A Summer's Night Calm

Peek Behind the Tainted cover

Whee~! Happy Seohyun day,  Seomates, Loyalists and SONEs! Here I am, exactly in 04:00 KST, posting this special oneshot to celebrate our dearest maknae! God, I should get an airsoft gun quickly and send it to Seohyun as a gift!XP

Okay, just forget my nonsense rant,. With further ado... I present you.... 

A Summer’s Night Calm


Seohyun shot her eyes opened wide. Her breaths turned into quiet hitches as cold sweat slowly rolled down from her forehead. She glanced to the alarm clock on the nightstand; 05:00 a.m., a very early time to get up, especially for nine exhausted girls of Girls’ Generation. But not now, at least for Seohyun. Sure, she was still tired, but not sleepy anymore. Strange? Not for her. Carefully she set her feet down to the floor, to not awaking her roommate, and went through the door.


Her next destination was the kitchen. Flowing sound of water filling a glass echoed through the silent, with Seohyun as the only audience. She set herself down to the nearest chair, swallowing slightly the clear liquid. Lips parted slightly, the maknae sighed almost inaudibly even to herself. She let her mind drifted to nowhere to the thin air while her hand subconsciously brought the glass to her lips.


“It’s about the time, ” Seohyun mumbled, “Why this has to come every year...”


Her vision dropped to the water inside half-emptied glass as if the tiny water body was the most interesting sight. But that was the reality as Seohyun uninterestedly fascinated by it, doing nothing but that as time rolled forward.


“Seohyun? You’ve woken up already?”


A sleepy tone accompanied by a long yawn tugged Seohyun back from her empty thought. Sleepy yet awake figure of Taeyeon stood beside her, her fingers fiddled with her still heavy eyelids.


“...Hmm, it’s still 06:10 a.m., you actually could have more sleep if you want”     


06:10 a.m., that mean she had been staying awake for more than an hour.  “It’s fine unnie, I don’t feel sleepy anymore.”


Taeyeon peered more carefully at the youngest’s visage and sighed, “Don’t tell me you’ve been awake earlier? Aigoo, you should have rest more maknae. Today’s gonna be a busy day.”


“You should too unnie.”


“Yeah I’d really like to sleep again, but I have a duty as a leader. Besides, I got some extra schedule this morning.”


“Oh...hey Taeyeon unnie, hey Seohyun,” Yoona suddenly joined them, her eyelids half-closed.


“Morning Yoong, you wake up very early...”


Yoona shook her head while rubbing her nose, “No unnie, I just want to grab some water and sleep again.”


Seohyun leaned closer and ”Unnie, what’s happened with your nose?”


“This?” Yoona pointed her nose. ”Oh, I just fell from my bed and my nose hit the floor.”


“Omo, is it still hurt?” Seohyun gasped in concern and rubbed Yoona’s slightly red nose carefully.


“ Please, maknae couple, you don’t have to be lovey-dovey this early...” Taeyeon sighed.


Both of them blushed slightly at the leader’s remark. Seohyun pulled back and handed Yoona a glass of water, which the latter accepted with a smile. She quickly drank it all and set the emptied glass to the table.


“Taeyeon unnie is right, don’t tire yourself Hyunnie,” Yoona kissed Seohyun on the cheek, ignoring cringing Taeyeon on the background, and backed to her room. “Wake me up at 8 o’clock unnie!”


Taeyeon nodded slightly, having enough of maknaes’ public display of affection as her ‘breakfast’. She chuckled at the blushing maknae and asked, “If you don’t mind, could you help me Seohyun?”


Seohyun nodded and helped the leader preparing the morning.




The dorm door creaked open, revealing the tired tallest member of Girls’ Generation. She walked silently, knowing most, if not all, other members had gone to bed. Low grumble was heard from her tummy; well she wasn’t called shikshin for nothing. However, despite that fact, her filming for Dating Agency: Cyrano was really tiring... and making her hungry.


