
Peek Behind the Tainted cover


Hey, it's me!^^ Is it snowing or winter in your place? Ahh... In my life I've never felt any winter, yet the snow with my own hands. Arrgh... Why I must live in tropical country?-___- Ah, forget it. Well, actually I made this oneshot for christmas, but some errors occured and well, finally I first posted this a month after christmas in SSF... But yeah, I hope you can still enjoy this oneshot!^^



A roar erupted, rendering jet noises of raging blizzard to nothing but series of soft rustles compared to it. A greyish shadow jumped through the white snowstorm. Pristine fangs glowed among the chaotic mix of blinding whiteness and cold gust. A greyish silver shadow stood menacingly in the middle of snowstorm.  


The shadow pounced to a couple of poor, fear-stricken figures. A set of sharp claws made their way, producing combined sound of growls and pained screams. Trickles of crimson liquid spoiled the white snow underneath. The blizzard slowly faded and revealed a large feline, its dark-blotched silvery fur rustled softly with the wind. The snow beast just stayed still and stared at the bloody scene it’d made; two men panted helplessly on the snow with blood sprawled on their body.


The snow leopard growled for the last time before turned around and ran away, completely ignoring the two wounded humans.  Blizzard suddenly came again, obscuring the figure of the beast. Its silvery dull glow still shined, but this time the grey four-footed shadow turned into bipedal, feminine figure. Grunted breath of the beast replaced with soft humanly sobs.


In her every sobs, she wondered when suffocation would go away from her chest. In her every steps, she longed freedom from painful loneliness. In her every heartbeat, she pondered whether her wish was too difficult to be granted.


She just wanted to cry. She just wanted to embrace. She just wished for a heart.


A strong heart that is able to calm the blizzard.




Soft rustle of grass under lazy hooves of a sturdy brown horse broke the comfortable silence of late autumn. The rider, cladded in hunting robe, hummed merrily along with light breeze slithering among falling leaves. The doe-like eyes of the rider shone as a village finally appeared on her vision field.


She rode among the quiet yet busy village. The villagers walked past her, probably busy with their preparations for the upcoming winter. Arrived in the front of a lodge, the robed rider stopped and got down from her horse then tied the harness securely. She entered the lobby of the lodge which was also a drinking lounge. Not many people in there, just some men drinking and chatting lazily.


The traveler walked to the counter of the lounge. A girl with long reddish hair greeted her. “Welcome! May I help you?”


“Well, I’d like a bowl of hot soup. And maybe a room to stay, I’m planning to stay in here for some weeks,” the traveler rubbed her hands together to ward off the cold and set the hood of her robe down.


“You, you’re Im Yoona aren’t you? The famous hunter from the Capital?” The girl gaped at the visitor, pointing at her in mild disbelieve. ”It’s a nice surprise to meet you in a small village like Archenor!”


Yoona, the hunter-traveler, just grinned childishly. She never knew her reputation as a hunter had made her famous like this. “Well yeah… I’m just on my usual trip. You know, for hunting and stuffs…”  


“Then you come in perfect time!” The red-haired girl beamed, her eyes turned into crescent like lines. “Archenor is famous for the beautiful transitional scenery of autumn and winter! And the woods around here are full of animal, even in winter, a perfect ground for hunting! Oh and of course there is a room for you to stay. Wait for a moment; I’ll get your soup and room key.”


“Thank you so much umm…”


“Tiffany.” The red-haired smiled before disappeared to the door on the back of the counter.


Yoona sat on a stool near the counter. She hummed a nameless song while waiting for the red-haired girl. Tapping her finger to her knee, she stared at the window. The scenery was beautiful indeed; golden colour of falling leaves gave tranquil sensation of pre-winter air, with a snow-capped mountain as the background.


Ah, the mountain… Yoona found her drawn in by the mountain, it’s still autumn, but why the peak is snowed as if has been snowed there for a long time. Suddenly she felt a strange chill about the mountain. It wasn’t like a frightening sensation, more like an ethereal call deep from the snow.


