
A day will come



“What the were you doing earlier?” Kris shoved Kai against the wall and growled in his ear. After they had both left you , they had met not far away on a small bridge in a deserted area of the nearby park. Kai snickered and took a stepped forward, walking around Kris and running his hand on the railing opposite him. The sun was going down at the end of the day but it still warmed them through the trees.

“Calm down, hyung. I was just talking to her.” He laughed and turned to Kris. “You know, she was really funny in the club.” His eyes became wide. “I didn’t realise she was her. Total coincidence.” Kris stared blankly as Kai smiled cheekily.

“Don’t get involved in my business. I warned you, and I’m warning you again.” He spoke with firm authority but Kai rolled his eyes.

“I don’t care about your business you know. And I certainly don’t want to get involved with that. Just her.” He raised his brows, challenging his hyung, daring to tell the younger that he couldn’t. Kris took deep breaths to calm himself. “I’m curious about something though. I mean, what do you plan to…do to her?” Kai eyed Kris, wondering how much the elder would give away.

“I already told you.”

“No, you didn’t.” Kris looked to Kai with fiery eyes but Kai wasn’t going to be bullied. “As far as I know, it was always ‘revenge, revenge , revenge’. You’re not even sure if she was involved with her fath-” Kai shut up quickly when he suddenly realised what he was saying.

He could talk about her but not about that. He was smart enough not to provoke Kris by bringing up anything related to the past but he’d slipped. He saw how Kris clenched his jaw, shutting his eyes to try and contain his anger.

“Jongin….don’t….She’s guilty, okay?” He spoke slowly, purposefully, and gave Kai a meaningful and authoritative look. “Even if there was the barest chance she wasn’t involved, her father was. I’ll make him pay through her.” Kris expression was the darkest Kai had ever seen it. Fury mixed with motivation was a powerful thing and he could see it working steadily into Kris’ resolve.

Kai’s eyebrows knitted together. “Can I at least ask how?” He was hoping he wouldn’t be glared at, but he wasn’t. Kris expression had softened just a little and it was enough for Jongin not to feel the fires of Hell.

“I’ll make her suffer.” A little ladybug crawled slowly across the railing of the bridge and Kris stepped forward. He let climb on to his hand and watched move across his skin.

“Well, of course but…how?” Kai put more emphasis on the ‘how’ since that was what he wanted an answer for. Kris smirked and turned to him with the half smile still lingering.

“You really want to know?” He glanced back at the lady bug climbing up his fingers as he began to laugh.


* * *


You had a lot of fun shopping. It was something you hadn’t done for a while, going from shop to shop and looking at all the wonderful things.  The sun was shining bright as it lowered in the afternoon sky. The bright orange of the horizon made the day feel warmer and as you passed a small ice cream stall, you took the opportunity to have some. It was sweet and creamy and best of all cold.

It was nicer then, to walk along the streets by yourself. You were a sociable person and loved to be around others, but it was a secret liking of yours to be alone sometimes, just to enjoy the kind of peace one can only find on their own.

As you finished up the ice cream you wiped your hand with the napkin you had been given earlier and put your rubbish in the bin. When you glanced up at the store in front of you, your eyes were caught by a beautiful scarf in the window. It was navy blue with black lace trim and an elegant twist to the thin fabric. You knew it would be perfect for your mother, winter was close and the nights were already getting cold. When you got into the store you also spotted a nice hat that would be great for special occasions and picked that for her as well.

With your new bag, you walked with a bounce in your step, coming to a skin care store. You bought just a few things, mostly for your mother again – hand cream, make-up, moisturiser. It pained you to see her battered skin each day from the hard work she put in for you and your brother. It was only right to treat her because she deserved it.

You skipped passed an art store but as you glanced in the window again, you spotted a sign for one of the isles and dashed inside. The sign read ‘pencils; pens; sketch books’ and what you had seen beneath was something perfect for your brother. You walked down the shelves of art pencils and coloured animation pens  to a set of boxes with the words ‘drawing kit’ on the front in large, bold letters. It was perfect and had everything in it like you expected.

Although he was different, you were always amazed to see how focused and talented he was when it came to drawing. It excited you to see him so happy about something and, even though the kit was a little more expensive than you would have liked, you would give anything for him to be happy forever.

