Rendezvous in Silent Park

Peek Behind the Tainted cover

What? Yeah! It's me! Back again to this collection wee~!!!! Now I got some of my muse again and I decide to keep writng YoonHyun even with all odds against us Loyalists. 

This one is based on a short story of my Indonesian school task with same title 'Pertemuan di Taman Hening'. It was a...depressingly nice story, heck. I don't know who the author of the story is, but yeah, the main plot is belongs to his/her, so does the poem. I'm just shamelessly 'borrow' the story and adapt it to another shameless story of maknaes, and made a crappy translation of the poem (the real poem is so beautiful!).

Well, ignore my blab. Do enjoy the story! 

Rendezvous in Silent Park

“Useless fool!”

And those words roared.

Was that the second, third, fourth...or fiftieth slap? Seohyun lost count. Too many blows landed at her to keep track. Alas, that fact still didn’t stop her body flung to the corner of the room. Sharp edge of wooden drawer scraped the side of her head, as her leg stumbled and fell. Fresh blood trickled down from the open wound.

The room was well lit, but what could be seen there only a dark shadow with blaring dark eyes, heaving slow steps towards her. In every single of those steps, cold crawled closer and closer, grasping the heart of Seohyun with spectral, painful force.

“Slap me. Hit me. Hit me again Yoona! Kill me, make me dead!”

Those words she cried out; louder and louder growing to a raucous roar. Only that, those word echoed in and to nowhere but inside her heart. Heard by no one but herself.

It doubled the pain soundlessly.

Yoona growled; her nostril flared as she tread closer, breath ragged. “Useless fool,” the air between her teeth seethed, in much lower volume but still with same dose of venom etched. Reaching down one of lithe but deadly strong arm, she harshly pulled Seohyun up in shoulder and let her fisted free hand flew forwards. Crushing the side of pale face in front of her.

Seohyun whimpered and let her battered body slid down. She curled against the corner tightly; tangy taste of her blood seeped through her parched lips. Cowering, she eyed her spouse discreetly and carefully before shutting her eyelids. She waited for the next; another slap, one more hit or maybe a kick across her stomach.

Nothing came.

She cracked open one eye slowly and found Yoona stomped out from the room, slamming harshly the door at her leave. Then brooding silence came once again.  

No tears rolled down her face. Her tears had dried long long time ago.

It didn’t start like this five years ago...


Seohyun jumped slightly at the sudden peck on her cheek. She tilted her head slightly and met wide smile of Yoona. “What are you doing?” she smiled, removing her hand from the keyboard to her lap.

“I’m just amazed.”

“Amazed at what?”

“Soon, we’ll be married,” Yoona reached out her fingers gingerly pinching her chubby cheeks. “Seohyun, when the others are just girls, you’re an angel. I’m lucky to have you and never will I let you go.”

“Is it? Me too.”

What Seohyun said wasn’t a lie. Who didn’t want a wealthy, charming and gentle girl like Yoona? But those aspects weren’t the sole reason she wanted to be her side.

The smile of her, oh that smile, like the most beautiful upside-down rainbow in universe. That smile that always ward off the sorrow of her heart. Seohyun could see no human could stand on the same ground with Yoona; the goddesses were her only worthy contenders. Let the goddesses bickered among themselves over a stupid golden apple for the most beautiful, it was Yoona she would always choose.

“Could I... could I continue to write?” she stared deeply at Yoona before back again at her laptop, sighing contentedly. “I don’t want to stop writing. Not for money, no. Not to support our household fneeds. But to myself.” She paused, staring lovingly at her fiancée again. “And you, Yoona, are my neverending inspiration. My fountain of muse that will never dry.”

Giggling, Yoona pinched softly Seohyun’s fluffy firm cheeks with her long fingers. “Write as you will, love. As you’re the author of the story of my life.” She gave a loving look , gesturing her hand around to their house. “I’m no jailer, and this house is no prison. You can write your heart out, or perhaps you want to be something else, I don’t mind. I’m happy with what you’ll be.”

She leaned down and united their lips in a kiss.


Seohyun kept writing stories, her love and passion that existed long before she met Yoona. Whilst Yoona continued her career as a manager in an insurance company. For five years, their married life was almost like fairytale. Call Seohyun being too hyperbolic, but she felt the shine of all rainbows in every corner of the world were all filled their home, with Yoona as the center of it.

Hell started broke loose right after five years of their marriage.

She was sat helplessly on the floor, cheek glaring red after a sharp slap landed there. Yoona stood towering in front of her; her figure posed menacing shadow. She was a step behind the opened door. Would she leave me behind? Leaving me alone? Or maybe another way around; maybe it’s me who’ll be kicked out.