“Here is your soup and your room key.” Tiffany set down a bowl of hot soup and a key, successfully breaking Yoona’s trance.


“Ah thanks,” Yoona uttered, quite surprised. “By the way, I want to know some things about the mountain over there.”


Tiffany peered to the direction Yoona was pointing at. “Oh, it’s Snowdawn Mountain.”


”Why the peak is seems covered by very thick snow? It hasn’t winter yet and the mountain seems doesn’t high enough to have snow cap”


“Well, no one knows why and you’re right, the peak is always covered by snow even in summer. I think that’s why it called Snowdawn, place where mystically snow dawns everyday, in every seasons.”


Yoona nodded while enjoying her soup. Still, that explanation didn’t satisfy her curiosity at all. “Hmm, I guess I’ll explore the mountain later. Maybe I’ll hike to the peak too.”


Tiffany’s cheerful face suddenly dropped very serious. “You’d better not. The peak is always hailed by awful blizzards and worsens even further in winter. Besides, a vicious shadow won’t let you step into the peak.”


The hunter was a bit stunned by the sudden change of Tiffany’s voice. She wondered if the peak held a bitter secret beneath its thick white layer. Maybe that was the reason why she chose this village to be her usual hunting trip destination this time.


“Well, thank you for the soup. It’s delicious,” Yoona said after finishing her soup.


“Of course! It’s my Taetae who made it!” Tiffany proudly tapped her chest.


Yoona giggled at the red-haired girl’s bubbliness. She rummaged her pocket and took a few pieces of gold coins. “This is to pay the soup and the room. I hope this is enough.”


“Yoona-ssi, it’s too many!” Tiffany exclaimed while looking at the gold coins


“That’s alright, besides I’m planning to stay for quite long time.” Yoona reassured and started leaving the lounge to dismount her luggage for her horse.




Yoona had a wonderful stay in Archenor. The villagers were very friendly and she loved hunting around the autumn woods. However, she felt something was missing from her journey because she hadn’t ever visited the Snowdawn, which surprisingly didn’t really far from the village.


Autumn was few days left and soon winter would come, so she thought today was a good day to start exploring the mountain. And she still couldn’t forget Tiffany warning few days ago. It was still early, even the sun hadn’t fully risen yet, but Yoona decided to set off now so she would have plenty time to explore the mountain.


She wore her hunting equipment and took her crossbow before riding her horse to the Snowdawn. It was a short ride before she arrived on the base of the mountain. She got off from her horse and tied the harness to a tree. The hunter took her crossbow and sling a quiver full of arrows on her shoulder and start walking to the dense autumn forest.


Her decision to explore the mountain was right. She found the forest of the mountain was really exciting and there were more animals to be hunted. In just a half day, she hunted a lot of animals and used almost a half of her arrows.


The sun was hanging low already and Yoona had been exhausted from hunting and walking through the woods. However, she didn’t want to stop yet and still eager to climb to the peak. But she was well aware that her time was almost up and she was too tired, so she decided to hike the peak later.


Suddenly, a glimpse of shadow flashed before her eyes. The shadow swerved behind the bushes and trees with high speed. Being a hunter, Yoona knew well the shadow belonged to a kind of feline animal. She tried to follow and no to lost track of it. Finally the shadow slowed down and Yoona got a chance to get better view of it. And Yoona was stunned by what she saw.


It was a large snow leopard. Its grey black-spotted fur looked like silver sheet adorned with pieces of obsidian under autumn glow. The feline threaded slowly, stepping into fragile fallen leaves. The sound of crushed leaves under its paws somehow made a harmony with the feline’s grunted soft breaths.


Yoona was completely mesmerized by the sight of beautiful beast. She wanted to look closer at it, but unfortunately the snow leopard leaped towards the bushes and disappeared. Yoona once again followed the shadowy creature through the thick bushes.


