
Don't Forget Me

This is the first time he really doesn’t want to go to work. Just one look at the sleeping boy and he would like to stay at home. He would like to see him waking up. He would like to tell him good morning. He would like to make him breakfast. But he knows he can’t. He is already taking most of his work home to be with him. And he knows he can’t afford missing at work so often. He sighs, looking at Wookie’s calm face for the last time. He bites his lip. He doesn’t want to leave him alone. It takes an eternity before he makes his legs move. He has to go. Although he doesn’t want to do it, he leaves Wookie’s room.


He almost runs over a cat. He curses, taking a deep breath. All his thoughts are still with Wookie and he doesn’t concentrate on the road. That’s wrong. He should stop to think about him if he doesn’t want to kill himself. Or if he doesn’t want to kill anyone else. He tries hard not to think about the boy but it doesn’t last five minutes and he is lost again.

When he stops in front of the courthouse, he notices Siwon with Heechul in his arms. He smiles. They are perfect couple.

“Hi, Yesung,” Siwon smiles at the moment he sees him. Heechul release himself, immediately giving Yesung a wide smile too.

“Good morning, Won, Chul,” Yesung greets, coming to them with, smiling as well. “Why are you standing here like this?” he asks.

“This madcap doesn’t want to let me go, you know,” Siwon laughs.

“But I don’t want to be at home whole day alone,” Heechul pouts.

“If you found a job, you wouldn’t have to stay at home,” Siwon gives him a strict look but it disappears in a few seconds. He just cannot be mean to him.

“I thought you had a job,” Yesung says, confused.

“I got a sack,” Heechul just answers simply, shrugging as it would be obvious.

“Why?” Yesung doesn’t understand.

Heechul reddens, his eyes shine with angry flames. “Because that ert touched my ! Am I a girl to be touched like this?!” he rages. Okay, Siwon touches him too, but it’s different, they are lovers.

“But I still think you shouldn’t have broken his bones...” Siwon grumbles.

“What would you do if you saw anybody touching me?”

Siwon makes thoughtful expression on his face for a while before he leans over him.

“I would kill him.”


Soft sunbeams his face and slowly chase his sleep away. He frowns, hiding under the blanket. But it doesn’t help – he is already awake. He sighs, slowly opening his chocolate eyes. He yawns. He instinctively turns his head, but his face becomes blue when he finds no smiling face. Where is Yesung? He has probably left when Wookie was still asleep. The sky is cloudy and it seems a bit unfriendly. He gets goose bumps. He just hopes there will be no storm until he will be alone. He shivers. Just the imagine of lightning scares him. 

He sits there for a few minutes, looking at the wall. But then his stomach rumbles. He bites his lip. What’s the time? He hasn’t eaten for so many hours. Maybe he should wait for Yesung. He is not probably supposed to do anything on his own but... He is just hungry.

He leaves his bed, heading to the door. He moves quietly as he would be afraid somebody follows him. He goes down the stairs, heading to the kitchen. At the moment he comes he notices a piece of paper on the table. He draws carefully near, reading the message.

I am sorry I cannot be here with you, I have to work.

I will be back as soon as it will be possible.


He smiles, his whole fear is suddenly gone. Yesung will be back soon. He won’t be here alone with any storm. And while he is waiting, he can make breakfast. He has been told he can do anything he wants, hasn’t he?

He comes to kitchen units, looking at a shelf which is too high to reach. He bites his lip again. He would like the cereals which are right there. He looks hopelessly around the kitchen. And then the chair catches his attention. He smiles, putting his teddy bear on the table and he drags the chair to the kitchen units. He climbs carefully up the chair, reaching for the shelf. He hesitates. Chocolate or vanilla?

Finally he decides to take both of them and he almost drops them when he’s climbing down. Fortunately he held them. If the cereals were all over the kitchen, Yesung wouldn’t be very pleased. He breathes a sigh of relief, taking a carton of milk. His every movement is too noisy in heavy silence which he really doesn’t like. If Yesung was here with him, everything would be brighter.

He starts to hum a melody which Yesung plays on the piano to interrupt the silence. He grabs his blue teddy bear, heading with the bowl to the living room. His look is suddenly caught by the piano. He smiles. He could play for a while after breakfast. Yeah, it’s perfect idea. He falls into the armchair, cheerfully grabbing a spoon.


“Hey, Yesung, come back to Earth. I’m talking to you. Do you listen to me?”

Siwon has to poke him to catch his attention. Yesung blinks, shaking his head to chase unwanted thoughts away. Actually, they are not unwanted, but... When he thinks of Wookie to much, he can’t work. It disturbs him.

“Eh? What? I’m sorry, what did you say?” he asks with apologetic smile.

“Nothing important, don’t worry. Just... It’s nearly a half past eleven and you haven’t done anything yet. Where are you?”

