Peek Behind the Tainted Cover

Peek Behind the Tainted cover


Hi, this is my first fanfcition I've ever written. Yes, my VERY VERY VERY first  fanfiction I wrote over a year ago. This was supposed for Soshified YoonHyun Thread 300th page fanfic carnival. This one I post as the most original as this was first written, so I apologize for numerous mistakes for my very first fanficition ever. Comments and suggestios are welcomed!^^ 


Peek Behind the Tainted Cover

A girl stared blankly to the distance outside the window. She sighed heavily as the teacher babbled continuously about the boring lesson. If the teacher caught others zoning off, he definitely would told them off. But he didn’t have any guts even just to approach her.

Because she is Im Yoona. The infamous ‘School Demon’.

She is infamous for being well-known as a bully with surprisingly great strength.

The truth is she never bullied others, in fact she was the one who was bullied by jealous seniors whatsoever. However, the bullies who try to attack her always ended beaten-up.

As a freshman, she used to be a nice and cheerful girl. But things started to change when one day she was confronted by some bully older girls, a common thing among freshmen. Yoona wasn’t scared of them, so she resisted and tried to fight them back. Unfortunately, Yoona punched a girl, who most likely the leader, too hard and broke her nose. And to make it worse, the girl fell due the great force she received and hit the pavement hard, causing severe head trauma.

 So, the rumors and gossip spread over the entire school, of course with adding nasty lies and ignoring the truth. And that was how ‘The School Demon’ became (in)famous.

The only thing that kept her from being kicked out from school is her academic excellence. Yoona always be the school top 5, even she once skipped the class 3 days in the row. For her, this was a blessing and a curse. Blessing, thanks to her intelligence she still got a chance to get education she needed. Curse, because of this she had to stand between terrified stares and hateful whispers.

Yoona felt like living between cowards. Cowards? Yes, because no one even dared just to take a peek behind her scary cover, their perception and assumption to her as a ‘demon’, to see her real self. Just a vulnerable, lonely girl. But she didn’t care about it anyway, since she never trusted anybody.

It was just Yoona, standing alone, against the whole world. And always stayed like that.

Until somebody came to her life.


Yoona walked to school lazily when a group of boys suddenly halted her steps.

“So, this is the famous ‘School Demon’ eh?” one of the boys snickered.

“I don’t believe the most feared ‘School Demon’ is just a weak girl!” the leader started laughing maniacally.

“So what?  You rats afraid of this little girl?” Yoona replied with mocking tone. “Could you guys get away from my way? I have to go to my school.”

“Don’t worry, we will deliver you to your school in a box after we beat you up into bloody pulp!”

Then he rushed forward and launched his fist to Yoona. To his surprise, Yoona didn’t even move or dodge his attack. He smirked with victory as his fist successfully landed on her face and made her took a step back.

“Tsk, i never imagine the demon is this-OOF!”

Before he even got chance to finish his sentence, a fist hit his gut hard. Then a well-packed punch struck his face, followed by a powerful kick to his gut and made him lost his balance. Didn’t stop on there, a foot stomped his stomach and pinned him to the ground. He let out a stifled grunt as the pressure in his stomach rose.

“Boss!” his lackeys shouted in panic.

“I let you hit my face is just because I’m too sleepy today. So thank you for your wake-up punch.”

Yoona walked away from them, leaving them dumbfounded. She didn’t notice that the bully was wearing a ring on his finger and left her cheek scraped badly as he punched. But even she noticed it she wouldn’t give a damn about it. All the things that on her head were just not to caught on another mess on the school.


Class seems a bit noisier today. But the noise calmed a bit when Yoona stepped in. She kept walking to the corner of the class, ignoring her classmates’ whispers.

“Hey, today there is a new transfer sudden right?”

“Yeah, and it’s said that she is beautiful. I think i wanna date her!”

“Do it quickly bro, before the demon kicked her as a ’welcome’!”

Yoona didn’t usually listen to her classmates’ annoying whispers, but this one caught her ears. She shot a glare to the whispering boys and freaked them out. New transfer student? Kinda interesting, she thought.

