Refrigerator Boxes (Mentions of Mpreg)

Drabbles & One Shots {SHINee}


Kibum felt his eyebrows raise and his lips twitch at the corners into an almost-smile.
From where he was sitting on the couch, a glass of water in one hand and a six week old little girl craddled to his chest, he could just barely spot a pair of pudgy little hands curling over the side of the cut in half refrigerator box in the kitchen. When a head of fluffy black hair poked up next, for hardly a second, he had to bite his lip and carefully set down his drink to make sure he didn't wake up the snoozing infant in his arms with a loud round of laughter.
It was absolutely ridiculous that Minho was not in the kitchen making sure Jaesun wasn't getting into things he shouldn't be; it's not like he could do so himself seeing as he was utterly exhausted from trying to care for their newest addition to the family and pack up what was left in the kitchen without getting in the way of the movers that had been hired to pack up all of the appliances.
It was hard work being a multitasking parent, okay. Especially when you feel like your hips are about to burst into flames every time you bend down or hold something too heavy.
Stupid Minho. It was totally his fault that he was in pain. And also his fault that their three year old son was trapped in a cardboard refridgerator box. Kibum really couldn't hold in the snort of a chuckle that left his lips- really, he couldn't. It just slipped out.
And woke up Soosang.
Cringing when a loud, ear piercing whail left her lungs, Kibum shifted her to rest against his shoulder and collarbone, bouncing her gently and trying to hush her the best he could without upsetting her any further.
"Hey, is she okay? What happened? What's wrong?"
Minho practically came skidding around the corner of the hallway and into the living room, immediately sitting himself next to Kibum and fussing over the whailing little one in his arms. Kibum rolled his eyes affectionately- albeit a bit irritated- and tilted his head in the direction of the kitchen where Jaesun was starting to make aggrivated grunts.
"Jaesunnie is stuck in a box, thanks to his absent Father. Choi Minho please, please get him out of the box and actually watch him this time before I go over there and do it myself-"
Minho interrupted him with a raised eyebrow and an amused chuckle before he made his way into the kitchen- and instead of actually helping his little boy out of the box, he leaned against the counter and held a hand in front of his smiling mouth as he watched with great amusement.
Kibum nearly popped a cap.
"Minho, what the heck? help him!"
It was so, so easy for him to get pushed over the edge of his temper limits when he had days like that; days when he was tired, when he was aching and irritable and wanted nothing more than to just lay down and take a nap. And usually Minho was very understanding, he let Kibum sleep or relax instead of having to stay up and feed Soosang, or watch Jaesun while he was in his curious adventurous stage. But trying to raise two children in a two bedroom apartment just wasn't cutting it and stress was quickly piling on Kibum's shoulders. It did not help, at all what so ever, that his husband was leaving him with a toddler and a new born to take care of all by himself while he talked to the movers.
Soosang whailed her little lungs out, right in his ear while Jaesun burst into sudden tears as Minho lifted him up and out of his cardboard prison of a box...And Kibum felt his blood pressure rise to unhealthy levels.
Without a single word he got up from the couch and escaped to the front yard, ignoring the men lazing around instead of doing their damn jobs, and almost burst into grateful tears when their neighbor seemed to catch on to his stressful mood.
She was a sweet elderly woman with white as snow hair and kind, withered brown eyes that crinkled at the edges when she smiled wide enough. However she was far from smiling when she glanced up from her gardening and Kibum asked, almost ashamed, if he and Soosang could possibly lay down for a bit- just to get away from the stress that came along with a big move. Of course she agreed, almost immediately and told him to be at home- after all he was welcome over any time to keep her company. Which he had often done for the last month or so, as per Minho's paranoid thoughts of an early labor or a miscarriage while he was at work; it was better to be at the neighbors, than to be completely alone.
~ * ~
Kibum surprised himself when he had closed his eyes for a mere minute, and didn't open them until it was particularly late in the evening. The sun had set and the outside world was quickly becoming dark- and of course poor Soosang was trying to tell him that she was hungry, and she was hungry NOW. She pounded a tiny little curled fist into Kibum's chest and scrunched her face into an expression of discomfort- and oh God was Kibum happy that he knew what that expression meant. She was about four seconds away from bursting into alarming cries.
"Here, I got her. You should head down to the car Jaesun has been asking for you for the past hour."
