In the club

A day will come



“Why…won’t…you go…in!?” You shouted angrily as you stamped your foot beside your shoe. You were trying to just slip your foot in but the shoe was too rigid and tight. It was a black suede high heel and the other was already on. You sighed and bent down, wobbling slightly as you forced it on, wincing at the slight pain but forgetting it quickly.

You took a deep breath and went over to the locker room’s mirror one last time, smoothening out your tight black skirt and collared white e dress shirt. It was a uniform you liked even less than your school one.

You attempted to fix up your heavy make-up that you were apparently required to wear. It felt sticky on your face but you were getting used to it. You looked yourself up and down once more, totally unsatisfied, but your situation couldn’t be helped – you needed the job and the outfit was part of that.

It was difficult to force yourself to turn and enter into the club. The place smelt of alcohol and sweat on the lower level where the dance floor was – the DJ on a raised platform against one wall – and you tried your hardest to smile instead of grimace.

You had been there during the day though when only the staff were around and you had to admit that it was quite a luxurious place. There were several levels but the main area of the ground floor reached as high as the second highest floor’s roof; above that were apartments. From the centre of that ceiling was a large class chandelier that used electric lights and in the night it was beautiful.  The architecture was the part of the club you liked.

What you didn’t was the peop

le. The majority of customers were Seoul’s elite, the small-time politicians and private businessman as well as rich kids from the upper-class who didn’t have a bed time. They all came to the club to play and to let off steam, to have the time of their life until the sun came up.

It was a well-known place and yet although it was crowded, the lines were always long to get inside. The worst part of them all coming to where you worked was the fact that they were all self-entitled and to them you were just the girl waiting to serve them. You had no choice but to bear with it.

Of course, your mother had no idea you worked there. She thought you were at the grocery store again, working a late shift. It hurt you to lie to her but imagining her reaction if she knew…well, it frightened you.

“Eunjae-ah, tonight you’re assigned to the VIP lounge. Do well and I might have you up there again.”

The Manager had watched you come of the locker room with the sign above saying ‘employees only’ and spoken to you as she investigated her nails where she sat near the bar.                                       You didn’t usually get to go up to the lounge area but you assumed your boss had finally noticed how hard you worked. You nodded and bowed to her. Although it was a step up, you groaned inwardly.

*Great, these kids are going to be even richer, arrogant and more spoiled than the ones I usually deal with.* With reluctance in your stride, you walked the gently curved staircase to the next level. Those were the open lounges so you had to make you way up just one more staircase, a little shorter than the first and passed a man who stood at the top with a hard look. He was the security for the VIP suites. You smiled at him and he smiled back, breaking for a second the scary demeanour he put to scare away troublemakers.

The moment you were passed him a girl waved her arm from one of the tables nearby.     

“Waitress! Here!” She gestured for you to come by clicking her fingers at you like a dog, and you did.   

You pulled out your notepad, ready to take the orders. As she glanced at you with a snide expression you bit the insides of your cheeks, trying to keep down your already simmering frustration.

“Hello, I hope you are enjoying your night here at Eden. What can I help you with?” You smiled brightly but the girl mocked you with a fake smile and you noticed how one of her friends stifled a laugh.

“Aren’t you supposed to bow to me-”

“To us.” The girl sitting beside the first corrected her with her brows raised. The first glared back but continued.

“To whoever, do your job properly.” She sneered back at you. You tried your hardest to keep a straight face and stay calm. *The money, Eunjae, the money.* You had to remind yourself that that’s what it was all about. Unlike them, you actually had to put effort into your life and you always felt proud to think that. You would never be as low as the people at the table in front of you.

“Hello, I hope you’re enjoying your night at Eden. How can I help you?” You spoke with tight lips but made sure to bow this time.

“Well it’s too late now.” She scorned.

“Why is y-” She the second girl again by putting a finger to her lips.

We don’t want to order anymore.” She scoffed at you and you squeezed your notebook in your hands and felt your fingernails dig into the paper.

“Yes Miss.” You bowed slightly and spoke through gritted teeth, walking away quickly as you saw another customer call for your assistance.