The noise ceased when the teacher stepped in followed by a girl with shy steps. She had her long dark locks framed her beautiful  and somehow innocent face perfectly. Yoona never wanted to admit it but she was a kind of captivated by the new transfer student. She is look nice...and cute. Wonder if she would turn to spoiled brats like other, she thought bitterly.

“Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Seo Juhyun but you can call me Seohyun. I hope we can be good friends.” After pronounced her short introduction, she bowed shyly. The teacher patted her back and told her to choose her seat. Seohyun browsed the class quickly and found some empty seats.

Some boys who luckily got seat next to theirs empty eagerly waiting for Seohyun. But she rather chose a place which made the whole class gasped.

Next to ‘The School Demon’.

Seohyun sat on her seat quietly not noticing her fellow classmates’ gasps.

“Hey, are you really sure to take seat in here?” a whisper came from a boy on front of her.

“Well, of course.”

“You don’t know who she is?” the boy asked again while pointing at the girl next to Seohyun.

“No, why?”

“She is Im Yoona, ‘The School Demon’. The most powerful and most feared bully in this school!”

Seohyun gave him a questioning look. “Is it? She looks nice.”

“Well, at least I’ve warned you. Anyway, I’m Kim Kibum.” The boy offered a handshake which Seohyun accepted it warmly.

Then the bell rang and the class stared. As she prepared her textbook, she couldn’t stop staring to the girl next to her.

“She looks lonely,” she mumbled.


The ringing sound signaled lunch break had come. The students excitedly rushed away from the classroom. Except one person, or in this case, with one additional person.

Yoona didn’t bother to leave hear seat, moreover to leave the class. She just sat down quietly and playing with a pen and trying to spin it in her hand with no avail. The pen fell to the floor. Before Yoona could take her pen, somebody already took it and placed it to her desk.

“You’re the new transfer student don’t you?” Yoona asked her coldly to her ‘savior’.

Seohyun just nodded and asked her back. “Hey, why you didn’t go to canteen like others?”

“Tsk, maybe I’ll just scare the hell them away and make another ruckus. How about yourself?”

 “Today I’ve packed lunch from home. It’s always healthier to eat your self-prepared lunch.”

 Lunch from home? What an antic, Yoona thought as she watched Seohyun opened her lunchbox. Sweet potatoes? She is really an unordinary girl.

“Here, have some.” Seohyun offered some of her sweet potato lunch to the so-called-demon.

Yoona startled with the sudden offer. Nobody were brave enough to just stand near her, moreover offered her for sharing a lunch. A rare smile formed in her face as she accepted the sweet potato lunch. “Thanks.”

Seohyun smiled back at her. For a moment, Yoona felt her cheeks heated up a bit. I t was so rare to find somebody that nice to her.

Yoona was about to eat the sweet potato when she felt Seohyun leaned closer to her face. Faint red tint formed in her cheek as she felt her face was too close.

“Is there something in my face?”

Before she got her answer, she felt a stinging sensation in her cheek and hissed quietly.

“Oh sorry, i don’t know if it that hurt,” Seohyun gasped as she removed her finger to Yoona’s face. “Let me treat your wound. It looks serious.”

“Well thank you but... Hey, you bring your own first-aid kit?”

“Yeah, just in case like now,” the new girl smiled as she open a white box from her bag.      

Yoona winced when she felt pain seeped from her half-dried wound as Seohyun gently applied medical alcohol to her marred cheek. Then she attached a first-aid plaster to secure the wound.

“Now it feels much better, isn’t it?”

Yoona didn’t answer. She was too amazed by a new feeling in her heart. Happiness? Perhaps it is. Or maybe something that she couldn’t describe?

After all, she found somebody that wanted to take a peek behind her tainted cover.


“What are you doing Yoona?”

“Just doodling some random things.”

Seohyun took a glance to what Yoona called ‘doodles’. It was a sketch of deer that tried to shove something with its majestic antler, but at the same time it looks like that it was running away from something behind it.

“This is what you called doodles? This is a masterpiece! You have to realize how great it is!”

Yoona felt her heart fluttered from Seohyun’s praise. Drawing is one of her talent. But what is a purpose to have a talent if everybody didn’t even notice you? But the more important thing is somebody just praised her sincerely for the first time.

