Miracles Do Happen

It's A Love/Hate Relationship - Extras

The next day, we were backstage doing yet another show. I walked around exhausted with Baekhyun and Kris tagging along every once in a while. Before I was even up in the morning, Kris told Baekhyun about my fight with Jongin the night before and from then on, they were by my side like the protective older brothers I had never had before.

“OMO! KAI-SHII! WHAT HAPPENED?!” I jumped at the sudden outburst from the other side of the room. Everyone turned to stare at Jongin and the panicking make-up artist.

“Sorry.” Jongin said. “I had no sleep last night.”

I gasped when I saw what he meant, his eyes had a black shadow going all the way around. Not only was he sleep deprived but his eyes were swollen too. His eyes blood-shot.

“Omo~ There’s not much I can do about this.” The other make-up artist said. I pitied her, she barely worked with Jongin in the first place nonetheless in this state. I sighed and turned back to Baekhyun.

I quickly finished the remainder of his makeup before walking over to take over for my co-worker. She thanked me several times before going off to help the other members.

“What did you do to yourself?” I murmured as I gently rubbed his lower eyelid.

“I couldn’t sleep last night.” He replied, jerking his face away from my touch.

“I’m sorry.” I said as tried to meet his gaze. To my surprised he actually looked up at me before standing up and pulling me into a tight embrace despite the fact that there were others in the room.

“I’m sorry too.” He mumbled into my shoulder. He raised his head and took a quick glance around before kissing me on the forehead.

I sat him down and began working now that I felt slightly more relieved.

“You know...” I started, “The only reason why I wasn’t paying as much attention to you that day as the others was because I missed them and I never get to see them.”

“I know.” He replied. “He was your boyfriend afterall.”

I pouted. “That’s not-”

He chuckled. “I know, I was just kidding.”

“Doesn’t seem like it.” I grumbled under my breath. He only laughed harder.

“Stop laughing!” I scolded, “I’m trying to fix your face up here.”

After the warning, he stopped and sat still obediently. 2 minutes later, I snapped my blush/bronzer container close and inspected his face one more time.

“Done.” I declared as I turned to put everything back in my bag.

“Thanks love.” He told me as he hugged me from behind. I blushed at our image in the mirror, his eyes were set lovingly on me as I cleaned up. When I was done, he spun me around and looked into my eyes.

“I’m really sorry about yesterday.”

“Me too.” I replied. Slowly he began leaning in, eyes set on my lips. When I realized what was happening, I stuck my hand in between our lips.

His eyes widened when he realized what was happening. Almost immediately he frowned.

“Why~” He whined.

“I told you you can’t kiss me unless I say so!”

He shrugged and gave me an innocent smile before quickly stealing one before I could even respond. I glared at him.

“Aww c’mon, you know you liked it baby.” He winked. I immediately avoided eye contact with him when I felt a blush work it’s way to my cheeks. He didn’t miss it though.

“Want another one?” He asked amusedly. I quickly composed myself and pushed him away from me.

“I have work to do.” I excused myself and ran off in another direction. I looked back once I was in the other corner of the room. He was still staring at me. To make matters worse, when he saw me looking at him, he smirked and winked. I blushed again and set off to find something to preoccupy myself with.


“I wanna sit beside Yoonae~”

I sighed, why did I just feel a strong sense of deja vu. This time though, I watched as Chen came rushing over just as I was about to board the van after the shoot ended.

I felt a sudden tug on my arm as I stumbled sideways, bumping into a grumpy Jongin. His eyes weren’t on me though, he was looking over at Chen. Well...more like giving a death glare to Chen.

Chen seemed to be unphased by Jongin’s threatening looks as he continued to go over to me, hooking his arm around mine.

“Oh hey Jongin! I didn’t see you there!” He greeted cheerfully.

“Hyung, there’s no space in this van. Go sit in the EXO-M one.” Jongin said monotonously. Without another warning, he pulled me away from Chen and helped me into the van. Once I was inside, he climbed in and closed the door behind him.

“You didn’t have to be so rude.” I commented. “He is your hyung after all.”