You spoke briefly with the man who was with a few others, taking down the drinks they were ordering as well as some food. Food was only allowed in the VIP areas so the kitchen was on the same level, you were glad you wouldn’t have to go all the way down to the bottom floor to bring it back up like you did for the drinks.

You turned to go to the kitchen area and pass on the man’s order but you were blocked by the girl you’d just left. It was obvious that she hadn’t expected you to really leave and was fuming at that fact. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear with a furious flick of her finger.

“Excuse me.” You nodded as a bow and went to move passed her but she blocked you again.

It took her a moment to speak through her anger. “You…did not just leave like that!” Her hands were balled into fists at her waist and she stood rigid.

“You said to me that you did not want to order, and it is my job to serve customers so I had to move on to a customer that was going to order.” You said matter-of-factly and her eyes became livid.

“You dare to answer back? I’m a customer here, you little piece of-” She started off low but as her voice slowly heightened several pairs of eyes latched onto her, watching the scene.

She glanced around quickly, noticing the eyes of all of her friends. Her expression changed instantly and you were surprised at how quickly she was able to smile at you and deter everyone’s attention. The girl leaned in with a pained a smile on her lips before speaking in a strained manner. “Do you even know who you’re talking to?” She whispered and you felt spit hit your ear. “I bet you wouldn’t dare talk back, or leave me for another customer, if you knew the half of it.” She stood straight again and smirked.

You closed your eyes, feeling your exhaustion for these people hindering your ability to think straight. “No, I don’t know who you are. To me, you are a customer, everyone here is a customer, and everyone here needs attending to in the same way. I can’t give you special treatment because that is not what I’m here to do. If you do not wish to order, I am going to attend to the other customers who will.” You looked to her and gestured with her hands to step aside so that you could do as you intended.

You weren’t going to waste any more of your time on childish people who could jeopardise your job. You saw how the girl wasn’t going to move and stepped around her. You kept in a chuckle at her bewildered expression.

You could see that nobody h ad disrespected her like that – so calmly. You could tell it from the way she had treated the people with her, how she had forced them into submission. She returned to her table with a mischievous smile that you didn’t see as you served another customer.


* * *


“Oppa do you like me?”

Kai sipped again at his drink and put his arm around the girl’s shoulder. She giggled. “Of course, Oppa loves you.”

“And me? Oppa? Do you like me?” The girl sitting on his knee made sure she wasn’t forgotten.

“I love you as much as I love money, Min Ah.” He slurred around the lip the glass as he took another swig.

“Oh! I’m Min Ah, not her!” The girl beside him shoved away his arm and crossed her arm over her chest.

“Ah, I’m sorry baby!” He leaned over, bracing himself with his palm beside her hip and took a deep breath against her neck. “You’re perfume is so sweet, I’ve lost my mind. Will you help me find it?” He whispered in her ear, grazing it lightly with his teeth. Kai could see how she swallowed and he couldn't help but smile at the very y look in her eyes when he leant back, wrapping an arm around the girl on his lap. “Am I forgiven?” Min Ah looked at the second girl and forced down a laugh before shaking her head.

“I won’t forgive you easily.” Kai’s eyes narrowed and shifted his legs until the other girl got off him. He slid close to her before he dived quickly and caught Min Ah’s lips in his, kissing her passionately for a long minute before pulling away with a mischievous smile. His fingers traced down her arm and snatched her hand into his and he pecked each one of her own slender digits.

The giggled as he moved his lips back to hers, pecking her before changing his direction, following the line of her jaw to her collarbones. “Oppa, you’re such a tease!” Kai smiled against her skin.

He sighed as he sat up and caught sight of Kris. The elder was searching through the crowd so Jongin stood in order to make it easier. He waved his arm until his hyung noticed him, signalling for him to make his way up the staircase.

The two girls stood as well but he shook them off as he stepped out of his VIP booth to greet Kris. The girls protested but when Kris got to the booth they both shut their mouths and gave each other a wide stare.

“Pomona! Isn’t that Kris oppa!?” Min Ah exclaimed a little too loudly and a few heads turned to see the commotion.

“What? Kris oppa?” Other girls started to come closer to see if it was true. They scrutinised him, mesmerised as they gaped. Kris couldn’t have described how uninterested he was if his life depended on it. He glanced at the girls, in their short skirts and scanty tops, and downed the whiskey Kai offered him.

