Rhyme of the Stars

Peek Behind the Tainted cover

Really... This one I considered as my master piece so far... And story behind this one is funny too! Well, I got the idea when I saw a box of paper-folded stars, which is made by my juniors. It was when I was in my senior year of junior high school. So... the idea is very old right? Ah yeah, then the stars reminde me of constellation and thought how romantic it was and... BAM! THat's how this oneshot made. But I have to warn ya, this one has been overloaded by extreme cheesiness, so please don't sue me if you have serious teeth cavity or acute diabetes after reading this one!XD


Rhyme of the Stars


Footsteps. Light chattering mixed with laughter. Crowds of students pass me as I walk slowly through school corridor. I take a deep breath, enjoying the air of my new school. Yes, I’m a freshman and this is the first day on my new school. Actually, school started from three days ago for freshmen, for school orientation program. In those three days, we were introduced to school environment and some seniors who organize the orientation program.




I turn my back to face the owner of the voice. A girl, who is older than me, waves at me with her sweet eyesmile. She’s Tiffany unnie, my senior one grade above me, and also one of the orientation program organizers. She is very kind and she helped me a lot through the orientation program.


“Good morning Tiffany unnie, Jessica unnie.”


“Morning Seohyun-ah...” a rather sleepy girl greets me back while stifling back her yawn. She’s Jessica unnie, Tiffany unnie’s bestfriend and one of the organizers too.


“So, how’s the real first day at school?”


“It’s great unnie and I’m still feeling a bit nervous.”


“Don’t be. We don’t bite here! ...Well most of us...” Jessica unnie slumps her head sleepily to Tiffany unnie’s shoulder.


“You sleepyhead! Did you sleep late?” Tiffany unnie playfully shoves Jessica unnie away from her shoulder. “Oh and better get your seobang before the alligator drag her into her storms of fans!”


“Yah! I slept very early last night!” Jessica unnie exclaims, “ And oh... you’re right Tiff... Well, see you around Tiffany, Seohyun!”


“Seobang? Is Jessica unnie already married? And who is the alliga-”




Suddenly a scream turns into a huge crowd, surrounding on a person. A girl with brownish long hair stands in middle of screaming students. She has a pair of sparkling wide eyes resembling a doe, complemented with her wide smile as she walks through the sudden-packed corridor.


“Unnie, who is she?”


“Oh, she’s Im Yoona, one of most popular students in here you see. She’s the one of best dancers in school and she is also a part-time model for a famous magazine.”


I find myself staring at her. She is undeniably beautiful. With her talents and gorgeous face, no wonder she has many fans around her.


“She’s beautiful right? She’s a good girl too, no wonder why she is flocked by fanboys and fangirls.” I just nod slowly replying Tiffany unnie, still gazing at that girl. ”Ah Seohyun, you start to like her huh? It’s not really surprising, she’s a very lovable girl.”


I can’t deny nor agree with Tiffany unnie. True that I’m dazed by her beauty, but at the same time looking at her gives me a strange tug in my heart. Something like happiness and longing and other emotions that can’t explain combined into one. This is just a simple adoration right, or is it? My heart seems can’t accept that.




It’s been few weeks I’m in my new school. I’m still nervous at the first days but as time goes on, I’m getting comfortable with other students and seniors. Although I have some difficulties in socializing around, that maybe affected from my quiet nature, I have great time studying here. All thanks to a really simple thing...


“Yah, step back! The Goddess is mine only!!!”


“What the heck do you sai-… It’s her! YOONA!!!”




The daily crowd almost startled me when I’m going to open my locker. Well, just almost. I encounter the seemingly routine squealing bunch of students almost every day, so it’s not surprising that I start getting use to that.


Oh and maybe some of you curious what that simple thing is? If you have a guess, I think most of you will right. Watching the Goddess Im Yoona from afar, it’s giving me more energy to go through the day. Maybe I’m just nobody to her but a normal fan. 