 “Well, why you don’t try to submit it for Art contest? I’m sure your drawing will win first place!” suggested Seohyun, still amazed by the sketch

“W-what?” Yoona stuttered from her only friend suggestion.

“Please... Just for this time,” Seohyun pleaded with her puppy-eyes.

For the so-called school demon, nothing could change her stone heart. But somehow a simple beg from the girl in front of him more than enough to make her tremble. Seohyun, who are you really?

“Fine, i’ll submit it.”


A week passed. The winners of Art contest was announced at the school wall magazine. The students crowded the wall magazine to see the winning arts. The best was on the top of wall magazine.

‘Berserk in Fear’. That was the title of the art. It was a sketch of a deer running with its antlers proudly shoved forward. Its posture showed ferocity and endless guts to take down everything that blocked it path. Power and anger energized its every muscle. But in its eyes shows pure fear. Pitch black of helplessness blended perfectly with the dark backgrounds. In other word, the picture was breath-taking.

But the thing that made everyone gasped was the name of the artist.

Im Yoona.

“What? The School Demon? It’s impossible!”

“How come a brute like her possess such a great talent!”

“Hmph! Maybe she just bullied somebody to make the sketch for her and then claimed it as hers!”

A pair of eyes observed the wall magazine from distance. She still couldn’t believe her art would win the first prize. And just like she had predicted before, nobody would believe it was came from her own hands.

Except one person.

“Congratulations Yoona! I know you’ll win the first place!”

Yoona turned her body to face the praising girl, and at the same time she felt her legs couldn’t support her anymore. The wide smile painted on her innocent face sent a shiver through her spine. She could felt her heartbeat paced up just like she’d just finished a hundred miles marathon.

“T-t...Thank you Seohyun, I-“

Before she could finish her sentence, a hug embraced her waist tightly.

The time felt had been stopped for Yoona. The warm hug from Seohyun made the world around her became a blur. She even wasn’t sure if this real or not. But the warmness she felt proved that it was real.

The strange feeling on her heart appeared once again.

Why, why i always feel this when i’m with her? Yoona thought as she enjoy the ethereal warmness. Is

Finally, she found someone that completely flipped out her mud-stained cover to reveal her true self.


“What the hell with that demon’s smile?”

“Her smile creep me out! I wonder if she is planning something nasty!”

Yoona was leaning on the wall beside the gate, smiling. She never felt very anxious and happy at the same time like this.

After the Art contest announcement, her friendship with Seohyun grew closer, as the feeling in her heart grew stronger. Of course that ‘weird’ friendship invited more and more gossip from other students. She was relieved because Seohyun didn’t care about it at all. As time went on, Yoona couldn’t hold her feeling anymore. Even a simple glance from the younger girl could make her face heated up. But on the other side, she was afraid that her feeling could ruin their friendship.

Oh, c’mon! You’re brave enough to challenge groups of bullies! Why a simple confession can make you chicken out? She laughed inwardly at her own taunt. After gathering enough boldness, she decided to confess her love to Seohyun.

“Oh, there you are Seohyun!” she waved happily to the girl running not far from the gate.

“Sorry for make you wait.  I got something to do.” The running girl apologized with flashing her smile.

“W-well, that’s no problem...” Yoona awkwardly scratched her head.

Noticing her friend’s uneasiness, Seohyun stared at her face warily. “Yoona, what’s wrong?”

“Uhm... Seohyun...” Please don’t give me that look! I feel like could passed out anytime! She thought loudly as she continued her her stuttered words. “...Do you know everybody is scared from my cover, as ‘The School Demon’, right? You’re the only one who isn’t scared of me. You are like an angel who light up my sorrow heart...”

“Yoona... what are you talking about?”

Yoona took a very deep breath before pour her heart out to her last sentence. “Seohyun, I-I love you...”

Then the world seemed swallowed in silence.

“Oh my gosh, did she really said that?”

“The School Demon confessed her love?”

“This is impossible!”

Yoona anxiously looked at Seohyun, waiting for her response. But she could saw something like hesitation written across her face. She maybe doesn’t feel the same to me..or she is just too afraid of me, just like the others.

