
It's A Love/Hate Relationship - Extras

It was exactly a week after the SM Town concert when Ji Eun approached me. She had a huge grin on her face, even skipping as she made her way over to me.

“Yoonae~” She sang.

“Ji....Eun?” I replied in utter confusion. She hooked her arm in mine and smiled at me.

“You know how SM has an Art Exhibition open for this week...” She began.

I looked at her suspiciously. “Yeah.....what about it?”

“Can I get a ride with you today?”

“Today? Wait...who said I was going today?” This time she looked at me weirdly.

“What are you talking about? Chanyeol said that they’re making a guest appearance today. Don’t you have to do their makeup and what not?”

I shook my head. “I'm not going.”

“Isn't it your job?”

“I stopped working last week right after we returned from Japan.”

We stood there in silence as she took in the information. She blinked a few times, staring blankly at me until it finally hit her.


I flinched at the loudness of her voice and nodded.

“B-but....why? Don't tell me it's because of- WHAT DID THAT BASTARD DO NOW?”

“Nothing. Forget it Ji Eun. What's done is done alright? I don't want to talk about it.”

I hadn't told Ji Eun about what happened with Jongin and Krystal yet. It was enough that Ji Eun hated him for so many things in the first place, if I told her what happened, she would deliberately go up to Jongin and give him a piece of mind. At this point, I just didn't want to have anything to with him anymore.

“You sure you don't want to talk about it?”

I shook my head. “I'll tell you another time. Listen Ji Eun, I'm just not gonna go today alright? I have a lot of stuff to do anyways so you have fun. Tell the boys I said hi.”

“Oh...alright.” She said. “Just call me if you need me alright?”

I assured her that I would and hugged her good-bye.

When she left, I went through my work load in my head. Surprisingly, in the week after I had quit my job, I managed to catch up with most of the work.

The only thing I hadn't touched yet was my composition project. My private teacher told me to compose a song for evaluation and so that he could critique and help me improve for my final project of the semester.

It was probably due two weeks ago or something and I had yet to put pencil to paper. I wandered into the music building on campus and went in search of an empty practice room.

When I found one, I went in, sat down in front of the giant grand piano and pulled out a pencil and staff paper. One note at a time, I began to lose myself in my work.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around. ‘Where am I?’ I wondered. I got up and began to walk around the semi-familiar building. I’d seen it before, but I couldn’t quite pin point where and when.

As I made my way through the forum hall, I heard the sound of a strong bass coming out of the wall beside me. Hesitantly, I opened the nearest door and peeked in. I gasped.

‘That’s why it’s so familiar, I’m at the MBC recording studio.’ I pushed my way through the crowds of fans that were seated and watching the recording of Music Core. As I made my way to the front, I realized the song had just finished and the MCs were introducing another group.

“EXO-K! MAMA!” They cheered. Immediately, I set my eyes on the large stage. The lights were dim, highlighting the dark atmosphere of the song.

I watched their performance in awe. Very rarely was I able to watch their performances live because I was always backstage waiting to do their makeup and stuff but every time I was able to watch them, they never failed to impress me.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Jongin sending an intense look in my direction. For the rest of the performance, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. I wanted him. I wanted my Jongin back.

Right after the end of the performance, I pushed my way through the crowd again and dashed through a familiar door that led backstage. I easily found my way to EXO's waiting room and went inside to greet the boys. When I walked in, I expected some sort of acknowledgement or greeting but there was none. Not even from the over affectionate Sehun.

I made my way over to where Baekhyun was standing to say hi. When I did, he barely gave me a glance before he turned back to his conversation with the others. I decided to ignore his odd behaviour and set off to look for Jongin.

I spotted him in the corner and ran to him, trying desperately to get his attention but he simply ignored me.

“Jongin please, I’m sorry. Luhan and was all a misunderstanding. Talk to me. Please?”

He didn’t say a word and only stared at his phone, not even bothering to acknowledge my existence.

“Please Jongin...I...I love you.”

Finally he looked up. Confused at first, but a smile soon took it’s place. He stood up and grinned. “Jongin I-”


My eyes widened at the word that just came out of his mouth. As I stood there stunned, he walked past me, the smile never leaving his flawless face.