I smile slightly after I catch a glimpse of her through the blocking crowd. I imagine how happy I’ll be if Yoona unnie would look and smile to me.


The thought make me keep smiling like a retard while I’m opening my locker. A piece of paper falls slowly as I open my locker. I pick that strange paper and take a deeper look on it. It has a kind of writing in it and a small yellow star made of folded paper sticks in it.


In northern sky of autumn, my eyes could never leave the never-setting Polaris

Yes, you’re my Polaris, where I lay my gaze every time

Your beauty is never drowned in sea of crowds

Leading my soul like that twinkling pole star navigate this lost sailor of love

Could I be your Polaris too, so I can guide you to where I stand

Where my heart lies, aching and longing for you?


I smile slightly after reading the writings in that small paper. It’s sweet, but who write this? It’s must be just a random prankster. I’m about to throw the small piece of paper away, but suddenly i feel like just keeping it.


Suddenly I feel like somebody is watching me. I try to look around to search the person, if my feeling is right. That feeling comes for the deep of the squealing crowds. It is possible that Im Yoona is staring at me?  Oh no, I think I’m starting to become a delusional fan. There are a lot of handsome boys and beautiful girls in this school, so it’s impossible someone like Im Yoona would look at me, a plain freshman girl.


However, some part of me insists that it is not my imagination, it’s real.


Laughing inwardly at my delusional thoughts, I try to shrug it off and heading to my class, with the little piece of paper still in my hand.




Frozen air of winter still could bring the cold sensation through my thick-layered coat. I quickly walk through the snowy streets. Warm air welcomes me as I step in to school corridor. The corridor seems quieter than usual. Maybe the cold air of winter makes people more reluctant to leave their warm bed and cozy blanket.


I loosen my scarf a little and open my locker. Between my books, I found a small piece a paper with a paper-folded light blue star in it. Something written in it, so I decide to read it.


I would be your Betelgeuse, your Red Knight who devotedly cherish you with my warm love

I would be your Sirius, your Guardian Jackal, who ready to protect you even by sacrificing myself

I would be your Procyon, your cute Little Puppy who always by your side, cheering up your day

I would be your Winter Triangle, who faithfully stays by your side through the cold Winter Solstice


It looks like this is from the same person who left me something like this last autumn. The writing style is exactly same, and it looks like this person love stars very much. I keep the paper in a small box with the paper I got from last autumn. I don’t know why I love these poems, it’s just too poetic to be in the dustbin. Besides, the rhymes really capture my feelings, as one of the hopeless admirer of Yoona unnie. Or maybe more, as my heart never can accept me as a merely her ‘fan’.


Since there is nothing to do here, I decide to go to my classroom. I’m on my way to the classroom when I see two boys holding their laugh in the corner. I wonder what they are laughing at…-


“Look out!”


Suddenly I’m pushed backwards by someone, followed by a splashing sound and sound of fallen object. Thank goodness I still could maintain my balance so I don’t fall off. I open my eyes to see the sudden chaos and what I see freeze me to the ground. Yoona unnie stands in front of me, her clothes are soaking wet. There is a water bucket stumbles near her feet and two boys that I saw earlier are running away.


“A-are you o-okay?” She asks me, while hugging her own shivering body.


“Yoo..-Yoona unnie!”


“Don’t w-worry I’m f-fine...” She sneezes very loudly before continuing, “A-and I g-guess you too...”


I don’t know what to do or say except staring at her like a frozen statue.


“I h-have to go, bye!”


“Wait unnie...”


“I’ll just go h-home and change. D-don’t worry m-my home isn’t far!”


She runs leaving the corridor. Omo, getting soaked in winter is very bad! What if she gets sick? Seo Juhyun, this is your entire fault! However, there’s nothing i can do except praying that she will okay.




I can’t focus at today’s lesson at all. My mind is completely drifted to Yoona unnie. Is she okay? What if she catches a very bad cold? There is nothing in my head besides Yoona unnie and the never ending guilty feelings.


