Chapter 9

Falling For My Best Friend

"What is on the agenda today?" Asked a very satisfied Steve, after eating probably the whole breakfast. Well, Hirano had helped him out. Actually, all of them ate quite a lot. With the exception of Lydia and I, of course. Us being the "nice and caring friends", thought that we would let them eat it up. I mean, we would just end up going out to eat later anyways,'s a win-win really.

"Fancy word you got there," Victor piped up. I smiled.

"Why don't we go hang at the mall? I want to go and buy this top I saw a few days ago," said Lydia.

"Yes, mall!" I quickly agreed, before the boys made up their minds to do something... uninteresting for girls. Sighs of defeat echoed around the room. "Oh come on guys, stop being such kill joys."

"Okay then, mall it is," I heard Feng say. He didn't seem that pleased about it, but he will get over it. We all put our dishes on the bench; we will do that later. We all got our wallets, phones, and whatever else, and gathered outside. The mall wasn't really that far from our place, so we decided to walk there. I had my iPod up, full blast, oblivious to what was being said around me. But I didn't care, I was too in love with the music. Unknowingly, I had started drifting from the pack, falling behind. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I glanced upwards to see who it was. Ryan, again. I smiled. This man, I just can't get enough of him. He motioned towards me to take out my earphones, so I did so.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you walking with the rest of us?" He asked, concern showing in his voice.

"Oh it's nothing, really. I guess I was just to into the music, I guess I wasn't paying attention. Sorry," I shrugged. He chuckled and took one of my earphones.

"What you listening to?" He asked, putting it in his ear.

"Princess Of China," I replied, putting mine back in.

"Oh, that's a good song! I really like Rihanna's voice in this one.

"I know, it's better than a lot of her songs, actually." He nodded in agreement. We continued walking behind, just listening to music. Not talking. But I didn't mind, I was happy that he was just next me. When we reached the mall, we lost site of the others. They must of run off while we were lagging behind, not paying attention. "Ah, where have they gone now?" I asked myself, putting my iPod away so I could look around. I pulled out my phone to see if one of them texted me; nothing.

"Nothing here, either," Ryan said as he put his phone back in his pocket. I sighed.

"Where could they have gone?" We both skimmed the crowd one more time, hoping that we might spot one of them. "I can't believe they just ditched us. Bastards." I muttered, more to myself than to Ryan.

"Oh well...we can just hang. Where do you wanna go first?"

" store?" I shrugged. He smiled, and grabbed my hand.

"Come on then." He said, leading the way. I blushed, and smiled at the ground. *Jesus Ryanimay, you're killing me here*

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Chapter 12: I have an idea for this chappie. u could have jay park (or some other fluent english speaking person) come in and they could start having a thing that gets ryan jealous. idk, just an idea
do it for me too!! thank u!! ur the one of like 5 people who have done quest crew stories. keep doing what ur doing!!! I think I have a new favorite author (you)
ChaniceAndrea #3
Chapter 12: Keep going this is great!!! for me!!!!