
A day will come



Dear Eun Jae,

You'll probably never see this but still, I want to feel free from this burden. You have to know that the days spent with you were the most beautiful of my life. Seeing your face every day was what made me cling to life, your voice was the melody that I longed to hear every time I woke up, and seeing you smile was as priceless as it was  precious.

Your smile, I will never forget it - the curve of your lips, the small crinkles that formed around your eyes - it's a smile that could light up the night.

This smile illuminated my life.

They said that the most unhappy people are those who don't have memories. If it's true then I would be the happiest man alive. With the memories I have of you, I was able to live my life to the fullest.

We experienced the best and the worst but I'll only remember the best.

Even after having thought about it countless times, our love story was impossible. We couldn't have our happy end. The only solution was for one of us to leave this world and that's what pushed me to follow through with this. I'd rather sacrifice myself than sacrifice my love for you. Never forget that we will be together forever inside our hearts thanks to our memories.

You were a kind of princess, more rare than the most precious diamond, ... a forbidden fruit.

In my dark life, you were a light while in yours I was a shadow. You were the sun, I was the moon. We both existed but  could never be together at the same time.

If you see this letter, I don't want you to put the blame on your family. I don't want you to shed tears for me and I especially don't want you to feel guilty because I’m the only one to have made this decision after having thought for a long time.

I hope you'll forget about me and live a better life than what you've been enduring with me. I wish you'll meet a good man who deserves you more than I do and who will love and cherish you even more so. A man who will marry you and will give you the family you dreamed of. I hope you'll be happy and continue to smile even if this smile will no longer be mine.

I will always protect you as best I can from up there.

I will never forget you.

I love you forever, Wu Yi Min.

  * * *


He crumpled the letter harshly, and wiped the tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes. A voice came over the speakers above each seat.

"We will soon arrive in Seoul, please fasten your seat belts and remain seated until the end of the landing."

The man sighed and stared at the picture he had in his hand with a look full of hatred. He closed his eyes to get away from the sigh and his fists balled tightly at the old memories resurfacing in his mind:


"Hyung, who is she?" a teenage boy asked.

" Aigoo Yi Fan-ah you're so curious. Isn't she beautiful? " He nodded in response.

"It's my soul mate Yi Fan-ah , the one I want to marry "– He then inhaled deeply- "If you knew how much I love her ...- " He stopped and look at his little brother with eyes full of sincerity - "I hope you'll experience that love one day "

"You've got to be kidding me … LOVE?! There's nothing like this in this world... women are just who are good for ing…" he said while lying on the grass.

Yi Min stared at him with fury and then smacked his head.

" You little brat …! "

" Ahh!!! " he whimpered cutely while holding his head.

" Yah! How can you say something like this when I’m here huh? You think you know everything huh? Huh? Huh? Aigoo " – He started to fake cry while pulling his little brother's hair – "How did my Fanie turn out like this? Who are you?! Where did my innocent dongsaeng go?! Aigoo-yaahh! "

" Aish! Hyung! " Yi Fan managed to escape and threw dirty leaves to his brother without realizing it , and that's when he noticed mud on Yi Min's new shirt that "the-I-shouldn't-have-done-that thought crossed his mind" . He wanted to run so bad, he even made a plan for it . His eyes scanning for an escape spotted all the potential hiding in the park  but as they made eye contact his legs betrayed him so he just stayed frozen on his spot .

" Are you sure of what you' did ? " Yi Min spoke as he stood up calmly and wiped his clothes. He didn't wait for his little brother's answer and pushed him on the ground. Round of laughter could be heard in the whole park as he started to tickle Kris.

" Ha!ha!ha!Hyung!… Stop it! ahhh... STOP! I'm going to peeee! Haha " he managed to cough out .

"! Honey! You like it huh? Oh I’m so in love with you darling! Oh! And I know you like my lips so … " the older one remarked in a sing-song voice as he started to get closer to Kris's lips.

" Hahahahhahhaaa stop! "

The two brothers were laughing like there was no tomorrow, enjoying the peaceful evening in China before the younger one returned in Canada.


*  *  *


" Hahahaha dongsaeng-ah hahahahaha"  He could still hear his brother's voice as it kept on echoing in his head.


He couldn't bear it anymore. He rose at once, grabbed his luggage and headed to the exit pushing everyone in the way.

All the stewardesses were drooling over him and giving him flirty gazes as he walk past them. After all, it was hard to focus on something when Kris was around. He was used to it and didn't care at all; it didn't affect him in any way. In fact he had built a wall around his heart to protect him from love and women after « this event » and became cold-hearted and emotionless since then.

Now he is only living for one thing, one thing he has long planned: his revenge, his brother's revenge, maybe the most terrible revenge of the history. And YOU were his target.




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hanyanhae #1
Chapter 14: where are you author-nim :(
AUTHOR NIM ! when will you update ? it's been so long now :'(....
Chapter 14: Omona! i srsly can't wait to know more about Eunjae and her past with Kris' brother right ? and please more Kai X EunJae parts juseyo ^__^ He totally ruined my bias list lately kkkkkkk XD Update soon authornim !
dbskLUV #4
Chapter 14: I'm sooo confused... but I'm soo loving it haha update soon!
Chapter 13: I woke up this morning and i found an update !! yipiiieee !!! XD and it was a nice chapter as always , can't wait for the others ^___^
Chapter 13: it's good ! looking forward to the next chapters !
The story is amazing but it would be even better if you could just update a bit more often ^^
:D update soon ;)^-^
Chapter 12: Please update soon ^^ we can't waiteeeee !!!!!!!

ps: i love the gif ;)
Chapter 1: I am soooooooooooooo reading this ! ;)