
Drabbles & One Shots {SHINee}


BFF!JongKey(maybe onesided? Idk. I always manage to sneak JongKey in somewhere)
Coming out of the closet to your girlfriend of three months, in the middle of making out on her couch was probably one of the worst ways for it to happen.
"Wait, wait so you are saying...That you-you willingly, WILLINGLY Jonghyun, lost your ity to another guy."
With a sheepish grin and a hand rubbing the back of his neck, Jonghyun nodded his confirmation. Eunsook shook her head, long black strands of hair falling over her shoulder in the process. She looked utterly horrified.
"Jonghyun. I pretty much just made out with some other guy. I just made out with you, someone who had with another guy! Oh God, where has your mouth ever BEEN."
And horrified she was. Jonghyun felt his stomach churn uncomfortably, his girlfriend was seriously going to go as far as insulting him because of...His ual preferances? Did she have any idea how hurtful that is? How much it hurts to have your girlfriend be absolutely disgusted because of someone you had kissed like, what, three or four years ago? Did she not love him for who he was, or did she really not love him. At all. Because at the moment she sure wasn't acting like she had ever loved him.
"-I mean did you like...LOVE this guy?! It was just a phase right? You do know that being...G-gay is a choice- you chose to be like that, Jonghyun. Why would you choose to be unnatural? Disg-"
Knowing what was going to come out of her pretty little mouth next, was enough for Jonghyun. He quickly shot up from the couch, his shirt forgotten on the head rest, and left. He jogged to the front door and slammed it shut behind him, ignoring Taemin- Eunsook's younger brother- on his way to his car and he did not cry. No, he didn't. He wasn't going to cry in front of Eunsook- much less Taemin.
He much prefered driving to Kibum's and sobbing his heart out to him so he could at least get a few cuddles and a bowl of ice cream.
Kibum was practically a girl okay, ice cream in Kibum's world was the best kind of medicine for hurt and cuddles made absolutely everything better. Plus he smelled like vanilla all the time, just like Jonghyun's own Mother, and that was a huge plus when it came to cuddles.
....And he had a spare shirt he could borrow because it was cold outside and he was totally embaraced that the doorman to the apartment complex had to see his s hard as ing rocks.
"She thinks I'm some disgusting freak, Kibum! How can I just magically calm the down?!"
"Um, I dunno, maybe just stop thinking about the and watch the goddamn movie?"
Kibum also had the endancy to be very bold. And brash. And straight forward. And Blunt.
Plus he had not one to give about Eunsook, seeing as he hated her guts with every fiber of his being. Jonghyun may not have seen this coming but Kibum could see it from a mile away; the girl was KNOWN for being strongly against homouality. What in the world had Jonghyun been thinking when he told her that he was biual. I mean, really.
Kibum rolled his eyes and patted Jonghyun's head which had decided to plant itself so far into his shoulder that he swore he could literally feel Jonghyun's face becoming one with his collarbones.
"Jjong, look...Don't cry please? She isn't worth any of the she has ever put you through. You're biual. So the what. You are still her boyfriend, you are still the same person she had the biggest crush on since like fifth grade. If she doesn't see that, than she is a ing heartless ."
....Kibum also had the mouth of a sailor.
All Jonghyun could do was sniffle, rather pathetically, and be super thankful that nobody else had to see him like that.
~ * ~
Around four o'clock that morning Eunsook sent Jonghyun a text.
jonghyun...look, i cant...see you anymore. not after what you told me earlier. sorry. really i am.
Kibum didn't have the heart to wake up his best friend, just so he could break his heart because his g-...ex...girlfriend decided that his ual preferance made him unbareable to be with in a romantic relationship. It sickened him- it made him actually have to physically stop himself from gagging. Someone was seriously that heartless? To dump the person who loved her unconditionally...Because he had done something that made him who he was? It was just so, so wrong. He absolutely refused to wake Jonghyun up from a much needed rest after hours- literally...hours- of crying.
So he slid the phone shut, set it on the coffee table and shook his head as he sighed.
The morning would be a bad one. School be ed, Kibum was going to have a heartbroken best friend to take care of.
And he hated Eunsook so deeply, so intensely...That he had no trust in himself that if he saw her in his Biology class, that he wouldn't beat the out of her. Because he knew- oooh how he ing KNEW he would hurt her for hurting Jonghyun. For breaking his heart through a text message.
With narrowed eyes, Kibum grabbed the phone from the coffee table and opened a new text message. He typed furiously, feeling his fingers shake and his skin start to heat with fury from his neck all the way to the tips of his ears.
you homophobic . you actually have the audacity to break up with someone through a text message because he likes the ocassional guy here and there? because he cant help being attracted to someone who doesnt have huge- honkers like you? someone who doesnt have to know where he is 24/7 someone who doesnt cling to him someone who isnt a girl? you are one sick, heartless er Eunsook. I hope you ing feel bad. I hope you regret this. no actually i hope you dont, and actually stay the hell away from him because he deserves someone who loves him for who he is instead of what he is.
you Lee Eunsook.
He didn't hesitate one single second as he pressed the send button, set down the phone and then curled up to Jonghyun, shaking with absolute fury. If Eunsook couldn't love him for who he was, then he was so much better off without her.
He just hoped that Jonghyun would see that.
A/N: yis. Jonghyun is biual. Eunsook is a biiitch and Kibum a , but he is the best kind of because he stood up for his BFFL okay.
I also had such a hard time stopping where I did otherwise it would have dragged on to become a one shot or something. So it's kinda short :/
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JonghyunnieHyung #1
Chapter 6: I still can't stop reading Little Star ;n; So many Appa!Jjong feels omg.
Chapter 18: I vote for jongyu
Omg! Are you a Blinger and a Locket?!?! >< like a major one?
Chapter 18: Jongyu~°^°
arianijongyujungli #5
Chapter 18: JONGYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 18: Jonghyun! Jongyu!
eileee #7
Chapter 18: hi! plot seems promising. my vote is for jonghyun cause well jongyu shipper here lol.im looking forward to it^^
Chapter 16: OMG I DIED. One-shot about Key and Yirang......... <333333333 I'm so happy I could read it <3
Chapter 15: KeyRis is so ____ing awesomee...
Oh well.. together with SuKey (Suho & Key) hehehe my favourite Key x EXO xd
Great one-shots 8D
Ilonahaku #10
Chapter 16: I really liked that Keyrang oneshot. :D I love how they made up and how that old lady was watching them. :D

Btw, where did you read that Key looked like a gay with that woman in Full House? WTH? >.< Pfff, people these days...>.<