In the end of her pursuit she found no snow leopard to her dismay. However, her feet ended bringing her to a side of a small, clear water lake. A girl sat silently on a side of the lake, her figure illuminated by sunset reflection from mirror-like water surface.


“Hi…” Yoona greeted the girl, walking closer to her.


The girl didn’t reply, instead she picked a small pebble and threw it to the lake. Ripples flicked the reflection of evening sun on the clear lake.


“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” The hunter said, staring at the ripples-disturbed image on the water.


A brief silence came between them before the mysterious girl threw another rock. “Life is full of deceit. Images that reflected to your eyes are never the reality. Beauty that you witness may hide vicious shadow behind. You couldn’t ever trust what you see, hear and feel.”


Such pessimistic words… Yoona thought as she sat down beside the girl. “You’re right, but I think that’s what makes life beautiful. We learn to seek the truth, and trust will be much valuable than gold. You know, people always tell me that I born with talents to see deeper through things. And I naturally have deep bonds with nature. Sometimes they tell me I can easily reveal nature’s secrets that anyone else can’t.”


The girl kept staring at the lake, showing no interest at the hunter. “That explains why you become such a well-known hunter.”


“So do my real intention to visit this mountain. You know, you may think I’m insane but I feel like this mountain is calling for me,” Yoona chuckled and turned her head facing the girl. “Or to be exact, something is calling me from the snowy peak of Snowdawn.”


For the first time, the mysterious girl glanced at the hunter from the side of her eyes. As they eyes met briefly, Yoona swore those are the most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen. However, she sensed something from those deep brownish orbs. It was a mix of dense loneliness and grief.


The hunter was so lost in those beautiful yet broken eyes until she even didn’t realize the girl had stood up and leaving the hunter behind. Yoona abruptly got on her feet and followed the girl when her eyes spotted a silver and black-spotted fabric hanging down on the girl’s waist.


“Hey wait… Isn’t that snow leopard pelt? Real snow leopard pelt?” Yoona asked while pointing at the greyish material.


“Yes. Is there any problem with it?”


“No, it’s just… I’ve been fascinated by snow leopards for a long time.”


The mysterious girl chuckled darkly. “Have you ever hunted one then?”


“Well, as a hunter, I love collecting skins and pelts from many kinds of animals. However, I feel even can’t shoot an arrow to snow leopards. For most people, they’re just beast of snowy lands, but for me they’re more than that. They’re amazing force and beauty of nature behind the cold snow. Their fur is beautiful, as beautiful as their admirable pride.”


“So, it’s just another exotic snow animal for you.”


Yoona laughed softly and shook her head. “No, it’s more than that. For me, a snow leopard is a depiction of a true strong heart, which could keep standing even amidst of storm. Snow leopards are rare, just like how rare true strong hearts are.”


The mysterious girl frowned before turn her body backing the hunter. “You don’t know anything because you’ve never met a snow leopard…”


“That’s why I hope to meet one someday… Hey! May I know your name?”


“Seohyun…” The mysterious girl said in whisper-like voice before walked away and disappeared to the woods.


Yoona tried to follow the girl but the girl was like just vanished with the pre-winter wind. The sun had set completely and left the woods dark and cold. Even though she wasn’t in the peak yet, Yoona felt blizzard-like chills crept in through her coat. Judging there was no good being in the mountain any longer, she hiked down the mountain to where her horse was resting.


Just a second after she mounted her horse, a strange growl rang on the air. The growl was like calling for her, from the top of the mountain. Yoona eyed the peak, feeling the ethereal vibe from the snow covered tip of Snowdawn. However, she decided to shrug it off this time and rode away back to Archenor.


However, she knew couldn’t ignore that call forever, and she had to fulfill the call soon or later.




First day of winter had come. It was a pleasantly cool day; trees had completely shed their leaves and animals backed into their warm nests and dens, while the snow animals were starting to show their existence. Everybody welcomed the winter with joy after spending their happy last days of autumn, and so did Yoona.