He didn’t say anything and just leaned his head onto my shoulder.

“I can’t help it.” He mumbled, “I want you for myself.”

I smiled softly and took his hand in mine. I knew that he was a jerk sometimes but I couldn’t help it, he’s so cute.


We had dinner in the hotel that night and once again, the members of EXO-M approached me asking if I wanted to go out with them. I looked over at Jongin who didn’t seem very pleased so I told them I’ll reply later.

“Do you want me to go?” I asked Jongin once they returned to their seats.

He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter to me.” I watched as he picked up his fork and stabbed it extra hard into the piece of meat.

“If you didn’t want me to go, you could have just said so.” I mumbled to myself, chuckling at his childishness.

“What are you gonna do after dinner?” I asked him. He shrugged again.

“Probably get some rest or something.”

“Do you wanna go walking with the others? You know the city is really pretty at night.” I suggested. He shook his head saying that he’d rather catch a few extra hours of sleep after last night.

I sighed, knowing this was his way of getting me to pick between him and the others.

“In that case, I guess I’ll go out with them then.” I lied, waiting for his reaction. He once again shrugged nonchalantly but his actions showed otherwise as he shoved one spoonful of food into his mouth followed by another without end.

After dinner, I told the EXO-M members that I would be staying at the hotel instead. Most of them didn’t seem pleased -Chen, Xiumin, Kris, Luhan- while the others just shrugged it off, understanding that I was tired.

After they left, I waited around a bit, just to mess with Jongin before I took the elevator and went to our room. Once I got inside, I found Kyungsoo laying on the bed, surfing channels while Jongin was in the shower.

“What happened? I thought you were going out with the M members.” Kyungsoo said as I plopped onto mine and Jongin’s bed...well not that I had a chance to sleep in it since I got there.

“Shhh, it’s a surprise.” I whispered. He only laughed at my reaction.

It didn’t take long for the water in the bathroom to shut off and moments later, Jongin emerged, shirtless again.

“What are you doing here?” He asked in utter shock.

“I-I....” I buried myself under the blanket. “Can’t you at least put on a shirt first!” I yelled.

He must have turned to Kyungsoo when I didn’t answer his question because Kyungsoo let out a little giggle before replying, “She wanted to surprise you but I guess you were the one that took her by surprise.”

I blushed. Boyfriend or not, I still wasn’t used to seeing Jongin shirtless, for some reason, it was only him that made me nervous like that.

“Yoonae, you can come out now.” Jongin said, sounding much closer than he was previously. I slowly pulled the blanket down only to find his face inches away from mine. He grinned before kissing me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and pushed him away. “Yah! I told you not to kiss me without permission!”

I wiped my lips, making him gasp. “You did not just wipe my kiss away from you!”

“I just did!”

“B-but I’m your boyfriend! You can’t do that!”

“Last time I checked, you weren’t officially my boyfriend.” He pouted before flopping onto the bed miserably, burying his face in the pillow.

“Awww you two are so cute.” Kyungsoo cooed before getting up. “I’ll leave you two alone for tonight.” He winked.

“Don’t be too loud~”

I gasped at what he said. “Opppaaaaa~” I cried as he closed the door behind him.

I turned over to the sulking Jongin before poking him once...twice....on the third time I found myself laying on my back with him straddling me.

“W-What are you doing?” I asked him. He leaned down without a word before taking my lips with his. Slowly but surely, I started to respond knowing that there was no way I was getting out of this position anyways.

He grinned into the kiss after I had allowed him to kiss me properly for once. The way he kissed me definitely wasn’t as forceful as before but at the same time, it wasn’t as careful as Luhan had been with me in the past.

With him I felt safe, respected, slightly daring but most of all, loved. When we finally parted for air, he my hair before rolling off of me. I sat up, allowing myself to settle in his lap as he wrapped his arms around me.

“I told you not to kiss me without permission.” I scolded.

“Last time I checked, that was pretty much a consent and much more.” He replied, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

“Much more?” I questioned him.