Seohyun mouthed it again, the same question again, asking, “Who is that singer woman?”

Burst in devilish cackle, Yoona moved forward and fisted a handful of Seohyun’s locks, pulling the younger to her feet. “You want to know that bad?” She leaned forward, whispering every words spitefully. “Say hello to Jessica, my new lover.” She laughed again and lunged Seohyun hard down to the floor.

The Jessica woman suddenly appeared before the ajar door, slinging her arms in flirty manner around Yoona’s neck. She shared a brief but passionate kiss with Yoona before casted down a look at Seohyun. That look was full of mock pity and insult; a look that as if she laughed these in front of her:

“Oh, poor little girl. What did you do, what did you do that make your beloved run away from your side? You ought to know, she is the one who chases me. Then she kneels before me and begs my hand for her to kiss. Oh, you ought to know how she loves me dearly.”  

It was so clear, too clear, as she only could watch them walked away.

With that fact, shouldn’t Seohyun felt no longer guilty--let alone feeling like a betrayer—whenever she met her?  After all, an eye for an eye. Betrayer for a betrayer.


These late days, Seohyun always spent her time going to a park not far from her residence. That park was their permanent rendezvous point, a beautiful tranquil park with the ethereal whiteness decorated around, as if snow had just fallen there. The Silent Park, they affectionately called.

Colorful butterflies fluttered around, little birds flew around singing their song. How Seohyun wanted to reach out her hand, to invite a one or two birds perched on her hand. That would felt so wonderful, she mused.

“What did I do, what did I do, what did I do,” she muttered repeatedly like a sick mantra. “Did I do something wrong, Yoona?”

Yes, there must be something wrong, something. Anything. Her memory restlessly traced every seconds of her life with her spouse for five years, searching for any imperfection, petty arguments, any little rocks on their path. Yet, she only found herself drowned in sickening memories full of love they shared. Especially those soft hands that touched her cheeks ever so gently.

Oh, I miss those hands... love that once always laced on them, Seohyun reminisced sadly, touching her cheek with her own trembling hand. Those hands touched no love for her again, not like it used to five years ago, only violent hits full of spite carried on them. If only the bench under her didn’t support her weight, she would’ve heaped on the dirt brooding in her misery.

“You did nothing wrong Seohyun. Should you indeed did one, she must’ve forgiven you, if she truly loves you.”

That soothing voice she longed to hear sounded right beside her. She turned her face to her side and found a peaceful face of the doe-eyed girl. Her, the one Seohyun always longed to meet, her deer-like wide beautiful eyes, the one that painstakingly looked so much like Yoona.

Seohyun felt it again. The gentle swoosh of winds of her longing to that doe-eyed beauty and her calming words. Those sincere smiles she flashed every time she came or went. Seohyun missed everything of her. With that, Seohyun felt like the biggest sinner in the world.

 “Seohyun...” the doe-eyed woman called, touching her softly in arms.

Seohyun wanted to flinch and moved away. No, she must move away from her. Yet her body was growing stiff as the doe-eyed woman pulled her to an embrace. She even snuggled closer to her invitingly warm torso.

The little birds perched on brownish or dark green branch chirped loudly, as if celebrating. They were the merry witness of when the doe-eyed woman kissed her.

 This is wrong.

Breaking the kiss, Seohyun abruptly stood and inched away from the bench. Her lips trembled, muttering, “I’m a betrayer. I’m a betrayer.”

“No, you aren’t,” soft reply was uttered by the doe-eyed woman.

“I’ve betrayed. I’ve fallen for another.”

“Yes, you love her, and she loves you too. Your spouse is just a cruel, abusive beast.”

“My spouse... is cheating on me...”

“Yes, right in front of your eyes. So you and her—“

“Me and her.” Seohyun trembled more voicing her words. “ She... she is so much like Yoona...”

 “No,” the doe-eyed woman firmly disagreed. “She’s not Yoona.”

“Yes, she is Yoona.”

“No! No, she isn’t Yoona.”

“Yes, she is!”



Seohyun voiced all inside her lungs out. Panting, she stared intently at her before walking away.

“Seohyun!” called the doe-eyed woman. “I wrote a poem for you.”

In a heartbeat, Seohyun halted her steps. Her lips quivered, mumbling, “A...p-poem?”

Now she remembered it, once she wrote a poem for Yoona. A poem that never got its chance to be delivered. That time, she folded it to a paper airplane and flew it from the porch. It crashed to the ground and brittles of sand start covered it halfheartedly. She was about to pick it up when suddenly wind gushed again, flying it with the sand. And suddenly Seohyun bothered it no more.

“I’ll read the poem for you Seohyun,” the voice behind her spoke again.

