Under the Lone Lamp Post

Peek Behind the Tainted cover


Really, I realized that I often get too much ideas from weird events. For example this one. Well, it was one of an ordinary night in my dorm, when a teacher of mine passed under one of the lamppost near my dorm. Then for the next... I wrote this story months after that. Can't help it though, I was in my busiest time as a junior high schooler that day. And this oneshot...errr actually I prefer call this a set of drabbles fused into one. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter!^^ 



Under The Lone Lamp Post

When you walk in an evening, have you ever notice everything surround you? I mean everything is everything, not just countless people that pass you by. Singing birds, green grass, tall trees or even abandoned chunks of metal. You think there isn’t any worth to notice them, but I tell you what, you’re way wrong. Everything has got their unique stories from everything they’ve witnessed, without all of you knowing. 

Then let me introduce myself before I tell you my story. I’m just a long piece of metal, quite rusty after years of dampness and sunlight eat me bit a bit. Still, I’m still standing tall on the side of the pavement; solitarily lighten up the quiet street when the sun has been under the horizon. Well, why I’m alone is a story for another time. The most Important is I’ve witnessed too many stories to be untold.

However, there’s a story that’ll be a great shame if it isn’t told. A story about two people, meeting in unusual chances. Rather than calling it chances, should I say… destiny?

Well, just let’s start the story, shall I?


It was an ordinary evening. Sun already hung low in the sky, painting the sky with orange hue. A little girl, with a load of books clutched in her tiny frame, It seemed like the little girl took additional courses after school.

There was another girl hurriedly ran along the pavement. She was so in a hurry even she had forgotten to zip her backpack close. Her not-completely-zipped backpack jumbled on her back. A book fell from her backpack, but she didn’t notice it and just ran along.

But the little girl didn’t miss it tough. She picked up the book, but sadly the owner was running too far already. She sighed and decided to give it back when she met the owner again. She read the name of the owner written in the cover of the book.

‘Im Yoona’

Ever since then, the little girl always waited for the other girl to pass me, sometimes even until dark. Unfortunately, she hadn’t met her, until a week later she found that girl again. She was carrying a baseball bat and a glove, bidding goodbye to her tan-skinned friend before walked away.

“Hey…!” Seohyun, the little girl, called while running towards the girl and gave her the book, “I-I think this is yours…”

“Oh, my book! I thought it was lost! Thank you!” the girl grinned. “I’m about to being punished tomorrow but thanks to you I won’t! Thanks again!”

Before Seohyun could reply, the girl had run away again. She wanted to stop her, but she was too far.

“I hope we could meet again…” the little girl muttered.


Years has passed, Seohyun now was a middle school student. Even though long time had passed, her wish to meet ‘Im Yoona’ once again hadn’t ceased. Since the moment she gave back the book, she hadn’t met the girl again, but she was sure some time she could meet her again.

A girl bumped her too hard until she lost her balance and fell off. “Sorry! I didn’t look around!” That girl quickly helped Seohyun to get up. When they finally faced each other, the girl stared at Seohyun intensedly. “Hey… You’re the girl who helped me find my book.””

“Y-yeah… that’s right unnie.” Seohyun replied, still didn’t believe finally she met the person she wanted to meet these years.

“Well, I haven’t known your name…”

“My name is Seo Joohyun, but people usually call me Seohyun.”

“What a beautiful name. Then I’m-…”

“Im Yoona, right unnie?” Seohyun cut her, smiling.

“Of course you’ve known my name first! It was written in my book!” The older girl exclaimed and laughed. Soon Seohyun followed and they laughed together.

From that time, they became bestfriends. Best of bestfriends.


An awful evening I should say. It was raining so heavily, even people could hardly saw something more ten metres away. Seohyun ran through the heavy curtains of rain, desperately covered her head with her bare hands. She stopped under me, catching up her breath while shivering in cold rain. From my faint light through the rain, she could see somebody with an umbrella half-running towards her. 

“What are you doing here, in the middle of the rain?”

It was Yoona, cladded in hoodie jacket over her uniform.

“I… don’t bring my umbrella…”Seohyun answered, trying hardly to look at the doe-eyed girl through her drenched eyes from rain.

“Here, take mine.” Yoona gave her umbrella to the younger, covering her from the rain and exposed herself to the unforgiving raindrops.

“But… how about you unnie?”

“Don’t worry…” The doe-eyed girl wore the hood of her jacket, “…I’ll just run through the rain!”

“Wait!” Seohyun shouted but the doe-eyed girl had gone through the raindrops.

She clutched the umbrella tightly, safe from the falling droplets from the sky. As she watched her bestfriend’s shadow faded, her heart was filled by thankfulness… and something she couldn’t explain towards the doe-eyed girl.


Dark night had downed, bringing uneasiness and eerie with it. Nobody would like to go out at this time, but unfortunately Seohyun had to pass the dark night before she could arrive safely at her home. Lightings of the lamp posts casted a shadow painted the pavement. The ray from lamp posts accentuated her fear in her beautiful but pale face.

