Chapter 10

Never Let Me Go


It was Siwon turns to speak. His eyes try to narrow to the audience, but his eyes stuck in one place. Kyu’s eyes.

Siwon looked at the boy, even if they are not that close he still can see Kyu’s eyes. His mind suddenly can’t work. He can’t think about anything.

“I....” He tries to speak, but he can’t continue it.

His eyes still stuck in Kyu’s eyes, his mind still stop working.

“I....” Siwon try again, but still no word.

And that was when suddenly Kyu removes something in his cheek with his palm, even Siwon can’t see it clearly, he knows it was tears. Why he is crying?

Not only crying, Kyu now stand up from his seat and about to leave the concert.


That was when Siwon mind finally can work, he finally know what to do, he finally know he can’t let Kyu go once again, he finally know that he can’t live without him even a day.

“I’m sorry,” Siwon said, and he gave the mic to the person next to him, Donghae.

Siwon then runs towards Kyu, he leave the stages, living all the other members get confused but didn’t try to stop him. The audience also get confused, their eyes followed where Siwon will go, and also the camera still shoot him and make his face is the only thing that people can see in the big screen.


But Siwon doesn’t care, he doesn’t care about how many people that get curious about his sudden action, he doesn’t care about anything else except Kyuhyun. He can’t let him go this time.

“Kyu!” Siwon start calling him when they are getting closer.

Kyu who heard the familiar voice calling him turn his body around, he got a shocked even more when he see Siwon quicken up his steps towards him.


And there they are, standing face to face after long time, the camera now shoot both of him, now Kyu and Siwon are on the big screen, the audience is getting more curious with this.

Siwon is painting, he try to control his breath, and finally said, “I’m sorry,”

Kyu only can look to the man’s eyes; he doesn’t know what to say.

“I’m sorry when I said what’s going on between us is not love. I’m sorry because I leave you. I’m sorry because I gave up too soon for us. I’m sorry I didn’t fight harder. I’m sorry about my foolishness. I’m sorry, Kyu. I’m sorry I made you hurt.”

Kyu still got silent, but his eyes start to get teary once again.

“I love you. I love you, Cho Kyuhyun. Always have and always will. I love you every day since I met you. Even when I said I didn’t love you, I love you.”

Kyu’s tears are now flowing, and he still can’t say anything.

“Say something...” Siwon pleaded.

Kyu remove the tears with his hand once again.

“Do you still love me, Kyu?” Siwon asked, more about whispering.

Kyu looked at him right in the eyes, then finally, he smile. His first true smile after all this time. His tears are still flowing, but it is tears of happiness.

Siwon who first looked confused now turns his confusion to a big smile, he then reach the boy’s hand, wipe the tears in Kyu’s cheek, and get the boy closer to him.

“You stupid if you asked me that,” Kyu finally said something, and then smile again.

Siwon can’t hold his big grin; he looked once to Kyu’s eyes, then once again to his lips before kissing it. They kiss passionately, slow, just enjoying the touch that has been missing for almost a year. The audience is now gasping with that, all camera suddenly capture that moment, the members on the stage is a little bit shocked too, but in the end, they smile, happy with the return of Kyu and Siwon’s love.

Siwon pulled out Kyu from their kiss, but they still on the position, Siwon pecked those lips once again.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers.

Kyu shook his head and pecked Siwon’s lips and said, “Don’t ever let me go again.”

Siwon smile, “I won’t.”

The he pulled Kyu into a tight and long hug. Kyu hide his face on the crook of Siwon’s neck. And suddenly the other members on the stage clap their hands, and start yelling to support Siwon and Kyu.

Both of them looked at them and smile. The audience who once can only gasping can’t help but also start to clap their hands. Siwon and Kyu didn’t expect a sudden claps from their fans, but they feel so happy about it. Eventually all what Siwon said to him is also heard by others, since Siwon still wore a mic that patch in his cheek. So yeah, everyone in there just heard everything that Siwon said. Kyu who noticed this is blushing like a mad and he hide his face even more to the man’s board chest. Siwon who miss the touch like this can stop smiling and kiss Kyu’s head, inhaling the scent that he misses the more.

While in the other hand, Eunhyuk and Donghae are holding hands in the stage, looking at each other and smile.


After the concert, they held a big dinner with the other staff; Siwon is very happy with it and become happier when he knew Kyuhyun is now back with him. Siwon can’t let Kyu get of his sight even a minute, the other staff and member can only chuckled and shook their head looking how possessive Siwon over Kyu.

Kyu can only blushing with how Siwon is so protecting him, but he doesn’t mind, he is happy with that. And when they met Eunhyuk, Siwon suddenly pulled his hyung into a hug.

“Thank you,” he said.

Eunhyuk return the hug and smile, “told you.”


After that day, everything seems get better. Kyu told his father he decided to go back to Seoul, he can’t because stay in London, because for Kyu London is only his runaway. Now he has nothing to runaway, so if he continues study in London he’ll only do it with his half heart. First his father sighed, but in the end he smile.

“Do whatever you want to do son. I’ll always support you. It’s enough to forced you to do what I want you to do since you were a kid. Now, it’s time to you live your own life.”

Kyu at first can’t believe what his dad just said, but finally he hugged his dad, and muttered a thank you.

