Chapter 6

Never Let Me Go


Siwon came to his house next day in night after all his schedule ends. Kyu didn’t know about his meeting with his father, Siwon decided not to tell him because it’s only makes the boy worried even more.

Siwon entered his house that he used to live in before he decides to move out and buy an apartment for himself. The house was just too quite. There’s only sound of TV in the living room. Siwon brought himself to the living room, and he found his parents sitting there.


His father looked at him, and he turns off the TV, he motioned Siwon to sit.

Then Siwon sits across from his father.

His father clears his throat and began to talk, “I just got back from business in New York, and I got this right after we arrived at home,” Mr. Choi  throw a newspaper to the table, Siwon looked at it, the front page was his photo in front of SM building right after he gave his confession.


“I didn’t raise you up for this bull, Choi Siwon,” his father cut him, his tone is rising up. Siwon can see his mother started to worry.

“I love him.” Siwon finally said to defense himself; he can’t just sit there and didn’t say anything.

“Jesus Christ!” his father stands up, “you are still young, and you don’t know anything about love!”

Siwon follows his father, he stands up, and also rising up his tone, he has to fight for Kyu and himself, “I’m not a little child anymore, Dad!! And I know I love him!”

“You are insane!!” now Mr. Choi is already boiling up.

Siwon get silent for a while.

“Break up with him,” said his father suddenly.

Siwon a little bit taken back with his father words, he holds his breath and answered, “No.”

“Break up with him!” Mr. Choi raises his tone again.

“I said no, Dad! Can you just be happy for your own son? I’m happy with Kyu!”

Mr. Choi goes silent, he then rubs his own face, “you know what I can do to him.”

Now Siwon is totally shocked, “don’t you dare, Dad!”

“Then break up with him.”

“What’s wrong with you? Are you really don’t want me to be happy?” Siwon said, he can’t believe what his father just said.

“YOU are the wrong one in here! Break up with him, or else...”

“I can’t believe you use your power for that. I won’t break up with him. And you better stay away from him, Dad.” Siwon is also boiling up, he pointed his dad, his jaw is tighten, his anger is all over his face, he holds his own hand not to punched his father, just because he don’t want to see his mother getting any sadder.

Siwon looks at his parents one more time, and decided to walk out from his house.


The same time when Siwon talks to his parents, Kyu just go out from his last class. It was a tiring day, he got a class since morning until this night, and all he wants to do is go home, have a bath and sleep in his own bed.


During his walks to his own apartment, Kyu still observed by almost everyone that recognize him. Kyu try to getting used to with all those glares, even though it’s not much but he feels happy when some people looked at him smiling and sometimes nodding. This people who seem to be fine with his relationship with Siwon suddenly light up his mood, he walks comfortably to his own apartment.


Until some girl walks towards him with strong and kinda fast steps, Kyu still try to walk casually, but his eyebrows are frowning. This girl is getting closer to him, and before he knows, she throw a punch right in Kyu’s left eye. Kyu who still shocked can’t realize what was just happen, and before he can realize that girl throw another punch to Kyu’s left cheek, and then to Kyu’s right cheek. And for the last, that girl kicked hard his stomach right in his right rib. Kyu falls with that kicked, he touches his hurt cheek, his eyebrows are still frowning, he saw that girl in front of him is breathing heavily.

She shakes his head and said, “You don’t even deserve him.


Siwon got a phone call right after he went out from his house, when he saw it’s from Kyuhyun he try to calm his anger.

“Yes babe?”

“Can you pick me up? I’m in the police station.”


Siwon is rushing to go to the police station, and when he reached the police station he can see Kyu is sitting in one of the chair while holding a cold pack to his face. Siwon quicken his steps and sitting right next to Kyu in a second. Kyu looked at him; he can see all worried in his man’s face.

Siwon took off the cold pack to see clearly to Kyu’s face, and he feels hurts when he see some bruises in Kyu’s face. Siwon touch it so softly.

“Are you okay?” asked him.

Kyu is nodding. Siwon rubs Kyu’s arm softly and looking at him with concern looks. But suddenly he stands up, and he can see one girl, probably in same age as Kyuhyun, sitting with annoying face, and there is an officer who is also sitting next to the girl, trying to ask her.

