
A day will come



Your eyes fluttered after a few seconds. Your lips moved on their own but somehow that wasn’t a bad thing. When you felt his tongue trace your bottom lip before sliding between your teeth, your eyes shot open. You put your hands against his chest but one of his own found their way and held your hands against his warm body while the other held your cheek. You swore in your head before pushing with all your might and watched him take a step back, accepting that you were telling him to stop.

When you felt finally on your own, you put a hand up to your mouth and traced your lips. They were warm from rubbing against Kris’ and you could tell that you were flushing bright red. It was difficult to comprehend for a moment what had happened. Kris had saved you but before you could really think he had kissed you, passionately.

Kris stood in front of you with his hands by his hips and an expectant look in his eyes. He wiped his lower lip with his thumb, letting the hint of a smirk ghost his face before his hand dropped back down. You scrutinised each other for a long moment.

“What…what was that?” Your voice sounded as incredulous as you felt while your body turned numb with surprise. “W-why did…did you k-kiss me?” You stuttered and it made you feel weak in his eyes but he didn’t seem to be mocking you like he usually was. He moved forward but you stepped back although he came with you and put each of his hands on your shoulders. He bent to your level and his eyes narrowed. You held your breath.

You were surprised that he didn’t laugh at you with your heart beating so insanely fast. You were sure he could hear it but he didn’t make that obvious. “Go home. It’s late. Be more careful next time.” He spoke slowly, as if you were dumb, and stepped back, his gaze lingering on you before he turned to walk away.

You felt yourself wanting to go with him but before he took a step he was facing you again with a small smile. “Oh and, don’t tell anyone what happened okay.” He pecked your lips and strode away, chuckling to himself.

You watched, completely stunned as he walked away until he was out of sight. Your eyes focused along your nose where you knew your lips were but you couldn’t see them. They tingled and burned but they didn’t hurt. It was almost wonder that seemed to seep into your mind.

You took a hesitant step in the direction of your home and before you knew it, you were walking along a half-empty street. You bumped against the shoulders of several people, not seeing them nor hearing them aside from your exchanged ‘sorry’s. *It didn’t happen. It was just my imagination. He’s too much of a jerk to have done something like that.* You stared at the ground ahead as you walked at a brisk pace.

Your hand found its way out of your pocket and suddenly you were touching your lips again. You had touched them so many times, rubbed them together, them, but nothing could take away the lingering sensation of Kris’ kiss. It had happened and it had stirred something in you that you couldn’t understand. You sighed in defeat.

When you reached your front door your feet were dragging and mind felt like it was still back in that spot where Kris had pushed you before you could be hit by that truck. You blinked, trying to become somewhat lucid for your arrival home. As you pushed open the door you could see that the living room lights were on. You walked towards the stair case, glancing beside you with an uncanny stare to see your mother watching television while cooking dumplings with a portable stove she had put on the coffee table as she sat on the floor.

“Eunjae, you’re back!” She stood up from her place on the floor before you could walk away without being noticed. “I couldn’t sleep knowing you were out so late, so I made some dumplings, want some?” She brought a plate of cooked dumplings with her but you shook your head. You turned away from her without so much as a smile and headed up to your room.

You heard your mother call to you but her voice was silent in your head. It seemed so easy for you to be totally consumed by the thoughts of Kris but at the same time you heart was beating painfully. What did it mean that he kissed you? He said you weren’t even friends.

You fell onto you bed still fully dressed with your face pressed into your mattress. Sleep would help you forget; except that each time you closed your eyes – and even when they were open – all you could see was him, all you could feel was him, all you knew you wanted was Kris.


* * *


The next morning you looked like the walking dead. Your thoughts had kept you up and when you looked in the mirror your skin was as pale as milk and your hair looked as if a bird had nested in it. What was worse was your mind. It was muddled and you couldn’t keep your trains of thought. You even threw your phone in the trash instead of a tissue. You were getting sick of yourself and just wished you could be normal again; you wished that Kris didn’t exist.

But when you saw him at school, in his seat with his head down over a book, your feet naturally led you to him. You were still unsure about what had happened between the two of you and you were ready to  demand an explanation from him.

Kris raised his eyes first when you stopped in front of his desk, then he looked up to you. You couldn’t read his expression like  usual but you had a feeling he was surprised to see you there. He closed the book without looking away from you and hid it beneath a different book. You didn’t catch the title of it in your peripheral but the colour made you think it might have been a diary.

He glanced away from you then, abandoning the steady stare he’d trained on your eyes and you felt frustrated as you watched him take out a pencil and open his notebook. He began to take notes from the writing on the board and consequently ignored you.

You cleared your throat and he raised a brow, still not looking at you, but you brushed it off.

“Last night…did…well…did we-?” You stopped and frowned. It was difficult to say because you didn’t really want to believe that it happened.

“Kiss?” He finished the question and so you nodded slowly. Your lids felt heavy and they were fluttering shut but his answer made you lucid.

“Yes.” He said boredly. He stopped then and after a long second looked up at you. His eyes felt more intense than usual as they bored into your mind. It was the same look he had before he’d kissed you and you unconsciously took a step back.

