Unpleasant encounter

A day will come


“Still smiling huh?” He spoke out loud for the first time in a while. He had been up on the roof top for hours, waiting for the day to end and you to leave class.

He couldn't take off his gaze of you, watching you as the wind caressed his bare arms. You smiled brightly, bringing a smile to others as well. How can an angelic face like yours be able to such a thing? Impressive. He let out a sarcastic laugh but his features hardened in a second. He was disgusted and confused, you the source of his instant negativity. *Keep wearing your angel’s mask, you’ll see what comes of it. You can fool everyone but me* .

He closed his eyes when anger boiled up in his throat, only the edges of it cooled by the air breezing his skin. He clenched his fists and let out the breath he held in. *Calm.* You turned away from him and his body eased, his tensed muscles relaxed and he rested his elbows against the security railing.

The man lifted up his hand with two fingers stuck out on each and his right hand at his left elbow – the way he would he hold the rifle in his bag. He closed one eye and looked along his arm as if it was a view finder, setting you as the target. *Just one shot, one pull of the trigger and it would all be over. One strike and I could be at peace*. He smirked and let his hand drop to his sides – it would be so easy to have what he desired.

His smirk turned to a scowl when you, oblivious to the world, to his anger, laughed at a friend’s joke and the sound carried to him so high up. His eyes became determined and he carefully lifted the rifle out of his bag and knelt on the ground, pushing the end of the barrel just passed the mesh that acted as a fence.

It was easier to set himself up on the ground where he wouldn’t have to worry about balance. Deep in focus and his gaze determined as ever, his fingers quickly found their way to the trigger.  *Just one pull…*
He slowly pushed the trigger as he held his breath.

“I like to call her my sunflower, you know why?” He looked to the boy beside him, not really expecting an answer. “Cause wherever she goes the sun shines. You're lucky to have her as your future sister-in-law.” 

He sighed happily and glanced around. “I'm so excited for when you'll meet her and I know you'll get along well. She is like a happiness magnet! I swear she could make a mourning family dance and sing with her if she wanted-”
“Are you going to talk about her all day long? The worst is that you're creeping the hell out of me with the foolish smile plastered on your face!” The boy groaned at the older man.
“Yeah I will, and I’m proud to say that I’m so in love with her that I’ll ignore your snide comments til the end of time. I'll do everything to protect and cherish my love for her and keep it away from jealous people like you.”

He couldn't find the strength to supress the memory. He shook his head hard to get rid of his thoughts.
*Don't distract yourself, it's just your mind nothing else…you can get rid of it*  A cold sweat started to form on his forehead when he tried again. *Go!*

“I'll do everything to protect her … Her happiness come first …”

Heavy breaths filled his lungs and his pulse beat rapidly through his body. *Just press that ing trigger!*

His hands started shaking and the gun with them. He couldn't press it. “!” He switched on the safety and threw the weapon away from him. He didn’t want to think about it anymore.

“I could sacrifice myself for her.....She is much more important than me.”

“Stop it!” He shouted and crouched with his face between his knees. He pushed his hands to ears to block out the sound but it didn’t help. “She's my everything … I would sacrifice myself for her.”

“I SAID STOP IT !” He stood up, pushing with his palms to stand as quickly as possible. He started to kick all of his surrounding – the fence, the bin, his bag – letting out all the rage he has retained. He needed this, to let off steam. A deep growl that had been festering with his frustration ripped from his throat. He was becoming hysterical. He was being consumed by his dark side, by the temptation of his aggression, by the idea of revenge. He slammed his fist against the wall a few times before it felt hot and sore. His muscles ached from his minor breakdown and his chest heaved from his laboured breathing.
He collapsed on the ground, his back against the wall looking at his wounded hand. Blood smeared across the side of his pinkie finger and palm with little bits of dirt buried in the cuts.

“Why, Hyung?” he ask in a whisper that was almost inaudible. “Tell me why?” He was calmer and the tone of his voice evened out. He surveyed his body for a moment and scoffed at his own pathetic state.
He took his time but stood up and then scanned the area he had last seen you. When he finally scouted your small figure, leaving the place to return home, the only thing he could do was watch you’re retreating back. He thought of Monday – of D-Day.


* * *


The soft tapping on your door reached your ears just before your mother’s voice did.

“Eunjae-ah, wake up darling.” She called through the wooden barrier in a tender tone just loud of to penetrate your sleep. You grumbled and turned over in your bed, ignoring your mother and going back to your peaceful slumber.
It didn’t take long before the echoing sounds of her cooking breakfast drifted into your room. The cacophonous noise brought you into a sitting position and you rubbed the sleep from yours. You groaned, wanting to strangle someone as the noise kept on echoing in your head. Although everyone believed you were an angel, when it came to it, you turn into a killer just to protect your precious time to sleep.

The weather didn't help you to stay in dreamland either. The sunlight filtered through your curtains and illuminated your room in a soft glow that was bright enough to pierce your eyelids. You your stomach and plunged your head deep into your pillow. Just as you drifted into peace again your alarm clock flared to life, producing such a strident sound that it made you almost jump. You screamed in frustration, and wailed like a kid, completely defeated.
“Song Eun Jae!” Each syllable brought your eyelids down further as you begged to go back to sleep.

