Peaceful ... for the time being .

A day will come


The bell chimed and all the students, including you, rushed for the door.Everyone wanted to get out of class as quickly as possible. “Aigoo, what a tiring day!” You groaned, relieved, as you stretched; hands high above your head when you moved on to your toes. It was satisfying to straighten up after all the hours in your chair.

You were greeted by plenty of smiles and ‘hello’s as you made your way to the school entrance – the large gates that signalled the way home, a place you were keen to be. You secretly didn't enjoyed being the centre of attention but you were used to it; it was a part of your routine.

“Bye, Eunjae!” You smiled to a girl as she passed, returning her greeting.

“Goodbye, Eunjae.” You mirrored your teacher’s smile and even added a short wave.

“Hi Eunjae, I prepared this for you,” a young boy held out a small package to you, “if you eat it, that means you are eating my heart sweetie!” You smiled weakly to him and gently refused his package.

One must say that you were popular at SM high: to boys you were a fallen angel with your innocent looks and undeniable purity – every one of them harbouring a little crush on you – while the girls saw you as their rival, public enemy number 1. You were envied indeed, but still loved for your personality. Not only were you beautiful on the outside but even more so on the inside. In short you were perfect.

“Ciao Eunjae-yah.” You smiled again to another girl who walked by you on your way out of the school.

“Have a nice weekend Eunjae; don't forget I’m sitting beside you on Monday.” A boy winked from across the hall. You let out a small laugh and continued on your way still smiling.

“Yah Eunjae!” Someone grabbed your arm and you shrieked. You turned around to find Tiffany, one of your best friends, sweaty and messy as she caught her breath. “You didn't wait for us! “ She shouted as two more girls appeared behind her in the same pitiful state.

“Yah! Do you know how far we ran?!” Seohyun and Taeyeon, your other best friends, exclaimed at the same time.

“Aish, sorry!” You apologized and felt your lips turn up yet again.

Smiling…something you did so often now but weren't able to do for a long time. Who would have thought that a bright girl like you was once someone who couldn't smile, talk nor eat like the living? Nobody knew about your condition from before, not since you had started fresh – and you were grateful. You definitely turned the page, at least that's what you wanted to believe.

“Do you see his abs? Oh my gosh he is ing y!” Seohyun exclaimed while pointing at the magazine she was holding. was agape as she glanced at the other girls around her to gauge their reactions.

“Yah don't talk like that!” Taeyeon knocked her in the head and sulked at her dongsaeng’s language.

“Unnie!” Seohyun whined and massaged the place where Taeyeon hit her. She sighed and intertwined her arm with Taeyeon's trying to show how sorry she was but the latter just turned her head, still angry.

“Unnie! Unnie! ” She yelled doing aegyo making every one burst out laughter. You smiled, watching them silently. It sent a million memories into your head as you looked on.

These girls. They were the girls that brought you back to yourself, the girls that illuminated your dark life. They didn't know anything about your past but they always remained at your side. You were completely indebted to them and owed them everything. They did so much for you. When you were depressed, they did whatever to make you laugh, even at your expense. When you didn't feel hungry at lunch, they wouldn't eat and would stay with you until you ate something, although they knew they’d have to face the consequences of skipping class. Even that time when you were too sick to take an Algebra test, Seohyun simply exchanged your papers so that you didn’t have to face a bad mark. You'd known them for one whole year and they’d been your world.

One year already, one whole year without him; one year without your reason to live. You sighed. You couldn't cry, you already did that too much, but every thought of him was painful. You learned to always put on a smile no matter how you felt inside. It had taken one year to pick yourself up from the deep rut you had found yourself in.

You couldn't waste your efforts on your thoughts much longer and when it began to rain, your friends shrieking beside you, you felt as if Heaven itself was crying in your place. You composed yourself and turned to your friends, preparing yourself to walk into the sheet of water.

But little did you know that someone was watching you…


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hanyanhae #1
Chapter 14: where are you author-nim :(
AUTHOR NIM ! when will you update ? it's been so long now :'(....
Chapter 14: Omona! i srsly can't wait to know more about Eunjae and her past with Kris' brother right ? and please more Kai X EunJae parts juseyo ^__^ He totally ruined my bias list lately kkkkkkk XD Update soon authornim !
dbskLUV #4
Chapter 14: I'm sooo confused... but I'm soo loving it haha update soon!
Chapter 13: I woke up this morning and i found an update !! yipiiieee !!! XD and it was a nice chapter as always , can't wait for the others ^___^
Chapter 13: it's good ! looking forward to the next chapters !
The story is amazing but it would be even better if you could just update a bit more often ^^
:D update soon ;)^-^
Chapter 12: Please update soon ^^ we can't waiteeeee !!!!!!!

ps: i love the gif ;)
Chapter 1: I am soooooooooooooo reading this ! ;)