“Hngh... I’m so tired!” Sooyoung groaned as she stretched her sore arms. “Now I understand how miserable and hungry Yoona was when she was still filming her drama.”


Sooyoung then headed to her next stop: the kitchen. Sleeping with empty stomach was a big no no for her. She started raiding the fridge, searching for anything edible to please her stomach. Bringing her ‘bounty’ with her, she settled on kitchen table and started enjoying her past-midnight supper.


“Oh... this is so good~!” Sooyoung sighed happily as she finished her meal. But as she about to leave the kitchen, a shadow suddenly emerged from the dark corridor. Sooyoung jumped from the chair in surprise.


“W..who are you?” Sooyoung shakily asked, hands shaking in an awkward kung fu stance.


 The shadow came nearer and revealed a rather tired looking Seohyun. “Oh... it’s you Seohyun...” Sooyoung sighed in relieve, holding her hand on her chest as if keeping her heart from jumping out. “You scared me you know!”


“Welcome home Sooyoung unnie. Have you just been back from drama filming?”


“Yeah. But hey, why you don’t sleep? It’s...” Sooyoung glanced her watch, “ 2 o’clock in the morning.”


Seohyun shook her head softly and sat beside Sooyoung. “I’ve just waked up and don’t feel like sleeping again unnie...”


“Insomnia huh? Well, but you should at least try to sleep maknae. Next few days won’t be easy.” Sooyoung yawned widely. “Oh god, I really need my sleep! Goodnight Seo.”


“Goodnight unnie,” replied Seohyun as the older walked to her bedroom.


“Remember, don’t stay awake too long!” Sooyoung reminded before closing her room door.


Seohyun only nodded and sighed. She mentally apologized to Sooyoung for not following her advice tonight, because she felt almost impossible to fall asleep again tonight. And maybe it would be continued for next more nights, to her worry.


Unbeknownst to her, in the dark corridor, someone had been watching her from the start.




“Seohyun, can I talk to you a bit?”


Seohyun looked at Hyoyeon questioningly then nodded. “Of course, Hyoyeon unnie.”


Hyoyeon sat beside Seohyun on her bed. “I see that you sleep late yet wake up earlier recently Seo.”


“Is it unnie? How did you know?” Seohyun asked back nervously.


“Aww come on, I’ve been your roommate for years!” Hyoyeon grinned but soon her expression turned into serious one. ”But it’s very unusual for you not to follow your typical healthy lifestyle. Something bothers you?”


“No, not really...” the maknae shook her head lightly and decided to confide in her roommate. “...It’s just I have some trouble sleeping unnie. And when I sleep, I’m haunted by strange dream.”


“Hmm, maybe there’s something bothers your mind really.”


“That’s the problem unnie. I even don’t know what it is...”


Hyoyeon softly patted Seohyun’s back and encouraged her. “That’s fine, I know you can overcome it soon. But if you need someone to talk with, you can come to me.”


Although not feeling any better, Seohyun smiled at her nonetheless. “Thanks Hyoyeon unnie.”


Hyoyeon was about to leave her room but she bumped to someone exactly in front of the door. “Aww, hey Yoona what are you doing here?”


“Huh? I do nothing!”


“Wait,” Hyoyeon squinted her eyes suspiciously at her second-youngest dongsaeng. “Was you eavesdropping?”


“Huh? Eavesdropping?” Yoona questioned back nervously. “I...I just happened to pass here!” She quickly walked away from Hyoyeon.


“That weird choding...” Hyoyeon muttered.




Seohyun glanced warily at the nightstand; to the calendar and the clock to be exact. It was less than half an hour for the date changed into a certain date that wasn’t marked on the calendar, but had inerasable mark in her heart. It was a silent night, most of other members had fallen asleep, but she even couldn’t close her eyes for more than a couple of minutes. She also worried about Hyoyeon; her roommate hadn’t came back to their and if she remembered correctly, the lead dancer got no schedule until this late.


