Like night and day

A day will come



The morning was cool and the wind breezed through the trees as you walked down the street quietly, listening to the sounds around you as you made your way to school. You suddenly remembered what had happened the night before and your cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and shame. The memories rushed into the forefront of your mind and you stop for a second, burying your face in your hands as you tried to get rid of them. Tripping on the girl’s foot, dropping the tray, hurting your legs, seeing Kris…it was all very vivid still and you just wanted it to go away.

That girl had made a fool out of you in front of all the other customers, you were almost fired when you had told your boss and the worst part was that Kris had been there and seen everything. You could have at least handled the public shame if there had been no one you really knew there. You bit your lip and shook your head as you stared in front of you and continued walking.

*How can I face him after such a thing?* The thought plagued your mind.

You reached into your pocket and pulled out the small cloth that had been hiding inside. It was delicate silk with sunflowers embroidered in the corners and along the edges. You were grateful to him for giving it to you, even though he had been so inconspicuous about it. Really it had meant that he cared, that he didn’t want you to suffer so badly. You smiled at it for a moment but you lips suddenly shaped a frown.

The handkerchief was familiar; at least it felt that way, like déjà vu. Maybe you had seen him use before? You couldn’t think of a time though. You sighed, giving up seeing as it wasn’t a big deal. You just figured that you would have to give it back to him when you saw him, except that it was your goal to avoid him for just a little while, until you could face the embarrassment you felt at the club.


* * *


The morning passed quickly and you were surprised that you didn’t see Kris once. He wasn’t in any of your regular classes together and although you were glad, your work becoming much easier, you couldn’t help but feel it was strange.

You smiled at the clock when your class was over and you got to go to lunch. You walked into the cafeteria and spotted your friends at a table nearby, talking just as loud as usual. You laughed to yourself when Taeyeon hit Seohyun on the head for a reason you didn’t know. You were about to call and wave to them but as you got closer, you noticed the tall figure you had been avoiding but as you turned to leave, your friends spotted you.

“Eunjae unnie!” Seohyun hopped over to you like a child and you rolled your eyes. Her expression was indecipherable but you could tell she was flustered.  “Ah, unnie, what do we do!?” She put both her hands on your shoulders and whined as she shook you gently. You curiosity was increasing with each second.

“What is it Seohyunnie?” Although you were concerned, you asked simply because you wanted the conversation to end, to be able to get out of there.

“I…I don’t know what to say.” She bit her lip and her stalling had you more and more anxious to just be out of the cafeteria already. Instead as the younger thought though, she pulled you over to the table where Taeyeon looked at you a little worriedly even though she seemed to try to conceal it.

“Oh God, I think I’m going to cry.” Taeyeon said not long before Seohyun ran up to her to hug her tight. They knew something y you didn’t and it was bugging you to not know.

“Jo In Sung is dating!” Tiffany cried out from behind the two hugging friends and you leant over to see her. You notice Kris look up from the small amount of food on his tray but he didn’t look to you so you took the chance to glance down at the magazine article Tiffany had shoved in front of you. You looked back up at Kris but he was facing away from you then and you were sure he wouldn’t look back.

“Eunjae, are you listening?” Tiffany waved a hand in front of your eyes and you blinked to focus on her.

“Oh, ah, sorry. What did you say?” You asked, oblivious to what your friends had explained even though you had heard them perfectly.

“Aish, it’s nothing.” She diverted her gaze, offended that your attention was somewhere far away from whatever important thing she was trying to tell you. You could see that though, she was one of your best friends so it wasn’t hard for you to tell she was upset.

“No, tell me! What is it? I want to know.” You pleaded her, smiling when she looked at you so that you could prove that you were giving her your undivided attention.

She looked at you for a moment but shook her head. “No. It’s okay, not important since you weren’t even listening the first time.” She folded her arms over her chest as you sat beside her at the table.

“I’m sorry, I was just distracted. Please tell me, I’m listening. I know it’s important so you can say it now.” You pouted cutely as you took hold of her arm. She turned to you, looking grumpy.

