The Truth

It's A Love/Hate Relationship - Extras

A/N: This is the second of a double update so make sure you read the chapter before this first =]





New Message from Taemin


I stopped playing upon hearing the buzzing of my phone and leaned over to open the message.


From Taemin: What are you doing after classes today? Wanna come over for dinner?


From me: Nothing. I’ll come over


From Taemin: I’ll pick you up in the afternoon then. See you!


From me: Sure. See you later :)


From Taemin: Love you! *kisses* mwah!


From me: You’re so you too!


From Taemin: I knew you loved me.


From me: Hush. I must practice now. I’ll see you in a few hours.


I switched my phone into silent mode so that I wouldn’t be distracted by him. Despite what had happened backstage at the performance, we seemed to recover very well. In fact, it was almost like the encounter with Jongin just never happened. The two of us just fell back into our regular routine and never mentioned again.


Never for a second did I think that he forgot about what went on though. Some times I saw it in his eyes, the uncertainty as to whether or not I actually liked him or if I was just using him. I couldn’t blame him though, how could I? Slowly, both of us was learning to trust again.


My last class of the day was with my private music teacher. We worked on my composition which I had to hand in the next few days.


I watched as he looked through the piece, eyeing me from time to time. His gazes never seize to make me nervous. Especially because it became more and more frequent.


“Did you write this?” He asked after he was finished. I nodded. He didn’t seem to believe me.


“Sir...I really did write this.”


“I know.” He said. “It just....I’d never seen a work so well thought out, so melodic and have so much meaning. What was your inspiration?”


Jongin. “It just came out I guess.”


He smiled at me. “It’s very well written, the lyrics especially. The only thing I would suggest have this planned out for a full rhythm section right?”


I nodded.

“Try it just acoustic.” He said. “I think with just the piano or a guitar, it would bring out the lyrical and melodic side of it. But really nice work, I’m sure your professor will enjoy it just as much as I did.”


I thanked him several times before I made my way out to the parking lot. By the time I arrived, I spotted Taemin’s car parked in it’s usual corner, waiting for me. I quickly stuffed my work into my bag and made my way over. I opened the door and got in, giving Taemin a quick peck on the cheek before buckling my belt.


“How was your day?” He asked me as we pulled out of the parking lot.


“Amazing. I totally aced my Chinese test this morning after studying with Kris over Skype and my private music teacher said that my composition is set for evaluation.”


“Oh you talked to Kris-hyung last night? How are they doing?” He said.


“Busy as usual, but they seem to be doing fine. How was your day?”


“Good, we went to record a bit in the morning. That’s about it. Key told me to invite you over for dinner today. He’s cooking up some big meal or something.”


I gasped. “The legendary Kim Kibum is cooking for me today?! Oh my gosh I can’t wait!”


He laughed at my fangirling and we drove the rest of the way making small jokes about my fandom over SHINee before I met them.




“Yoonae!” Jonghyun cheered as soon as the door swung open. He ran from across the living room to engulf me in his embrace.


“Jonghyun...-oppa...” I managed to choke out. Without much of a struggle, Taemin managed to pull the shorter man off of me.


“Hyung, you’re strangling her!” Taemin said.


“Well you know what Taem? You see her almost everyday, give me some love too.” Jonghyun whined. I could only shake my head at the two childish members. While they talked, I went to help Key with the dishes.


From day one, the SHINee members had accepted me into their family and their home. It wasn’t hard to like them, especially since I was a fan before and even now, being in the dorm made me feel relaxed and natural.


It was weird because although I enjoyed being with them, I always felt a little...too at ease. They would make little inside jokes that they had from the many years they had known each other for but I couldn’t find it in me to ask and find out what it was really about.


“You know Yoonae, it’s pretty ironic that you’re a fan of ours. Taemin has had a little crush on you ever since he met you backstage with EXO-K.” Key said with a sly smirk on his face.


I looked over at Taemin who looked utterly mortified. “Is that true?”


I watched as a shade of bright pink began covering his cheeks and ears, his blinking intensified, bringing back his usual habits. I couldn’t help but coo at his behaviour. “So cute~” I squealed, my inner fangirl creeping out.


With that he blushed even more. “ were different.” He said.


“Of course she’s different. Remember what you told me before?” Minho chimed in. Taemin tried to stop him but he continued anyways. “He said and I quote: ‘Hyung, I don’t think I will ever date a fan. In fact, I think I’m gonna grow up an old, lonely man.’”


“I didn’t say that!” Taemin protested, I laughed.


“Our maknae’s in love~” Onew joined in. Taemin groaned and hid behind me but from the corner of my eye, I could spot a silly little grin forming on his face.


“You know I don’t mean this in a bad way or anything but...I always thought you and Jongin-shii were an item.” Jonghyun said. I twitched and Taemin stiffened next to me. There was an awkward silence before Jonghyun spoke up again.


“Never mind, I must be speaking nonsense, I mean, I totally see you two together and all that. I’m happy for you.”