After waiting almost forever, the bell finally rings. I quickly dash out from the classroom, and start looking for her.


There she is, standing not far from school gate. She is still shivering and occasionally sneezing. Guilt heaves me in every step closer to her.


“Yoona unnie...”


She waves at me and sneezing loudly.


“I-I’m sorry!”


“Uhm... for what?” She asks me, still puzzled while rubbing her slightly red nose.


“Please accept this as a token of my apology!”


“Well... you don’t have to-“


“Please... I beg you...”


Her eyes soften and smile. “Well, if you insist... okay then...”


After she takes my scarf, I run to home immediately. I don’t know if i still have guts to face her after this day. I almost harm her, the one who I admire very much. Strangely, my heart is hurt more than I expected.


I start questioning if Yoona unnie just a girl who I admire, or holds something more in my heart.




Everybody loves spring, and so do I. Colourful bloom of flower and lush green trees after white and cold months, sets happiness after numbing frozen air. But the trace of cold air of guilt still remains in my heart. I couldn’t stop from admiring Yoona unnie from afar. Yet I feel scared and happy at the same time whenever I secretly take glance of her. After the incident last winter I’m too scared to face her, like if she even would look at me.


So here I am, sighing softly after I watch Yoona unnie in the middle of her fans secretly. I open my locker and find a small piece paper with writings on it. A little paper-folded green star is glued on a corner of it.


Ah, I could feel the spirit of Great Hunter Orion, who hunts through warm sky of spring, runs in my blood

Inspire me to set traps on you, so I can lure you to my embrace

Encourage me to shoot my arrows, so I can render you paralyzed to my love


Whoever wrote this, I must appreciate this person for the creativeness. It’s sweet, I admit it, but very cheesy too. Then I realize there is a book I’ve never seen before.  I take a deeper look to the foreign book. My breath stops when I read ‘Im Yoona’ written in the cover. Just how her book could be in my locker so sudden? I must take this book back to Yoona unnie as soon as possible. Why I must face her when I even have to muster my guts just to glance at her? What a cruel twist of fate.




It’s been half an hour since the end of this day’s lessons. The school starts to become silent since most of students have gone to their respective home. Me? I’m still in the corridor, leaning towards my locker, contemplating whether to return the book today or not. I’m still not ready to face her yet, even a thought to not return the book and just keep it to myself cross my mind. No, I can’t do that, maybe she needs this book.


Wait, maybe I could return her book without her knowing? It’s not really impossible though, so I think it is worth to try. Now, where I can find Yoona unnie?


To my luck, I see Yuri unnie walking not far from me. She is one of Yoona unnie’s classmates, so I guess she knows where Yoona unnie is.


“Yuri unnie!”


“Oh hey Seohyun! What’s the rush?”


“Do you know where Yoona unnie is?”


“Yoong? I’m not sure... but try to check basketball court.”


“Thank you unnie!”


I dash to basketball court at instant. Yuri unnie is Yoona unnie’s classmate and her best friend too, so she...-






Best friend...


Omona, why I could be this stupid? I could just ask Yuri unnie to give this book to Yoona unnie! I abruptly stop my legs and looking back, but sadly Yuri unnie is already out of my sight. I guess I have to do this on my own...


Nervously I walk along through the seemingly endless corridor. No, I wish it was really endless so I didn’t have to meet Yoona unnie. But I have to face the truth, the corridor do have it end and it brings me right beside the basketball court.


Yoona unnie is stil there, light dribbling the ball around and sometimes shoot it to the ring. She looks very absorbed in her play, so I think I could sneak in and leave her book in her backpack. Her backpack isn’t far from me and I’m grateful Yoona unnie is backing me most of the time. Quietly I walk to her back pack, her book in my clutch...




My heart literally jumps from my chest when she calls my name. Wait, she’s just called my name? It’s... it’s the first time she calls me directly by my name. I can feel warmness creep to my cheeks. Oh no, please don’t in front of Yoona unnie!