“Really? Do you really want to know?” You nodded and you could see that she had already chosen to tell you anyway. “Well, as I was saying, Jo In Sung is dating! Do you know what this means? I mean, I know you must be heart broken, so am I! Gosh, I’m totally shocked! The magazine even says their relationship star-” Her voice faded as you become distracted again by Kris. You could seem him passed Tiffany. He was turning and you could see how he stood up, looking towards you and your friends. Your heart stopped as everything you had hoped not to go through with just yet was becoming more and more imminent as he approached.

Your eyes widened as the alarm set off in your brain. What could you do? Your friends wouldn’t let you go and Kris kept getting closer.

“Can you believe it?!” Seohyun’s loud voice caught your attention and your eyes snapped to her. You had no clue what she was talking about so you didn’t answer the question but when you met her gaze you saw she was waiting for some kind of reaction.

“Oh…uh really?” You stuttered with your eyes glued on Kris, thinking hard about how you could leave. Your friends tried to follow your gaze and they all looked at your strangely, wondering what was making you act strangely. You realised that you hadn’t given them the answer they wanted but you were too worried about running away from Kris who was so close then.

“Oh…oh? Really?” You tried to seem excited then, remembering what they had said about Jo In Sung. “Oh my gosh! How will I continue my life!? That can’t be!” You got a little lost in pretending, feeling silly for saying such things. “It’s too much for my heart! Ah sorry, I need to go to the restroom.” You sniffed and put your hands to your face. “Don’t worry, I’m okay I just…” You started to speak as you walked away from them, hurrying towards the door of the cafeteria.

Tiffany, Seohyun and Taeyeon watched you walk away like you were a mad woman. They were shocked by your behaviour but they weren’t questioning it in the moment.

You accidently bumped into a guy as you passed him, fake crying with your head down. As he took the few more steps to your friends’ table he stood for a moment, looking after you with a curious expression. “Why is Eunjae crying?”

“We have no clue!” Seohyun stared after you as she watched the cafeteria door close behind you. “I was just telling her about how I didn’t have enough money to buy orange juice this morning and she…she just…” She frowned.


* * *


You felt disappointed for having to leave your friends like that but you were proud of yourself for still managing to avoid Kris all day. After leaving the cafeteria you congratulated yourself before heading to the library, it seemed a safe place to continue avoiding your classmate. School was almost finished anyways.

You entered into the large, air-conditioned room, the book shelves stretching out in front of you. You thought of a book to look for, coming up with one you needed to read for class. It took you a long while before you spotted it on the top shelf. You turned to see if the staff could help but you had buried yourself behind all the rows of books and the front desk was nowhere in sight.

You tried for it yourself, getting up onto tip-toes as your felt the muscles in your stretch with your arm. You still couldn’t get it and huffed. *Note to self: grow taller.*

You stared at the book for a little more, cursing it in your head as you saw an arm extend forward and pluck it so easily from the shelf. The hand reached it down to you, placing it in your own hands. You were a little shocked at first, staring at the book that was in front of you instead of up so high before a ‘thank you’ stumbled from your mouth.

“No problem.” You glanced at the person, wanting them to see you smile and know you really were grateful but your eyes widened in even more shock. You took a frightened step back and knocked into the books, some falling on your head and around your feet, but Kris held your arm before you could fall from the impact.

You couldn’t do much except stare at him as his hand steadied you and his piercing gaze held yours. Suddenly you realised your heart was racing and that your arm felt warm and much nicer where his skin touched yours. You didn’t notice that you had taken a deep breath and held it in until your lungs started to ache and you let it out, in a sharp breath to fill your empty chest.

Kris raised an eyebrow and released you. You cleared your throat and straightened up your clothes. You took another deep breath but released it before you spoke. “Thank you.” You smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of your head. You had bumped it on the shelf and it was a little sore.

“Yah!” One of the librarians came around the corner of one of the shelves and pointed to you and Kris then to the few books on the floor. “Are you making a mess? You better put those back.” She spoke in a strident whisper, still abiding to the rule of quiet.

