"Oppa!" (Baekhyun Side Story)

It's A Love/Hate Relationship - Extras

Baekhyun's Story

This story takes place approximately between chapters 32 and 33 of the original story.


I always knew something would happen from the moment I looked into her eyes and decided, I wanted to cherish her for the rest of her life. There were so many moments from the time I met her until now, that I just wanted to hold her close and tell her: "be mine." So many times I wished that I could hold her in my arms the way Luhan did, or make her smile the way Jongin did. But I couldn't, it wasn't my place and time. 



I smiled at the girl that had just swung her front door open, grinning widely at me.

"Come in!" She cheered. I followed her inside, closing the door behind me. I hadn't been here before, but everything seemed off in the house. It was dreary, leaving behind an unwanted feeling. Yoonae was right, she had to move out.

"What do you need help with?" I asked, eyeing the large amount of boxes piled in the hallways.

"Just some small things, mainly clothes and stuff. And bed sheets and curtains. The movers got the appliances there already and the guys are going to help out with the other stuff tomorrow so just the bathroom and bedroom stuff should be fine." 

With that, I got to work, picking up the first box marked "clothes". In about 20 minutes, we loaded the stuff in her car and began driving off to her new apartment.

When we got there, I gaped at the open space in the apartment. It felt so new...but still, so cozy and welcoming. 

"The bedroom is down the hall on the left. The bed should be in there already." Yoonae said.

I headed into the room that she pointed out, there was nothing inside but her lone mattress and five planks of wood. Without being asked, I set to work putting together her bed.

"So, what are the other guys doing today?" She asked after a while.

"Chanyeol and Jongin are getting fittings for their runway thing. Suho and Sehun are doing some extra vocal lessons. Kyungsoo said something about visiting family." I replied, "I can't believe that I'm the only one with nothing to do."

She gasped, feigning offence. "Am I nothing to you oppa?" I chuckled and shook my head.

She grinned. "Good."

"By the way, are you sure you're going to be fine here in your own?" I asked, a sense of worry rushing over me. I still wondered how she survived on take-out for over a month already. 

"Yeah I'll be fine," she assured, "besides, I have you guys and Ji Eun."

"I can't really guarantee that our boys would be the most beneficial to your survival..." I mumbled under my breath. She must have caught it because she laughed and said, "me neither."

After assembling the bed, I sat down on it and picked up one of the photo albums sitting on the ground. Opening it, I felt my heart skip a beat as I saw her childhood pictures. 

"You're so cute here!" I cooed. Yoonae turned around and widened her eyes when she realized what I was referring to.

"Oppa! Give that back!" I laughed and shook my head, making sure to keep the book out of reach as I flipped through it.

"Awww was that your first day of middle school?" 

"What? I didn't even know my mom took a picture of-Oppa!" She cried as she ran over and reached out for the book.

I leaned back so she wouldn't be able to get to it, thoroughly enjoying her reaction.

I heard a thud and a light gasp from in front of me. Suddenly, there was a weight on top of my body and my lips connected with something soft and warm

The book slipped from my fingers as I fell back, creating the only sound in the room as we froze in place.

I began flushing red when I realized what happened. Yoonae was on top of me, our lips still connected, and she didn't look like she would come around any time soon.

My heart began racing all over again. I knew it was wrong. It was an accident and hell, she was my bandmate's girlfriend. I shouldn't be enjoying it, but I was.

This was wrong, I reminded myself one last time before I set my hands on her hips and rolled us around so that I was on top. 

I pulled away first, watching as she blinked in confusion. Our eyes met for the slightest time, and neither one of us spoke.

I got off and sat beside her body on the bed. 

"Sorry..." She whispered.

I shook my head, "it's nothing you should be sorry about." 

She sat up and looked over at me with guilt written over her face. At first I considered that maybe she understood how I felt and what that kiss meant to me, but then I realized she probably thought she cheated on Luhan.

I smiled at her and placed my hand on her cheek. "Hey, I mean it. Everything is alright. Accidents happen."

She nodded with a brilliant glow of pink forming on her face. 

"You're still my little princess." I cooed.

She blushed even more. "Oppa~"

I laughed and wrapped my arms around her, she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I'm not a little princess, oppa."

"You're my little princess, love."

She huffed stubbornly. "Fine." 

I kissed her lightly on the forehead. My princess.


After we sorted out most of her room and the bathroom, Suho called us to the dorm for dinner. Yoonae was grinning the entire time as we walked there, linking her arm with mine along the way.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked. She only giggled and shook her head. 

"Nothing~" She sang.

I didn't question her any further as we were now stepping out of the elevator and into the hall of the dorm.

I pulled out my keys and began fumbling with the lock. Yoonae looked utterly restless beside me.

When the familiar click finally sounded, I opened the door and stepped inside, only to be faced with complete darkness.

