Chapter 4

Never Let Me Go


Siwon and Kyuhyun went back to Siwon’s apartment with silence, with Siwon still holding Kyu’s hand. After they went back to the apartment suddenly Siwon’s phone was ringing. It was Eunhyuk calling him.


“Siwon-ah, have you checked twitter?”

“No hyung, I haven’t checked twitter. Why?”

“You should. And you should get your in here, we need to talk.”

Siwon already knows what this talk all about. And he already knows what might happen in twitter even without checking it, considering all those people in down stair.

“Okay, we’ll be there soon.”

Siwon end up his phone call with Eunhyuk and looking back to Kyuhyun.

“We can go from back door. I’ll call security to check if they are also in back door,” said Siwon finally and gone to the kitchen to call the security, leaving Kyuhyun all alone with his un-straight mind.

Kyu can just sit in the living room, remembering what was just happen in down stairs; all those screaming fans, reporters, the biltz, all suddenly question that comes from all the reporters. And Kyu suddenly remember Siwon’s conversation with Eunhyuk last minute ago about twitter. So he checked his twitter.

And he got lots of mention; he even shocked looking all those mentions that keep refreshing in a second. And Kyu even got shocked when he saw some of the trending topics are about them; Siwon&Kyuhyun, Siwon’s boyfriend, and also Siwon’s photo.

Kyu once again checked his mentions, most of them asking are he really Siwon’s boyfriend, how can they be together, are he really a law student, and some of them asking who exactly he is. But suddenly Kyu’s eyes stuck in one mention that saying; @GaemGyu WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? DO YOU THINK YOU ARE PROPER ENOUGH TO EVEN KNOW OUR PRINCE PERFECT!!!!????

And that tweet suddenly retweeted by some other people. Kyu can feel his heart hurt a little bit because of that, and that was when Siwon came from the kitchen.

Kyu can see all worry, tired, and guilty all over Siwon’s face, so Kyu hold back his tears. He knows if he start cry just because that mention, Siwon might feel more and more guilty, and he might start blaming himself for not being careful with his private stuff and so on. Which is Kyu doesn’t want to see from his man.

“Security said they only few people on the back door, so we will be fine,” said Siwon.


“Kyu, are you okay?” Siwon asked Kyu anxiously.

“I’m fine,” Kyu try to smile.

“Babe, I’m sorry...”

“Siwon, it’s not your fault. Really, I’m fine. I might be a little shocked down there, but seriously I’m already fine now,” Kyu cut Siwon, try to convince his boyfriend with his tone and smile.

Siwon silent for a while, and finally nodding.


Both of them arrived at the dorm an hour later, they were welcomed by the other members and one of their managers.

“I don’t know your photos will be out this soon,” said their manager.

“Me neither, hyung.”

“So, what should we do?” asked Eunhyuk.

“Well, Siwon should do a conference or maybe just a little confession in front of all the reporters tomorrow,” their manager answered.

Siwon sighed.

“And for Kyuhyun, you might start not living as normal as you was. People might recognize you in street, the reporter might came to you campus asking you for confirmation right after Siwon’s confession tomorrow. Well, you won’t have that normal life from now on,” said their manager again.

Siwon looked at Kyu anxiously once again, Kyu can feel the gaze, he turns his head and saw Siwon’s gaze. “Okay,” Kyu said, still not losing his gaze to Siwon, and to erase all those guilt and worry feeling from his boyfriend, he holds his hands and gave his man smile.

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Chapter 10: so sweeettt...yeah this is ur behaviour who i wait from at first!! You have to do the best to catch kyuhyun being your owner again choi... So awkwards moment, all member, all staff, and all fans watch what are u doing to kyu, then they all of them give u are support and permit.. So please be happy with ur deciding choi.. Be happy with kyuhyun. Happy family wonkyu......
Chapter 9: yeah you are right hyukjae, this is a good time to siwon and kyuhyun move up then starting a new relathion again, clean weird memories at the past. Please siwon do everything to make it be so nice.... Hold kyu onto your embracing again.
Chapter 8: *sobs* it's really bad.....why you do it to kyu siwon? You think kyu will be fine even you kick him far away, rather he is stay with you or gone i believe it more good he is stay with u than go away. You are everything for kyu siwon!! Don't get stupid think likt this TT
Chapter 7: omggg his kyu rips really get pain like tho. Ughhh so pity kyukyu..
I hope siwon not kick away kyu for scholarship. Please siwon...his happiness just beside of you eventhought it was terrible moment for you and them but it would so terrible even you sent him far away from you. Belive me.
Chapter 6: who is she? Why she fight kyu like tho? Pooorrr baby kyu.. It's reallyhurt i think. Really annoying woman :(((((((((
Chapter 5: your manner to making kyu cheers up is succesful. Good job siwon. Your absurd dance and sing really make him feel good XD

ofc you should keep kyu for another people who would hurt him including by your dad. Hopely he can understand for it. Fighting!
Chapter 4: you can through it will be so nice, fighting kyu. Ignoring all of fans comment for you. Your love and siwon never be fault. Believe me. Cheers your bf siwon, he need big support for now.
Chapter 3: i know it would be soon for publish their relation but i thought it's well. As soon as they know abt wonkyu relation, so it would be so nice from them, they can't free to do anything in public shouldn't covered with something..
Chapter 2: ahhh finally they ask about their feeling and decided to being together. I am so happy....
How can you lost your laptop siwon? Isn't any important file in there? O,O
Chapter 1: love at the first sigh? Hahaha maybe, they meet each other even awkwards moment but i am sure they also get same signal for each other..