
The Eternal Cycle

The Eternal Cycle II

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you were just daydreaming about Jaejoong again.” Changmin turned away from the brightly lit mirror, glanced at the magazine on the table, and then examined Yunho, whose eyes were disconnected strangely from the present. “I thought you said you were over him,” Changmin added on while rolling his eyes and walking over to sit beside his hyung. Yunho almost flinched when he felt the sofa depress beside him, but after he heard the familiar voice, albeit exasperated, he relaxed himself again.

“First of all, you should still call him Jaejoong-hyung. Second of all,” Yunho paused to take a look at the magazine, “I’m over him.”


As Changmin raised his eyebrows, he didn’t even bother to say a word back, confident that his facial expressions conveyed his thoughts plainly. If Yunho really was finally over him, Changmin reasoned to himself, then he certainly would not have been reading or even looking at that magazine. 


“Can a man not even read a magazine leisurely in a waiting room these days?” Upon hearing this rhetorical question, Changmin instinctively built up brick walls around his mind, Yunho would certainly not be receiving any pity from him. It seemed like they had gone through this sort of conversation enough times that each reply, each action, each emotion, was practiced and calculated. This defense mechanism was definitely one of those calculations.


“I’m not saying you can’t read a magazine, but you know what’s special about that magazine. And don’t give me that look, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” Changmin made sure to cut off Yunho’s protests before they had even started this time. He was really getting the hang of these arguments. 


“Actually Changmin—”











“Let me explain!” 


Changmin was about to respond in his usual manner, by rolling his eyes and acting frustrated with Yunho, before pausing to see the almost-desperate, but almost-free expression on his face. When he paused, giving Yunho a chance to explain this momentous decision, the door to their waiting room suddenly burst open. A frazzled stage director greeted them quickly before letting them know that they were going live soon, and promptly hustling them out. 


The look in Yunho’s eyes bore a hole in Changmin’s mind throughout his performance, he was dying to figure out what Yunho had wanted to tell him. But after the performance ended, and they had gotten settled in the van on the way back to their dorm, Yunho seemed extremely quiet and stared out the window constantly. 


He’s probably still thinking about Jaejoong..


Author’s Note: So the second drabble is a direct continuation from the first, and I also decided to take the idea of cycles/beginnings from the first drabble and incorporate it into this one as well. Tried my best to keep tying things together. Also, mandatory apology for typos/mistakes.

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Was stumped for a little while on what to write next, but I have an idea again now! Will write the chapter tomorrow and post it!


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Chapter 15: LOL JUNSU XD i like this story ^^
Chapter 14: jaejoong is alive!
Chapter 13: hope they can find jaejoong
Chapter 12: where is jaejoong? is he died?
Chapter 11: unexpected action from junsu
Chapter 9: ottokae???
Chapter 8: I'm worried about jaejoong's incident
Chapter 7: omo plane incident?!
hope jaejoong will save

Chapter 6: another hidden message?
Chapter 5: hidden message??
what is it?? hmmm