Little Star

Drabbles & One Shots {SHINee}


3:35 am.
It was so, so nice to have a sleep. Jonghyun was out like a light, being the one who had taken the night shift while Taemin got a break- and a full nights sleep thank God. They were both in bed, Taemin flat on his back just barely awake with Jonghyun curled into his side, his head resting at an odd angle where it was planted into Taemin's shoulder. Taemin swore nothing could get him up and out of that bed for the rest of his life- absolutely nothing.
That was until there was a soft cry coming through the baby monitor that had Jonghyun blinking up tiredly with half lidded puppy eyes, practically begging to be the one who could go back to sleep.
Taemin raised an eyebrow. 
"You promised me a night of sleep."
There was a huff as Jonghyun literally rolled himself out of bed, stopping to stretch in the doorway before he disappeared into the hallway. Not five seconds later he heard his husband cooing lovingly, the sound of a bottle hitting the floor following not long after- and Taemin sighed heavily. Why couldn't he just get one night of sleep?
Standing in the doorway to the nursery, arms crossed and head tilted to the side, Taemin felt his heart melt in his chest. It had always given him warm, fluttering butterflies when his husband interracted with children; he would coo and cuddle and spoil them rotten. He was perfect Daddy material. Never too harsh, but not afraid to let the children learn right from wrong with a scolding. Seeing him with children was like a trigger- or, rather more like a switch. It flicked on, the second Jonghyun would catch sight of a child- didn't matter where or when they were. He would go out of his way to shower them in love and attention. It made Taemin want his own child, their child. And he thought it was touching that Jonghyun could be like that so openly. 
But nothing compared to the way he was with their own child, their two week old daughter. Their little Sanghee. It was unlike anything he had ever expierenced, watching those two doing, well, anything and everything together. He couldn't wait until she smiled her first smile and to be honest he hoped it would be for Jonghyun. Especially with the way he was with her right before her bedtime.
He would sing to her every single night, a different song for the different days of the week.
That day it had been a lullaby that had tears whelling up in Taemin's eyes as he watched them; Sanghee quickly slipping back into a deep sleep, away happily at a pacifier as Jonghyun was bent over the side of her crib, his cheek resting against the palm of his hand while the other was gently one of chubby little cheeks that reminded them both of Taemin (sadly, Taemin might add). And when he got to what Taemin guessed was the chorus of the lullaby, he felt his heart melt again if it were possible.
Close your eyes and listen carefully to my story
Before my story ends, you will dream
Little star tonight
All night, I will watch over you
When I first met you, it was truly eye-blinding
When I first saw your smile, I felt like I had the whole world
Little star tonight
All night, I will watch over you
When I see you fast asleep in my arms
I can’t take my eyes off you for a second
You’re so pretty – I feel like my breath will stop
How can I fall asleep?
My love, my everything, my angel from heaven
My two eyes, my world – you stole them all
Little star tonight
All night, I will watch over you
When I see you fast asleep in my arms
I can’t take my eyes off you for a second
You’re so pretty – I feel like my breath will stop
How can I fall asleep?
Close your eyes and listen carefully to my story
Before my story ends, you will dream
Little star tonight
All night, I will watch over you
My love tonight
All night, I will watch over you
All night, I will watch over you.
Taemin had never seen his husband's face so soft before, so full of emotion. The pure adoration and love in his eyes might as well have been screaming, it was so evedent. His voice shook at certain parts, shook with such emotion that it made Taemin's lips curve into a small smile and the tears...The tears just wouldn't stop.
And by the time the lullaby had slowly trailed off into silence, Taemin noticed Jonghyun had started crying somewhere along the way also. His lower lip was trapped between his teeth, trembling. But when it was released, it turned into a smile and his hand gently shifted to cup that cheek so he could give it a quick kiss.
"I love you, Sanghee. I love you so, so much."
When Jonghyun leaned back up and crossed the room to face the window and probably pull himself together, if the quick repetitive sniffling was anything to go by, Taemin quickly and quietly made his leave and headed back to their bedroom.
As he crawled back into the bed and got comfortable he decided that on Jonghyun's nights to take care of their daughter, he would have to sacrafice his sleep for just a few minutes to witness Jonghyun's lullabies.
It was well worth it.
A/N: Oh God you guys idk whats wrong with me but lately I have been crying about everything. I cried watching Disney movies with my Mom, I cried thinking about the fact that Im single on Valentines Day (not such a shocker anymore lol Im so used to it) I cried over all of the SHINee feels I have been experiencing within the last week aaand I cried when I finally looked up the English Lyrics to Little Star by Standing Egg which is the lullaby Jonghyun sang. They are so....; _ ;..../sniffles/ I just teared up again OTL That song is beautiful.
Hope you enjoyed this short...thing.
My new laptop comes in on the 19th so until then you'll get a few short updates here and there.
ALSO! This could be mpreg, or it could be JongTae adopting. Its totally up to you c:
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JonghyunnieHyung #1
Chapter 6: I still can't stop reading Little Star ;n; So many Appa!Jjong feels omg.
Chapter 18: I vote for jongyu
Omg! Are you a Blinger and a Locket?!?! >< like a major one?
Chapter 18: Jongyu~°^°
arianijongyujungli #5
Chapter 18: JONGYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 18: Jonghyun! Jongyu!
eileee #7
Chapter 18: hi! plot seems promising. my vote is for jonghyun cause well jongyu shipper here looking forward to it^^
Chapter 16: OMG I DIED. One-shot about Key and Yirang......... <333333333 I'm so happy I could read it <3
Chapter 15: KeyRis is so ____ing awesomee...
Oh well.. together with SuKey (Suho & Key) hehehe my favourite Key x EXO xd
Great one-shots 8D
Ilonahaku #10
Chapter 16: I really liked that Keyrang oneshot. :D I love how they made up and how that old lady was watching them. :D

Btw, where did you read that Key looked like a gay with that woman in Full House? WTH? >.< Pfff, people these days...>.<