One of the girls from a few tables away stepped forward tentatively. She reached out to touch his arm as she spoke. “Oppa, we miss y-” Kris moved to push her hand off of him but he was beaten to it.

“Yah! Who do you think you are huh? We were here before all of you!” Min Ah shouted and shoved herself between Kris and the girl. She pushed the girl back before turning. Her chest pressed against his arm and she blinked cutely at him. “Oppa, where have you been? I missed you so much.” She smiled sweetly and her hand on Kris’ chest, trailing her finger to his navel. She jumped when Kris suddenly grabbed her wrist. He put his drink on the table and stared at the almost empty glass for a long, silent while.

He took a deep breath and leaned towards her, smiling as he stared deep into her eyes. The girl couldn’t contain her happiness as hope filled her eyes. She waited excitedly but patiently. Jongin who watched on quietly, a girl clutching his shoulder, snickered at the girls burning in jealousy behind Kris. *Here we go*.

Kris took a glance at Kai and smirked as well. He shed his smile though before turning back to Min Ah who suddenly had a shadow of fear in her expression. “Don’t ever touch me like that again.” He whispered into her ear before dropping her wrist and gently pushing her away.

She frowned, confused, and decided she wanted to cry. “But oppa~!” She went to grab his arm but he wasn’t listening to her, to any of the girls, anymore. The other girls snickered and mocked her, taking this as their opportunity to talk to him which lead to a huge commotion as they fought for his attention.

“Okay girls! Time’s up!” Kai clapped his hands together once above his head. There were a few frustrated shouts as the girls walked away grumbling. Kai didn’t mind the girls when there was one or two but in a group like that, they could quickly give him a headache.

“Ah, peace. Wow hyung you are pretty popular here.” Kai said cheekily as he sat down and leant back in the leather sofa. Kris kept silent and sat down opposite his cousin, toying with his crystal glass. “Weren’t you a bit harsh though on poor Min Ah, she just wanted your affections?”

Kris raised his brows. “Why, jealous?”

Kai chuckled and brushed off Kris’ remark. “Not at all. I’m sure you noticed how easy it is to get a girl these days, I just have to snap my fingers.” To emphasise his point, Kai snapped his fingers and several girls looked in their direction.

His cousin rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. “Yeah whatever, I’m thirsty and my glass is empty, you want another?” Kai’s glass was still half full but he shrugged as a ‘yes’. Kris shook his head subtly and turned to a waitress nearby who had her back to them as she placed drinks on a table. “Excuse me, waitress!”

“Hello, I hope you are enjoying your night here at Eden. What can I help you with?” You smiled brightly but didn’t bother to look at the customers, you were already sick of your night. You took out your notebook, ready to take another order for yet more alcohol.

“What a beautiful young lady, I hope you’re having a nice night as well.” You could just feel how the man winked at you, he sounded young too. “It’s the first time I’ve seen you here, are you new?” You were eager to end your shift but as you looked up, you spun around just as quickly and as frightened. *Oh my God! What is he doing here!?*

Kris was in the club, sitting in one of the VIP booths, in a suit next to someone you've never seen before, right behind you. You took a deep breath and hoped he wouldn’t recognise you with all the makeup caked on your face. Your mind was blank, you knew that guy was talking to you but you couldn’t hear him. *Eun-Jae! Stay calm!* You wanted to escape, to just run away so you didn’t have to serve that jerk but you couldn’t, you had a job to do. You took a look around but there weren’t any other waitresses to help you.

“Miss, are you okay? What are you doing?” Kai asked you but you didn’t understand. Kris on the other hand was as uninterested as he had been all day and was looking out at the people on the dance floor a ways down the stairs. You bit your lip, feeling hopeless. *I don’t want him to see me like this, it’s so shameful!*

“…Miss?” Kai tried again. All you could do was sigh, you had no other option but to try and hide your face with your note book. You held it high in front of your eyes and turned back to the pair. Kris raised a brow.

Despite your efforts, he had seen you. He was surprised at first to see you like that, although he quickly stopped caring. Kris saw you were having a hard time, your notebook too small to cover much more than your nose. He scoffed at your childishness. *Idiot. As if I can’t see her*.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Kai tried once more; still clueless as to why you acted that way. You tried your best to change the tone of your voice into a slightly deeper one.