He was your little brother and you loved him dearly. You couldn’t wait to go home and show him the present you had bought, to see how excited he would be. You didn’t realise though, that by the time you had come out of the art store, the sun had gone and the street lights guided your path instead. You decided to look through the clothing stores then, to choose something for yourself since you’d saved it for last.

As you spotted one of you favourite shops, a beautiful pink dress in the window, you glanced at the book store that passed on you left. The woman from the library came to mind suddenly and your heart became burdened instantly. You weren’t sure what you could do for her, knowing you couldn’t replace the books that had been ruined if you still planned on buying things for yourself. You didn’t have enough money for both yourself and for the books and you were left with a difficult choice. You imagined though, if someone had gone into your mother’s ceramic shop and broken something. It was a horrible feeling and you turned into the book store instead of passing it.

You could guess most of the names of the books and remembered the colours of the covers so it was easy enough to find a majority of them. You paid hurriedly and walked quickly back to the library where you had met Kris.

When you pushed open the door, a bell rang above your head just as it had the first time and you glanced around but half the lights had been turned off.

“I’m sorry, we’re closed.” A tired voice replied as soon as you had stepped passed the door and from behind one of the shelves, a figure came to shoo you out but stopped when she recognised you in the dim lights. “Oh no, not you again.” She sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping.

“Ah, yeah.” You bowed ninety degrees and greeted her formally. You stood straight and watched her walk over to the front desk. When she had sat down and began sorting returned books, you took the chance to explain yourself. “Again, I’m really sorry.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She didn’t look up at you  when she spoke. “Besides someone already paid for the damages.” She stood with a pile of books and walked to a trolley just a few feet away.

“Paid? Already?” You asked incredulously. Who could have done that?

“Yes. Someone left an envelope of banknotes, a lot more than the books are worth. I thought it was you but I guess not.” She appraised you disappointedly before returning to the desk to pick up another lot of books. She looked directly at you then. “You’re forgiven, whatever, you can go home now.” She turned her back on you but you put your bags on the floor and pondered as you leant against the desk.

“I wonder who it was; someone really nice for sure.” You put your hand out to brace yourself as you felt yourself leaning to far, but as your hand slammed against the desk you knocked over a cup of pens and pencils and they scattered all across the surface and onto the floor. You looked up at the librarian who was staring disdainfully and you uttered a small ‘oops’.

“Yes, yes, it must have been.” She put down the books and waved you away to get the pencils herself. “Now please leave, I’m begging you before another disaster happens.”

“But…what do I do with these then? I bought the books to replace them.” You pouted and picked up the bag you had gotten from the book store and held it out to her. She sighed and closed her eyes for a short second of exasperation before she approached you. She took out each book and seemed gladder with each one in her hands. You were happy to have helped.

“Do you mind if I give you some help then, since it seems you still have a bit to do.” You gestured to several lots of books you could see around the entry of the library. She nodded with a small smile and like that you spent the rest of your evening helping her to organise the books that weren’t in their correct spot. You talked to her a lot, about books, school, food, yourself and her. You took a break at one point and she brought out a few cookies she had left. They had been made for her by her granddaughter. She told you the rest of her story. She was a widow in her 60s, two children – a daughter who had died in a car accident three years ago and a son who looked after his sister’s only child – and her name was Choi Kanghye. You were sad to hear her story; she lived alone and the library consumed most of her life. You tried not to ask many questions but she seemed willing to share.

You shared just as much of your story with her, and it happened that she knew your brother well. She told you about how he would often stop by and spend time drawing the things she would read to him.

“You should go home now sweetie. It’s almost 10pm. Your mother must be shockingly worried by now.” You wouldn’t have noticed the time if she hadn’t pointed it out. *Crap, I’ll be killed for sure!* You grabbed your things and headed for the door.

“Ah I guess I will go then. Thank you for everything.” You bowed to her and she smiled warmly.

“Goodnight.” Just before you could turn her face changed and you stayed put. “Ah, before I forget.” She moved over to the desk and opened one of the draws. She pulled out an envelope and handed it to you. “Since you bought the books yourself, it’s only right for you to have this.” You took it from her hand and lifted the flap to see more 50000 won bills than you could count easily.