"What is going on...?" I murmured.

Yoonae laughed, closing the door behind me.

Suddenly the lights flickered on. "생일축아 함니다, 생일축하 함니다, 사랑하는 백현니, 생일축하 함니다!"

I gasped, eyes flickering with delight as the members and Ji Eun stood in front of me with a cake and candles in hand.

Behind them on the table was a giant meal, something that I wasn't expecting at all.

"I know we're having a fan meeting for you this weekend, but we just wanted to give you something a little more especially since Ji Eun and Yoonae won't be there." Suho explained.

I couldn't help but feel a little bit overwhelmed by feelings of love and warmth.

"Thank you guys so much." 

It was then that I noticed Chanyeol shifting from foot to foot. "I'd hate to ruin the moment guys, but I'm hungry, can we eat now?"

I laughed, walking over to give my best friend a hug. "Sure thing Yeol, let's go." 

Everyone gathered around the table, taking their respective seats. I sat down in my usual spot and looked around for Yoonae. 

"Ack!!! Stop leaning on me! You're so heavy!"

"But your head is such a comfortable armrest."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What do you think it means? Shorty." 

I turned and watched as Yoonae and Jongin were fooling around on their way over. Yoonae plopped down in the seat next to me, glaring at Jongin the entire time.

They continued arguing throughout the meal. 

"Jongin~ Stop. I can't even eat properly." Yoonae said only to receive another poke. I couldn’t help but laugh a bit at their interaction. She turned to me with furrowed eyebrows. "Oppa~ Tell Jongin to stop."

"Jongin stop." Silence.

All at once, Jongin and I cracked up, earning another glare from the girl between us.

"Ugh! You guys are horrible!" She said, falling back into the chair with a frustrated pout.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit more at her reaction, a small light of joy growing in my heart as I watched her crack a smile as well.

After dinner, we all sat in the living room to watch a movie. Once again I found myself sharing Yoonae's presence with the tanned rapper.

"Oppa," I suddenly felt a weight on my shoulder. Kyungsoo turned around from the carpet in front and hushed us.

"Yes Yoonae?" I whispered.

"Happy birthday." She handed me a little box, "it's not much, but I got something for you."

I eyed the box in the darkness curiously before I opened it. I let out a small laugh when I saw what was inside.

It was a phone charm with a little tag on the end:

#1 Oppa!

"Don't kids usually get this for their siblings or something? Matching phone charms?" I asked.

She shrugged and held up her phone, displaying the matching charm on the end: 

#1 Dongsaeng!

"That's so cheesy." I laughed, earning a pout from her. I leaned over and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Thank you."

She beamed, wrapping her arms tightly around me. "You're welcome."

"I love you, oppa!"

I blinked several times to make sure I was hearing things right, but her snuggling closer to me seemed to prove I wasn't dreaming.

I held her close, cherishing the fact that just for the moment, she was mine; my little princess. From the moment I saw her, I swore to myself that I would protect her, do anything for her. Even if I couldn't be her number one, I would be fine like this too. No matter who I was to her, or what I had to do...

"I love you too."


Even when I’m alone it’s okay if I can just see you

I’m always behind you, I’m always looking out for you, but it seems like I have to share

(Super Junior - 좋은 사람 Good Person)



A/N: Wow it's been a long time! Like...over a year! I hope people are still interested in reading this... Actually I wrote this about a year ago because I felt like I should write something from Baekhyun's POV since he's such a key person in Yoonae's life. Well I hope you liked it! I also began picking up the sequel as well and there will be updates there (though I can't guarantee how often.)


To be honest I had a small fallout with EXO after Luhan left. Afterall, he was my first bias and watching their performances would make me sad. However, I started catching up with them again and the song "Promise" reminded me of the original plot I had for the sequel. I felt the urge to write again. I understand if people don't want to follow the story anymore as you might have to reread a lot of it to be reminded of what happened. Thank you for those who do want to keep reading.

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Chapter 17: Awwwwww Baekhyun ;(
zyierra #2
Chapter 13: Goshhh.... i love this so muchh...Cutee:)Sweet ending!! Kyungsoo being omma again...LOL
Chapter 15: im up for it!!! :D
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~!
Hehe, I'm still interested with the sequel!
Chapter 11: Awww...... KAI!!
By the way, did you write those lyrics? They're really sweet!
Chapter 11: finally, they're together :D and she's lucky she has 3 handsome guys that are head over heels for her.
Chapter 11: Wow I was kinda disappointed that she didn't end up with Taemin T.T but I loved ur story <3
Chapter 11: I didn't like the endig I love it! ^^ sooo sweeet
Thx for eriting :))
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 11: The ending <3
What about Taemin?
Byul-Ah #10
Chapter 11: Sad but cute ending . awwww <3