The Date

In Denial


Laughing, Junhong and Hani stepped off the bike as they reached their destination- a small restaurant that looked out onto the river.

“It's cute,” Hani told Junhong, trying to neaten up her hair after it had been in the helmet. Junhong grinned and looped his arm around Hani's waist, guiding her gently towards the door.


“Good evening, do you have a reservation?” A young waitress greeted the couple at the door, her eyes only on Junhong.

“Choi Junhong, for seven thirty,” Junhong replied, glaring at the waitress. She still didn't seem to understand that he wasn't interested, and bent over the reservations stand, sticking out her bottom and chest. Hani laughed a little at the waitress's attempts to get Junhong's attention, then smiled as Junhong took her hand.

“Follow me,” the waitress tried to smirk ily and led the way to a table at the back of the restaurant, unnecessarily swaying her hips as she walked.

“It's not just me who thinks she looks stupid, right?” Junhong asked, leaning down to Hani.

“Definitely not,” Hani assured him.


After a few minutes of easy conversation and a flick through the menu, a different waiter came to the couple's table. He took their order quickly and with no unnecessary flirting, so Hani felt a little more comfortable. The night passed quickly, too quickly, and soon Junhong was leading her out of the restaurant into the cold night air.


“Do we have to go home so soon?” Hani complained, pouting as she looked up to Junhong.

“You think our date is over? There's still somewhere else we need to go,” Junhong told her, pulling her close as they walked to Junhong's motorbike. As they neared the bike Junhong swerved away, taking Hani with him, and stepped onto a path leading into the sparse forest.

“Where are we going?” Hani nimbly stepped over tree roots, clinging onto Junhong's hand.

“Here!” Junhong exclaimed, gesturing to a clearing with a perfect view of the sky.


“I thought we could stargaze... I didn't really think that the city lights would make a difference,” Junhong admitted as he lay, fingers entwined with Hani's, on the grassy ground. Hani giggled, a sound that Junhong loved to hear.

“Don't worry. It's kind of nice, being here, without anyone,” Hani said wistfully, turning over to face Junhong, and the two of them subconsciously moved closer to kiss.


A bright light shone through the trees, causing Hani to sit up and hold her hand against her eyes.

“Hani's on the floor!” a familiar deep voice yelled. “Hani, are you okay?”

P.O rushed forward into the clearing, B-Bomb following behind cautiously.

“Who's this? Zelo?” B-Bomb asked as Junhong stood up.

“B-Bomb, hi,” Junhong grinned.

“Who's Zelo?” Hani wondered aloud as she brushed off her jeans.

“It's my nickname,” Junhong told her. Hani nodded and moved to grasp his hand, but P.O stepped between them.

“We're going back to Zico's,” he said sternly.

“But I'm on a date,” Hani smiled cheekily, slipping around P.O and into Junhong's arms.

“Hani, I really think you should come with us,” B-Bomb said, eyebrows knitting together.


“Put me down!” Hani screeched, drumming her fists into P.O's back. He had lifted her up and easily hoisted her over his shoulder, holding the backs of her knees as he walked back down to his car.

“You should've just come with us instead of insisting on staying with Zelo,” B-Bomb almost laughed.

“Why are you doing this anyway?” Hani asked, exasperated.

“Zico's super worried but he won't admit it.”

“He's been sat watching the door since we got there.”

“He didn't even say hi,” P.O said. “We thought we'd come and find you.”

“How did you find me?” Hani stopped punching P.O for a moment.

“We saw Zelo's new bike as soon as he got it, then we asked his friends where he'd gone. We figured we'd find him easy enough.”

“Oh,” Hani mumbled.


B-Bomb was driving the shiny black car back to Zico's house, with P.O and Hani in the back.

“You're not really called B-Bomb and P.O, are you?” Hani asked, looking up from braiding a section of hair.

“My proper name is Minhyuk, but sounds kind of... girly,” B-Bomb, or Minhyuk admitted.

“Pyo Jihoon, pleased to make your acquaintance,” P.O leant over the back seat and held out a hand to shake Hani's.

“Minhyuk and Jihoon... what's wrong with those names?”

“They're not badass enough,” Jihoon grinned and jumped out of the car as they arrived at Zico's.


Minhyuk and Jihoon walked inside first, not earning a reaction from Zico. When Hani shuffled inside, closing the door afterwards, Zico's whole face lit up and he ran to Hani, hugging her and lifting her up off the ground.

“Missed me?” Hani laughed as Zico gently put her down.

“No...” Zico denied quickly. Hani easily slung her arm around his waist and glanced up at him. He was watching her closely, something burning behind his eyeliner-rimmed eyes. A passion for something Hani could only guess was her.

helloooo~ i'm really sorry i haven't updated for ages i've been watching school 2013 and crying over woobin and jongsuk then crying over the mortal instruments series super busy, ilu all!!!

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Chapter 14: adore this fic !! it's different and Zico is chooo cute! write more soon! (^.^)b
Chapter 10: Love it. : ) you are awesome. Fighting <3
Chapter 8: I love this fic sooo much keep it up ^^
blockb2012 #4
Chapter 6: i like this fic soooo much <3<3 zico is so cutee >w<