“Oh, no, I can’t accept this. Please, take it back.” You reached it to her but she shook her head and wrapped your hand in hers, assuring you it was okay to take it. “Besides, Eunwoo has helped me out more than I can thank him for so at least take it for him.” You nodded, a little reluctantly, and said goodbye. The  money was an uncomfortable weight in your pocket but you tried to push it to the back of your mind as you thought of your brother.

You ran as fast as possible as soon as you got out the door. You were breathing hard but you just had to run to get home before you mother got really worried. You slowed to a jog when your house was in sight. You stopped at the door and took several calming breaths before going inside. The light was on in the TV room and the glow of it reached the hall. You walked slowly, not wanting to alarm your mother since you were sure it was her waiting up for you.

You were right when you saw her asleep on the sofa and one of her favourite dramas playing on the screen a few feet away. You attempted to sneak passed her but you made too much noise and she woke up.

“Eunjae!” She rushed to you, rubbing the sleep from her eyes before glancing up and down your body. “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? I was so worried about you!” She pulled you into a hug and you held her tight to comfort her. “I called your phone but you didn’t pick up. Don’t ever do that to me again!” She kissed your temple and held your face. She looked angry but mostly relieved.

“I’m sorry umma. I didn’t see the time pass. Nothing went wrong, I’m really okay. I’m sorry.” You smiled and so did she, both of you much happier since you were home safe. “Oh! Umma, I bought you something today.” Her hands dropped from your face as you reached down to the bag you had full of the things you’d bought. You pulled out of the items you had bought your mother and handed them to her one by one so she could admire each properly.

“Ah, Eunjae, this scarf is beautiful.” Your heart warmed to the delight in her eyes as she took the skin care products from your hands. “Oh sweet heart, you’re so wonderful. Is this why you were so late?” She looked at you with a mix of authority and gratefulness as you nodded.

“Yes, and I also bought this for Eunwoo. Is he sleeping?” You held out the drawing kit and your mothered eyed it curiously but excitedly.

“Ah yes, he is but you can give this to him tomorrow.” Your mother placed the hat on her head and the scarf around her neck before moving to the mirror in the hallway to admire herself. To you, she was a beautiful mother and you couldn’t have thought of a better way to thank her for just being yours. “Eunjae-ah, am I pretty?” She laughed but you saw the glint of sadness in her eyes. Of course she didn’t believe she was pretty but you walked up to her and hugged from behind, burying your face in her shoulder.

“You’re beautiful umma.” She held your hands that crossed over her chest and she kissed the side of your head.  You saw the reflection of the clock in the mirror then and the time reminded you of something.

“Oh, umma, I have to go to work now.” You let your eyes drop to the floor, not wanting to show how disappointed you were. You knew she would convince you to stay if she saw any hint of reluctance on your part. You removed your arms from your mother and hurried to your room to change into the uniform you had for the grocery store. When you returned, your mother was only the couch.

“Is there anything I can say to stop you?” She spoke just above a whisper. You shook your head and a tear slid down your mother’s cheek. She wiped it, hoping you hadn’t seen but the tight hug you gave her assured her of your decision – everything would be okay.


* * *


After your tiring shift of greeting people and cashing money, your shift finally ending. On your way home, you spotted a figure on the ground. It was a homeless man with long, unkempt hair, dirty clothes full of holes and a flattened out cardboard box for a blanket. It saddened you to see someone like that.

Suddenly you remembered the envelope the ahjumma had given you. It was still in your pocket from earlier and you pulled it out. You took a few tentative steps towards the man, noticing that he was asleep and trying not to wake him. You slid the envelope under his arm in a way that it would be unnoticeable to people passing by. The worst thing to happen would be to give him the money only for it to be taken.

You sighed happily as you stood and continued your walk home. To have given that money away was a good feeling. You know you couldn’t have kept it. It was better off in the hands of someone who needed it. You had a big smile on your face then, as you thought about Kang Hye ahjumma, happy to have made a new friend and proud of your good deed.