“Yoona... I-“

“That’s okay,” Yoona cut off immediately. “I know you don’t feel the same. Sorry to waste your time...” Without looking at her she walked away, holding the unknown but hurtful pain in her chest.


Yoona walked home with unsteady steps. She held back tears that started to make her vision blurry. Im Yoona, you’re strong enough to take down numerous bullies, withstanding gruesome pain a, now why a mere girl enough to make you down?

When she felt her tears would burst out, a group of boys stepped out from nearby alley, which she recognized too well.

“Aren’t you the chums I’ve met this morning?” asked Yoona in disgust.

“We’re back for our payback, little demon!” The leader cracked his knuckles, commanding his minions to ready their baseball bats. He took out a brass knuckles and put it on his right fist. “Make your last wish, b***h!”

“Do you really need such an extravagant preparation just to take a lone girl down?” Yoona spat out calmly. “How pathetic.”

Bewildered by the taunt, the fuming leader shouted his commando, “Attack boys!”

Four boys started swarming Yoona from all direction. The boys clumsily started swinging their bat. Yoona easily dodge the blows. Ducking lower, she swooped one of the boys’ feet and made him lost his balance. Then she sidestepped the boys, grabbing the stumbling one by collar and launched her fist to his face.  He stumbled back striking his fellow unaware comrades. Taking the chance, she kicked another unlucky boy, snatched his head then rammed it to the beaten one. The action was enough to knock them unconscious.

What a weakling! Two of them were taken down with no effort! Yoona glanced at the battered bullies with triumph. Unfortunately, she caught distracted by other boys. They assaulted hastily and aiming her head. It was very fast attacks, but thanks to her reliable reflexes, Yoona could manage to dodge and counter another at the same second.

That was so close-

A powerful blunt force suddenly stabbed her stomach. She fumbling backwards and hit the alley wall. Her now unclear vision caught the image of the leader smirking darkly.

Flurry of bat strikes continuously hit her body.  Coughing blood Yoona tried to resisting but no avail. She could felt the blunt metal effortlessly struck her stomach once again.


 Hearing the painful groan just made the leader assaulting more maniacally. He launched his knee to her gut.

“Now let’s see your little pretty face wrecked under my hand!”

 The bully leader tightened his grip as his fist hurled to crush her face. It was very fast and almost impossible to dodge. But somehow Yoona found a last outburst of energy and dodge it in a millisecond before the metal strike broke her face. Still, the metal edge cut the side of her cheek, leaving long red bloody trails.

However, that was all she had. She even didn’t have enough energy to stand in her legs. She let her battered body helplessly leaned to the wall. All the pain she had taken numbing her sense and made her breath hitched.

“If you had surrender earlier, maybe I could have given you a chance to spare your life,” the leader eyeing helpless girl in front of him. “But now it’s too late for beg! Now prepare for the hell!”

Yoona hopelessly closed her eyes, waiting for the finishing blow.

Nothing happened.

Confused, she hesitantly opened her eyes and found a familiar girl stood between her and the bully leader.


“Well, who is this little puppy?” asked him. “Okay, whoever you are, please stay away. Or i couldn’t guarantee you will go home in one piece!”

Sensing the danger in the air, Yoona warned the girl with among her hitched breath, “...Seohyun...g-go away...please!”

The said girl didn’t move nor speak. She just stood there.

“You leave me no choice girl...” The bully boss swung his bulky arms and cast Seohyun aside.


 Yoona could felt adrenaline suddenly rushing in her veins. All of her pain just faded away, replaced by new burning power.

She herself from the wall and charged an astonished bully boy. She packed a kick to his shin and made him howl in pain. She succesfully grabbed the bat from the howling boy. Then she rushed straight to the leader.

Before the leader got a chance to react, Yoona swung the bat with all of her power to his head precisely. Blood splattered from his mouth and his nose due the great momentum that had struck his head.

“Get the hell away from here. NOW!”

 The blazing rage in Yoona’s eyes was more than enough to scare the very soul of the bullies. The bully boss ran away followed by his two remaining lackeys.

“Seohyun... are you okay?” Yoona helped her savior to get up ignoring the bruises in her entire body.

