Shadow Puppets

Drabbles & One Shots {SHINee}



It was 6:35 pm and Jonghyun had just woken up from an unexpected nap. The sun was at the point of setting when it let off a golden glow, creating a back drop for the trees that were just outside of Jinki's bedroom window.
Unexpected being because of the fact that he had promised to spend the day with Jinki, talking and watching dramas and catching up on each others lifes. But they had somehow ended up falling asleep in the middle of their drama marathon, energy drinks be damned, cuddled into each other with Jinki's laptop practically hanging off of the edge of his bed. Jonghyun would have laughed at the fact that they had just slept for close to three hours after drinking an energy drink each ('guarenteed energy that lasts all day!' my ) but Jinki waking up had kind of forced him to let out a sound much closer to a grunt- an elbow was flung over his waist and jabbed into his ribs, most likely not done on purpose but done all the same. Jinki inhaled sharply and shot up into a sitting position, seconds after recognizing his surroundings as his own bedroom he was draped over his boyfriend's side with flitting hands and large surprised (worried) eyes.
"Sorry! I am so sorry, I really didn't mean to do that it just kind of happened and I was like half asleep so I wasn't aware that it was you and you aren't my pillow like I thought you were-....Sorry."
 This time Jonghyun laughed. Gosh his boyfriend was cute, what with his bedhead and his shirt all ridden up past his bellybutton. It only got cuter when Jinki tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows, a confused expression washing over his face.
"What? Did I miss something?"
Jonghyun shook his head and tugged Jinki's arm down so the elder knew to lay back down beside him. 
"Just being cute again."
Jinki reacted in his usual manor; sulking. 
"Oh come on, you call me cute all the time and you don't see me denying it or sulking about it do you?"
Jinki rolled onto his stomach and rested his chin on the younger boys shoulder, shaking his head in an almost comical way.
"That's because you are cute. I'm not."
Jonghyun narrowed his eyes at him and flung his arms up in the air, exasperated.
"Hyung you are adorable and squishy and soft and you have the worlds most adorable eye smile. How could you deny your own cuteness?!"
Jinki just watched as his boyfriend flew into a long, detailed list of things he found cute about him. But he wasn't paying attention. Oh no, instead he was watching the way his arms and hands left funny looking shadows against his bedroom wall while he talked. He had always been a bit too talkitive for his own good.
"Jjong look. Your hand just made a cat."
With a muffled chuckled Jinki pointed to where Jonghyun's hands had cast a shadow over his closet door. When he got no response he turned his head to his boyfriend and frowned. Jonghyun was looking at him with a deadpan expression, hands frozen where they were twisted together between his own chest and Jinki's in what looked like some odd sort of gesture of...Togetherness? Or something?
"....Cat. See?"
If he didn't know any better he would have thought Jonghyun was angry or hurt by the fact that he hadn't been paying attention to him. But because he knew him so well he knew that Jonghyun was literally about to burst into laughter.
And burst he did, all over Jinki's chest with loud guffaws and flailing arms and kicking feet. Jinki merely smiled and patted his back as he tried to calm him down- even though it was painfully adorable- because, "Jjong my Mom is gonna hear you and think I'm trying to kill you or something." And he knew all too well that she would not hesitate to go into his room to make sure he wasn't killing his boyfriend. (She was shameless. Jinki still felt ashamed of the time she had walked in on something rather innapropriate- and private for that matter.)
When he had finally calmed down Jonghyun had rolled lifelessly onto Jinki's chest and 'died' complete with a sticking out tongue and closed eyes. Jinki bent down and stole a quick peck, trying not to laugh when he noticed Jonghyun's lips quivering with an attempt to keep from smiling.
"Jonghyun, make the cat again."
An eye peeked open, lips pursing together before breaking into a large grin and then Jonghyun was scrambling to sit up and face the bedroom door so his hands could catch the last of the sun shining throught the window. Jinki was elbowed and kneed a few times here and there but he wasn't complaining when Jonghyun convieniently ended up straddling his waist.
"Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow. Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow. I want chicken, I want liver, Meow Mix Meow Mix please deliver ~ "
Jinki snorted, recognizing the jingle for a cat fod brand that his little brother insisted their pet cat loved (he swore his brother would grow up to be that one crazy guy with fifteen cats) more than anything- other than himself of course because Apple was his baby.