“W-what?” You weren’t sure what he was going to do and you certainly didn’t want to be kissed in the middle of class.

He scoffed. “Can you step aside? You’re not invisible.” You huffed and did so, feeling a little silly but relieved. He resumed writing then so you gave up and sat down beside him. The class began but you could hardly concentrate and yawned constantly. You decided it would be easier to sleep and so you lay your head down on your arms for just a few minutes.

When you opened your eyes again, what felt like 5 minutes had actually been the whole hour of class and the bell had rung – half the students had already left. You sat up lazily and looked around, blinking to the sunlight. Your teacher was still at the board but you hoped he wouldn’t see you because you still hadn’t handed in a short essay meant for homework several nights ago.

You stood and packed your things, glancing beside you as you saw Kris stand up with his bag and you remembered the other question you had for him. You took your chance because he had to answer you at some time. He looked at you, feeling your eyes on him and let an exasperated sigh that stopped you from hesitating.

 “Why did you kiss me?” He didn’t answer, slinging his bag over his shoulder since he was ready to leave, only stopping because you grabbed his forearm before he could walk away.

“What?” He spoke deadpan and not even looking at you.

“Why did you kiss me?”

He huffed and leaned back in his chair, biting his lip before looking away frustratedly. “Because I wanted to.”

He stood up quickly then and you could see the annoyance in his eyes. He hurried out before you could say anything and even though you wanted to chase after him, you didn’t. When you went to the door to call out to him you were caught off guard by the teacher’s calm voice.

“Miss Song?” You stopped right in the doorway to the class room and turned slowly. Kris had vanished already so there was no excuse to keep your teacher waiting. You took a deep breath and when you were beckoned over, you walked with careful steps, ensuring to smile politely.

“Yes?” You hoped your voice didn’t come out harsh. It wasn't that you disliked him the way you did with your PE teacher. It was simply that he was strict about schoolwork and every student feared his punishment the most. You were still hoping that he would have forgotten about your essay but you knew it was impossible.

“Didn't you forget something?” He said with the same taught smile as yours  and mimicked your tone. *Crap*

You had no excuses and shook your head as if you had thought hard when he looked up from packing papers into his briefcase.

“Alright then, did you enjoy the lesson today?” You knew the anxiety showed in your expression but you nodded quickly.

“Okay.” He nodded as he shut his case and looked at you with one hand on his hip and the other bracing him against the desk. “Do you want to know what you forgot?” He raised his brows. You nodded hesitantly and he smiled.


* * *


“Two essays? And a presentation?” You stopped as you looked further down the page. “ What ? Detention!?”  You growled but moved on.

“Someone is in a bad mood.” A sing song voice made you jump but when you turned around you saw that it was just Tiffany, smiling with a lollipop in .

“Ah, Fanny, you scared me.” You put a hand over your heart and pushed her gently.

She gasped as she looked at you and you became worried. “ Wow !You look awful today! Like a zombie!” She pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear. “What happened to you?”

You pouted but the two of you began walking side by side. “I didn’t sleep last night.” She sighed and touched your shoulder, comforting you by also giving you a lollipop. You opened it greedily and popped it in your mouth, feeling better already.

“So, what’s actually wrong?” You pouted. Of course she would know there was more to it.

“Mr Cho gave me another essay to write on top of the one I didn’t write earlier.” You looked back at the piece of paper and showed it to Tiffany. “And I have to do a presentation to the class. If I don’t do it by tomorrow then I have detention for two whole weeks.” Your shoulders slumped but you friend wrapped an arm around you.

“Ouch. You’ll be okay though. You’re good at it this stuff, you just need to know what you’re talking about.” She wasn’t very helpful. You thought about why you hadn’t done the work, knowing it was because you worked so often, not to mention the kiss with Kris had thrown you off completely the night before. You glanced at Tiffany deciding she might be able to help you in some other way.

“Fanny?” She hummed a yes. “What…well…I mean…what does it mean when a boy…who isn’t your boyfriend…kisses you?” She was surprised for a moment but then began to laugh.

“You’re seriously asking me that?”

You felt suddenly panicked, not sure why she was laughing at your seriousness. “No! No I mean, if someone you know nothing about kisses you so suddenly, its strange right?” You knew you really just wanted someone to agree with how you felt, to give you a foundation for your thoughts so that you could think properly on why it happened without being so utterly confused.

Tiffany though seemed to understand the look in your eyes and she dropped her arm from your shoulder, grabbing onto your wrist instead as she pulled the lollipop from between her lips.

“Eunjae-ah, don’t tell me…you’ve been kissed? Who, when, where!?” She began squealing in excitement before her eyes went wide and she dropped back to a reasonable volume. “What was it like?”

“Ah, no..uh…” You hesitated, laughing embarrassedly at the details you guessed she wanted.

“Tell me! Who kissed who first!?”

“Who kissed who?” Seohyun and Taeyeon appeared from around the corner and you and Tiffany looked at them for a moment before the latter started excitedly.