“I...I...Thank you.” I said for lack of better words. I couldn’t really find it in myself to lie to him and tell him that nothing went on between Jongin and I when indeed, many things did happen and went wrong.


I nervously watched Taemin from the corner of my eye. He didn’t say a word since Jonghyun spoke up and by the looks of it, he wasn’t pleased at all. I took his hand in mine, successfully gaining his attention.


“You okay?” I asked, scanning his eyes. They almost seemed lifeless in comparison to how it had been earlier that day. Even though I knew at some point this was coming, I was still unprepared when it did.


“Taemin...hey, look at me.” He looked up, I felt my heart break from the pain in his eyes. “You wanna talk about it?”


He forced a smile onto his face and turned to the others who were looking at us worriedly. Jonghyun seemed to be the most guilty of them all.


“I’m gonna go to my room.” He turned to me, same smile still plastered on. “Let’s go.”


With that, we excused ourselves and walked away from the table. Once we arrived in the bedroom and the door closed behind us, he laid on his bed and covered his eyes with a hand. I stood by the door, unsure of how to approach him.


“Tell me something.” He said after a while. “Did you ever like me?”


“Of course.”


“No. I mean...did you ever see me, the way you saw Luhan-hyung and Jongin before? You know...did you ever really like me?”


I felt my heart tug at his accusations because for the most part, I knew I couldn’t satisfy him with the truth.


“You want the truth?”


He swallowed and nodded.


“I do like you Taemin. I really do. And I’ve grown to like you much more than I thought I would. I’ll admit, at the beginning of the relationship it was...I...”


“You were trying to get over Jongin.” He completed for me, making me feel even worse about myself.


“Yeah...I was trying to get over him BUT I really like you Taemin. Please don’t do this...I...I really want to be by your side...I know it’s selfish but, please?”


“Can I tell you what I think?” He took his hand off his eyes and sat up. He looked over at me, seeming a bit more relaxed than he was out in the dining room.


“Yoonae...I can’t even pretend anymore alright? It hurts. It really hurts to know that all this time, you’ve been using me to get over my bestfriend. It hurts to know that I’m the replacement and that if it weren’t for Jongin, then we would have never dated.” He sighed. I felt my heart lift a little when a small smile crept upon his face.


“You know something though? I think it’s not that hard. I think I’m healing and you’re healing too. That’s a good thing of course. you want to still try this relationship out or...”


“YES!” He returned a smile brighter than I had seen in weeks and immediately opened his arms to catch me as I ran to him. I tackled him over onto the bed but neither of us moved, instead, we just cuddled, enjoying each other’s company.


“You know, sometimes I wonder why I’m still doing this.” He told me before kissing me gently on the forehead.


“Because you love me?” I grinned childishly at him


He chuckled. “Maybe.”


We spent the rest of the night wrapped up in each other’s arms, simply enjoying each other’s presence and for the first time in a long while, I felt a warmth returning to me that I hadn’t felt since all this drama began. I felt loved.




New Message From Taemin <3


From Taemin <3: After school, let’s go on a date :) I’ll meet you at the cafe by your school at 4?


From me: Sure thing! Love you <3


From Taemin <3: Love you too!


I smiled and tucked my phone away in my pocket before my teacher realized I had it out before returning to doodling in my notebook. I was probably doomed for another three hour webcam studying session with Kris at the rate I was taking notes in my Chinese class but I couldn’t help it. I finally felt refreshed after sorting things out with Taemin.


“That’s weird.” I mumbled. “Doesn’t he have schedules today? There’s no way the manager would let him have two days off in a row....”


I decided to ignore the unimportant question and continue on my overly productive task of doodling.


After classes, I practically skipped to the cafe, excited to see my boyfriend again. I swung the door open and scanned the tables. I couldn’t find him anywhere though so I decided to check the time on my phone. Was I early?


“Nope. 4:05...he should be here now.” Taemin was never late. I raised on my tippy toes and tried to find him again when suddenly, someone swung the door open and bumped into me from behind.


I turned around to face the anonymous person and my eyes widened in surprise. He seemed to give me the same look as well.



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Chapter 17: Awwwwww Baekhyun ;(
zyierra #2
Chapter 13: Goshhh.... i love this so muchh...Cutee:)Sweet ending!! Kyungsoo being omma again...LOL
Chapter 15: im up for it!!! :D
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~!
Hehe, I'm still interested with the sequel!
Chapter 11: Awww...... KAI!!
By the way, did you write those lyrics? They're really sweet!
Chapter 11: finally, they're together :D and she's lucky she has 3 handsome guys that are head over heels for her.
Chapter 11: Wow I was kinda disappointed that she didn't end up with Taemin T.T but I loved ur story <3
Chapter 11: I didn't like the endig I love it! ^^ sooo sweeet
Thx for eriting :))
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 11: The ending <3
What about Taemin?
Byul-Ah #10
Chapter 11: Sad but cute ending . awwww <3