The door creaked opened, and Seohyun expected her roommate to come. But instead a certain doe-eyed girl entered her room.


“Seohyun? You don’t sleep yet?”


“So are you unnie,” Seohyun smiled at Yoona, who sat beside her in the bed.


“Well, I’ve just come back from photoshoot for Eider CF, and I’m used to sleep late. But I’m amused that Seohyun, the ambassador of ‘sleep early for your cell skin growth’, hasn’t gone to bed yet.”


Seohyun pouted at the cheeky deer and hit her arm lightly. “Unnie, it’s not funny.”


Yoona only grinned and pinched the maknae’s cheek. “Maybe, but you’re cute when I tease you. But, really, why you seem down these days? And I noticed that you sleep late but wake up too early lately. It’s very unlike you”


“How did you know? Did Hyoyeon unnie tell you?”


“No, I knew it by myself and Hyoyeon unnie told me nothing. So, it’s true?”


Seohyun dropped her vision, unable to reply. Yoona took her hand and kissed it softly. “Apollo has chauffeured his fiery chariot to Northern Hemisphere, dragging the Sun to where the celestial crab lies. As the Sun sits in its northernmost throne, it warms up the joyful Spring soul to long-awaited Summer. Warmth of the season contents every spirits in the Earth, but why gloom shadows you from the Summer sunbeam? May I know the reason and lift away that shadow?”


Seohyun giggled at the sweet words the doe-eyed girl uttered and leaned her head to the latter’s shoulder. “How did you get those all unnie?”


“Uhh, Wikipedia?” Yoona grinned sheepishly.


“I would laugh if someone got such a poem from Wikipedia.”


“Hanging too much with Love Rain scriptwriters will make you way cheesier and more poetic than Sooyoung or Yuri unnie.” Yoona smiled knowingly. Actually, Yoona had called one of Love Rain scriptwriters earlier to help her with the poem. But she had no intention to humiliate herself in front of Seohyun by saying that.


Seohyun pulled back and started spilling the secret she’d been holding within. “Every year, every few nights before my birthday, I always feel restless and difficult to sleep. And when I’m sleeping, abstract and formless dreams always appeared, and it scares me so much,”


“Wait, you felt this last year too? And the year before? Why didn’t I realize it last year?”  Yoona cut the maknae, suddenly felt furious to herself. “...I’m sorry for being so uncaring to you, Hyunnie...”


“It’s okay unnie, you were too tired with Love Rain filming last year. Besides, I don’t want to become a burden to you.”


“But still...” the doe-eyed sighed lowly, making Seohyun feeling slightly guilty and caressed her arm softly to calm her.


“Actually, I’ve been like this ever since before our debut. Before our debut, I worried whether I’d get the chance to debut or not. On our first years as Girls’ Generation, I worried if we could stay and survive. But, I don’t know what I worried about on next following years, until now.” Seohyun glanced up at Yoona. “People supposed to be excited when their birthday comes, but instead I feel the opposite. Does that make me strange?”


“No, it isn’t strange at all. Instead, that’s what make you special Hyunnie. It shows you how thoughtful you are.”



Her Baby-G watch beeped, signing the day had passed into 28 June 2013. As if magic, Yoona took out a mini black forest cake on a paper plate with a small candle on it. “Seo Joohyun, happy birthday my love.”


“T-thank you so much, Yoona unnie...” Seohyun gasped and her eyes started tearing slightly.


Yoona smiled and wiped away the tears. She reached her pocket and took out the lighter then lighted the candle. “Make your wish, princess.”


Seohyun took a deep breath and closed her eyes before blew the candle softly.


Yoona rummaged her pocket and took out two small plastic spoons. “Now let’s dig in!”


“Unnie you know it’s not healthy to eat at this hour!”


