Chapter 1

Never Let Me Go



It was winter, when Choi Siwon met Cho Kyuhyun. They met in some cafe down the street. Kyuhyun was there, spending his time reading a law book as a law student. While Siwon was there making a caos from his arrival.


Choi Siwon is one of the members of the most famous boy band in the world, Super Junior. He is in charge of visual, he is also known by his acting, his famous dimple, perfect face, perfect body, his strong faith for God, and last but not least also because his wealth. His father is one of the most successful businessmen in South Korea; they own some company and department stores. Only God’s knows how much their wealth is.


Super Junior themselves is already famous all over the world, they actually have 12 members. 2 of them; Hangeng and Kibum, decide to focus in their personal career, and another 2 of them; Leetuk and Heechul, is in charge of doing their military service.


While in the other hands, Cho Kyuhyun a law student from a famous university in South Korea, a son of a lecturer, famous in college only because his amazing A strike grades and his sharp tongue. Kyuhyun is somewhat has a mysterious personality. He doesn’t have any close friend; his only focus is for his academic and to get another good grade.


And there they were, in some cafe in the winter. Siwon entered the cafe followed by some fan girls, and there when they eyes met for the first time. Kyuhyun that disturbed by a suddenly caos that comes from the front door lift up his head from the book and there was when his eyes met Siwon’s. They were exchanging looks for view seconds, when Kyu decide to look back to his book.


Kyu’s eyes might back to the book, but not his mind. He didn’t know what it is. But his mind just can’t back concentrate to the book. He try to ignore it by his heart is pounding a little bit faster than before.

Meanwhile Siwon was also trying to get focus to buy a glass of Americano, he even can’t answer the cashier right away when the cashier asked he want it cold or hot. Siwon was out of his mind for some minutes, he just feels he is lost in those big brown orbs that he just saw.


And when Siwon took his order, he was walking through the boy that just made his heart pound but didn’t dare enough to start a conversation with him. So there he was, standing in middle of the path between the boy’s chair and another empty chair. Siwon’s mind goes blank. He was stealing a gaze to that boy, and back to the empty chair, and back to the boy, and back to the empty chair, and it goes on until some worker of the cafe asked him where he was going.


Kyuhyun in the other hand can see that boy in the right corner of his eyes, his heart is pounding a little bit faster again, and he already read the same sentence for over and over again. And Kyu lift his head up when he hear some worker of the cafe asked that man where he was going, and there again, their gaze met for the second time.


Siwon hold his breath, and encourage himself to asked the boy who now is looking at him with such a beautiful gaze.


“Do you mind if I sit here?” There. He finally asked. And finally breathe.

Now it’s Kyu turns to goes blank, he just stare the man but finally can answer him with of course stutter answer; “N-no.”


And Siwon was finally sitting in front of the boy. He finally can have a clear look of him. He can see clearly the brown eyeball, the perfect pinky lips, the milky white skin, the perfect nose, and the fluffy brown hair that fails down perfectly.


For Kyuhyun, he can see the perfect man perfectly, the eyes that kinda looking at him so deep, the perfect nose, his small lips, and that perfect short haircut. Both of them were looking each other too long until finally Kyu awake after drowning from this man’s deep gaze.


“Sorry,” Siwon said.

Kyu looks at him again but quickly looks to other way, too afraid that he will lost in that gaze again.

“Do I interrupt you from your reading?” Siwon asked again.

Kyu look at his book, “no... Not really.”

“So what are you reading?” Siwon try to sound as normal as possible, he try to hide his nervous voice with some clear throat.

“Just some law books for college.” Kyu answered, still not dare to look to Siwon’s eyes.


And there was an awkward silence until Siwon once again broke the silence, “I haven’t introduced myself, I’m Siwon.” He extended his hand.

Kyu look at it, and reached the hand, “I know who you are.”

“You do?”

“Of course. You are that rich famous guy, aren’t you?” That came wrong. Kyu curse himself for that, it’s just because he is too nervous so he said some sarcastic words.

Siwon silent for a while can’t believe for what he heard.

“I’m sorry,” said Kyuhyun finally, “I.... I really didn’t mind that way...” Kyu finally looked at him with guilty.

And there when Siwon was smiling, showing his famous dimple. Kyu looked at the dimple, suddenly spellbound by them.

“It’s okay. But, I don’t know you,”

“Oh, ehm, I’m Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun,” Kyu answered it, a little bit stutter.

“Nice to meet you, Cho Kyuhyun.” Said Siwon then showed his dimple again.

This time Kyuhyun respond it not with a blank stare, but with a smile, “nice to meet you too, Siwon.”

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Chapter 10: so sweeettt...yeah this is ur behaviour who i wait from at first!! You have to do the best to catch kyuhyun being your owner again choi... So awkwards moment, all member, all staff, and all fans watch what are u doing to kyu, then they all of them give u are support and permit.. So please be happy with ur deciding choi.. Be happy with kyuhyun. Happy family wonkyu......
Chapter 9: yeah you are right hyukjae, this is a good time to siwon and kyuhyun move up then starting a new relathion again, clean weird memories at the past. Please siwon do everything to make it be so nice.... Hold kyu onto your embracing again.
Chapter 8: *sobs* it's really bad.....why you do it to kyu siwon? You think kyu will be fine even you kick him far away, rather he is stay with you or gone i believe it more good he is stay with u than go away. You are everything for kyu siwon!! Don't get stupid think likt this TT
Chapter 7: omggg his kyu rips really get pain like tho. Ughhh so pity kyukyu..
I hope siwon not kick away kyu for scholarship. Please siwon...his happiness just beside of you eventhought it was terrible moment for you and them but it would so terrible even you sent him far away from you. Belive me.
Chapter 6: who is she? Why she fight kyu like tho? Pooorrr baby kyu.. It's reallyhurt i think. Really annoying woman :(((((((((
Chapter 5: your manner to making kyu cheers up is succesful. Good job siwon. Your absurd dance and sing really make him feel good XD

ofc you should keep kyu for another people who would hurt him including by your dad. Hopely he can understand for it. Fighting!
Chapter 4: you can through it will be so nice, fighting kyu. Ignoring all of fans comment for you. Your love and siwon never be fault. Believe me. Cheers your bf siwon, he need big support for now.
Chapter 3: i know it would be soon for publish their relation but i thought it's well. As soon as they know abt wonkyu relation, so it would be so nice from them, they can't free to do anything in public shouldn't covered with something..
Chapter 2: ahhh finally they ask about their feeling and decided to being together. I am so happy....
How can you lost your laptop siwon? Isn't any important file in there? O,O
Chapter 1: love at the first sigh? Hahaha maybe, they meet each other even awkwards moment but i am sure they also get same signal for each other..