“I’m perfectly alright. You should care about yourself first.”  

“That’s okay. I’m used to being in situation like this.”

They stood still in deafening silence.


“Firstly, i’m really grateful from your help. I just can’t imagine what would have happened next if you hadn’t come. Then, if you want to talk about things happened after school, i’m really sorry for that. I shouldn’t have confessed like that. I know how embarrassed you feel when you are...-“

 A soft sensation brushed her lips cutting her words. Unconsciously she brought her finger to her lips, trying to processing what was happen earlier. “W-wha...”

“That’s my answer.” Seohyun shyly tried to look directly at Yoona’s eyes. “When you confessed, i was too happy to answer. I wasn’t sure if you have feeling to me, so your sudden confession made me really happy. But you went away before i could give you my reply, and stupidly i couldn’t move my legs to catch you. So i tried to follow you from far. When you met the bullies, i was too afraid to help. Finally, when i went to help you, it was too late...” Her eyes became hot and blurry. “Y-Yoona... i’m such a coward. If i was brave enough, y-you...”

“Shh...”  Yoona gently put her finger to the sobbing girl lips. “Who say you’re a coward? You are the bravest person I’ve ever met. “

“H-how come?  I even wasn’t brave enough to help you!”

“If just helping me from the bullies, everybody could do that. You’re the only one who brave enough to be with me, no matter how bad i am in others’ eyes, don’t you remember? You’re the only one who isn’t fear to flip out my tainted cover and reveal my true self.”

Yoona tightly embraced Seohyun, letting her crying in her chest. “It’s not your fault. Please don’t cry and let’s go from here, okay?”

“O-okay, but your injuries need to be healed first.” Seohyun stopped crying and tried to find her fisrt-aid kit.

“No need for your first-aid kit,” Yoona quickly hold her hand.

“So, what should i do?”

“You just have to...” Yoona playfully tapped her lips, “...this!”

“Yah! ert!” Seohyun yelled with her eyes wide.

“ I’m a erted demon~” Yoona show her alligator-like smile. “But you like it, right?”

Seohyun just pouted with the sudden demon’s childishness. Yoona laughed softly with her irresistible cute pouting. They locked their lips together softly and became more passionate. After sharing the kiss they parted out to take some breath with genuine smile painted across their face.

“Thank you, my brave Seohyun”

“Thank you, my demon Yoona”   




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I'm back to the (t)roll!!! Anybody missed me?


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Chapter 4: waaah this is amazing authornim. I'm glad i have finished all the angst stories first so now I am overflowing with fluffy feeling ^^
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 10: Omg, author!! I am amazed by your writing skill!! Lok okay, maybe i am a bit overreacting or whatsoever, but you have quiet a good writing skill!! Hehe and i am being honest here lol. Write more please?? I am sure your readers would like to read more of your stories, because I do, haha. Fighting author, and good job!! :)
Chapter 10: :o ... Geez Draco, I don't even know what to say...
Why was Yoona being so mean?!?!? How could she hurt Seohyun, the wife she is supposed to love and treassure!?!? D: inconceivable!! T.T
Well, but at least Seohyun escaped with the good Yoona... in her fantasies at least...
But why did it have to be Yoonsic!? :(
Geez Draco, this comeback of yourswas too cruel on my Yoonhyun heart D: but oh well, I'm glad to have you back, writing Yoonhyun... sobsobsob
Chapter 10: Ok...


Now on to the actual story lol...

Seohyun, poor Seobb :((( How can anyone not love Seohyun!? How can anyone not protect her!? Goddamnit Draco's story's Yoona, you're a douche!! DEATH TO ANYONE WHO DARES HURT SEOHYUN!!!!

Will pass on all comments on Jessica in this story >V<

I don't know if this is right... But what I'm getting is that Seohyun, as the writer, created/wrote a fantasy for herself where there is the real Yoona, the perfect Yoona for her. Sadly, reality is reality. BUT, she joins her real Yoona, who has actually died (I'm not sure when, probably sometime into the marriage, or maybe even before the marriage since I suspect whether or not Yoona was really quite the charming perfect woman she presented herself to be) with her own death. I dunno. Too many feels.