You nodded to her, smiling but she didn’t smile back. Kris simply watched her go before turning back to you. You felt the flush in your cheeks rise as he studied you with expressionless features. His face was always hard to read. Kris his lips before bending down to pick up the books at your feet. You would have helped him but he managed to pick them up in one hand.

“Ah, thank you but you didn’t have to do that.” You smiled regretfully but something flashed in Kris’ eyes.

“Fine.” He dropped the books back onto the floor and they scattered, one disappearing beneath the bottom of the shelf. His face deadened as he glared at you with his intense eyes, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Bye.” He shoved passed you, treading on some of the books as he went.

The librarian hadn’t gone far the first time and when she heard the thud had come back around the corner to see Kris stand on the paperbacks. “What are you doing?!” She didn’t hold back her shout this time. “The books!” She rushed forward and as you glanced down at them, shocked at what Kris had done, you realised some were creased and torn from where he’d stood.

The librarian stood for a moment, dumbfounded that the books could have been treated so terribly before she rushed to them, picking them up in her hands. You bent to help but she slapped your hand away. You were a little shocked by her anger, feeling your chest tighten in worry, but bowed quickly – over and over – as you apologised.

“I’m so sorry! Really! Please let me help you!” You spoke each sentence between your bows. But the librarian paid you no mind. The book would probably have to be replaced and you could feel that there was no help you could give.

“Don’t…just leave now.” The woman stood finally with all the roughed up books spread lovingly in her arms. She noticed how tightly you clutched the one you needed for class but she snatched it from you. You lowered your head in shame, realising that it was for the best that she took it; you didn’t deserve it after having allowed Kris to ruin the books.

The woman turned and stalked away. “I’m sorry!” You called after her but she either didn’t hear or ignored you. The worry in your heart remained tense until you rushed out, spotting Kris walking not far ahead of you. He had that suave self-importance in his walk that made the anger flare in you.

“Yah! You! Stop!” Kris turned looking around for the voice but when he saw you, he smirked and continued ahead. Your jaw was tight and you suddenly burst into a brisk jog as you chased after him. “Hey! Jerk!” That time he didn’t even look back. By then though you weren’t far and pressed yourself harder, catching up so you were only a few steps behind before you fell in to step.

“Oi, lunat-”

Kris all of a sudden stopped, spinning and bending close to your face with an angry set to his lips. “What?”

You were speechless for a second as the surprise flickered through you. You found your voice fairly quickly however. “H-how can you just drop the books like that? Do you know what you did? You wrecked them!” Kris was staring at you, right into your eyes as you stared back but it was easy to ignore when you were angry. “You could have at least said sorry!”

You stopped and seemed as if his stare only deepened. He didn’t speak nor did his expression changed you could feel yourself becoming uncomfortable – like always – under his gaze.

“We-well…What I mean is… shouldn’t be mean to people like that.” Your voice cracked but you strengthened at the end before cowering slightly. He had moved just a little closer. You bit your lip. *Get a grip Eunjae-ah* Your cheeks got warmer but his eyes were unwavering.

You glanced down at his lips just as they twitched slightly, the barest hint of a smirk, before he stood straight and turned.

“Ah, wait!” He hadn’t gotten more than a few steps and stopped. He turned his head, his chin to his shoulder. He was listening but without care for what you said.

You went to speak but a group of students walked between the two of you and he walked away, disappearing around one of many corners.

“Aigoo!” Someone came up to you, hands in his pockets, and blocked you view as you had tried to find Kris. You weren’t sure what you would say to him, but it all felt a little unfinished. The man didn’t seem to notice. “I wasn’t sure but uh…it seems that this is our Miss Kim Chi, no?” He smirked and it was almost a mirror of Kris’. His resounding laugh brought you back to the dark and noisy nightclub where he and Kris had been together. You glanced up at him. He looked different in the light of day. You tried to glanced passed him but he moved with you, trying to keep your attention. You sighed and gave up, looking into the man’s eyes.