“Don’t you get home yet?


I keep looking down, unable to look at her, and trying to hide my blush too. “I think this is yours, unnie...”


 “Oh, I’ve been searching this for entire day! Thanks Seohyun.”


“I…I have to go home now! Bye unnie!”


I run away from her, oblivious to her reactions. I keep running until I reach the bus stop. God, please make the bus comes faster so I...


“Oh do you take the bus too?”


I’m startled by her sudden appearance but I try to keep calm and nods lightly.


“I usually walk to home since my home is near, but I feel like taking the bus today. It looks like we’re going to ride the same bus isn’t it?”


I don’t know what to say but fortunately the bus has arrived. Saved by the bus, I think.


The bus is unusually crowded but thankfully there are two seats left. Yoona unnie has occupied one seat already and there’s one left beside her. No wait... two seats... please don’t tell me that I’m going to sit next to Yoona unnie the whole ride!


“Seohyun why you don’t sit down?” she asks me while patting the empty seat beside her.


I absentmindedly sit down to the only empty seat, next to her. Then things start getting awkward, or at least for me. Despite the noisy crowds, I could hear my heart thumps very loudly in rapid pace.


“Unnie I’m sorry...”


“Hmm? Why do you apologize?”


“Because of me, you almost caught a cold...”


I could hear soft chuckles before she smiles, “There’s nobody to be blamed on, including you Seohyun. Besides, I’m the one who wanted to help you, so that was the risk I had to take, I guess.”


The smile in her face heats my cheek more and her voice is like the best music I’ve ever heard. And I slowly realize the meaning of her words, and it flushes me furthermore. I don’t think I could stand in this situation anymore.  Thank goodness the bus is already arrived at the next bus stop which quite near to my house. I abruptly rise from my seat.


“...Well, see you tomorrow unnie...”


“See you at school!”


When I step the pavement, suddenly I remember something so strange. My house is quite far so I usually take the bus. And Yoona unnie said that her house isn’t very far. So that means she’s supposed to leave the bus before me! But why she doesn’t even leave the bus yet? Is she... just want to take some time with me?


Aish, I think I become a hopeless delusional girl again. But now, that delusional thought feels stronger than before. My mind seems can’t think clearly anymore and desperately cling into it no matter how delusional it is.


Oh no. Why this has to come? I always pray this moment wouldn’t come, my heart always try to deny this. But I can’t help admit this, because my heart and soul already give up.


I’m in love with Yoona unnie.




Summer is coming. Who wouldn’t like summer? Sunny sky filled with joyful atmosphere, and of course, summer holiday. My heart filled my sunshine too. After the accidental bus ride with Yoona unnie, I’m filled with indescribable joy. Is this what people say the joy of falling in love?


This is the last day of school before summer holiday. I’m very excited but also sad at the same time. When the holiday comes, would I see Yoona unnie everyday like this?


I open my locker and I’m not surprised when I see a small paper again, but this time there is a red paper star in it.


Oh Sirius, Dog of Summer Twilights, why oh why you torture me?

Not by the blaze of Sun nor the flooding water mass of the Nile

But with passions that heat up my heart and denial that shaken her soul?

I swear I’ll capture her body, mind and soul, with the madness of desires that dancing in me


I giggle after I read it. It’s full of passion, really suits with summer atmosphere. There’s something stuck in the paper. It’s a VIP ticket for Summer Festival!


In my school, there is an annual event held at every last day before summer holiday. It’s called Summer Festival. In Summer Festival, there are lots of performances from students such as bands, singing performance or dance. The tickets are sold depending on the position of the seats. The VIP ones are the most expensive and limited, because they’re the first two rows from the stage. Although it’s ‘the most expensive’ compared to others, actually it’s really affordable. Lots of students are struggling to get VIP tickets because it’s the best seat to watch the performances.


There is a note near the ticket:


I give you the best place to watch me in my Summer Festival performance! So come and watch me!