You walking in the middle of the road and were so lost in your happy thoughts that the horn of the truck heading towards you didn’t reach your ears until it was too close. You were paralysed as the lights flooded your vision and fear stuck your feet to the ground. But all you felt was a firm chest pushing against you and eventually the lights were gone, you couldn’t see for a moment still as your eyes adjusted.


“How I am going to make her suffer?” He turned his head again and closed his eyes, speaking the question more so to himself.


Your eyes started to fill with tears. You were shaking and your mind wasn’t functioning from the shock. A strangled sob broke from your throat and all you could do was bury your face in the chest of your saviour. His arms wrapped around your waist and you cried for several minutes. Whoever it was, was patient and allowed you to catch your breath and calm down. Everything became silent after a while. Your ear was pressed against him, just above his heart and you could hear its steady beating in time to your breathing and it was strangely calming.

For a short moment you thought your life was going to end. If it wasn’t for him, it really would have. When you felt your own heart calm and your eyes were dry, you glanced up to see the face that had saved you.


“I will become the man that constantly occupies her thoughts, that has all of her attention at every moment, the one she’ll trust with her whole heart and mind, above everyone else.” He played with the lady bug, allowing her to move from hand to hand while his cousin watched him curiously.


Kris deep eyes greeted you, darker in the low light of night but softer than you had seen them. It was almost as if he had hypnotised you. Everything around you melted away and so did your lingering fear. It seemed as if it was just you and Kris. Slowly his hand lifted from your waist and touched your cheek, your eyes closed instinctively and you leaned into the touch. His fingers trailed then, up your jaw and across your smooth skin until he brushed a strand of hair away from your eyes and behind your ear.


His eyes were tight and fierce as he stared into the sky. “She’ll only see me in the world; she’ll see it through my eyes. Her smile will be for me only and it will be my shoulder she leans on, my arms that seeks for comfort. She’ll hold me like her life depends on it.”


His stare was unwavering as always and you felt a shiver run down your spine. Your mind blanked again but you welcomed it unlike before. He bent slightly and leaned in closer and closer, none of it feeling real and you wondered if you had died.


“I’ll be to her what my brother was. I’ll make her fall in love with me.”


His hand snuck down to the back of your neck and he suddenly gripped it tight and you lips opened in a silent cry of pain. Your eyes were closed but you could feel his breath on your lips.

The ladybug made her way onto the tip of Kris’ finger and Kai watched in silent horror as he crushed it and flicked the remnants off. “And then I’m going to break her into a thousand pieces.” He turned to to Kai with a devilish smirk. “But that’s only the beginning.”




The sensation of his lips on yours was stifling and surprising...





Chapter 11 is up ^^ hope you like it   Again Sorry for the late update TT^TT   we're doing our best ...Anyway thank you so much ! you guys are amazing , your comments always make me smile , I love you ! you're the best! 


Oh and did you see i changed the police , i think it's better now but tell me if you don't like it ^^


Anyway i just can't get enough of Beast's Shadow !!   Click here to listen  I personally think it's their best song !!


and did you guys see ????!!!!!  EXO IS COMING BACK AGAIN !!!!!!   

I think it's going to be EPIC ! I was crying while watching the teaser . The teaser is so good ! 



YIPIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   ( the gif is not mine ^^)

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hanyanhae #1
Chapter 14: where are you author-nim :(
AUTHOR NIM ! when will you update ? it's been so long now :'(....
Chapter 14: Omona! i srsly can't wait to know more about Eunjae and her past with Kris' brother right ? and please more Kai X EunJae parts juseyo ^__^ He totally ruined my bias list lately kkkkkkk XD Update soon authornim !
dbskLUV #4
Chapter 14: I'm sooo confused... but I'm soo loving it haha update soon!
Chapter 13: I woke up this morning and i found an update !! yipiiieee !!! XD and it was a nice chapter as always , can't wait for the others ^___^
Chapter 13: it's good ! looking forward to the next chapters !
The story is amazing but it would be even better if you could just update a bit more often ^^
:D update soon ;)^-^
Chapter 12: Please update soon ^^ we can't waiteeeee !!!!!!!

ps: i love the gif ;)
Chapter 1: I am soooooooooooooo reading this ! ;)