
Drabbles & One Shots {SHINee}


Jinki sighed, puffing his cheeks full of air before blowing it all out as he went through his Recommended Videos on youtube- for the third time in the past hour. Having a snow day was always fun- until you realise there is absolutely nothing fun to do.
He past video after video of cats- dogs- little kids saying stupidly adorable things. There was nothing that caught his eye. At all.
....That was until a socked foot all stuck up into the videos frame, rainbow in color and taking up almost the entire frame other than a sliver of what looked like a bedroom. It, oddly enough, caught his attention. So he leaned back and clicked it, letting the page load before he took a sip of his hot chocolate and got comfortable on his bed.
He regretted that sip, not five seconds into the video.
There was a boy- a very, very pretty one at that- with short brown hair styled into something like a fauxhawk, sitting in front of a webcam with a completely straight face. And a comb held between his upper lip and nose, poised to look like a moustache. 
Before Jinki could even finish spitting his drink all over his bed sheets, the frame went static until another started; this time the boy was talking about some song before he was oh-so rudely interrupted by a pair of dog paws slamming onto the desk next to his hands. His eyes narrowed and his chest puffed out, looking oddly like an animal, before he cocked his head to the side and let out a shockingly loud screeching sound. Jinki's sinuses burned and his eyes were teary from his drink going up and out of his nose, but it was just so funny. Like it was completely out of the blue that this guy would react in such an oddly amusing manor.
The frame continued as the dog jerked it's head back, ears perking and eyes going wide. The boy looked back to the camera and let out a loud, obnoxious laugh before tipping over and falling out of his computer chair.
Jinki caught himself grinning multiple times at the boys adroable reactions to things. His eyes would squint into cute little slits when he laughed, his eyebrows furrowed and his lower lip jutted out when he got fed up or annoyed and....Jinki's personal favorite- the way he did aegyo was so cute, it made even him blush and hide his face in his blanket. 
The guy was cute. Really, really cute.
And Jinki found himself looking up and watching his other videos, most of them being covers of English songs or music recs. The second he finished the last (or first, if you looked at it that way) of the videos he went to the guys youtube channel and subscribed. His screen name had Jinki in near hysteric giggles.
His screen name was kimbap.
It was so cute Jinki had to comment about it- he literally had no control over his sudden urge. He just clicked on the comment box at the bottom of the page and started typing away with a huge smile on his face.
so your screen name is kimbap? its cute. if you dont mind me asking, what made you choose kimbap of all things? its not like you have a cooking...or food for that matter unless you count your obsession for any and all things chocolate (oh wow that came out creepy sounding sorry) yeah uhm...bye.
He hit the add comment button before he could chicken out and mentally beat himself up for being an awkward creep.
Not ten seconds after he had finished mentally scolding himself, his inbox icon lit up with a new message.
A private message.
Jinki felt his eyebrows raise half way up his forehead as he saw it was from the kimbap guy.
kimbap is a nickname but thanks. it is pretty cute huh c; 
aaaand yes, yes that is creepy. im guessing you saw my videos then? oh wait you did because you subscribed. OBLIGATORY HUGGLE FOR YOU MY KIND SIR, FOR LIKING MY RANDOM .
oh and...kinkijinki? really? hahahahahaha xD
Jinki could have sworn his face caught on fire. He really had meant to change that stupid screen name forever ago. He would have to strangle Jonghyun (the idiot that had talked him into making that his first and primary youtube account...and screen name) next time he saw him- which would would hopefully be on Monday if it stopped snowing before the weekend ended. And he would strip the youngers title of being his best friend. 
But on the other hand it was apparently entertaining...Kimbap. He needed a real name, it's not like he could go around telling people about Kimbap.
yeah it is :]
and yeah, I did. your videos are so cute! and funny, theyre funny too. very funny.
huggle? what is a ....huggle? should i be afraid of one? it? he? she? why? who? when ok ill stop now.
hey its old alright my idiot of a best friend did it. im changing it! 
Oh God why would he put so much emphasis on the fact that the videos were cute? A hole in the ground sounded pretty good to Jinki at the moment. A hole where nobody could give him a reason to embarrass himself even further.
Jinki didn't get any new messgaes until later that night after he had joined his Mother and Father for dinner. However the messgae only consisted of a link.
...A link to the newest of Kimbap's videos that is.
Without a second of hesitation he followed the link and as his eyes landed on the title, his face split with a grin.
KinkiJinki Video Response ({Prepare thyne self for awkwardness and stuff like that})
Kimbap's face popped into the frame, lipsyncing to some girl group song  rather dramatically. Jinki's stomach filled with butterflies when he got a good look at the boys face; his hair had small wavy curls, a pair of thick framed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and he was wearing what looked like a black A-Shirt. 
He looked...Well, really good. To say the least.
"HOOOT ISSUUUUE-...oh. Wow. Weeeell, that was embarrassing why did my iTunes stop working."
There were a few clicks, sounding like a mouse of keyboard, and then the boy was smiling his eye-squinting smile at the camera.
Jinki felt like a love sick school girl. With a stupid crush; because, um, hello he didn't even know this guy's real name and all he knew was that he was super hot and had a really, really cute personality to match his looks.
"SO! Yes, for those of you who don't knoooooow; Kimbap is indeed a nickname. This user right here-"
He reached up and pointed a long, slender finger up at the corner of the frame.