Your Admirer Deer


I giggle at the pen name. A tinge of curiosity tickles me to reveal who this ‘Deer’ is. This ‘deer’ will perform at Summer Festival, but who? I make a mental note to observe all the performers later.




The auditorium is already full of students. I make my way through to my seat. I sigh as I sit down. My seat is in the first row and very near to the stage. No wonder many students want VIP ticket; you can watch the performances very clearly from here.


“ Seohyun?”


I turn my head and find Jessica unnie is sitting next to me. “Jessica unnie? You watch the performance too?”


“Of course! Kwon Seobang gave me the VIP ticket! Thank you seobang!!! I really love you!”


“Uhm… Unnie, are you really already married?”

“Dear Seohyun, Kwon Seobang is my special name for my Yuri,” Jessica unnie chuckles, replying my question. Her eyes dart back to the stage, glistened with joy. “She’s going to perform! And if I’m not wrong, Yoona is performing with her too.”


Yoona unnie is going to perform too! And I’m in the nearest seat to the stage, so I could see Yoona unnie dances very clearly! My heart suddenly races faster. I’m grateful to the mysterious person who gives me the ticket. I don’t know why but I wonder if maybe Yoona unnie was the ‘Deer’.


I immediately laugh at my foolish imagination. But… it’s still okay imagining things even it’s an impossible thing right? Besides, imagination is one of best cures for unrequited love…


Loud cheers and clapping hands suddenly snap me to reality. I’ve just realize that the event has started. The principal has just finished his opening speech and band starts singing some songs. Then the event is continued with another performance such as solo singing performance, short drama and even standup comedy too.


I have a great time and the others too. But it looks like something’s missing from the event. Oh yeah, Jessica unnie said that Yuri unnie will perform with Yoona unnie. They haven’t performed yet. My heart races with anticipation when the MC yells the last performance.


“… Dance performance from The Dangerous Girls!”


Five girls walk to the stage one by one. There is Taeyeon unnie, the best singer in the school, even there’s rumor that she would debut in a girl group soon. And there is Hyoyeon unnie, school’s Dancing Queen and has won many national dance competitions. Also Sooyoung unnie, the ace of our basketball team, and Yuri unnie, captain of basketball team. And lastly… Yoona unnie. They have black skinny jeans and black leather jacket on, and Yoona unnie wears black and red cap too.


Needless to say, they’re one of the most popular girls in school. It’s not surprising their performance is the last and definitely will be the most extravagant. Save the best for the last, just like people say.


Upbeat music starts to play and ‘The Dangerous Girls’ start to dance. Some students even rise from their seat and start waving their hands and even jump following the music. Suddenly the music stops and five girls stop and stay still. The confused audiences stop cheering, just to find another surprise.


They toss their jackets, revealing bright red tank tops underneath. Then more upbeat music blasts and the five girls dance with more energetic moves. Loud cheers boom through the auditorium again. I clap my hands following the tunes, enjoying the excitement.


Then it comes the part when they dance one-by-one. The audience became wilder and cheers the dancing girls’ name. I don’t know if I seeing things but I swear I see Jessica unnie drools when Yuri unnie dancing her solo part!


Then it’s time for Yoona unnie to dance her solo part, and my heart can’t stop beating very fast. In every of her moves, she dance gracefully yet very energetic at the same time. I could hear fanboys and fangirls chant her name in loud voice. Her body rocking along the music with charming vibe, her tank top shows me her toned and hot body. W-what I’ve just been thinking!?


Suddenly Yoona unnie flicks away her cap, send it flying towards the audience. Lots of students rise and try to get the cap, but it looks like it won’t fly very far, I even think it’d fall before reaching any audience. But soon my prediction proved wrong when the cap lands… to my lap.


W…What the…? Why the does cap land to me?


“It looks like Yoong gives it to you, Seohyun~” Jessica unnie teases me.


It… It is true? No, it must be just a coincidence! But… maybe Jessica unnie is right…but… Aish! I have to give it back immediately no matter what!




