Confessions 3 Years Later...

Childhood Promises
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♦ Jia ♦

"I love you, Jia, I've loved you for 3 years."


My eyes widened in disbelief, shock, and a feeling of betrayal - disbelief and shock because I have imagined this scene countless times in my dreams, but feeling betrayal due to the fact that I now have a boyfriend.

Unable to utter a decent reply, I simply shake my head subtlely to let him understand the fact that I cannot accept his feelings.

But to my surprise, he isn't put off in the slightest, and instead pulls me into his embrace, trapping me in his toned arms and luring me into him with his irresistable scent.


"Hear me out, please," he begs into my ear, "I know we've practically been strangers for these past few years, but the truth is: I never looked away from you in all this time."

"But..." I finally find my voice, "but we never even spoke after our first meeting in freshman year!"

"I had to ignore you in order to save you!" he groaned in frustration, "you have no idea how scary the fangirls are!"


Woohyun was trying to protect me? "And how would you know that? I thought you never took notice of your little fan groups."

"I did...until I met you!" a frown appeared between his eyebrows, and I subconsciously reached out to smooth the wrinkles; but Woohyun caught my hand, and held it to his lips. "I never took much notice of my fans before, because to me they are simply a screaming bunch of humans waiting to lay their hands upon my body - they don't want ME, they only want the perfect model Nam Woohyun."


"That's not true for everyone; and I know the feeling of being a fangirl and thinking about someone who could never be with you..."

Woohyun's eyes disappeared as his mischievous smirk lit up his handsome face, "Were you a fan of mine?"

I blushed, but nodded.

He pressed his lips against my palm lovingly, "This is too good to be true."


The pink on my cheeks intensified, "I was deputy leader for your biggest fanclub back in our 2nd year - but you never noticed me..."

A frustrated hand found its way through his brown, styled hair. "I admit I'm a bad celebrity in terms of fanservice and looking after my fans - but I was serious when I say they were scary. The first day I met you, I was really interested in you, and wanted to start off being friends with you. We talked easily enough in form class, however, when lunch break came along, I heard girls whispering your name EVERYWHERE! And they weren't whispering nice things about you either. I didn't take much notice, until I heard one of them say: 'That b**ch needs to die if she's going anywhere near oppa again', so I purposely kept a distance from you since that day."


Wow...He was so serious about me?! Even going out of his to NOT talk to me because he thought it would put me in danger...

"But fate couldn't keep still," he continued, "and I met you again in the library. I couldn't resist - how could I? When the girl I've been acting as guardian angel over suddenly appears in front of me, defenceless and completely alone? Because that library isn't usually visited by students from our school, I decided to stop acting like the paranoid guy that I am at school, and just relaxed while sitting next to you. That was all before your boyfriend turned up, of course..."



My boyfrie

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Chapter 44: Such a kyute story....they're so sweet ∩__∩
fanaticnamu #2
Chapter 44: Daddy myungsoo aaaakkk
i love youuuu
so cute
thanks for the story.
keep fighting
Chapter 44: Haha so cute . Like it
lovingasianfanfic #4
Chapter 44: This is so cute =) i love happy endings <3
Chapter 44: Fluff fluff fluff! Omg! I loovveeee this author-nim! Good job!❤️❤️❤️
hey there... I'm reading one of ur story again... Finished it by now... The ending is reeeeaaaallllyyy cute!!!! Even though i am a namstar bias but i juz read it.... Thank u for the story ^^
Chapter 44: awww. i think i already read this story once long ago but i can't find it. glad when i finally find this story once again. already noticed it from the foreword and the first chapter. love this and the ending, so cute.
Chapter 44: Aww the ending is so cute <3
'Because he is too amazed by his own perfection' I don't even start your fiction and you already kill me xD