She’d been hunting on the Snowdawn everyday since her first visit to there. She didn’t know why but she loved everything on the Snowdawn, even the peak that she hadn’t hiked yet. However, strange alaways followed her when she was hunting on the woodlands of Snowdawn.


The shadowy snow leopard always appeared before her and Yoona couldn’t help but followed the shadow. She hadn’t succeeded following the shadow but it always led her to the small lake. Seohyun, the mysterious girl that Yoona met, always sat on the side of the lake silently but always ran away whenever Yoona came.


I don’t know what the relation between the snow leopard and that Seohyun girl is, Yoona thought as she entered the drinking lounge. Maybe Seohyun is a daughter of a hunter? That could explain about her snow leopard pelt. But what about the snow leopard?


Yoona leaned to the counter sighing. But today she didn’t meet the red-haired girl like usual but a rather short girl with light brownish hair and child-like facial feature.


“I’m Kim Taeyeon, the owner of this lodge along with Tiffany…. And a part-time cook in here…” the girl introduced herself, mumbling the last part. “You must be the famous hunter Im Yoona.”


“Yes I am,” Yoona replied grimly.


“You look a bit down. Would you like something to drink maybe?” Taeyeon offered.


“No, thank you. Okay maybe some eggnog please…” Yoona straightened her back, “Anyway, I want to ask you. Is there any snow leopard around here? Or around the Snowdawn, to be exact?”


The lodge owner frowned a little. “I’m sure there aren’t any animals like that around Archenor. But, if you it’s around the Snowdawn, maybe there is one…”


Yoona stopped drinking her eggnog, staring at Taeyeon questioningly. “What do you mean maybe?”


“There’s a legend about a beast roaming the peak of Snowdawn. That beast resembles a snow leopard and it attacks anyone who dares to climb the peak. The snow leopard could turn into human form and wander around the mountain, but no one has ever seen that beast in human form. It is said that the beast is the one who calls forth the blizzard at the top of Snowdawn.”


“So, maybe it’s the snow leopard that I met earlier?”


“Who knows?” Taeyeon shrugged her shoulder. ”Oh, and it is said that the snow leopard actually waiting for something that is able to calm the blizzard up there. Something that strong enough to withstand the strong wind and uncover the truth deep the snow…”


“And what is that thing?”


“No one knows.” Taeyeon ended her story with a meaningful smile towards the hunter.


After listening to Taeyeon’s story, Yoona didn’t know what to say. The snow leopard she saw… maybe wasn’t real? How about the snow leopard pelt-bearing girl? Was she a kind of apparition too? But Yoona swore she wasn’t seeing things, both the snow leopard and the girl were real. Maybe the snow leopard I met was indeed the beast of the legend. Is there any chance the call I’ve felt all this time is from that leopard?


Yoona quickly got up on her feet and marched to the exit. She felt something strange about these all, and she decided to seek the truth by herself.


“Where are you going Yoona-ssi?”


Yoona halted and turn her back facing the lodge owner. “I’m going to go hunting on the Snowdawn.”


“I don’t think it’s a good idea. There are snowstorms in the Snowdawn every winter and the condition was much worse at the peak. However, it’s up to you if you insist going there anyway, but please don’t you ever dare step into the peak.”


Yoona just nodded at the advice, but she wasn’t going to follow that. Instead, she would do the opposite. Because she knew, all the truth about the snow leopard, the mysterious girl and the strange call lied under the cold snow of the peak of Snowdawn.




A part of Yoona was cursed herself for not following Taeyeon’s advice. Because if she did, she wouldn’t had to struggle with the cold wind. However, most other part of her insisted she had to climb the peak and reveal the truth about mysteries she’d encountered in this mountain. And for that, she didn’t mind walking through the sub-zero air.