I fidget nervously as I’m waiting for Yoona unnie in auditorium’s exit. I’ve been waiting for an hour and the auditorium has already empty. Thank goodness I don’t have to wait anymore, as I see Yoona unnie walk alone through the exit. I rush to Yoona unnnie and give the cap while facing the floor, unable to face her directly.


“Unnie, this is your cap...”


“Oh, I’m giving it to you. Take it.”




“You don’t want it~?” She asks in aegyo voice and pouting.


Gosh, I never know Yoona unnie would be so cute while pouting!


“Hey, your face is flushed, is it because the heat?”


Oh no she sees me blushed! I pray frantically, hoping that she won’t know the reason behind my blush.


“Well, it’s pretty hot here,” she huffs while fanning herself with her hands.


Just a moment after that I realize how y she is in this very close distance, with her red tank top on and sweat trickling down her milky skin… Omona, Seo Juhyun, what have you been thinking? How dare you thinking dirty about her?


I run away from her, ignoring her shout to me to stop. I think summer heat do affect my brain, and standing close to Yoona unnie just make it worse. I think I’m going crazy anytime soon!


Suddenly I realize I haven’t given the cap back due the panic attack. Maybe I could give it back another time. I take a look to the cap. It has a small leaping deer embroidered in its left side. Cute. Then another realization strikes my mind. Is Yoona unnie trying to say… that she is indeed ‘The Admirer Deer’?


In that second, I’m very sure the summer heat DO fries my brain.




Autumn, the season of falling leaves. Season of resolutions. Red and golden fragile leaves fall, leaving brownish strong bark stands tall against cold autumn wind. All denials that eat my heart slowly fade away like falling leaves, leaving the feelings in my soul against all the uncertainty. Yes, my feelings for Yoona unnie is too strong even for uncertainty too take down. Even though everything turns into the worst, I wouldn’t be able to leave these feelings away. I just can’t.   


There’s another paper again in my locker, and this time an orange star sticks in it.


Clear sky, two stars, a celestial river

The anxious Star Herder waits nervously from the side of stream of flowing stars

Longing for the Sky Princess crossing the bridge of heavenly magpies

To entwined their love and seal their fate together

My Princess, would you cross the bridge and meet me, your hopeless admirer deer?


This person, not just sweet with poetic words but also surprisingly hopeless romantic. Is this person implying to meet me through this poet? I get the answer instantly after I read the note underneath.


P.S: Cross the bridge of the small river near the school backyard 8PM tonight


Finally I got the chance to meet this person. I’m just plain curious to this sweet yet cheesy poet, and maybe I’ll just meet this person and tell that I’m already fallen with somebody. Somebody that absolutely out of my reach. Hopefully, this person would understand.


But somehow, all of the poems I get feel like from someone familiar. Someone like... Yoona-unnie?


Another desperate and hopeful imagination again. Lately I can’t stop my mind imagining things and it’s all about Yoona unnie. Maybe because autumn comes again, the season when I unconsciously fell for her?


Ringing sound of school bell interrupts my mind before I can finish my thoughts.




Here I am, in school’s backyard in the middle of starry night. It’s a cold autumn night, but my curiosity beats me to the end. Besides, I need to settle down some things with this mysterious person, so I won’t keep giving that person false hope.


However, my heart keeps telling me it’s more than about the mysterious person, but Yoona unnie as well. Is there any chance that Yoona unnie is the person? The peaking curiosity and strange joy of hope are torturing me, so I decided to finish this all. By crossing the small bridge in front of me.


After I cross the bridge, I’m welcomed by a figure backing me and gazing to the star solemnly.


“I’m so grateful to the sky which lightheartedly holds the crystals of rain, so I still got the chance to meet my Princess...”


This voice, it’s just so familiar to me. No way...


“... But still, the choice is in your hand, whether to left this Herder drowned between mourning stars...”


This is impossible... This is just a dream...


“...Or to take my hand and crossing the Milky Way together...”


