
U-Kiss Drabbles


{while you were sleeping, i figured out everything} | kevin/kiseop



the first thing kiseop says as he enters kevin’s room is, “i told you so.”

kevin gives him a withering stare in return and kiseop simply beams at him, coming to sit on the edge of his bed. kiseop wants to ask how he’s feeling, but the flushed face, the shivering even under a pile of blankets and the bloodshot eyes of the other boy let him know that the answer is terrible. kiseop had warned him about going out onto their dorm balcony with wet hair, about playing in the snow and letting himself get soaked, but kevin had ignored him of course. now he was stuck in bed, sick and miserable.

kiseop pulls out a thermos from a bag at his feet, kevin wondering how he never noticed him bringing it in, and presents it to kevin. “here, i, um… i made this for you.”

kevin’s eyes narrow at kiseop’s nervousness, the boy never having been uncomfortable with him before. “what’s wrong with it?”

kiseop’s eyes widen and he hastily tries to explain, “nothing! nothing is wrong! i just— i called your mom and asked her what to make and she said chicken soup but i didn’t have any noodles so i used rice and then when i cooked it the rice went to the bottom and stayed there and then—”

kevin silences the boy by placing a hand over his mouth, smiling gently and saying, “i’m sure it’s fine. thank you for trying.”

kiseop helps kevin sit up and open the thermos, watches the boy struggle to feed himself with shaky hands. eventually he takes the spoon out of kevin’s hands and feeds him himself, running a hand through kevin’s hair in between mouthfuls. by the time kevin is done, he’s ready to sleep again and kiseop tucks him in gently, placing a kiss on his warm forehead and smiling down at him. kevin sleeps soundly for the first time since he fell ill.

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Am I too late to find out about your story? Wish I'm not... .w. I like your writing style - it's kinda chilled and gets me enjoy reading all drabbles of yours. Thank you so much for writing :3 I like them all XD
I like your way of writing and it's a great thing that your foreword tells what pairings are in the story^^

Could you please write a DongHoon drabble??? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 21: OMG my ELVIN!!!!
You're writing is so Beautiful ~
I love every drabble♡
Chapter 20: your writing...
can I have 2seops next?
please please?
pretty please? ^^,
Chapter 18: more please more!!!!
I beg you :P
author-shii!!! these are amazing <3