But the condition in the mountain wasn’t a joke, although she didn’t reach the peak yet the wind was unimaginably cold and strong. Clutching her coat tighter around her body, Yoona fought in her every steps striding through the deep snow and cold wind. She wasn’t sure if she had reached the peak yet, but she was sure she was near the peak judging by how the blizzard getting wilder significantly.


Amidst the jet noise of storm, a raucous roar exploded. Yoona quickly reached for her crossbow and clutched it tightly. She had no intention to hurt the snow leopard, but she still had to prepare for the worst.


Another sound rang in the middle of the blizzard, but now it was more like a growl. Strangely, Yoona heard it not as just a growl but also like a call for her. She heard growls after growls, and whenever she heard the growl her tense body somehow relaxed and her grip to her crossbow loosened.


Suddenly, a large shadow pounced nowhere from the blizzard. Yoona was thrown down to the snow, struggling with the snow leopard. The feline clawed the hunter relentlessly and Yoona tried to block every attacks of the beast. The snow leopard growled, showing its sharp fangs whenever it shoved Yoona with more power in every attack.


Yoona finally succeeded to land a hit on the leopard’s head with her crossbow. The beast howled in pain and stopped attacking. Yoona took this an opening and broke free from the snow leopard. The leopard glared at the hunter, who was pointing her crossbow towards it.


It was her chance to shoot her crossbow towards the beast, but she didn’t. Its glassy feral eyes froze Yoona as she peered at it through the storm. Those eyes were full of sorrow. Very dense sorrow that made Yoona felt her chest tightened by just looking at them. And those eyes were familiar to her.


In mere seconds, she was tackled down again with the beast stomped above her and her crosssbow knocked far from her. Now Yoona was laid helpless and defenseless, amidst the snow with the snow leopard ready to rip her anytime. The big feline lifted its right paw, protruding sharp claws. Desperate, Yoona closed her eyes, waiting for the killing blow.


A second.


Two seconds.


Nothing happened.


Dazed, Yoona slowly opened her eyes. The snow leopard was no longer above her body. Instead, the snow feline stood away from her, staring at her with myriads of emotions in its eyes. Before she even moved a finger, the snow leopard had already run away from her, going through the blizzard.


Yoona slowly supported her upper body with her arms. Her heart was still pounding with fear. She aware how close she was to death, vicious claws left their long and deep mark on the snow just beside her head.


Unsteadily she stood up and tried to look for the leopard, only to find a trail of pawprints led away from her deep through the blizzard. Peering fruitlessly through the thick haze of snow, Yoona decided to go back to the village and recovered herself from both injuries and fear. As she walked away, the wind had calmed a bit, giving her clearer look towards her surroundings.


But… Yoona pondered, closing her eyes briefly while striding through the snowy ground. Why the blizzard feels strange when it calms down, as that snow leopard run away…


If only Yoona had stayed a bit after the blizzard, she could’ve realized the trail that the feline left ended with footprints, human footprints.




Ever since the day Yoona was attacked by the snow leopard, she hadn’t met the shadowy feline or the mysterious Seohyun girl again. Still, she had a strange urge to meet the snow beast and the mysterious girl again.


Christmas Eve finally came. The villagers was enjoying the winter holiday in joy. Even Taeyeon and Tiffany’s lodge drinking lounge was full of people celebrating Christmas. Yoona was a part of that celebration too; she drank among joyous laughter and some of her fans asking her for a kind of autograph.


However, it seemed nature didn’t enjoy the night as the villagers did. A terrible hail raged outside, cold gust delivered freezing snow unforgiving for any kind of life. Still, it didn’t stop the villagers to have a good time behind the warm walls of their home.


“Enjoying the atmosphere huh?” Taeyeon grinned at the hunter, which was drinking her drink slowly.


“Yeah, it’s very nice…” Yoona set down her glass at the counter, staring at the window, “…but I don’t think so with the weather…”


“Don’t let the bad weather make you down on Christmas Eve!” Tiffany suddenly appeared beside Taeyeon with a tray of hot apple pie in her hand. “Here, eat this! It’s a Christmas treat from me and Taetae!”


