Thankyou, but Sorry

Childhood Promises
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♦ Jia ♦

He pulled away after a long, slow kiss that left the two of us breathless.

"Woohyun-ssi...I'm really sorry..."

His eyebrows arched upwards, "why are you apologizing?"

"I...I can't let you court me for 30 days: It's not fair for you, and it's not fair for my boyfriend back in Korea."

"You can't even tolerate my small wish?" his eyes glistened with what looked like tears, "can you really bear to be so heartless?"

"If I don't harden my heart now, all three of us will suffer in the end; I can't guarantee myself that I won't fall for you again, yet I know very well that I will never forget Myungsoo. Either way, we'll get hurt, and neither of you deserve that."


He struggled to keep his emotions at bay for a second, before he braved a smile at me, and kissed my forehead lovingly in a melancholic goodbye. "I love you, and I'll keep waiting until the day you turn around for me."

I groaned, "Woohyun-"

"No, let me have my freedom and my love; I am entitled to at least that much."

"...Alright, but I really hope there will come a day when another g-"


"How can you be so sure?! No one can see into the future, so how can you say something like that so carelessly?!" I calmed myself with effort, "I once thought you would be my unrequited crush forever - but fate brought Myungsoo to me once more, and I was able to move on. Never did I even imagine something like that would happen; but it did."

Shoulders slumped in defeat, Woohyun kissed my hand once more, before leaving me in 308, turning the door handel of his own, and disappearing into the dark room without flicking the lights on.



Later that night, I received a small text from Woohyun, saying that he has booked his flight to Seoul early tomorrow morning, and that he wishes me happiness for the rest of eternity.

Tears sprang to my eyes as I read his simple yet sincere text; and for the billionth time that night, I wished  that I had met Woohyun first, had fallen in love with him at the same time as he loved me - without obstacles, and that Myungsoo hadn't come back after 10 years to prove himself as my true love.

Some may argue that there will only ever be one soul mate in your life time, but I never believed that theory: Afterall, some people live and die without ever having found the right one, and others marry and divorce multiple times, every time to find what they considered at the time to be their destinied true love. Maybe Myungsoo had been destinied for me by fate, but Woohyun was definitely sent directly by the angels to guard and love me in a way only he could.

Both boys loved me

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Chapter 44: Such a kyute story....they're so sweet ∩__∩
fanaticnamu #2
Chapter 44: Daddy myungsoo aaaakkk
i love youuuu
so cute
thanks for the story.
keep fighting
Chapter 44: Haha so cute . Like it
lovingasianfanfic #4
Chapter 44: This is so cute =) i love happy endings <3
Chapter 44: Fluff fluff fluff! Omg! I loovveeee this author-nim! Good job!❤️❤️❤️
hey there... I'm reading one of ur story again... Finished it by now... The ending is reeeeaaaallllyyy cute!!!! Even though i am a namstar bias but i juz read it.... Thank u for the story ^^
Chapter 44: awww. i think i already read this story once long ago but i can't find it. glad when i finally find this story once again. already noticed it from the foreword and the first chapter. love this and the ending, so cute.
Chapter 44: Aww the ending is so cute <3
'Because he is too amazed by his own perfection' I don't even start your fiction and you already kill me xD