“Yes, hello.” You bowed politely but he just laughed at you.

“It’s okay, sweet heart. You can talk comfortably with me.” He smiled mischievously. “Call me Kai.”

“Ah…yes, Kai-shi.” Again he laughed as you stumbled a little.

“Aish, why the ‘-shi’, just Kai or no call me Kai oppa , like I said, you-” He suddenly stopped and you looked behind to the person grabbing his collar and yanking him away from you.

“What the are you doing now?” Kris spoke with gritted teeth and he stared daggers at Kai. He grabbed at Kris’ hand and pulled hard until the elder dropped him. Kai looked equally unhappy but smiled at you as if saying ‘don’t mind him’.

“Hey, bro, calm down. I’m just talking to this cute lady. Where’s the harm in that?” Kris pushed him away so that he stood between you and Kai . Kai waved over Kris shoulder and winked as well. You only answered with a weak smile.

"Don't.” Kris took a deep breath as he seethed. “Don't…just go home."

“Wait…is she the girl?” Kai asked, smiling at the end, knowing he was just annoying Kris more but when Kris’ gaze darkened Kai took a step back. “Oh…it really is her. Interesting.” He looked at you then with…pity…or was it curiosity? That’s what you thought you saw.

“Just leave, alright?” Kris voice brought Kai back from some deep thought he seemed to be in and he laughed. He was curious as to how you could have grasped Kris’ attention in such a way, let alone his brother’s all that time ago.

“Why? I thought we were getting along so well, can’t I spend some more time with my new friend?” He spoke loudly on purpose and you were staring at him strangely. You couldn’t work him out, whether he was serious or just being some sleaze.

He looked to you and without breaking contact walked around Kris. He extended his hand, palm up, and flashed a smile. “So, miss Lee Ki-”

“Eunjae.” His eyebrow raised. “My name is Song Eun Jae.” You spoke each part of your with particular clarity so that he would get the idea.

He curiously surprised. “Eunjae, huh?” Then he smiled. “How pretty it is, and how pretty you are.” You felt your hand become warm as he grasped in his own and brought it to his lips. They were soft and tickled your skin. His breath was warm compared the breeze brushing over the three of you.

You cleared your throat and thanked him for the compliment. When you glanced passed him you could see how Kris was glaring, angrier than you’d ever seen him before. Kai laughed as he straightened up. Kris’ gaze moved then to ahead of him.

“Anyways,” Kai started, bringing your attention back to him, “how do you know my hyung?”

“Hy-hyung?” You were so confused and Kris just looked angry while Kai seemed to be enjoying himself.

“Oh, you don’t know? I’m his cousin.” Jongin smiled proudly like being Kris’ cousin was the best thing in the world. “Can’t you see our similarities? We are totally handsome right? But me more so.” He winked and laughed when he saw Kris’ expression of loathing.

Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape in understanding. There was almost no similarity between them. Kai was shorter and darker. His hair, eyes skin, was all deeper and richer in colour. They had none of the same features either – not the nose nor mouth nor eyes – and the least you could in their personalities was the way their emotions seemed to shine from their eyes.

The best comparison you could make was that they were different like day was to night. To prove you right about their differences, Kai pushed passed Kris again who had tried to pull him away as you’d evaluated them. You heard Kris mumble as he tried to stop Kai again.

“Just friends?" Kai looked to Kris then, questioning him instead of you. "Hyung, are you sure?” He sent you a devilish smile as he moved around you and took your shoulders, guiding you next to Kris. “Looking at you side by side, you really make a cute couple.” He winked at you and smirked at Kris. Kai really was enjoying himself.

You felt your heart jump at his words. “AH! No! Really, we’re just friends!” You shook your hands in front of you, trying to convince him of the truth.

“I’m not your friend.” Kris pushed passed you then, bumping your shoulder purposely and taking a hold of Kai’s upper arm, wanting him to lead him away. Kris knew though that he couldn’t do that too quickly or Kai would fight him again.