"Actually asked why I use it as a screen name. Kimbap. Kimbapppppalapapapa."
There was silence for a few seconds, Jinki not even bothering to hold in a laugh. Kimbap looked side to side, rather awkwardly, and then sighed- dropping his forehead into his hands as he tapped his pointer fingers against it.
"Sorry about that, I'm too lazy toooo edit it out though so yeah deal with my iness. Anyway! Back on topic. Jinki also said I'm cute. Thank you, Sir. But I am sooo not cute, alright."
If that blush on his cheeks wasn't more of a controdiction to that, then Jinki didn't know what was because it was really damn cute. Everything this guy did was just so damn cute.
"Do you guys think I'm cute? Hm? Do ya? DO YA?! DO YOOOOU?!"
There was an answering bark, predictably from the dog from most of his videos. Kimbap snapped his head to his bedroom door and glared lasers at it.
"Stupid dog. So yeah, um...Why am I even making this in the first place...I already responded to you and stuff. So uh, yeah. Thanks?"
Why a shy glance up at the camera through his eyelashes- and glasses- Kimbap reached up and the screen went black. The video came to an end.
And Jinki felt like an idiot for doing this, but he was going to start something. He was going to respond right back to Kimbap with a video- his first- and then send him the link through a private message.
Why the heck not?
.....Five minutes later had Jinki glaring daggers at his webcam, Kimbap (now known as Key, through a quick PM that asked for a Skype session) laughing hysterically as he rolled around on his bedroom floor, replaying the single most awkward thing Jinki had ever said...And managed to catch on camera...And put on youtube for the entire world to see.
"So um yeah, you are super cute and....Yeah. Your rainbow schlocks are what attracted me to you in the first place- I MEAN YOUR RAINBOW SOCKS. AND YOUR VIDEOS N-NOT PERSAY YOU....damn it. I don't want to start this over AGAIN."
Kibum stopped for a quick breather, his chin on the floor and his hands by his sides as he huffed and puffed with a sly grin on his face.
"Schlocks. You do realise that sounds really close toooo uh I dunno, shlong right? Right-BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-"
Jinki growned and buried himself under his blankets, trying to drown out the sound of loud, rauxous laughter coming from his laptop speakers. A loud thump had him tugging his blanket down under his chin- and the sight that met his eyes had him slack jawed.
Kibum had rolled out of frame, leaving from his knees down visible. His feet were, of course, doning those rainbow socks and there...Sitting on the back of his thighs...Was none other than Kim Jonghyun.
Jinki's best friend.
Why was he there. With Kimbap. KIBUM. WHAT.
There was an abrupt silence as Jonghyun scrambled over to Kibum's laptop and went wide eyed.
His head cocked to the side and his eyes widened-....And Jinki suddenly had a huge, face-palm worthy, epiphany. That dog from the videos was Roo. Jonghyun's dog. What the heck?
Jonghyun beamed, reaching behind himself and yanking Kibum's ankle up to his side- and then quickly swapped it for his wrist when he realised what it was.
"So I guess I don't have to introduce you to my boyfriend, right Hyung? You know the one who moved here Daegu last week?"
Jinki felt his heart clench before he smiled and nodded. Jonghyun looked overly proud to be introducing Kibum as his. And Jinki could respect that. Jonghyun was his best friend, after all.
Kibum's body twisted awkwardly to face the camera, his expression nothing but pure shock.
"Wait this is Jinki Hyung? The awkward one with the pudge and...Jonghyun this guy does NOT have like any pudge alright."
Despite his ego being a bit bruised Jinki found himself snorting out a laugh as Kibum playfully beat on Jonghyun until they ended up somehow fighting over who got talk to him. Jonghyun stole Kibum's glasses and the two of them laughed as he felt around for them- completely off, by the way. 
....Jinki was terrified of the fact that he had just developed a crush on his best friend's boyfriend.
Well, .
A/N: And a twist it indeed does have :o
So yeah not even gonna lie, the idea of how Jinki 'meets' or rather discovers Kibum, was how I kind of discovered how utterly adorable and funny someone is lol idk if she would be offended if I told you all who she was or whatever so :p mystery kimbap lolololol Anyway this is what you all get from a mixture of excite, anticipation, energy drink, Standing Egg music and super powerful writers feels. Enjoy?
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JonghyunnieHyung #1
Chapter 6: I still can't stop reading Little Star ;n; So many Appa!Jjong feels omg.
Chapter 18: I vote for jongyu
Omg! Are you a Blinger and a Locket?!?! >< like a major one?
Chapter 18: Jongyu~°^°
arianijongyujungli #5
Chapter 18: JONGYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 18: Jonghyun! Jongyu!
eileee #7
Chapter 18: hi! plot seems promising. my vote is for jonghyun cause well jongyu shipper here looking forward to it^^
Chapter 16: OMG I DIED. One-shot about Key and Yirang......... <333333333 I'm so happy I could read it <3
Chapter 15: KeyRis is so ____ing awesomee...
Oh well.. together with SuKey (Suho & Key) hehehe my favourite Key x EXO xd
Great one-shots 8D
Ilonahaku #10
Chapter 16: I really liked that Keyrang oneshot. :D I love how they made up and how that old lady was watching them. :D

Btw, where did you read that Key looked like a gay with that woman in Full House? WTH? >.< Pfff, people these days...>.<