Second and Three Years~

Do You Ever Love Me?

"HYUNHEE~AH!!!! GOOD MORNING!!!!" haishhhh, this Eunhae, never changes. With her loud voice, she made everyone in the class to look at her and then at me. Huhu she is soooooo noisy.

Eunhae walks toward me and then stop. I look at her. Huhu why she looks so weird. 

"Ohhh Hyunhee~ah!!! I miss you sooooo much!!!" suddenly she hugs me tightly. Oh God, I cannot breath!! Hihi, yup Eunhae, I am also glad to see you today (again). 

"Eunhae~ah, please lower your voice. You want everyone to look weirdly at us? If they just look at you, it is still ok. No need for them to look at the ugly fat me," I talked to her in a low voice. Eunhae took a place beside me after she let go of me. Huhu she just smiles widely at me, the right word is silly smile.

"Ohh come on Hyunhee, you are not that bad ok. L will hit you, once he heard you talk like that about yourself," huhu..she is such a carefreeeeee person. L is the nickname for Myungsoo. That name not invented by him, but by the students. Myungsoo seems like the character L in Death Note because he looks a bit cold, well thats what Eunhae told me before. But with me he is so sweet but still maintain his cool.

I know Hyunhee since our elementary school times. She is my 2nd best friend after Myungsoo. With her carefree and friendly personality, it is easy for her to get many friends. Even during that time, she is the one that approached me first. I am not shy neither an outgoing person, maybe because I have Myungsoo at my side, I dont think i need anyone else around me. Because of Eunhae, i also got many friends around me. Maybe not as close as best friend, but at least we know each other. Eunhae is the first person that knew about my crush towards Myungsoo. Huhu its not like I am the one that told her, but she guessed it. Huhu am I too obvious during that time??? Haishhhh I tried my best to hide my feeling, but of course I cannot hide how pleased I am when Myungsoo was in front of me. And its not such a big deal, everyone will fall for him right?? 

Then, a teacher enters our class. A lady. "Annyeonghaseyo everyone," she bowed her head and continue, "I am your class teacher, Miss Park. I am glad to see all of you today and welcome to the high school year. I really really wanna know all of you today, but all of the teachers got a really important meeting to attend now. So, stay in this class and getting know with each other...ok class?" all of us just nodded our heads. Seems like today is our first day of school and already got a free time, I am really really LIKE it. YAHOOOO!!! After that, Miss Park just exited from our class.

Yes! Free time! Huhu seriously, I dont have any mood to learn today. I need more holidays! I guess Myungsoo will neither hate it nor like it, he will just enjoyed it. He enjoys reading books during his free time. And he also enjoys learning in the class. Eventhough he loves reading but he wont reading when I am with him kekeke. He is such an understanding boyfriend right? Maybe I should have some chat with Eunhae, since she knows almost everything especially gossips or any news. But of course not about WORLD, but about SCHOOL, HOT STUDENTS~ Thats her specialty. 

I look at Eunhae. Ehhh, she already asleep? Huhu now, I should talking with who? I look around the class, theres only around 9 people I know that come from the same middle school including Eunhae. While 20 others, I guess i never see them around here. But most of them not in the same class with me before. Huhu so many students transferred to our school. From my eyesight, students in highschool sooo sooo pretty. People said that girls and boys start to change during this time. Girls will start to wear makeups, styling their hair, choose a girly outfit. While boys will start to become more stylish and like to flirt. Huhu will Myungsoo changes too? Nahhh he wont right.

Then I shift toward the view outside the window. Now, its spring. Flower looks extra beautiful during this season. The more i look out at the window, the more my mind wanders back during my elementary school times.


Today is our last day in elementary school. Huhu I hope I can still meet Eunhae next year in middle school. I am packing my bag before Myungsoo and I will walk together to go home after this. While packing my books, I saw my diary. diary. Suddenly I remembered back what Eunhae told me before our class ended before.