“Is that her?” Siwon asked looking at Kyu, Kyu didn’t want to answer it, but Siwon already know the answer.

He walks to that girl, he tighten his jaw, “why did you do that?” Siwon try to not screaming, but anyone in this room can feel anger on Siwon’s tone.

The girl looked at him mixed feeling in her face; satisfied, confused, and a little bit taken back. Satisfied because she just punched Kyuhyun, confused because Siwon seems angry while she thinks she just did something great, and a little bit taken back because her idol is approaching her.

That girl holds her breath and then said with confident way; “he doesn’t deserve you.”

“And you think you do?”

Kyu finally stands when he can feel Siwon’s tone is getting angrier, he approached the man, Kyu hold Siwon arm.

“Won....” he tries to calm Siwon.

“No, Kyu. She just hurt you.” Siwon answers while looking at Kyu, and he turns to the girl.

“You deserve better than him,” that girl said again, more confident this time.

“You!” Siwon is half screaming, Kyu tighten his hold.

“Won.... Please, I just want to go home,” said Kyu again.

Siwon looked to Kyu’s face once again, he can see tired in his lover’s face. Then he tries to calm himself a little bit, he turns to the girl and ready to say something again but Kyu tighten his hold even more. So, Siwon decide to face back to Kyu and warp his arm around Kyu’s shoulder lightly. He rubs his lover’s arm softly once again, and they decided to go home.


In their way to Kyu’s apartment, they all in silent.

“Do you really think we don’t need to go to the doctor?” asked Siwon broke the silent.

“We can do that tomorrow, Won. I just really want to go home right now,” After all classes along the day and this accident, Kyu has wanted nothing except go home.

Siwon can only nod. He drives silently, while Kyu in the other hand starts to get sleepy.


I'm sorry I made Kyu looks so weak by getting punched from a girl. But actually, he is not weak, Kyu always be strong as long as he had Siwon by his side. LOL. Anyway, enjoy! <3

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Chapter 10: so sweeettt...yeah this is ur behaviour who i wait from at first!! You have to do the best to catch kyuhyun being your owner again choi... So awkwards moment, all member, all staff, and all fans watch what are u doing to kyu, then they all of them give u are support and permit.. So please be happy with ur deciding choi.. Be happy with kyuhyun. Happy family wonkyu......
Chapter 9: yeah you are right hyukjae, this is a good time to siwon and kyuhyun move up then starting a new relathion again, clean weird memories at the past. Please siwon do everything to make it be so nice.... Hold kyu onto your embracing again.
Chapter 8: *sobs* it's really bad.....why you do it to kyu siwon? You think kyu will be fine even you kick him far away, rather he is stay with you or gone i believe it more good he is stay with u than go away. You are everything for kyu siwon!! Don't get stupid think likt this TT
Chapter 7: omggg his kyu rips really get pain like tho. Ughhh so pity kyukyu..
I hope siwon not kick away kyu for scholarship. Please siwon...his happiness just beside of you eventhought it was terrible moment for you and them but it would so terrible even you sent him far away from you. Belive me.
Chapter 6: who is she? Why she fight kyu like tho? Pooorrr baby kyu.. It's reallyhurt i think. Really annoying woman :(((((((((
Chapter 5: your manner to making kyu cheers up is succesful. Good job siwon. Your absurd dance and sing really make him feel good XD

ofc you should keep kyu for another people who would hurt him including by your dad. Hopely he can understand for it. Fighting!
Chapter 4: you can through it will be so nice, fighting kyu. Ignoring all of fans comment for you. Your love and siwon never be fault. Believe me. Cheers your bf siwon, he need big support for now.
Chapter 3: i know it would be soon for publish their relation but i thought it's well. As soon as they know abt wonkyu relation, so it would be so nice from them, they can't free to do anything in public shouldn't covered with something..
Chapter 2: ahhh finally they ask about their feeling and decided to being together. I am so happy....
How can you lost your laptop siwon? Isn't any important file in there? O,O
Chapter 1: love at the first sigh? Hahaha maybe, they meet each other even awkwards moment but i am sure they also get same signal for each other..