That figure, who is covered by dark of the night, turns back..


Yoona unnie.


“...I’m too busy herding the stars in my hazy mind ... I’m too scared to express my feeling like a shepherd scared to spill a bucketful of milk...”


She walks slowly. Every step feels last for an eternity, before she stands right before my eyes.


“...But I let those unruly stars scribble their rhymes in the sky and brave myself to step over the band of spilled milk....”


She takes my hand slowly and gently.


“...Just to be with you...”


Lots of questions are shown in her sparkling wide brownish orbs. Her intense stare shaken my soul, but I know I have to answer her unspoken questions.  


“You don’t know how happy I am whenever I see you from the side of river of impossibility. I always keep this warm yet torturing feeling to myself, questioning how it will end. Yet you answer my question with another set of questions.” I pause, taking a very deep breath, “...Yes. It’s my only word to answer all of your questions.”


Her tense face breaks into a soft smile and she abruptly pulls me into her embrace. I bury myself to the crook of her neck, savoring her warmness.


“I don’t understand unnie…”


“Hm?” She lazily murmurs, swaying my body softly in her arms.


“Why you just pour your feelings in those poems?”


“Do you believe I wasn’t brave enough so I just could write down my feelings?”


“…Still, it’s all so sweet unnie… How do you get those ideas?”


 “…Didn’t I say it’s the stars themselves who scribble their rhymes in the sky? It’s my heart which the sky where those stars scribble upon. The stars of my hidden feelings and passion for you…”


There is still a lot of thing I’d like to ask, but it won’t be necessary anymore.


As I feel soft, warm sensation grazing my lips, it’s enough to answer all of my questions.  



If you wonder why there are stars here, stars there, well yeah Imma star freak! I'm a member of Astronomy Olympiad team in my school and it makes me love stars, even with myth and mythologies about them! If you're lost about some... or all... things about stars in this oneshot, I suggest you to go to wikipedia and search for the stars' name. Just skip the technical thingies and read the mythologies section!

Well, I have to go now! With the Celestial Hunter Orion in the sky, I say good night!!!^^

P.S. If it's night already in your place, try some stragazing! Believe me it's amazing!!!!^^ 

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I'm back to the (t)roll!!! Anybody missed me?


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Chapter 4: waaah this is amazing authornim. I'm glad i have finished all the angst stories first so now I am overflowing with fluffy feeling ^^
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 10: Omg, author!! I am amazed by your writing skill!! Lok okay, maybe i am a bit overreacting or whatsoever, but you have quiet a good writing skill!! Hehe and i am being honest here lol. Write more please?? I am sure your readers would like to read more of your stories, because I do, haha. Fighting author, and good job!! :)
Chapter 10: :o ... Geez Draco, I don't even know what to say...
Why was Yoona being so mean?!?!? How could she hurt Seohyun, the wife she is supposed to love and treassure!?!? D: inconceivable!! T.T
Well, but at least Seohyun escaped with the good Yoona... in her fantasies at least...
But why did it have to be Yoonsic!? :(
Geez Draco, this comeback of yourswas too cruel on my Yoonhyun heart D: but oh well, I'm glad to have you back, writing Yoonhyun... sobsobsob
Chapter 10: Ok...


Now on to the actual story lol...

Seohyun, poor Seobb :((( How can anyone not love Seohyun!? How can anyone not protect her!? Goddamnit Draco's story's Yoona, you're a douche!! DEATH TO ANYONE WHO DARES HURT SEOHYUN!!!!

Will pass on all comments on Jessica in this story >V<

I don't know if this is right... But what I'm getting is that Seohyun, as the writer, created/wrote a fantasy for herself where there is the real Yoona, the perfect Yoona for her. Sadly, reality is reality. BUT, she joins her real Yoona, who has actually died (I'm not sure when, probably sometime into the marriage, or maybe even before the marriage since I suspect whether or not Yoona was really quite the charming perfect woman she presented herself to be) with her own death. I dunno. Too many feels.