Chapter 5: She

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I was doing some snacks in the kitchen while Amber was just trying to pick a movie for us to watch.

It was Friday night but we decided to stay at home as we were too tired from our previews schedules. Today we had a bunch of interviews in radio stations and one appearance in a variety show. So we were really exhausted to go out or something, we both agreed to stay at home watching a movie and just enjoying each other’s company.

As long as I’m with Amber I don’t care ‘bout anything else. I could be in the desert, on the moon, under the sea, in an igloo, a-ny-whe-re.. But if it’s with her I’d be happy.


She just (I know is gonna sound cheesy but it’s true) lights up my world. She amaze me everytime with the things she does. I never met someone so caring about other’s people’s feelings, and always seems to see the good in people. She says “Everyone has a good side even if it’s small, you just need to look closer”. I guess she really did look closer to me ‘cuz she did find my good self and not what I always project to be, like I’m an ice princess, brat, spoiled, etc.

She saw me from who I was and slowly broke the wall I always build in front of people. Is not my intent to do it, I mean no matter how icy I look I’m really not like that but I guess I was never good trying to show my “warm side”. But with Amber I’m always warm, carefree, funny, kind, to her and people around us.

She changed me, but in a good way. I’ve always wanted people to see the not so icy side of me, because sometimes without my intention I hurt people I care about. Even her, I hurt her a few times before I realize my feelings for her. I mean it wasn’t easy to accept that I loved her; I’ve always looked at her differently from my other friends, but she was different.


I will never forget the time we met..



Spring 2008


Luna, Sulli and me were in the dance studio practicing like everyday with our choreographer Boom. She was showing us this new “y dance”, moving her hips to the side, flipping her hair as she looked fierce to us. The dance was about confident, showing your appeal. Luna was not so confident with her moves. Sulli was getting there, even tho she seems innocent but when she wasn’t smiling cutely she just had natural y looks.

*Duffy – Mercy* Sounds through the speakers.


“I am not y at all” Luna said pouting.

“Stop thinking too much, Luna!” Boom-unnie said “You have to let the beat guides you into it”

Luna looked clueless.

“I know what you mean unnie” Sulli said smiling but then turned serious and kept on dancing with her eyes closed.

“YES! Sulli. Good job. Just feel the music. Let it embrace you”

“Why you look so y Ssul? You’re younger than me” Luna pouted.

Sulli giggles “Because I FEEL the music” she said closing her eyes once again.

Luna tried closing her eyes, and let herself go. “Good a little bit better Luna” Boom-unnie said.


As for me..

I was confident, because I knew my steps. But I don’t know if I’m y enough like Boom unnie.

I kept on dancing with my eyes closed immersed in my moves and trying to feel the song. I tried to develop my appeal, but I don’t know how to do that very well, I mean I’m still young.

“You’re good Krys, just trying lose a little bit more. Great actitud by the way” she said with a smile.

I smiled back.



After 2 hours the girls were exhausted and so was I, but I wanted to stay a little longer at the studio to do some free dance moves, by myself.

“You guys go ahead I wanna practice a bit more” I said to the girls and Boom unnie.

“You sure? Soojungie” Luna said.

“Yes positive” I say reassuring with a smile.

“Alright, Krys when you finish please turn off the stereo and place it in the corner, turn off the lights and don’t forget to close the door.. here’s the keys” She said giving me the keys of the studio.

“Okey Unnie! See you guys tomorrow”

“Bye Soojungie” both Luna and Sulli said.

“Bye Krys” Boom waved goodbye at me.


I was dancing all over the studio, just expressing myself without music just doing any moves I wanted to do. I was too concentrated with my eyes closed, But when I opened them, I catched someone was mesmerized looking at me, I shocked a bit by that person.

















Looks like a boy





But his face is..
















I think maybe he is a she. But wait why is she looking at me like that? Does she wants something?

I looked at her with a stern look.

“Who are you? What are you doing here? Why do you keep looking at me like that?” I said maybe too fast. I was uneasy around her. I never met someone like her, you know so boyish. ‘Maybe she is a boy after all, a cute one tho’.


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I'm sorry I'm taking so long to update. Please patiently wait. Loveu


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jasonds #1
Chapter 17: please come back author nim
little_annie_ #2
Chapter 17: here again.. and I don't mean to stalk you but this story is soooooooo way similar to our kryber reality. I might be crazy or delusional cuz of course I don't personally know them but I think its true.. they're not together anymore. And you CAN tell that at some point that they were, I as human being can recognize love and being IN LOVE and those 2 really showed it.... but obviously not anymore, I feel as if krystal grew up and matured even but somehow i dont see amber in that same line. like I said, I might just be plain crazy but its seems quite accurate and this is all JUST MY opinion. just my point of view ( and still I might be completely wrong, who knows ?)..... what DO YOU think ??
little_annie_ #3
Chapter 17: This wait is slowly killing me.. update pretty pleeeaaaaseee !!
aung29 #4
Chapter 15: Where r I need my kryber.Can I ask u something if u do't mind?Don't take too long to update..pls.Can u do that for us?
Kryberforlife #5
Chapter 17: This story feels real to me. It's been a horrible time for this ship since this year there's hardly any Kryber moments captured anymore. I mean, it's so obvious that they keep close skinship with everyone but each other (Amber got super close to Min and Ailee and in Red Light we see Krystal with Luna/Vic/Sulli but not Amber. I also came across a vid on youtube listing Krystal's admirers and it's depressing to watch). Either Kryber broke up or it's SM interference. I just hope that it's the later. It's comforting to read this story because you seem to follow the real events so it gives me hope to keep this ship afloat. Pls update soon!
agentprincess #6
When will you update again author-shi?hope everything is fine tho!take care~
aung29 #7
Chapter 12: Update,pls.
Jheszie #8
Chapter 17: Next please Authour!!! :)))
Chapter 17: Definately worth the wait author-nim ^^.
aung29 #10
Thanks for