A big, dirty hand tapped her shoulder from the dark, startling her to death. “Hey little girl~ Come with me and have some fun…~”

Seohyun knew he was dangerous and she wanted to go away from the man as soon as possible. “…No… please I want to go home…”

“Oh come on, pretty girl, let’s play with me!” the drunken man held his grip tighter.

“L-let go of me!” Seohyun struggled to let free but no avail.

“Hey you!”

The drunken man turned to face the owner of the shouted. A doe-eyed girl stared piercingly at him. “Waah… another beautiful lady huh? The more the merrier~!

Out of the blue Yoona punched the drunkard right on his face. A sound of cracking nose could be heard through the thin air. “Just get the hell outta here, will you?” She roared loud enough to scare the drunkard. Confirming they were safe from him, she faced the younger girl, worried. ”Are you okay?”

“I’m fine…”Seohyun nodded weakly. ”…Uh… thank you for helping me earlier…”

“That’s nothing… by the way why you’re alone in here, in the middle of the night?”

“I was in the library, studying for upcoming exams. I think I didn’t really watch the time and the library was about to be closed. When I was about to go home, it’s dark already.”

“Really? You’re such a hardworking student aren’t you?” Yoona uttered in amusement. ”Let me walk you home. It’s dangerous for you to walk alone in the middle of the night like this.”

“…N-no, thank you, you shouldn’t have unnie. Besides your home is on opposite direction of mine.”

“Well, that’s okay, I don’t mind walking more distance.”

“How about yourself? What if you meet another drunkard?” The younger asked in concern.

“Me? Well, just throw another pack of punches!” The older girl grinned. She reached out a hand, offering it to Seohyun. “So… shall we go now?”

Seohyun meekly complied and reached her hand. Yoona held her hand in protective manner, bringing her body closer to Seohyun. Chill of the night was beaten by the warmth of their snuggled body. They walked in silence, but their heartbeat became more erratic. Seohyun could felt the unexplainable feelings swelled in her heart in every step along with the doe-eyed girl. In other hand, Yoona finally found a reason why she always wanted to protect the younger girl.


It was a lovely evening. Clear, cloudless sky gave a fantastic view of evening skyline and toned sun. There was a more amusing view too though. A preppy-dressed girl paced back and forth in front of me with a bouquet of flower in her hand. She muttered words repeatedly as if she was a witch casting a spell.

“I’m waiting for this day to come… These feelings are torturing me… So, please hear me and accept my lo-“

“Yoona unnie?”

The said girl literally jumped in shock. Her hand instantly darted to her back. She stared at the younger girl in a mix of surprised and horror. “Ah! Umm…uh.. H-hey Seohyun?” she greeted with a toothy smile.

“You’re dressing very nicely, are you going to somewhere?” Seohyun asked her since she was in unusual circumstance for dressing so special.

“Er…um… well yeah yes… No! Not exactly…” Yoona stuttered.

Seohyun caught a glimpse of something behind her back. She tried to look at the thing but Yoona wouldn’t let her to. “What’s behind your back?” she asked.

“…That…t-that is…” Yoona suddenly became tongue-tied, words that had been she memorized for long has gone with the wind, traceless. She took a deep breath and sighed,”…Okay Seohyun, please stay still… I don’t know how to say it beautifully, so I’m really sorry if it’s very lame…”

“Unnie, what’s-“

Seohyun was frozen when she saw the doe-eyed girl dropped to her knees, the flower bouquet shoved forward in her shaky grasp. But the words she heard froze her more. “Please be mine, Seo Joohyun. I beg you…”

Yoona closed her eyes very tight due her extreme anxiousness and fear. She wasn’t brave enough to keep her eyelids open, let alone staring directly to Seohyun’s eyes. Before she could open her eyes, she was lifted on her feet and a pair of lithe arms snugly wrapped around her neck.

Yoona unconsciously fluttered a drunken smile. Her confession was a big success.


How long had it been? Months? Years? I had no idea, but one thing I was sure was now I was the only one. All my other friends one by one were removed. To replace our old lights, a new set of more modern street lightning system had been planted on the other side of the pavement. I always had been waiting for my time to be removed, but it didn’t come. I wondered if God might have set a different fate for me.

The sun was hanging low, ready to set just like it used to. It was a quiet evening, hardly anybody was seen, except a couple that I was too familiar with. They’d grown up, but I could still recognize the sweet innocent face and those honest doe-eyes. They hadn’t changed much, but there was something very different from them. In their ring finger, a coupling silver rings was attached.

They walked down the pavement, hand in hand. Suddenly, the younger one halted her step, making the other stared at her questioningly. “Seobaby, why do you stop here?”

The younger one lifted her gaze to meet the old lantern of mine. A sense of nostalgia filled her eyes. “Yoongie, do you remember when you dropped your book back when we were in primary school?