Nearly jumping out of his own skin, Kibum snapped his head to the left and his eyes almost crossed as he came face-to-face with a bottle of formula. The ring on one of the fingers curled around the bottle had him relaxing instantly, and his shoulders sagging in immense relief; it was Minho. With a tired smile he carefully handed Soosang off to Minho, making sure he held her the right way even though it was unnessicary- he knew very well how to hold a child.
Kibum was so, so tired. And a nap in the car on the way to his parent inlaws sounded good at the moment, so he planted a kiss on both his husband and daughters foreheads before hemade to leave the room. However halfway through stretching his arms above his head and a foot out of the bedroom door, Minho gave him an odd look that made him stop dead in his tracks.
"I, uh, I'm sorry about earlier Bummie. I know you're tired and hurting and I should have been watching Jaesun closer. It's just so hard to do so many things all at the same time- and trust me, I know what you're thinking right now."
What, that I have to do that- and more- every single day?
Kibum raised an eyebrow, a small smile curlingthe edges of his lips.
"You are so amazing for being able to do that, Kibum. I can't even do it for a few hours yet you do it all day, every day."
Even though his insides had decided to absolutely melt and his stomach filled with butterflies, he merely shrugged like it was no big deal.
"Well, giving birth to two children kind of tends to help with that. If I couldn't handle watching a toddler, cooking dinner and have the laundry going why in the world would I have gotten myself into it?"
In his mind, he had of course put it in a more...drastic way. If he could handle hours and hours of contractions, nine months- eight and a half in Jaesun's case- of carrying around and nutering another life...Than yes, it had ways of changing a persons patience and attention levels.
Minho let out a breathy chuckle and tilted his head to the door with a smile.
"Alright, alright. Rub it in my face why don't you- It takes much more of everything that I have, to do what you do and have done. You cocky little brat."
Kibum let out a loud 'HAH!' as he practically strutted out of the bedroom, stopping only to say a quick thank you to the woman in  the kitchen, and then proceeded to climb into Minho's car with a half asleep little three year old snuggly buckled into his carseat in the back.
The toddler immediately blinked open his previously half lidded eyes and a wide grin plastered itself onto his face. With pudgy hands, he reached out for Kibum and his eyes turned up into little cresents.
"Aigoo, did you miss me?"
A hum that sounded suspiciously like a grunt was his sons answer. Kibum chuckled and leaned back to his short black hair affectionately, making sure to brush his fringe out of his eyes. And suddenly he was hit with a wave of complete and utter adoration. His son looked so much like his Father, his eyes and skin tone both belonged to Minho- and ever day he grew older his facial build looked more and more like his as well. It gave Kibum goosebumps just looking at him. 
Goosebumps gone and adoration quickly turned surprise, Kibum raised his eyebrows at the toddler before him.
No, no, no. It was Daddy. Since when had his son ever called him Mommy?!
A snort came from the drivers side of the car and Kibum narrowed his eyes as his husband carefully set their happily sleeping daughter into her own carseat, quickly double checking to make sure Jaesun was all set as well before he took his seat beside Kibum with a mischevious glint in his eyes. Kibum slapped his shoulder playfully, mouth dropping open into a surprised 'o'.
"Yah, Choi, you told him to call me that didn't you."
Minho merely chuckled and slung an arm behind the head rest of Kibum's seat as he pulled out of the driveway.
"It's Jaesun's revenge for being left in that refrigerator box earlier. Isn't that right little man?"
A sleepy, "Yup!" answered him from the backseat and Kibum literally blanched.
"B-but that was Appa's fault, baby! He's the one who left you in there. I swear Daddy would have gotten you out!"
Minho carried on laughing, insisting that it was Kibum who had left their son in the box- and Jaesun believed him, whole heartedly.
A/N: omg aaaah the flufffff. I am a huge fan of mpreg so y'all can guess what had popped into my head the instant I saw this prompt hahahahaha also sorry about the spelling errors in this one, my spell check flipped out a bit e _ o
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JonghyunnieHyung #1
Chapter 6: I still can't stop reading Little Star ;n; So many Appa!Jjong feels omg.
Chapter 18: I vote for jongyu
Omg! Are you a Blinger and a Locket?!?! >< like a major one?
Chapter 18: Jongyu~°^°
arianijongyujungli #5
Chapter 18: JONGYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 18: Jonghyun! Jongyu!
eileee #7
Chapter 18: hi! plot seems promising. my vote is for jonghyun cause well jongyu shipper here looking forward to it^^
Chapter 16: OMG I DIED. One-shot about Key and Yirang......... <333333333 I'm so happy I could read it <3
Chapter 15: KeyRis is so ____ing awesomee...
Oh well.. together with SuKey (Suho & Key) hehehe my favourite Key x EXO xd
Great one-shots 8D
Ilonahaku #10
Chapter 16: I really liked that Keyrang oneshot. :D I love how they made up and how that old lady was watching them. :D

Btw, where did you read that Key looked like a gay with that woman in Full House? WTH? >.< Pfff, people these days...>.<