"And here I thought you were a puppy."
For a second Jonghyun dropped his hyperactive, childishness and his expression looked mildly offended.
"Yah. I am a mothering wolf. If anyone is a poor innocent little creature with fluffy fur and cute ears it's you!"
Jinki cringed and pinched the inside of Jonghyun's thigh between his fingers, scrunching his nose and sniffing at the air like a rabbit.
"Jjong what sound do rabbits make?"
"I dunno actually. That's a good question."
~ * ~
Five minutes later Jinki had a lapful of Jonghyun, Googling what sounds a rabbit makes. The only thing about Jonghyun Googling anything was that it always lead to something about . Before it had the chance to get that far he had wrapped his arms around Jonghyun's torso and his legs around his thighs.
"Hyung what are you doing?"
Jinki shrugged and nuzzled his nose into the crook of the younger boys neck, smiling when he felt a shiver run down Jonghyun's spine.
"Getting comfortable?"
Distracting you from possible inappropriate videos.
"Oh. Well if you're gonna cuddle me, you should at least get the blanket 'cause I'm starting to get cold."
He could live with that. As he had detatched himself from his boyfriend to reach behind himself for the blanket, Jinki caught sight of what was being looked up on his laptop and smiled. Different shadow puppets- and Jonghyun was staring at the pictures so intently, his eyes big and curious when they got a little too complex for either of them. Sometimes Jinki wondered what was running through his boyfriends mind; how in the world he had ended up looking up rabbit noises to trying shadow puppets was pretty far beyond him. Jinki just shook his head fondly as he threw the blanket over Jonghyun's head. The younger burrowed his way under until his head and arms were exposed to Jinki.
"Hyung look, this one is a wolf. It's me."
Being said with a glance in his direction, Jinki grinned and made a bunny- complete with teeth and ears and a twitching little nose.
"Then this one is me, right?"
Jonghyun happily nodded at him over his shoulder and set the laptop onto the floor, trying out all of the different animals he had discovered.
 Jinki burst into laughter when Jonghyun made the shadow cat run into the closet door and fall over dramatically.
"Kibum would skin you alive if he knew you had made Apple do that to herself."
"Yeah well Apple is a shadow kitty so she'll live. We should find one of those hard animal ones like a giraffe! Or a rhino, rhino's are kinda cool."
7:05 pm.
Jinki didn't mind spending the rest of his day making shadow puppets with his boyfriend- no matter how childish it may have sounded, it was one of the things he loved most about how they were when they were together. It was like being a child all over again, being able to smile and laugh at stupid things that their friends would scowel or grimace at.
They could just do what they felt like doing, be who they were and not regret a single second of it.
A/N: Based off of a personal experience with one of my best friends who actually had been a huge crush lol we fell asleep watching dramas and woke up around six or seven at night doing shadow puppets for almost an hour until we got our lazy bums out of bed and went to the movies and chinese buffet. it was so much fun and I am telling you right now that she was definitely more like Jinki (which makes me the one who always ends up looking at something related to when I google OTL it just happens ok) and she was a huuuuuuge cuddle bug so she was constantly like, "hug meeee. play with my haaaair. cuddle with meee." so when I saw shadow puppets as a prompt I was like lolololol I know exactly what to do for this.
so yeah this is highly based off of us. I hope you enjoyed this cracky thing.
Next I have at least three crossover drabbles for EXO/SHINee and then I have another JongYu requested c:
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JonghyunnieHyung #1
Chapter 6: I still can't stop reading Little Star ;n; So many Appa!Jjong feels omg.
Chapter 18: I vote for jongyu
Omg! Are you a Blinger and a Locket?!?! >< like a major one?
Chapter 18: Jongyu~°^°
arianijongyujungli #5
Chapter 18: JONGYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 18: Jonghyun! Jongyu!
eileee #7
Chapter 18: hi! plot seems promising. my vote is for jonghyun cause well jongyu shipper here looking forward to it^^
Chapter 16: OMG I DIED. One-shot about Key and Yirang......... <333333333 I'm so happy I could read it <3
Chapter 15: KeyRis is so ____ing awesomee...
Oh well.. together with SuKey (Suho & Key) hehehe my favourite Key x EXO xd
Great one-shots 8D
Ilonahaku #10
Chapter 16: I really liked that Keyrang oneshot. :D I love how they made up and how that old lady was watching them. :D

Btw, where did you read that Key looked like a gay with that woman in Full House? WTH? >.< Pfff, people these days...>.<