“I’m here,” Yesung answers, confused.

Siwon rolls his eyes. “I know, I can see you. But where is you mind? With the boy again?” he asks with interest.

“I’m just worried when I have to leave him alone,” Yesung sighs.

“He will be okay,” Siwon smiles.

“Mhm, I know, but... Just...” Yesung doesn’t know how to explain it. He can’t describe those feelings of unease when he is not with him and he is not totally sure he is alright. What if...

“You really like him, don’t you?”

Yesung just nods, his thoughts are with the boy again. While he was looking at him this morning, he made a decision. Almost two months passed from the moment he found him bruised in front of his door. It was a small miracle that the boy has appeared in his lonely life. He remembers his smile and he has to smile too. He can’t wait to come back home. But before he will be able to do it, he has to do one more thing. He has promised Wookie he won’t let anyone hurt him. He told him he will be here for him forever. Now he has to do something for fulfilling these promises.  

“Do you realize you can’t just live with him, don’t you? He’s just fifteen. He’s still a child. You should have already reported it to the offices. You can’t hide him forever...”

“I don’t hide him,” Yesung interrupts him, looking at his watch. He closes his folder, putting it away.

“I’m going to lunch with Heechul. Do you want join us?” Siwon asks, standing up. Yesung just shakes his head.

“I have some work to do,” he says, coming to the door.

“Which work, if I could ask?” Siwon asks curiously.

 “I won’t let anybody to take Wookie from me. Never,” Yesung says firmly and he is deadly serious. He knows Siwon is right. Wookie is underage and he has no parents. If somebody knew it, they would already send him to an orphanage. It’s the law. But it’s just absurd. He wouldn’t let anybody to do it. He can’t even imagine Wookie on the place like that.

“What do you want to do?”

Yesung stops, turning to Siwon. Siwon can notice determination in his eyes. It’s the same determination which he can see there every time when Yesung gets new case. Determination which means Yesung would do anything to win. Yesung’s lips curve in smile.

“I will become his legal guardian.”



A/N2: I have already rewritten the last sentence, thanks everyone who helped me to capture real sense, I love you guys :-*

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AlyciaC #1
Chapter 36: J'ai vraiment aimé cette histoire ! J'avais déjà commencé à lire mais je n'avais pas vraiment accrocher au début. Et puis je me suis laissée emportée. C'était vraiment bien ! J'attend le prochain chapitre ( si il y en a un):)
Samona #2
Chapter 36: Congrats on getting accepted. ^-^
And thanks for translating this much of the story. It was great to read.
Don't work too hard and take care of yourself.
Chapter 36: There doesn't always have to be a happy end cause it's not true in life. Do well in your university studies and congrats on being accepted to the one you wanted. But I will take the pretend open ended ending cause realities knows you dropped enough hints about future angst -Shim's mental institution low-security placement, Jijin telling Sung to be careful of his feelings and the fact that Sung hugs, kisses, pets Wookie in public and there is an OBVIOUS age difference. Plus the title of your story conjures hidden literal angst for Yewook. Enjoy school and be persistent in study time.....please author-nim take time to have fun.
Chapter 10: Aww author-nim. That's daebak! Dedicating the story to luvewookie. *squishy hugs to you*
Chapter 7: English to use in future fics, 'when your hungry' - his stomach gurgled at the mention of food - he tried to ignore the rumbles of hunger escaping his belly - the little boy's tummy growled in appreciation for his ice cream, causing the adults to chuckle - he grimaced at the loud noises his middle made, as he realized he'd worked his twelve hour shift in triage without eating, again -. Thought writing sentences might make it more understandable. Oh, and we say this - he placed the files 'in' the drawer - *instead of saying* - he placed the files ' to' a drawer -. I noticed that you use - to a - *or* - to the - . They are correction terms but syntax structure isn't true to English conversation or writing. But author-nim, your story is great and you've got such a really good flow to your story that I just gloss over errors cause I get what you want toconvey. (~.~)
Chapter 36: Nice ending indeed. Thanks for completing the story. ^^ And all the best to your future and you deserve an applause from me in getting enroll to your dreaming university.
All the best!
Chapter 36: Its okay.... see you ^^
Thanks 4 amazing story.... bye...bye
Chapter 36: I guess I'm a little dissapointed, especially now when you said that it has so many chapters
anyway it's your choice so enjoy your time and university ^^
if chapter 33 was the ending, so the title wont be 'dont forget me' cause no one is left and nothing to be forget..
yesung and wookie are staying together.. so i guess the title isnt suitable anymore.
even if the ending will be sad, please dont let us hanging..
maybe they will apart for having big distance in age, but you can skip until the end..

the truth is, its really sad. I've been waiting but guess you wont be back.
thanks then, its all i can say.