“Aww please Hyunnie, just this time!” Yoona said with aegyo voice, which Seohyun found too irresistible for her.


“Fine. Only this time unnie.” Seohyun scooped a little piece of the cake and ate it slowly. To her surprise, it was so delicious that made her want more. “It’s delicious!”


“I know you’ll like it.” Yoona grinned.


They shared the sweet dessert together. Seohyun carefully ate the cherry Yoona fed her. In return the doe-eyed alligator lived her name as she chomped mightily the big chunk of cake the maknae fed her. They finished the black forest cake together and and the empty plate on the nightstand.


”Hey, you got something there.” Yoona leaned face closer towards Seohyun. The latter felt her cheeks heated up as their face inched closer and closeer.


Seohyun gasped as Yoona pressed her lips on the corner of and lapped away the chocolate stain with her tongue. As she finished, she hovered her lips atop of Seohyun’s, connecting their lips in a ghostly kiss. Seohyun leaned forward, to Yoona’s surprise, bringing herself to taste more of those soft lips. She could felt a soft tongue lapped her lower lips, sending tingling sensation all over her body. A small whimper escaped from Seohyun’s lips, allowing Yoona to slip her tongue in, sharing sweetness of their little black forest treat. A small moan from Seohyun echoed through the silent night, as her tongue was being softly massaged by Yoona’s own. Faint taste of cherry the younger ate earlier invaded Yoona’s sense, making her even crazier in the middle of their passionate yet soft kiss. Yoona pulled back slowly, resting their foreheads together, out of breath.


“You like my present?” Yoona asked. Seohyun didn’t answered, only hugged Yoona tightly. She smiled and Seohyun’s hair gently. “I think it’s time for you to get your peaceful sleep.”


“We should brush our teeth first unnie,” Seohyun said which made Yoona’s eyes widened before breaking her soft laugh. Following the ever health-caring maknae to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth thoroughly.


Done with cleaning their teeth, they laid their worn and sleepy bodies on Seohyun’s bed. Seohyun settled herself on Yoona’s chest, right over her heart, listening to the rhythm of her heartbeat. Restlessness that attacked her nights suddenly faded away, replaced by content feeling of being surrounded by her beloved’s arms.


“Sweet dreams, Hyunnie,” Yoona kissed her temple lovingly.


Seohyun smiled at the little yet affectionate gesture, and unlike her previous nights, her eyes felt very heavy and eager to sleep. She glanced up and found Yoona had fallen asleep, her chest rose and fell lightly.


“Yoona unnie, I now realize why I’m restless on my birthday night for these years...” Seohyun whispered while vainly fighting her eyes to stay open. “...I worried that I might lose you and you’ll leave me alone. But I know I’ll spend my birthday nights in peace in your arms. And it’s a perfect gift, better than I’ve ever wished...”


With a contented sigh, Seohyun surrendered to deep, peaceful slumber.




“Yah, where’s the cake?”


“Don’t be noisy, shikshin! And this is maknae’s birthday not yours!”


“Aish... be quiet you two! You might wake Seohyun up!”


Seven girls now crumpled together in front of Hyoyeon and Seohyun’s room, with Taeyeon in lead. She held the doorknob tightly and checked the girls. “Everybody’s here?”


“Yoona’s not here. I’ve never seen her since last night!” Yuri informed.


“Just leave that choding and let her regret her cake share is eaten by Sooyoung!” Sunny scoffed.


“Okay then, on my count!” Taeyeon directed. ”One, two, three!”


Taeyeon swung the door open and the company were about to shout ‘happy birthday!’, but the leader had stopped them first. They were about to protest by they were silenced by the sight before them.


Seohyun slept so soundly, snuggled so comfortably on Yoona’s chest, while the doe-eyed girl had her arms draped lovingly around the maknae. They looked so beautifully serene in each other’s embrace. But the thing that fascinated Taeyeon and the others the most was Seohyun’s face; it bore the most peaceful expression they’d ever witnessed from the maknae.


