK!!! This is totally weird. Eventhough both Sungyeol and Hoya not say anything, but from their expression I know that they also feel the same like Sunggyu. I never thought that they will apologize to me. Eventhough they are quite cruel to me, but it iwas not to the extend that they hurt me physically right. But, at the same time I also feel very glad. At last INFINITE will be truly accepting me as one of their friends eventhough I am not Myungsoo's girlfriend anymore. 

"Well, there's nothing to be forgiven, yeah lets just become a good friend ok," I said to them while twirling my fork on my food. And then I give them my genuine smile because I feel really really grateful with this progression. So I guess, it is a good decision to stay here for the rest of my senior year. Thank God.


Suddenly, I got a text message from my mom.
"Myung......" I called Myungsoo. He looked at me with his cute smile and twinkling eyes. "Mom invites you and Mrs. Kim to have dinner at our house tonight. Will it be okay with you??"

"Of course my dear, we will come tonight," then, he gave me his eye smile.


But wait! WAIT!!! WAIT!!!
Am I dreaming or it is actually happening???
Or I am kind of deaf recently???

Is this a good thing??? =D


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It's 7 pm right now. Both Myungsoo and his mom already came to our house. They should come around 8 pm but Mrs. Kim said she wanna spend some time with my mother and cooking together. Meanwhile, mom asked us to wait at the living room and do some catch up as it's already 1 year and a half that both of us not meet each other. Instead of staying at living room, both of us stayed outside.

Myungsoo sat on top of the bench while I sat on top of the chair that we placed outside our house for high-tea or just for relaxing. To be honest, it is kind of awkward for both of us actually. The last time we met each other, first we already broke up, second, we hardly talked to each other after we broke up, third, the last time I saw him, I saw him kissing with his ex-girlfriend. I dunno what Myungsoo thinking right now, before this I can read him a bit...but now *sigh*. I dunno. Maybe he changed??? Or he still stay the same?? I dunno, after all we only met for....mmmm 11 hours and 5 minutes, right?

But.......I cannot hide that I also like this awkardness. It is awkward but at the same time it makes me feel calm and happy. I try to control my mouth from smiling like an idiot, but FAILED. Just sitting beside Myungsoo right now, made me on cloud nine. It seems like everything will be fine, we will be fine, we will be just like before. Yup, maybe not with the title of Myungsoo's girlfriend....but I'm grateful enough to be his dearest best friend right now.

"So, how are you......,"

"So, how are you......,"

Both of us talked at the same time. We looked at each other...silent for awhile, and then both of us laughed like it is very funny. His laugh. I love his laugh. I admitted, Myungsoo love to smile but to laugh, it takes sometimes to make him laugh. But since I practically live with him for the entire time, so he loves to laugh when we were together. But listening to his laugh after 1 and a half year made me realised that I took a righ decision to come back here. 

He gave me his eye-smile and said, "You first, okay?"

I shook my head and said, "It's okay, you first,"

"Ok then, how are you? Is it great staying in Busan?" Myungsoo asked me. Still with his eye-smile that made my heart thumping wildly right now.

"Mmmm well, I'm fine....just look at me Myung. I'm still the old fatty and cutie Hyunhee hehehhe. So, You could say that I lived my life smoothly there. Busan? Not bad...just not as good as Seoul, I guess,". Then I continued, "How about you, Myungsoo? How are you?"

"To be honest, not very fine," he answered me with sad face. I looked at him with shocked expression and mouthed to him 'Why?'
"Because you left me Hyunhee~ah," I looked at him with opened-mouth.

"Myungsoo!!!! Stop fooling around okay. I thought you got a disease, or an accident, or hurt somewhere. Haishhhh," I hit his arm lightly while babbling at him.

He laughed cutely and took my hand gently to stop it from continuously hit him. "It's true Hyunhee~ah. My heart hurted ok. Don't you ever leave me again, arasseo,"


"Liar! You can still live well without me Myungsoo. Anyway, I heard about it.....,"

"About what???" Myungsoo looked straight into my eyes. It is still beautiful like before. 

"About you and Yeseul.....," I stopped and took a glance at Myungsoo's face. He just nodded his head slightly but with no expression. "I thought both of you still going strong, yeah...I'm sorry," I continued.

"Why you should say is not your fault at all. It's just.....I think....both of us not suit each other. We broke up in good term, so no need to worry okay. Besides that, both of us still become friend," and then he grinned at me. Handsome.

"Hehehe, it's a good thing if both of you still stay good friend. So, how about have new girldfriend?? I'm sure you have one right now.....No one will reject someone like you,"


"Someone like me??? What is the meaning of someone like me??" Myungsoo asked me with raising eyebrows. And I could see his cheeky smile there.

"Someone like you......handsome, talented, intelligent, cute, kind, and all," I madly blushed right now. Eventhough he knows that I always think of him like that...But I never revealed it aloud like this.

"Are you blushing Hyunhee~ah??" I shook my head repeatedly. He laughed out loud and said, "Hahaha, cute. Nope Hyunhee, I'm still single but I think I fall in love with someone and I still waited for her," the whole time he said those sentences, he stared at me lovingly like he wanna say something to me. But yeah, I dun wanna hace high expectation right now, Because I think, to be here with Myungsoo right now already made my life became perfect.
"How about you? Got boyfriend in Busan?"


"NOPE! NEVER!" I quickly replied to him. And then I calmed down a bit and continued, "No guys will like me Myung. Please be rational okay,"

"But I do love you Hyunhee," I could heard he talked like that eventhough he just faintly said it. 


Suddenly someone coughed loud enough for both of us turned or head toward him. "Mom said dinner is ready, so she asked me to call both of you and eat together," 

"HYUNSOO!!! You are totally a big boy now. Becoming more handsome now," Myungsoo stood up while talking to Hyunsoo. Hyunsoo looked at him with unwelcoming eyes. I know Hyunsoo mad at him.

"Palli Noona," then Hyunsoo kissed my lips and quickly go inside.

Myungsoo looked at us with round eyes. Hahaha adorable. It's weird, because Hyunsoo never did something like that before. I smiled at Myungsoo and said, "He just try to be a loving brother to me hehehhee,"


"Did he mad at me Hyunhee?? Did I do something wrong before??" Myungsoo asked me as both of us walked side by side to enter my house.

"Don't worry about him Myung....sometimes, he can be quite weird hehehehe,"

"I hope so.....,"



*heheheh I already updated it to be longer.....
despite of my seldom update, thanks to all of the subscribers that still subscribed my story...
and to be honest, thanks to the readers that asked me to update, because of them I feel like I need to update something hahaha...
Thanks to the new subscribers for subscribing my story, hope all of you enjoy this story =D*


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ShahieyraPark #1
Chapter 38: just read ur story.. why not continue this story authornim.. u know what the curiosity not only kill cat, but also me!! update please authornim...
anne2231 #2
Chapter 38: Dude update?!
NoraMyFics #3
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: it is so good ,,, please we want to have more chapter..... or else is this story is finished?
izayaciel678 #4
Chapter 38: Omg!!!! Please update honey bear
anne2231 #5
Chapter 38: Update ???
Chapter 38: Just read and love your fic, can you make an update ?
anne2231 #7
Chapter 38: R u fine??? Y no updates???
anne2231 #8
Chapter 38: Update pweeeeesaeeeeeeeee
anne2231 #9
Chapter 38: Yahoooooooooooo I'm back!!!
Love the update!!!!!! Hehehe it's a she and update superrrrrrr fast
Yuosux #10
Chapter 38: Yes pls update regularly. I love this story alot