“A guy kissed Eunjae! And she won’t tell me anything!” Taeyeon and Seohyun’s jaws dropped as they stared at you.

“Unnie, I’m so happy for you!” Seohyun skipped a step to you and hugged you. “It’s about time you get a boyfriend. You can’t be single your whole life.” She didn’t catch that brief flash of sadness in your eyes.

“So who is it then? Is he from our class…?” Taeyeon began interrogating you too as she thought over all the kissable guys you both knew. “Oh! Is it Kim Myungsoo? He’s always staring at you in class, wow, you hit it big this time.” She clapped as she and Tiffany started talking about how handsome he was.

“Uh, no it’s not-”

They all interrupted you at once as they began listing off names. It was making you feel crazy.

“I thought there was something fishy about him though, I meant it’s unsettling every time you look at him and I can’t work out why!” You’d lost the conversation, not knowing who there were discussing when they finally turned to you with questioning looks. You hoped you could explain it to them then but before your lips could part, Tiffany stuck a finger in the air.

“Girls! I think I know!” She tapped her forehead. “Why didn’t I think of it sooner? It’s Lee Byunghun!”

“Him! It must be! They entered school together.” Taeyeon gasped before she continued. “And I saw them talking this morning. Plus he even held the door open for her.” Her eyes were wide as she thought it over. “I wasn’t paying a lot of attention but…wow Eunnjae-ah, you’re really something!” They all nodded in agreement.

You didn’t bother listening anymore. They began to talk about all they knew about him but really Byunghun was a just a friend of yours. All there chatter was getting to you since you were already upset from the punishment you’d received, even though you had deserved it.

“Stop!” You shouted pleadingly. They were startled but listened just as you wanted. “I told you, it’s not like that.”

“Well…what is it then? What do you mean about the kiss?” Taeyeon asked cautiously.

“Well…” You were taken off guard by the question. Even though you had wanted to explain yourself, you weren’t sure how to do that. “Well…there’s a friend of mine, who told me a guy…she doesn’t know him too well…he kissed her and…and…she wants to know what it means…” You managed to say it entirely unconvincingly.

Your friends stared at you for a long while before one of them tusked. “That’s a lame excuse; we can tell you’re talking about yourself.” Tiffany spoke for them with amusement. “But don’t you know the answer on your own?” You cocked your head as you thought. You had no clue what she was talking about. “It means the boy loves you.” She stood with her arms crossed and a victorious smile on her lips. You frowned.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes!” You fell silent as your mind went blank. Tiffany couldn’t be right. Kris couldn’t be in love with you. He had been such a jerk in the beginning. Was it really love that had made him do those few kind things to you? Even kiss you? You didn’t want to believe it but you would always believe the truth in what your friends told you.

You sighed. “I…I guess so. He wouldn’t have any other reason right? I mean, he’s always around when I need help, it’s strange but…love would explain it all…” You hugged her tight. “Thank you Fanny-ah for your help! I really needed to know that!”

They were all a little shocked but Taeyeon’s expression turned sly.

“So, whose the boy?” Taeyeon asked just as you let Tiffany go. You looked at her curiously. “The boy? That kissed you?”

“Uh…” You let out a hesitant laugh and took a step back away from them. “It was…uh…I’ll tell you next time!” You called to them just as you ran away.

“YAH!” Taeyeon shouted after you but you just waved to her from behind. She was tempted to chase you but she turned to the others instead. “She hides so much from us.”

“Yeah but that’s why we love her right? Her mystery?” Seohyun pointed out and they all smiled remembering a few occasions in which you’d kept to yourself. “Anyway, did you hear? There’s going to be a new couple announcement tonight! Apparently it will be bigger than Jo In Sung!”

Taeyeon sighed apathetically. “Let’s meet tonight and cry together.”

“Eunjae’s house?” Seohyun suggested.

Tiffany nodded. “I’ll let her know later.”




New chapie is up ! ^^

We're so sorry for the late update , really guys!  Hope you like the chapter ! <3 

By the way i'll edit the foreword tonight and put a prologue ( that  WON'T be a new chapter , it will be what there was in the foreword )  so there might be a fake update :/ sorry for that guys !  we love you please keep supporting our story ^^


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hanyanhae #1
Chapter 14: where are you author-nim :(
AUTHOR NIM ! when will you update ? it's been so long now :'(....
Chapter 14: Omona! i srsly can't wait to know more about Eunjae and her past with Kris' brother right ? and please more Kai X EunJae parts juseyo ^__^ He totally ruined my bias list lately kkkkkkk XD Update soon authornim !
dbskLUV #4
Chapter 14: I'm sooo confused... but I'm soo loving it haha update soon!
Chapter 13: I woke up this morning and i found an update !! yipiiieee !!! XD and it was a nice chapter as always , can't wait for the others ^___^
Chapter 13: it's good ! looking forward to the next chapters !
The story is amazing but it would be even better if you could just update a bit more often ^^
:D update soon ;)^-^
Chapter 12: Please update soon ^^ we can't waiteeeee !!!!!!!

ps: i love the gif ;)
Chapter 1: I am soooooooooooooo reading this ! ;)