Chapter 11

Falling For My Best Friend

"Hey Cass!" Lydia yelled while walking over to me. I texted her to meet me at the park, I wanted to confront her about ditching Ryan and I yesterday. She was smiling...I was going to change that. With the hardest and fiercest stare I could muster, I stood up and walked over to her. "Where the freak were you?!" Her smile faded as she heard the anger in my voice. Damn right it should! "How could you guys just leave me and Ryan like that?! Is that what friends do, ditch each other?! HUH??" She took a step back as my voice grew louder.

"Sorry! But calm down man, you're overreacting!" I sighed, she was right.

"Sorry, didn't mean to. But why did you guys leave anyway?" Now it was her turn to sigh.

"Look, don't be mad, but...Hok told me. About what you told him when you guys were at the supermarket..." 

"Oh..." was all I could say. *That British bastard, I'm going to kill him!* I thought to myself. He really is in for it.

"Look, don't be angry with Hok," *Damn, she caught on...* "he just wants to help you. I just doesn't know how, so he thought a girl would be good in this situation. Don't worry, he only told me, so the rest of the guys don't know." I breathed a sigh of relief at that. *Luck is on your side, Hokuto. You have managed to escape my evil clutches...for now.*

"But that still doesn't explain why you guys left."

"I thought that maybe you guys could be alone, so you know, it would be like a date..." I smiled, I was silly for getting angry at her. She was only looking out for me.

"Thanks Lydz...actually, it did kinda feel that way..." I trailed off as I hugged her, memories of yesterday coming back to me. I sighed in content. She chuckled and pulled away.

"You guys would honestly be so cute together!" She squealed in excitement, possibly imagining our wedding or something. Yikes.

"Thanks..." I replied, slightly blushing. I hoped that what she said was true, because I want to be with him.

"Come on, lets go get lunch. You can tell me about it on the way."

"Okay." We linked arms, and made our way into town. I was happy that Lydia knew, I could finally talk about this with someone. Maybe I wouldn't be as lost from now on, knowing that I had someone to rely on for help.

"Ow, !" I tripped over my own foot and fell to the ground, face planting into the grass. Lydia just stood there laughing her off, while I was busy looking around hoping that no-one saw. I'm such a klutz sometimes! I stood up, brushing off the dirt I had on me.

"Are you okay?" Lydia finally managed to ask, after her laughing fit was over.

"Fine. Just hurry up and get me to that cafe, before I do something else stupid." She snickered and grabbed my arm again.

"Aish, what are we going to do with you?" She asked as she linked arms with me again, us continuing towards the cafe.

A/N: And THAT Cassie, is for giving me two left feet in your story. Expect more to come...enjoy! 0457.gif

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Chapter 12: I have an idea for this chappie. u could have jay park (or some other fluent english speaking person) come in and they could start having a thing that gets ryan jealous. idk, just an idea
do it for me too!! thank u!! ur the one of like 5 people who have done quest crew stories. keep doing what ur doing!!! I think I have a new favorite author (you)
ChaniceAndrea #3
Chapter 12: Keep going this is great!!! for me!!!!