“Y-yes…Everything…i-is okay.” You stuttered and wanted to bury your face in your hands but you stopped yourself.

Kai laughed once, beginning to notice that you were putting on an act, your mock voice obviously fake. “What’s your name then sweet heart?” You could see enough to watch him raise a brow as the muscles around his face turned up. *Uh? Why does he want to know that? Just order!* You kept your thoughts as they were rather than shouting them like you wanted. You tried to think quickly but Kris’ presence was distracting you.

“Miss? Your name?” Kai was getting impatient just as you hoped he would leave it alone. He stared at you with his intense eyes and you felt as if your brain was on fire from the pressure.

“My name is…” You searched for the first thing that came into your mind. “Lee…Kim…Chi.” You thought for a second before nodded happily. “Yes. My name is Lee Kimchi.” You beamed and smiled proudly but it was gone quickly when the realisation hit you with their surprised expressions. *Oh my God! I did not just say that!!* Your mouth was agape as you cursed your mind for becoming foolish under anxiety.

That moment truly was one of the most embarrassing of your life, running away would have gotten you out of there but it wouldn’t have wiped away the shame you felt at coming up with something so idiotic.

Your cheeks flushed red when Kai began to giggle until he burst into laughter. “Seriously!? Lee Kim Chi!? Hyung! Did you hear that?” He smacked the table as he doubled over in laughter. He tried to get Kris attention by holding onto his wrist but Kris shook him off and rolled his eyes. He looked away from his cousin to you with a questioning gaze. Kai clapped as he recovered enough to speak. “Wow.” He wiped a tear from his eye. “You’re so funny. You’ve made my day.” He pointed to as his laughs slowly subsided. “But honestly, what’s your name?”

“I just told you. Lee Kim Chi.” You stated it with the utmost seriousness in your voice. You also straightened your shoulders to oddly enough defend the ridiculous made-up name you had given him.

“Wait…” Jongin sobered as he stared at you with wide eyes. “You’re joking right? I mean…who the heck would name their kid after food?” He was getting frustrated over something as small as the name and you could see how it bothered him but you stood your ground, quickly thinking of an excuse that you spoke just as sincerely as the name.

“It’s because my mother ate a lot of kimchi while she was pregnant and chose to name me after it.” You scoffed internally, knowing you sounding like an idiot but at least if Kris did recognise you then you would only be embarrassed by one person you knew rather than the stranger beside him. As Kai finally started to take you seriously, his look still suspicious, he shifted in his seat to be a little further away from you as if you were a mad woman.

“Al…alright, Miss Lee Kim Chi…” Kai cleared his throat. “We’ll order now.” He tried to speak slowly, articulating each word so that you could understand him. Kris rolled his eyes again, knowing full well you could understand.

“I will take…a tequila…sunrise and an…apple…martini.” Jongin looked at you for a long second as you wrote down the drinks quickly. You mirrored his wide-eyed expression when you looked up and he pulled back surprised. “How…how about you hyung?”

You glanced over the top of your notebook to him but he caught you off guard when your eyes met his , staring right at you. You tried to hide again, stifling the frightened squeak that you almost let out. *Aish, why did I look? He obviously recognised me!*

“Hyung?” Jongin tried again and waved his hand in front of Kris’ face but he still didn’t react. Kris didn’t take his eyes off you, like he was really trying to see you.

Your grip tightened on your notebook as you felt the tension rise with the passing seconds. Your heart was beating a little faster than usual and your cheeks were getting hot. You just wished he wouldn’t call out your lie and embarrass you like he usually did. When his gaze finally broke away from you he picked up his glass and took the last few drops left of whiskey.

He smirked at you before simply getting up and walking off, not saying a word or even glancing to Kai. You watched him leave but sighed when he started to walk down the staircase. Kai followed Kris with the eyes, confused.

