

Silence fills the room as Min Hee continues to draw Suho. Little by little Suho begins to be self-conscious. Since nobody was talking, it began to get awkward for Min Hee. She wanted to say something but nothing was coming to mind so she stayed quiet. She'd rather stay quiet than embarrass herself which was most likely to happen if she opened . On the other hand, Suho was enjoying their time alone in peace and quiet. Whenever he's with her, he's always afraid he might mess up but when he's with Min Hee he feels relaxed and he likes the feeling. He inwardly smiles, not sure why he's feeling so much joy.

Then, his phone rings.

"Hello?" he answers. A visible smile quickly forms on his face..

"Oh, hey! How are you?" it's her. Min Hee knows it's her. Nobody makes him as happy as she does, Min Hee thinks to herself.

As the conversation keeps going, Min Hee decides to leave, she doesn't want to be there anymore. Min Hee gets up signaling that she's going to leave.

"It's okay, stay." Suho whispers to Min Hee, not wanting her to leave.  

"I'll just leave." Min Hee is starting to feel desperate. She really wants to leave.

"Hey, can you just tell me another time?" Suho asks her and then hangs up.  

"Where are you going?" he asks Min Hee.

"Why did you hang up?" she's bewildered.

"Because I'm here with you. I should pay attention to you and not her." he smiles.

That's what every girl wants to hear. Suho why are you being so nice? You're making it hard for me to stop liking you.

"Sit down and finish." his hand gestures to the chair. Ahh, why do I have to be so weak when it comes to him?

She slowly sits back down and continues to draw. After a while he says, "I'm going to confess to her and I would like to thank you for it. You gave me the strength to tell her. Thank you Min Hee." Those words sting her heart. All of a sudden not enough oxygen is entering her lungs and she begins to feel light headed. "No problem." she says in a whisper.

Min Hee starts to look around, trying to look for any excuse to leave. She needs to get out of there... she can feel the tears coming. Her chest tightens as she tries to hold the tears in but it's too late. One tear rolls down her left eye. She quickly wipes it away so Suho won't see.

Suho sees her desperate face and asks, "Are you okay?" he gets up from his chair and takes a step toward Min Hee. "I'm fine." she tries to convince him but as she tries to grab all her supplies, her pencil falls out of her hand. Only making it more obvious that she's not okay. I want this to stop already. Why can't I run away?

Suddenly, everything goes in slow motion. Min Hee can't move a single muscle in her body, only her eyes move, watching as her pencil hits the floor. The loud hit against the cold hard floor snaps her back to normal speed. And as soon as the pencil hits the ground, being the nice person he is, Suho reaches out to grab it. At that causes Min Hee's tears to fall uncontrollably. She tries to stop them but she can't, they just keep rolling down her cheeks like water slides down a waterfall.

"Here you g-" he stops as he notices her tears. "What's wrong?" his eyes widen in worry, "Did you hurt yourself?" he gently grabs her arms.

She vigorously shakes her head 'no' and yanks her arms away from his. She wipes her tears away. "Sorry, I'm fine." she prepares to leave but he stops her. "No, you're not. Tell me. Did something happen?" he has a concerned face. A part of Min Hee wants to tell him but another doesn't. Maybe confessing everything will make me feel better, she convinces herself to speak. She opens to tell him but then, his phone rings. It's her.

"No, nothing." She packs up the last of her things and starts speed walking her way out of the room, but of course she bumps into a chair. "Ow." she groans as she rubs her knee. "Min Hee-ah." he rushes over to her. "Are you okay?" his phone continues to ring.

"I'm fine." She continues to insist and limps out of the room and all the way home the tears don't stop.

Min Hee continues to think of Suho as she lays down on her bed ready to sleep. She thinks of how the rest of her life will be. Will she be able to get over him? Then, she hears her phone ring. It's Suho. She lets it ring four times before hesitantly answering.

"Hello?" she answers but nobody responds. "Hello? Suho?"

"Min Hee." his voice is really low.

"Are you okay?" her eyebrows furrow. 

"Min Hee-ah." he calls her name once again.

"What is it, Suho?"

He lets out a shaky breath. "She said no."

"What?" she tries to understand the situation.

"She said no. I confessed to her but she said no." he repeats again and now he's crying. "Can you please come over?"


Thank you for reading. I appreciate the comments.^^


-TaquitosNOMNOM 1/29/13



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Finished! I hope you enjoyed.^^ Thank you.


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Chapter 10: I love it!!!!
Chapter 9: Oh god!!!! Suho got rejected!!!!
Chapter 7: Is there a sequel for this? Im dreading for more ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
MissSushiYUM #4
Chapter 7: Here come the feels again~~ T^T
MissSushiYUM #5
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness!! I loved this story~~! I'm gonna go read the sequel now~. ^^
Chapter 12: hahaha I love you, Crazy Mexican!
me gusta me gusta me gusta! Me gonna read this PRONTO! ><
Chapter 11: OK.. it can wait... le me getting excited for the sequel.... kyaaaaaa..... kekeke ~ ^^
Chapter 11: *whistles and looks aimlessly around the room* waiting, waiting waiting waiting waitingwaitingwaiting wa~iting~ ♪ for WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO TELL ANYONE MY SECRETS to update!~~~♫♫♪♪♫ and the sequel for this, of course...