The said scratched her head lightly. “It’s very long time ago, I can’t remember it.”

A bit of disapproval was present on the younger’s face. “Well, when we first introducing ourselves?”

“…Umm, I was bumped into you… right? But I can’t remember the rest…”

“Okay then… When I was soaked in the rain until I met you?”

“Oh yeah… And I caught cold the next day!” The older girl snickered while reminiscing her youth. Yoona saw her soulmate pouting and asked her, ”…Aw, why are you pouting?”

Seohyun ignored her question and went on, “When I met a drunkard in the middle of the night?”

“Hmm, I punched that drunken jerk… And I took a long midnight walk after I sent you home…”

Seohyun hit Yoona’s arm lightly and frowned. “You didn’t have to walk me home that time if you didn’t want to!”

“ Aigoo… Are my Seobaby mad? I humbly apologize then…” Yoona uttered in sweet voice, unleashing her puppy eyes. ”But seriously, I can’t remember clearly everything that you said earlier. The only thing I remember very clearly is when I confessed to you under… under...”

A sudden rush of memories filled her head. Her sparkling eyes stared at me in nostalgic way. ”…This lamp post…”

“Finally you realize it. That’s why I stop under this old lamp post…” Seohyun leaned her head to Yoona’s shoulder. Her eyes drooped close, relishing the moment. ”Every our precious moments happened here…”

The nostalgic face from the doe-eyed girl suddenly changed to an expression that, I should say, a dumb one. “Ah… really?”

“Duh, why am I willingly to be a wife of someone that so slow?” Seohyun held the urge from facepalming herself. The doe-eyed girl just snickered in return.

“You can’t help it though; you’re too in love with this slow girl aren’t you?” Yoona flashed her alligator-like grin. She quickly grabbed Seohyun’s waist by left arm, right hand cupped her milky chubby cheeks. She cut their distance shorter; their warm breath caressed each other’s face.

“Y-Yoongie, what are you doing?” Seohyun blushed to their sudden intimacy.

“Let’s mark another our moment in here…”

Before her wife could say anything, Yoona closed the gap between them and pressed their lips slowly. Seohyun was surprised, but eventually melt in to their sweet kiss. Their lips grazed each other; love laced every second that passed. Dusk emerged as they still kissing each other under the light of my old lantern.


And that’s how the story goes. I thank The Lord for giving me some more time to stand on the side of this quiet street, shining my old light overlaying the column of brighter light from my new friends, the modern new streetlamps. I think it’s my destiny to watch the two girls tied their hearts together and then tell their story to you.

Oh, and if you ask about how the young couple are now, well, it’s a story for another time. I haven’t got much to say anymore, but I warn you, pay attention to everything around you. Maybe your precious story is one of my collections of story, or maybe the other things have witnessed it too. Well, who knows?

I’m sad to say this but I have to end my story. Look at the east, the sleepy sun slowly crawls the twilight and lit up the horizon. Soon, this silent street will be filled by warm rays on sun. As my flickering old lamp bulb slowly dimming out, I wish you goodbye and a nice refreshing morning. Good morning everyone. 




Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the story! Please give me your feedbacks and comments so I can improve my writing much better!:3

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I'm back to the (t)roll!!! Anybody missed me?


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Chapter 4: waaah this is amazing authornim. I'm glad i have finished all the angst stories first so now I am overflowing with fluffy feeling ^^
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 10: Omg, author!! I am amazed by your writing skill!! Lok okay, maybe i am a bit overreacting or whatsoever, but you have quiet a good writing skill!! Hehe and i am being honest here lol. Write more please?? I am sure your readers would like to read more of your stories, because I do, haha. Fighting author, and good job!! :)
Chapter 10: :o ... Geez Draco, I don't even know what to say...
Why was Yoona being so mean?!?!? How could she hurt Seohyun, the wife she is supposed to love and treassure!?!? D: inconceivable!! T.T
Well, but at least Seohyun escaped with the good Yoona... in her fantasies at least...
But why did it have to be Yoonsic!? :(
Geez Draco, this comeback of yourswas too cruel on my Yoonhyun heart D: but oh well, I'm glad to have you back, writing Yoonhyun... sobsobsob
Chapter 10: Ok...


Now on to the actual story lol...

Seohyun, poor Seobb :((( How can anyone not love Seohyun!? How can anyone not protect her!? Goddamnit Draco's story's Yoona, you're a douche!! DEATH TO ANYONE WHO DARES HURT SEOHYUN!!!!

Will pass on all comments on Jessica in this story >V<

I don't know if this is right... But what I'm getting is that Seohyun, as the writer, created/wrote a fantasy for herself where there is the real Yoona, the perfect Yoona for her. Sadly, reality is reality. BUT, she joins her real Yoona, who has actually died (I'm not sure when, probably sometime into the marriage, or maybe even before the marriage since I suspect whether or not Yoona was really quite the charming perfect woman she presented herself to be) with her own death. I dunno. Too many feels.