“What’s with him?" He spoke only to himself so you didn’t offer an answer, not that you had one. “Anyway don't forget to put ice in the drink and a straw ok? A straw you know? The long tube you use to drink." Kai looked entirely clueless as he tried to describe  what a straw was, gesturing weirdly with his hands. *Is he that dumb?* 

“I know what a straw is.” You assured him, speaking with the barest hint of an attitude that he didn’t to catch when he smiled at you. You shook your head as you hurried yourself to bring him his drink not wanting to spend more time with him. You were mentally exhausted already, even more so than before, just because of Kris and his strange friend.

You took the order of food you’d gotten earlier to the table of another customer before hurrying down the stairs to the bar. You were thankful that the bartenders were skilled and quick to get you the tray of filled glasses. You made sure there was a straw for both, unsure of how many Kris’ friend had wanted.

As you were walking back to the table with the drinks for several customers, something, or rather someone, caught your attention when you’d gotten only to the second level. You stopped to be sure you weren’t dreaming, unfortunately you weren’t. Not far from the second staircase, in a little nook of the club, Kris was pressed up against a wall with some girl between them. He was kissing her harshly, forcing himself on her but she seemed to accept it as he hands roamed his body just as his roved her. Your body stiffened immediately and you quickly diverted your gaze it was none of your business what people did in the club, especially not Kris.

You rushed away up the second set of stairs to get away from the scene. It made your heart hurt to see for some reason. The more you tried not to think of it though, the more vivid it was in your mind – Kris hands on the girl’s waist, brushing up her sides, the girl’s hands on his cheeks, caressing his neck. It made you a little sick.

Just as you began weaving through the tables you didn’t notice the foot that stuck out specially as you passed. You didn’t realise what had happened until you were falling to the floor, the tray falling as well as the glasses. Every single one smashed into pieces on the dark carpet and you knew the alcohol was going to stain it. Your knee grazed the rough material and they stung and burn. Your wrist bent at an awkward angle when you had tried to brace yourself and as you moved it, pain shot like a lightning bolt through your arm.

The music from the first floor still thumped away but everyone on your level was staring at you, most glaring but one girl chuckling to herself. You looked to the girl laughing, sitting at the table you’d just passed. She cocked her head, challenging you to accuse her even though she knew it was her fault.

“Serves, you, right.” She muttered before standing up and walking to the bathroom. You didn’t have the strength or emotion to care at the moment as the only thing you were worried about was the shame that would fall on you from your boss. The pain was intense as you tried to stand but it overwhelmed you. Tears welled up in your eyes but you still tried your hardest to get up.

Feet came into your view at the time you’d set yourself up onto your good knee and wrist. You were about to stand but you lifted your eyes instead to see Kris before you, holding the hand of the girl he was with earlier. His expression was indescribable as he looked away from you  to something ahead of him. You lowered your eyes in shame as he moved around you to head back to the table he’d been sharing with his friend.

You finally gave in and several tears rolled down your cheeks. You cried silently as you tried again to stand, only then noticing that Kris had dropped something. You thought to call  him but he was too far away. You picked it up to see it, a handkerchief, and a smile spread across your cheeks. You were sure that he couldn’t be a completely terrible guy after such a gesture.

You dried your eyes as one of the customers finally came over and offered you some help up. You wanted to go give Kris his handkerchief back but you saw him kissing that girl again and instead chose to go see your boss and ask for the rest of the night off to recover from both pain and embarrassment.





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                                                                  WE LUV YA <3 !




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hanyanhae #1
Chapter 14: where are you author-nim :(
AUTHOR NIM ! when will you update ? it's been so long now :'(....
Chapter 14: Omona! i srsly can't wait to know more about Eunjae and her past with Kris' brother right ? and please more Kai X EunJae parts juseyo ^__^ He totally ruined my bias list lately kkkkkkk XD Update soon authornim !
dbskLUV #4
Chapter 14: I'm sooo confused... but I'm soo loving it haha update soon!
Chapter 13: I woke up this morning and i found an update !! yipiiieee !!! XD and it was a nice chapter as always , can't wait for the others ^___^
Chapter 13: it's good ! looking forward to the next chapters !
The story is amazing but it would be even better if you could just update a bit more often ^^
:D update soon ;)^-^
Chapter 12: Please update soon ^^ we can't waiteeeee !!!!!!!

ps: i love the gif ;)
Chapter 1: I am soooooooooooooo reading this ! ;)