“Woah, really? Thanks!” The hunter ate the apple pie hungrily. “It’s really yummy!” She said with a spoonful of pie in , giving the couple a thumb up.


“Yeah, yeah thanks. But don’t speak with your mouth full!” Taeyeon laughed while hugging the giggling Tiffany.


Yoona really had a good time celebrating the night, but somehow her mid can’t leave the tall cold mountain among the storm out there. The strange call she’d been felt ever since she arrived here grew stronger and stronger until he couldn’t ignore it anymore.


I don’t know why, but this strange call is dragging my soul to the peak… Yoona stared through the hail-covered window, to the tall and lonely frozen Snowdawn. I have to go to the peak at once! Yoona abruptly stood and rushed to the exit.


“Yoona-ssi! Where are you going in this storm?” Taeyeon asked.


“I’m going to the peak of Snowdawn and nothing can stop me!” Yoona shouted before stormed out from the lounge.


Taeyeon just watching as the hunter went outside to blizzard-stricken night and sighed, “Is there any chance… that she is ‘the one’?”


“I don’t know…” Tiffany shook her head, resting her head onto Taeyeon’s shoulder,”…but I do hope so…”




Yoona paced her horse through the blizzard like a madman. Once she reached the base of the mountain, she got off from her horse and climbed the mountain in frenzy. Frozen sensation bit her through her thick coat but she became too numb to feel that. All that mattered for her was just going to the peak as soon as possible.  


Finally she reached the peak. Her eyes peered through the storm looking for the snow leopard, only to found a girl amidst the snow. She was barely covered with a large snow leopard pelt complete with the feline head rest lifelessly on her shoulder. The girl sat on the snow, sobbing in the middle of the blizzard. And Yoona knew who the girl was.


“Seohyun! What are you doing here?” Yoona exclaimed, running to the sobbing girl. She gasped at Seohyun who had nothing but a large snow leopard pelt covered her bare body.  ”My god, you could get frostbite!”


Seohyun stopped her sobs and lifted her head to see Yoona from her drenched eyes. Without any words she hugged the hunter tight, crying to her shoulder.


When the girl embraced Yoona tightly, she remembered how the snow leopard pounced her from the snow, it was full of loneliness. When the girl cried on her shoulder, she remembered what she heard from the snow leopard’s growls, it was mournful cries. When she stared to the girl’s broken eyes, she remembered how similar those eyes with the snows leopard’s, it was just filled with sorrow.


I realize it now. The call I’ve felt all this time, it was the snow leopard’s call. It was Seohyun who called me to come through the blizzard.


Slowly the blizzard cased down, replaced by the gentle snow falling gracefully from the sky. And Yoona knew the fallen snow was whole different white the icy cold ones that the blizzard brought with it.


“Look, it’s snowing!” Yoona whispered, gazing at the sky with awe.


“This peak is always covered by snow and blizzard.” Seohyun murmured, still not letting Yoona go from her arms.


“No, this is different. It’s the first snow of Christmas!” Yoona pulled out from the embrace and caught a fallen snowflake in her hand and showed it to Seohyun. ”See? Today will be White Christmas!”


Seohyun lifted her right hand slightly and let the snow dropped into her palms. Yoona was right; it was utterly different with the harsh freezing snow that had been frozen her skin. Instead, it felt very nice on her skin; cool yet had distinct warmth on it.


“…For many years, in this same day, what I felt were just chills from unforgiving blizzards every year. But why now I feel it very different?”


“Do you know what day it is?” the hunter asked, which Seohyun shook her head as the reply. “It’s called Christmas. The day when people share their joy with people who closest to their heart, their loved ones.”


“…But I have no one to love. No one has heart that strong enough to answer my call. Their hearts always cowers before the blizzard and my ferocious snow leopard skin.”


