
The Eternal Cycle

“The Eternal Cycle V”

“I told you!” Junsu screamed at Yoochun, face frozen into an expression of disbelief and horror, who was sitting in front of the television. Then Junsu stomped around some more and glared at at, as if that could somehow change the situation. 

“What are we going to do?” he continued, screaming out at the ceiling in distress, “We need to go and help him!”

At this remark, Yoochun snapped out of his glazed-over state and immediately objected, “No no no, we can’t do that! There are professional people in charge of that, if we go, we’ll only cause trouble.” 

This reply did not seem to please Junsu at all, as the other simply glared back and kept stomping around in circles. In Yoochun’s mind, he resembled a small, angry elephant who was throwing a tantrum at being grounded for, not doing elephant-things properly; the simile quickly deteriorated.

“Will you stop doing that?” Yoochun asked, almost with a frustrated tone. “Being angry here won’t help anyone. It’ll just make me more annoyed,” he added on in a whisper, hoping that Junsu hadn’t heard anything.

“Well I’m sorry for being a little concerned,” Junsu retorted in a sarcastic tone, “Unlike somebody else who is in this room and not me.” 

Yoochun seemed to soften at this not-so-discreet insult and walked over to hug him, “I’m worried too, but we can’t make rash decisions.” He felt Junsu relax in his embrace and stayed like that for a few more moments before pulling away.

“I guess you’re right..” Junsu replied, more reasonably, “but I still want to try,” until he followed up with that remark. It seemed like nothing could get into his head, so Yoochun stopped trying, for now.

Author’s Note: A shorter one this time! SFPM <-I forgot that last time! 


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Was stumped for a little while on what to write next, but I have an idea again now! Will write the chapter tomorrow and post it!


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Chapter 15: LOL JUNSU XD i like this story ^^
Chapter 14: jaejoong is alive!
Chapter 13: hope they can find jaejoong
Chapter 12: where is jaejoong? is he died?
Chapter 11: unexpected action from junsu
Chapter 9: ottokae???
Chapter 8: I'm worried about jaejoong's incident
Chapter 7: omo plane incident?!
hope jaejoong will save

Chapter 6: another hidden message?
Chapter 5: hidden message??
what is it?? hmmm