“You know you enjoyed that as much as I did.” I blushed, feeling completely grateful that my back was facing him and he couldn’t see me.

“W-Whatever Jongin. You still aren’t allowed to do that again.” I warned him. He chuckled, planting a kiss on my cheek this time.

“You know...” He started, “I-”

-Careless Careless. Shoot Anonymous. Anonymous.
Heartless. Mindless. No one who care about me-

I gasped as I pointed to the familiar music video playing on the TV. Neither of us had noticed but Kyungsoo had left Thailand’s Kpop channel on before he left.

“Oh my gosh, you guys are so famous now! They’re even playing your music videos in Thailand!” I exclaimed.

“Yes love, there’s a reason why we’re promoting here.” He said. I ignored his sarcastic remark and concentrated on the video.

“OMO OMO OMO! Look! It’s Baekhyun-oppa! I love his eyeliner in this video. He looks so good-HEY! WHAT’D YOU DO THAT FOR?”

In the middle of my fangirling, Jongin switched off the TV. I turned around and glared at him.

“I was watching that!” I complained as I pointed to the TV. He shrugged.

“It was getting boring.” He replied.

“Boring?! It’s your own MV!”

“Y-Yeah well...I was getting tired and the TV is stopping me from sleeping.” He replied. “I’m gonna go to sleep.”

I got off of him and watched as he tucked himself in and turned to face the other side of the bed. I went to go wash up before returning to bed. When I got in, he turned around and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.

“I thought you were asleep.” I commented. He yawned.

“Yeah...just about asleep.” He replied. “Goodnight my love.”

“Goodnight.” I mumbled into his chest, easily relaxing into his warmth.

“Oh and just for the record, love, I am much better looking than Baekhyun-hyung.”

I couldn’t help but smile at my jealous unofficial boyfriend.



“I think.....I think maybe I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“REALLY?!” He pulled me away for a brief second, even turning on the bedside light to check my expression. I smiled at him, he grinned back at me.

“Really?” He repeated more calmly this time.

“I said maybe you dork.” I flicked him on the forehead. “You’re almost there...just give me...a little more time.”

He pulled me into a giant kiss.

“Anything.” He promised. “I don’t care how long I wait. Anything for you.”

I laughed at his enthusiasm and snuggled into his chest again. He reached back, flicked off the light and wrapped me securely in his arms.

“I can’t believe it.” He mumbled.

“Shut up and go to sleep Jongin.”

“I will...I just...I really can’t believe it.”

“Me neither.” I sighed as I drifted off to sleep.

A few months ago, I would have never thought that I would be the one confessing to Kim Jongin out of all people. I never thought that I would be in his arms, snuggling with him, kissing him, and lastly, falling in love with him.

Maybe miracles do happen.



A/N: Hi everyone! Welcome to the second....well...original ending.

If I have any new readers here who are confused, please please, take your time to go back to the first part of the story, as this is already the 50th chapter of a series. Here's the link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/249539/1/it-s-a-love-hate-relationship-drama-romance-exo-kai-luhan


For those who know why they're here =D Thanks for all the continuous support! Please comment!

-Ryeowook, Sungmin, Taemin, Luhan, Jongin, Chen, Youngmin, Kwangmin, Baekhyun and Sehun's Wifey

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Chapter 17: Awwwwww Baekhyun ;(
zyierra #2
Chapter 13: Goshhh.... i love this so muchh...Cutee:)Sweet ending!! Kyungsoo being omma again...LOL
Chapter 15: im up for it!!! :D
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~!
Hehe, I'm still interested with the sequel!
Chapter 11: Awww...... KAI!!
By the way, did you write those lyrics? They're really sweet!
Chapter 11: finally, they're together :D and she's lucky she has 3 handsome guys that are head over heels for her.
Chapter 11: Wow I was kinda disappointed that she didn't end up with Taemin T.T but I loved ur story <3
Chapter 11: I didn't like the endig I love it! ^^ sooo sweeet
Thx for eriting :))
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 11: The ending <3
What about Taemin?
Byul-Ah #10
Chapter 11: Sad but cute ending . awwww <3