“Not again anymore…” Yoona smiled and wrapped her arms around Seohyun’s lithe waist. “Now I’m here for you, with a heart strong enough to be with you.”


Seohyun burrowed herself deeper on Yoona’s embrace. She could feel strong heartbeats pounded to her hand through thick layers of clothing. “You have a strong heart indeed…”


“My heart has a reason to beat strongly like this, but I never know what that reason is until now… “Yoona held Seohyun’s hand closer to her heart. “Look over there Seohyun, the sun is rising…”


“It’s so beautiful…” Seohyun said in awe, gazing at the glowing eastern horizon. ”I’ve never seen such a beautiful sunrise like this. All I’ve seen is just white snow covers the horizon all the time.”


“Then I think this is the real legend of the Snowdawn… It’s waiting for the blizzard calm down and the sun finally dawn on this peak.”


“Will the dawn rise again like this tomorrow?” Seohyun muttered, snuggling closer to Yoona’s warmth.


“Together with me, I promise we’ll keep the sun always rises tomorrow, next year, and forever.”


Seohyun stared deeply at Yoona’s doe-eyes. All she could saw in those sparkling eyes were courage, honesty…and love. Things that she’d never seen in years of her existence now were here in front of her eyes. Now she was sure the hunter was ‘the one’ for her, the one who calmed the blizzard in this peak and her heart.


Yoona ran her fingertips softly, tracing the delicate face of Seohyun. Who had ever imagined the ferocious snow beast was actually a fragile girl yearning for love?  Life was a great liar indeed, but she was grateful the God had blessed her to reveal the snow girl and secured her in her embrace.


Again, they lost themselves in each other’s eyes and kissed under the warmth of rising sun.




The idea of Seohyun as half-snow leopard was inspired by the album concept of The Boys when she was The Snow Princess and wearing snow leopard printed tops. And Yoona as a hunter with crossbow was just like how she was in the 'ol Maple Story CF. Anyway, I try to use fantasy settings because I reallyyyy love action, adventure and fantasy genre! And somehow I made it with winter setting to match with this winter season (which sadly I couldn't enjoy...)

Thank you for reading! Please give me some comments and feedbacks, it helps me to write better!^^ 

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I'm back to the (t)roll!!! Anybody missed me?


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Chapter 4: waaah this is amazing authornim. I'm glad i have finished all the angst stories first so now I am overflowing with fluffy feeling ^^
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 10: Omg, author!! I am amazed by your writing skill!! Lok okay, maybe i am a bit overreacting or whatsoever, but you have quiet a good writing skill!! Hehe and i am being honest here lol. Write more please?? I am sure your readers would like to read more of your stories, because I do, haha. Fighting author, and good job!! :)
Chapter 10: :o ... Geez Draco, I don't even know what to say...
Why was Yoona being so mean?!?!? How could she hurt Seohyun, the wife she is supposed to love and treassure!?!? D: inconceivable!! T.T
Well, but at least Seohyun escaped with the good Yoona... in her fantasies at least...
But why did it have to be Yoonsic!? :(
Geez Draco, this comeback of yourswas too cruel on my Yoonhyun heart D: but oh well, I'm glad to have you back, writing Yoonhyun... sobsobsob
Chapter 10: Ok...


Now on to the actual story lol...

Seohyun, poor Seobb :((( How can anyone not love Seohyun!? How can anyone not protect her!? Goddamnit Draco's story's Yoona, you're a douche!! DEATH TO ANYONE WHO DARES HURT SEOHYUN!!!!

Will pass on all comments on Jessica in this story >V<

I don't know if this is right... But what I'm getting is that Seohyun, as the writer, created/wrote a fantasy for herself where there is the real Yoona, the perfect Yoona for her. Sadly, reality is reality. BUT, she joins her real Yoona, who has actually died (I'm not sure when, probably sometime into the marriage, or maybe even before the marriage since I suspect whether or not Yoona was really quite the charming perfect woman she presented herself to be) with her own death. I dunno. Too many feels.