Suddenly, Seohyun remembered perfectly how her poem sounded.

Evaporates, every drops of my blood evaporates

Again, the Earth is dried up below blue sky

Our sea died

Scorched in silence

Rings of the universe

Snuggles under cool reverberating pulse

Of your blood on your veins

Trickling of your sweat

Yet our sea has died

Yet our sea has died

Our sea died

Our sea died

 The doe-eyed woman finished reciting her poem and scuttled to Seohyun’s side. “How was it sound? Was it good?” She flashed a happy, wide grin. “Perhaps I could get a chance to be a famous author like you someday?”

Why she’s so much like Yoona? Once she told me she wanted to learn writing poems and stories.

Hot, sparkling beads of water dwelled on Seohyun’s eyes. And drops of cold water hit the top of her head in drizzle. Drizzle of water drops cascaded harder in torrent of rain.

“It’s raining,” sounded the doe-eyed woman, feeling raindrops trickling down her opened palm. “I’ll protect you from the rain.”

She ped her jacket and draped it around Seohyun. Seohyun could smell the same fragrance from the jacket and its doe-eyed owner. That fragrance, smelled like an aroma that had been a part of her for many, many years.

“I’ll protect you from everything. I’ll protect you from your spouse,” vowed the doe-eyed woman before she wrapped her arms carefully around Seohyun. “I’ll bring you away from here,” she snuggled her head to damp hair of Seohyun.

“A...away from here? S-should I go away from here?”

If Seohyun chose to go away, it meant she’d leave Yoona forever. It meant that she’d given up and let the singer woman took her spouse, their house, even the bed they shared together.

“It’s for you, it’s for us,” whispered the doe-eyed woman, still hugging her body close. “How could you survive with that vile beast that only knows to hit you?” her whisper grew into stern, strong tone.

“I...I want to be protected,” Seohyun managed between her sobs. “I want to be loved...”

The doe-eyed woman gently wiped her tears and smiled lovingly. “I’ll love you, Seohyun. I’ll love you dearly, as I dearly yearn for the heaven.”

Amidst the rain they walked, body still huddled together, to a wood cabin in the middle of that silent park. That cabin was made by the doe-eyed woman herself for Seohyun. Should that be her greatest proof of her devotion to the younger.

Seohyun took another deep whiff of the doe-eyed woman as she opened the door and led them to a simple bed inside.  That scent, too much resembling Yoona’s, she thought bitterly as she was gently laid down.  She felt another roll of tears burst again as she felt a pair of strong arms cradled her in a soft backhug. As her eyes grew heavier from sleepiness and stinging tears, she sighed in defeat.

I should stop.

“I love you, Yoona.”


Dampness against her cheek could be felt as Seohyun opened her teary eyes. Everything that happened—or more accurately, imagined--before played perfectly inside her brain, flawless like a premiere movie. Why, why everyone I made was too much like Yoona, when at the same time completely not Yoona. She dug her face to the pillow, muffling her sobs. She never hugs me in the rain. She never hugs me in the sleep.

She glanced at the clock on the nightstand, 02:00 a.m. it read. She knew well Yoona wasn’t home and wouldn’t come home tonight. Without Yoona, the space of the king-sized bed seemed swallowed her whole fragile body alone. With much effort she stood her back up to sitting position and wiped the remaining of her tears.

The bitter reality bit too much. Her fantasy tasted much better.

“I...I’ll go back to there again. I need to go back there.”

She went to the kitchen, fetched herself a glass full of water and rummaged her hand to a secret corner that only she knew. From there she fished out a bottle and opened the cap, rattling white contents to her palm. She stuffed the white things to her pocket and walked back to her bed room.

On her bed, she carefully glided her fingers atop keyboard of her laptop that rest peacefully on her lap. Seconds later, flurry clicks and clacks broke the still air. As if possessed, Seohyun typed words to sentence, sentences to paragraph.

I need to go to there.

She reached for her glass of water on the nightstand. In series of deep gulps, she swallowed down the water along with all white pills on her pocket. Her vision slowly blurred, her heartbeat quitened in every second passed.

As her consciousness slowly drifted away, a certain set of stanzas pealed louder and louder inside her head.  

Evaporates, every drops of my blood evaporates

Again, the Earth is dried up below blue sky

Our sea died

Scorched in silence

Rings of the universe

Snuggles under cool reverberating pulse

Of your blood on your veins

Trickling of your sweat

Yet our sea has died

Yet our sea has died

Our sea died

Our sea died


Out of breath, Seohyun rested herself on the park bench. Serene white around her helped her quietening her pacing heartbeat. She fidgeted with her fingers; oh the wind, the wind of her longing blew stronger and stronger. She couldn’t stop looking around; every trees covered in white witnessed her eager in approving silence.