Instead you stopped them from leaving. “Why do you say? Is it so horrible to be my friend?” Kris didn’t bother to answer he just stared the way he wanted to leave until he felt Kai would leave with him. But the latter laughed.

“You two are so cute together. I could watch you all day long.” Kris stared at him with an intense fury that had Kai jump in surprise. The elder mouthed to him but it took you a moment to realise what he said: ‘get lost’.

“Ah, fine, fine. I’ll leave. No need to be so rude about it. Pleasure to meet you Miss Song Eun Jae.” He spoke your name with a particular enunciation that made it seem like the prettiest name in the world, you tried your best not to blush. “We’ll meet again for sure. Make sure to call me too, yeah?” He smiled and turned to Kris, giving the elder a look of exasperation.

“Ah, goodbye..Ka-o…oppa.” He laughed when you said it, feeling he’d won out over Kris just from your simple words. He raised two fingers to his forehead and saluted you. Kai gently pushed on Kris shoulder and chuckled as he walked away.

Kris watched him disappear, waiting an extra moment before turning to you with eyes that burned in anger. “Don’t talk to him again.”

He sighed in frustration, seeing defiance cross you expression.

“Don’t think he’s nice, or cool or anything. He’s not. So don’t talk to him okay?” He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to agree but you seemed to want to say no just for the fact that he wanted you to say the opposite.

“What if I want talk to him huh? You can’t decide who I make conversation with. Besides you said you weren’t my friend so why should you care?” You crossed your arms of your chest and held your head high. His threatening gaze seemed intense but its effect had weakened.  He rolled his eyes.

“Fine, do whatever you want.” He left like that. As you watched his retreating back, you  pushed your hands into your pockets and felt something in the left one, suddenly remembering the square of soft fabric.

You pulled the handkerchief out but as Kris was so far away, you decided not to worry. You would see him again and he seemed to have forgotten it as well. You decided then as well that if he wasn’t your friend, as he claimed he wasn’t, then you had the right to give it back whenever you wanted.

You thought about going home then but as you glanced at some nearby stores, you decided to do some shopping with the sum of money you had saved over the last few weeks. You crossed the road and began walking along the store fronts just thinking about all the good things you could now afford for Eun Woo or your mother and that made you even more happy .. The street seemed more crowded than you realised but it was nice to be out. As you looked at a few cute things at a stall you had a strange feeling but dismissed it, not realising that you were being followed.



New chapter is up ! ^^       


I'm sorry it took  so long !! but as you can see toowhiteforkpop and me are working together on the fic so it's hard for her to finish editing fast as she has her own stories to update too   ^^  so i hope you understand and will continue to support our fic :D   and also i really want to thank all the people who subscribed and upvoted the fic and whose profile are only for friend to see  because i can't thank you properly on your wall so thank you so much <3     and thank you to all the people reading   we luv ya <3      



did you know guys ? infinite is coming back tomorrow !!! kyaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! i can't wait !!!!!!!!  and Beast on the 19th !!!!!  What more can I ask?!



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hanyanhae #1
Chapter 14: where are you author-nim :(
AUTHOR NIM ! when will you update ? it's been so long now :'(....
Chapter 14: Omona! i srsly can't wait to know more about Eunjae and her past with Kris' brother right ? and please more Kai X EunJae parts juseyo ^__^ He totally ruined my bias list lately kkkkkkk XD Update soon authornim !
dbskLUV #4
Chapter 14: I'm sooo confused... but I'm soo loving it haha update soon!
Chapter 13: I woke up this morning and i found an update !! yipiiieee !!! XD and it was a nice chapter as always , can't wait for the others ^___^
Chapter 13: it's good ! looking forward to the next chapters !
The story is amazing but it would be even better if you could just update a bit more often ^^
:D update soon ;)^-^
Chapter 12: Please update soon ^^ we can't waiteeeee !!!!!!!

ps: i love the gif ;)
Chapter 1: I am soooooooooooooo reading this ! ;)