The news about Siwon is getting back with Kyu is spreading to the world quick. Siwon’s father finally heard it, and he also saw the video from the concert. Mr. Choi decided to call his son to come home to talk. But unexpectedly Mr. Choi asked Siwon to come home not to ask him to break up again, instead he said; “I was wrong. I thought asking you to break up with him will solve the problem, I thought I already be a good father with that. But I was wrong,” he looked to Siwon’s eyes, “son, always fight for your love, that’s the only way you can live happily.”

After hearing what his father said, Siwon hug his old man and said thank you, his father then asked him to bring Kyu home once a while. Siwon nod his head while giving his father a big smile.


It was summer; Super Junior’s members don’t have any schedule today. They are celebrating his successful Super Show in their dorm with karaoke-ing, not only the member, but also some of their manager. Now it’s Shindong and Eunhyuk turn to sing the song that they choose, they are dancing stupidly making everyone laugh including Kyuhyun whose sitting in couch with Siwon’s arm warping around his body.

After Shindong and Eunhyuk done with their song, suddenly an old ballad song came up; it is I Have a Lover by Lee EunMi.

“Woah, who choose this song?” Shindong asked.

Kyu eyes back to the screen, and suddenly he stand up excitedly, “that’s me!” said Kyu cheerfully.

The others including Siwon get a little bit shocked with Kyu’s choice of song, it was kinda one hard song to sing, even for singer like them.

But Kyu didn’t seem to notice it, he just began to sing. He is too concentrating with his sing so he didn’t see the way the other members and their manager see him. They are too shocked listen to Kyu’s voice; they didn’t know Kyu had such a beautiful voice. He didn’t miss any note, his pitch is perfect, and the high tone is also perfect.

When the song ends, they still mesmerized by Kyu’s voice, Kyu got confused with their reaction.

“Daebaaaaaaak,” said Shindong break the silence.

Kyu now is blushing; he came back to Siwon’s embrace. Siwon who still shocked too with Kyu’s voice embrace him with still shocked face.

“I don’t know he can sing,” said Sungmin.

I don’t know he can sing,” said Siwon too, make sure to press in the word ‘I’

Kyu is still blushing; he hides his face on Siwon’s chest, Siwon smile looking at his shy boyfriend, he kisses the boy’s forehead.

“I don’t know you can sing like that, babe,” said Siwon to Kyu.

Kyu is not only blushing but now pouting, he knows Siwon love to .

Siwon can’t help but laugh, and then he pecked the boy’s lips and pulled him in to a tight hug.

“But seriously, Kyu, you really can sing. Isn’t his voice good, manager hyung?” Kangin asked to one of the manager.

They didn’t notice that their managers are still in shocked after hearing Kyu’s voice. It’s not like they never heard a good voice like that, but it’s Kyuhyun’s voice, he is a law student, not a singer.

The other members are getting confused with their manager, and finally one of their manager awake from his shocked because Kyu’s voice, and said, “I think our company need a new solo male artist.”


This is the end! I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for all support and advice. This is the first story that I've ever been finished write it. And I'm so happy you all can read it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so muuuuuuuch.

Spread the love of Wonkyu!

p.s: For those who asked for , I'm still young, and innocent (LOL). I don't know, maybe I'll try it next time.

Me love you people!!!!! <333333

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Chapter 10: so sweeettt...yeah this is ur behaviour who i wait from at first!! You have to do the best to catch kyuhyun being your owner again choi... So awkwards moment, all member, all staff, and all fans watch what are u doing to kyu, then they all of them give u are support and permit.. So please be happy with ur deciding choi.. Be happy with kyuhyun. Happy family wonkyu......
Chapter 9: yeah you are right hyukjae, this is a good time to siwon and kyuhyun move up then starting a new relathion again, clean weird memories at the past. Please siwon do everything to make it be so nice.... Hold kyu onto your embracing again.
Chapter 8: *sobs* it's really bad.....why you do it to kyu siwon? You think kyu will be fine even you kick him far away, rather he is stay with you or gone i believe it more good he is stay with u than go away. You are everything for kyu siwon!! Don't get stupid think likt this TT
Chapter 7: omggg his kyu rips really get pain like tho. Ughhh so pity kyukyu..
I hope siwon not kick away kyu for scholarship. Please siwon...his happiness just beside of you eventhought it was terrible moment for you and them but it would so terrible even you sent him far away from you. Belive me.
Chapter 6: who is she? Why she fight kyu like tho? Pooorrr baby kyu.. It's reallyhurt i think. Really annoying woman :(((((((((
Chapter 5: your manner to making kyu cheers up is succesful. Good job siwon. Your absurd dance and sing really make him feel good XD

ofc you should keep kyu for another people who would hurt him including by your dad. Hopely he can understand for it. Fighting!
Chapter 4: you can through it will be so nice, fighting kyu. Ignoring all of fans comment for you. Your love and siwon never be fault. Believe me. Cheers your bf siwon, he need big support for now.
Chapter 3: i know it would be soon for publish their relation but i thought it's well. As soon as they know abt wonkyu relation, so it would be so nice from them, they can't free to do anything in public shouldn't covered with something..
Chapter 2: ahhh finally they ask about their feeling and decided to being together. I am so happy....
How can you lost your laptop siwon? Isn't any important file in there? O,O
Chapter 1: love at the first sigh? Hahaha maybe, they meet each other even awkwards moment but i am sure they also get same signal for each other..