Here the doe-eyed woman, walked to their rendezvous point and stopped only a few steps from her. Her bright wide eyes sparkled, reaching her hand out. “Shall we?”

With tears flowing freely, Seohyun ran to her and threw herself to the doe-eyed’s waiting embrace. The embrace felt so warm...  and real. “Yeah, we shall...” She leaned her head to her shoulder and smiled between sobs, whispering to the doe-eyed woman, ”Let’s go far away from here, Yoona.”

The doe-eyed woman curled a soft smile and wrapped her arms tighter around Seohyun’s waist.


“Thank you, babe,” Jessica pecked Yoona’s lips before stepping out from her car. “Drive safe.”

Yoona giggled in drunken manner and waved to her lover and drove off back to her house. Her and Seohyun’s house. She groaned at the thought going back to that place, yet she drove there anyway.

On the rearview mirror, a silver cross pendant in matching silver chain hung. It was a gift from her wife from time she didn’t even bother to remember. Jessica often nagged her to take it off, not that she wasn’t religious, but that thing was an eyesore she said. Yoona could only agreed with her, but neither she took the cross necklace off.

Miraculously, judging how drunk she was, she arrived on her house and pulled back her car safely on the garage. She stared dumbly at the hanging cross necklace. Her fingers traced the outline of the pendant and ready to yanked it off. However, she instead removed it carefully and wrapped it around her right wrist. She was mesmerized by it for a second before wobbly stepped out from her car.

She walked with difficulty to the front door, numerous times she was stumbled and almost fell down. Fumbling with the keys, she opened the door and slammed it open. “Hey! I’m home!” she shouted and followed with a fit of drunken laugh.

Silence was the only thing that greetd her back. Growling, she made her way inside. Her rage flared as she found her wife nowhere in sight. She trudged her way to her bedroom and finally found the figure of Seohyun inside, sleeping on the bed with her laptop on her lap.

“Tch, overslept while typing your crap again?” Yoona roughly grabbed Seohyun’s jaw. She expected  hearing a whimper, or at least a disturbance of her breath. However, she heard no noise, not even a soft hush of breath.

Her eyes widened and she was sober at that instant.

Not even a soft hush of breath.

No, Seohyun wasn’t even breathing.

The cross necklace rattled down her wrist and clanged against the floor.

That was the only noise she chould hear.


Another angst after angst? Oh please don't brick meee~!*burrowing under sand* Boy, feels really nice for back for some kick~ Talking about kicks, would you mind check my latest fic? Whaddafuqshamelessadvertisementlol This one is quiet different kick than I used to write...too different perhaps. Maybe not quiet your cup of tea, but please kindly check it out and it some of your thoughts?*failed aegyo puppy eyes*

Sooo... FZ_DracoHart, peace and out! 


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I'm back to the (t)roll!!! Anybody missed me?


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Chapter 4: waaah this is amazing authornim. I'm glad i have finished all the angst stories first so now I am overflowing with fluffy feeling ^^
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 10: Omg, author!! I am amazed by your writing skill!! Lok okay, maybe i am a bit overreacting or whatsoever, but you have quiet a good writing skill!! Hehe and i am being honest here lol. Write more please?? I am sure your readers would like to read more of your stories, because I do, haha. Fighting author, and good job!! :)
Chapter 10: :o ... Geez Draco, I don't even know what to say...
Why was Yoona being so mean?!?!? How could she hurt Seohyun, the wife she is supposed to love and treassure!?!? D: inconceivable!! T.T
Well, but at least Seohyun escaped with the good Yoona... in her fantasies at least...
But why did it have to be Yoonsic!? :(
Geez Draco, this comeback of yourswas too cruel on my Yoonhyun heart D: but oh well, I'm glad to have you back, writing Yoonhyun... sobsobsob
Chapter 10: Ok...


Now on to the actual story lol...

Seohyun, poor Seobb :((( How can anyone not love Seohyun!? How can anyone not protect her!? Goddamnit Draco's story's Yoona, you're a douche!! DEATH TO ANYONE WHO DARES HURT SEOHYUN!!!!

Will pass on all comments on Jessica in this story >V<

I don't know if this is right... But what I'm getting is that Seohyun, as the writer, created/wrote a fantasy for herself where there is the real Yoona, the perfect Yoona for her. Sadly, reality is reality. BUT, she joins her real Yoona, who has actually died (I'm not sure when, probably sometime into the marriage, or maybe even before the marriage since I suspect whether or not Yoona was really quite the charming perfect woman she presented herself to be) with her own death. I dunno. Too many feels.