Taeyeon smiled and chuckled, “We may as well wait for awhile until the maknaes wake up.”


 “Aww, so the cake has to wait?” Sooyoung complained.


“Aissh, we have the whole morning! Be patience shikshin!” Hyoyeon chided and sighed knowingly at the sight of the maknaes, “Cheesy romantic deer, I knew you would do things like this...”


“Wait a sec Hyo, so you knew this?” Yuri asked.


“Of course! That’s why I asked her to change places for a night, I knew she would do stuffs like this.”


“Oh, so that’s why instead of Yoona, I found you snoring on her bed.”


“I didn’t snore, Kwon,” Hyoyeon snarled at the grinning tan girl.


“I have no problem with the celebration being postponed. But can I put this cake somewhere first? It’s heavy you know!” Sunny complained with a big cake in her small arms. “Besides, I’m really disturbed with the drooling shikshin beside me!” She side stared at Sooyoung, who literally drooling over the cake.


“Tiff, what are you doing with your phone?” Jessica asked the red-haired girl beside her, who was busy fiddling with her phone.


“I’m taking lots of photo of them! They’re very sweet!” Tiffany said with a squeal. “I’m gonna put this on YoonHyun thread on Soshified! Loyalists will be sooo happy with this! Oh, and Taetae, upload this to your Instagram okay? And Yuri, Hyoyeon, upload this to your account too!”




Dunno why, but I picked 'restless night' and 'silent birthday' theme for this one. I've never felt hard to sleep at night before my birthday, but I've ever tried to spent my last birthday in silence, without no one knew or greet me happy birthday. Well, that failed completely though; one of my friend woke me up and said happy birthday to me and latter my friends soaked me up with egg-mixed-with-waterand-god-knows-what liquid. It was annoying but fun!

But sometimes I think birthdays needn't be celebrated so extravagant, instead a small piece of joy given to you is the best gift, like in the oneshot...:)

Well, Happy 23rd birthday, Seohyun! Stay matured and get dorkier!

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I'm back to the (t)roll!!! Anybody missed me?


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Chapter 4: waaah this is amazing authornim. I'm glad i have finished all the angst stories first so now I am overflowing with fluffy feeling ^^
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 10: Omg, author!! I am amazed by your writing skill!! Lok okay, maybe i am a bit overreacting or whatsoever, but you have quiet a good writing skill!! Hehe and i am being honest here lol. Write more please?? I am sure your readers would like to read more of your stories, because I do, haha. Fighting author, and good job!! :)
Chapter 10: :o ... Geez Draco, I don't even know what to say...
Why was Yoona being so mean?!?!? How could she hurt Seohyun, the wife she is supposed to love and treassure!?!? D: inconceivable!! T.T
Well, but at least Seohyun escaped with the good Yoona... in her fantasies at least...
But why did it have to be Yoonsic!? :(
Geez Draco, this comeback of yourswas too cruel on my Yoonhyun heart D: but oh well, I'm glad to have you back, writing Yoonhyun... sobsobsob
Chapter 10: Ok...


Now on to the actual story lol...

Seohyun, poor Seobb :((( How can anyone not love Seohyun!? How can anyone not protect her!? Goddamnit Draco's story's Yoona, you're a douche!! DEATH TO ANYONE WHO DARES HURT SEOHYUN!!!!

Will pass on all comments on Jessica in this story >V<

I don't know if this is right... But what I'm getting is that Seohyun, as the writer, created/wrote a fantasy for herself where there is the real Yoona, the perfect Yoona for her. Sadly, reality is reality. BUT, she joins her real Yoona, who has actually died (I'm not sure when, probably sometime into the marriage, or maybe even before the marriage since I suspect whether or not Yoona was really quite the charming perfect woman she presented herself to be) with her own death. I dunno. Too many feels.