"Hyunhee, when u will confess to L? After this all of us will be in middle school you know. All the girls are crazy about him, If you are not confessing to him today.....then other girls will get him," Eunhae whispered to me. Huhu maybe she didnt want Myungsoo to hear it. I looked at her with O_O eyes. 
"Are you crazy? He doenst like me Eunhae. Surely I am not his dream girl. I dont want because of my confession, both of us will become awkward. And, i never plan to confess....ok,"  I also answered her with whisper voice.
"Huhu then up to you, I just dont want you to regret it later," suddenly the bell rang, the end of our elementary school. "I will go first, confess ok," Eunhae quickly packing her bag and exited the class while waving at him.

Confess? Should I confess to Myungsoo. Does he likes me? Huhu i never ask him about type of girl that he likes. Will he likes someone fat and ugly like me? Huhu......Eunhae should not talk about it....hishhhhhh

"Hyunhee! Hyunhee! HYUNHEE!"
"Ohhh, Myungsoo. Sorry.....hihihi," huhu this is because of Eunhae. Now, I am not even heard it when Myungsoo called me.
"Whats wrong? Are you ok? Sick anywhere?," huhu Myungsoo looks so worried about me.
"Haha its nothing Myungsoo~ah. Let's go home! KAJA!" I swing my bagpack and ready to walk first. Suddenly Myungsoo grabbed my hand. I looked at him.

"Wae Myungsoo?"

"Actually....I read your diary last week," huhu he said it coolly.
" diary?? Last week??," I looked so shocked. My diary? Oh God!! That diary just full of MYUNGSOO, MYUNGSOO, MYUNGSOO, and MYUNGSOO. And how big and fat I am.
"Last week you lost your diary right? Actually i took it when I came to your house that day. I'm sorry but I never regret it," he said it while showing me a cheeky smile. Huhu oh God, now i am so ASHAMED WITH MYSLEF! Myungsoo should not read it! Huhu he must be proud with himself now.
"Ohhh yeah, no wonder i cant find it last week. Then u returned it back by putting it in my drawer, thank you for return it back," I looked down all the time. I tried to free my hand from his grip, but he tightened it. Oh no, what he is going to do now, embarassing me in front of people? And luckily no one in this class now.

"Emmmm, after i read your diary.....I think is a good time for us to become a couple," he looks at me with his smile.
Is he being serious? COUPLE? The great Myungsoo couple with the fat Hyunhee? Is he insane or I am deaf now?
"I said, lets become a couple now~ I like you and you like me, right?" he stretches out his hand towards me, "Kaja, Hyunhee~ah!" I take his hand and hold it.  "And one thing Hyunhee, dont you ever talk bad about yourself anymore...arasseo!"

Huhu, such a nice memory right. I will cherish this memory till forever. Hihihihi
Now its already 3 years, our relationship. I hope it will be last till the end =)


*Sorry for the late update ^^ 
Please dont mind my grammar mistakes. Hehe, Enjoy*


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ShahieyraPark #1
Chapter 38: just read ur story.. why not continue this story authornim.. u know what the curiosity not only kill cat, but also me!! update please authornim...
anne2231 #2
Chapter 38: Dude update?!
NoraMyFics #3
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: it is so good ,,, please we want to have more chapter..... or else is this story is finished?
izayaciel678 #4
Chapter 38: Omg!!!! Please update honey bear
anne2231 #5
Chapter 38: Update ???
Chapter 38: Just read and love your fic, can you make an update ?
anne2231 #7
Chapter 38: R u fine??? Y no updates???
anne2231 #8
Chapter 38: Update pweeeeesaeeeeeeeee
anne2231 #9
Chapter 38: Yahoooooooooooo I'm back!!!
Love the update!!!!!! Hehehe it's a she and update superrrrrrr fast
Yuosux #10
Chapter 38: Yes pls update regularly. I love this story alot