‘It can’t be.’ I thought, ‘It just....can’t be.’

I turned around and watched as Jongin approached the female singer. I felt my heart twist a bit as he took her hand, looking intensely into her eyes, giving her the warm look that he always gave me. He leaned in and kissed her with all the love in the world.

My heart shattered.


I shot up off the desk beside the piano, accidentally pressing onto a few dissonant keys beside me, successfully waking myself from the nightmare.

“It’s not real.” I told myself. “That wasn’t real. It didn’t happen. They can’t....”

I shivered as I was reminded of the kiss from the after party. As much as I hated to admit it, it was real. Jongin and really happened.

I sighed, I couldn’t really blame him anymore, not when I realized it was my fault in the first place. I didn’t give him my trust, I didn’t give him my heart. He waited for so long already but still, I was a coward.

So many things went wrong. I should have accepted his confession earlier, what was I thinking? I should have told him I loved him. I should have pushed Luhan away. I should have forced him to listen to me. Maybe then....I wouldn’t have lost him.

“Jongin...I’m sorry...I miss you...”


By the time I was done in the practice room, it was already dark out. I had missed dinner time by about 2 hours already and frankly, I had no appetite for any type of snack so I simply headed home.

Once I got back, I checked my phone which was left charging on the kitchen counter. I had forgotten it while I was in a rush in the morning.

I grabbed it and headed to the comfort of my bed before scrolling through my messages and missed calls.

I felt my heart leap in my chest when I realized Jongin had called me twice and left me a couple of messages. I quickly read it to see what was going on.

From: Jongin
Where are you?

From: Jongin

From: Jongin
You’re late. Come and do your job.

From: Jongin
You better be here in 5 minutes or else.

From: Jongin

From: Jongin

I physically flinched as if the words I had received burned me. He sounded so angry. But he doesn’t need me. He only needs me to do his makeup for him. Didn’t the members know already?

To: Jongin
You can’t fire me. I already quit.

I waited anxiously for a few minutes. There was no response. I laughed bitterly to myself. What was I hoping for in the first place? For him to run to me, asking for me back?

Stupid girl. He doesn’t need you. Why are you getting your hopes up?

When he didn’t reply even until half past midnight, I decided to turn myself in. I didn’t want to go back to sleep because of the nightmare from my nap in the afternoon, but I had no choice. All these emotions were scarring and physically tiring.

I pulled the sheets over my head, ready for darkness to take over. I checked my phone one last time.


For another of many consecutive nights, I cried myself to sleep.


A/N: Hiii everyone!

So how many of you actually thought that she would quit completely when she said "I quit" last chapter?

kekeke what will happen next? =]

anyways, love you guys! Thanks for the comments, and reading, and subscribing and upvoting and yeah =D

PS. I've been interested in writing Jongin's POV for a select few of the previous chapters (maybe one or two for now) and I've been wondering which ones you guys would be interested in reading.

Here's the polls, vote for which one from each you want me to write in Jongin's POV. (These are all from the main 50 chapters, not these extras/extended endings. I'll do a poll for these chapters once they're done.)









-Ryeowook, Sungmin, Taemin, Jongin, Luhan, Sehun, Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Baekhyun's Wifey


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Chapter 17: Awwwwww Baekhyun ;(
zyierra #2
Chapter 13: Goshhh.... i love this so muchh...Cutee:)Sweet ending!! Kyungsoo being omma again...LOL
Chapter 15: im up for it!!! :D
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~!
Hehe, I'm still interested with the sequel!
Chapter 11: Awww...... KAI!!
By the way, did you write those lyrics? They're really sweet!
Chapter 11: finally, they're together :D and she's lucky she has 3 handsome guys that are head over heels for her.
Chapter 11: Wow I was kinda disappointed that she didn't end up with Taemin T.T but I loved ur story <3
Chapter 11: I didn't like the endig I love it! ^^ sooo sweeet
Thx for eriting :))
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 11: The ending <3
What about Taemin?
Byul-Ah #10
Chapter 11: Sad but cute ending . awwww <3