“I swear, if you don’t get up now, I’ll come get you myself! You know you don’t want that!” Your mother shouted.

You got up and hurried to the bathroom to prepare yourself. You were too afraid of your mother when she was in her Godzilla’s state. She was just as kind-hearted as you were but she could be particularly scary when it came to discipline and you followed her order hastily.
You were bathed and refreshed when you left the bathroom and you checked the clock. * It’s 8 am*  You sighed.

" Wait…8 am!?! Oh crap  I’m late!! " You moved at the speed of light, grabbing your bag and jumping down the stair case two at a time.
“I made you this, but there wasn’t any jam so-” You startled you mum when you grabbed the bread as you passed and shoved it into your mouth, swallowing without chewing properly.

"Fighting Eunjae, you can make it!"  You cheered yourself on and pumped your fist in the air. You just missed the small laugh behind you and put your bag firmly on your back before running to the bus stop like it was an Olympic marathon.

Your knees shook as you waited for the bus. You were exhausted from the run there and you wanted to collapse but you had at least arrived on time. Your body felt relieved when the bus finally arrived, the large frame filling your view of the road.
Unfortunately it was crowded and did nothing for you to feel comfortable. You searched desperately for a place to sit and found one near the window. It was so perfect you grinned like an idiot, ignoring the looks you got from strangers.
You moved as fast as possible through the slight crowd but as you got there someone ruined your sudden elation by placing their bag in the spot that you coveted more than getting to school on time. You furrowed your eyebrow and followed the arm only to be completely taken a back.


A handsome boy was staring at you with a blank expression and the most powerful gaze you had ever seen. You scanned his features and enjoyed what you saw. * Wow! He’s hot, but why is he staring so much!? Why can’t he stop!?* You felt your cheeks up and you looked away, his gaze too intense to hold.

You felt under his stare like your entire being was exposed. *Not that I would really mind keke* . You giggled out loud at your own thoughts. *Aish, what are you thinking Eunjae-ah! Be sensible*. You scrunched your nose and shook your head to dispel the internal monologue.

“Excuse me.” You exaggerated with your eyes, directing him to where he had placed his bag. He only smirked.

“You’re excused.” He shifted around you to get to the seat you had been craving since you saw it and began to pretend you didn’t exist. Your mind was blanked at his attitude. You were too stunned to react quickly enough, you simply gaped at him as you took a minute to recover.

“Yah!” You shouted and pointed wildly at him, drawing the attention of the other commuters. You realised your disturbance and apologised quickly with a weak smile. He, on the other hand, just look at you bored as ever completely uninterested.

“That was my seat.” You spoke lower but more determined than before.

“Is your name written on it?” He snickered and looked out the window, trying overtly to piss you off.

“It isn’t but I-” You stumbled over your thoughts when you tried to speak but he cut you off.
“Then it’s not your place.” He cocked a brow, daring you to challenge his logic and confidence. You huffed. *How rude!* You prick.
“But I saw it first!” You pouted like you were five years old again but his gaze only made you feel shameful.
“But I sat here first ‘kay? The problem is solved so you can stop bothering me now. Please.”He added the manners when he noticed your brow furrow. He placed his earphones in but as persistent as you were you just poked him in the shoulder.

“But I would have sat first if you hadn’t shoved your bag in my way.” He sighed and pulled the buds from his ears.

He glanced at you boredly.
“Then you should have gotten here faster.” He obviously annoyed at you having interrupted his listening but you gaped when you realised nothing was playing. *The nerve!!*

“How can you say that! You don’t how fast I had to even get to the bus stop on time from my house!”

“Yet how is that my problem?” He half-way shouted like the answer was the most obvious thing in the world.

“ I-!” He didn't give you the chance to explain and again, plunged the earphone in his ears, closing his eyes. You didn't know what to say, you were dumbfounded. *What a jerk!* You decided to change strategy.

You poked him but he ignored you. You poked him a second time but again he pretended you weren't there. You poked him several other times with your thumbs until he eventually lost his patience.
“Wha-” He was about to shout but what you had done to interrupt made him speechless...




YEAHH !!!  An update !!!  thank you my co-autor <3 !!!      I really want to say thanks to my 42 Subscribers ! thank you so much guys !! <3   Hope you like the chapter !  ^^

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hanyanhae #1
Chapter 14: where are you author-nim :(
AUTHOR NIM ! when will you update ? it's been so long now :'(....
Chapter 14: Omona! i srsly can't wait to know more about Eunjae and her past with Kris' brother right ? and please more Kai X EunJae parts juseyo ^__^ He totally ruined my bias list lately kkkkkkk XD Update soon authornim !
dbskLUV #4
Chapter 14: I'm sooo confused... but I'm soo loving it haha update soon!
Chapter 13: I woke up this morning and i found an update !! yipiiieee !!! XD and it was a nice chapter as always , can't wait for the others ^___^
Chapter 13: it's good ! looking forward to the next chapters !
The story is amazing but it would be even better if you could just update a bit more often ^^
:D update soon ;)^-^
Chapter 12: Please update soon ^^ we can't waiteeeee !!!!!!!

ps: i love the gif ;)
Chapter 1: I am soooooooooooooo reading this ! ;)